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Dear Linda,

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the prayer cloth you sent to me two months
ago. I have suffered with Morgellon¶s Disease since 2003 and have spent thousands of
dollars on doctor visits, supplements, and numerous alternative therapies with mixed
results, but have never been completely free of my symptoms. The prayer cloth brought
about immediate relief of the crawling sensations from the fibers in and on my skin and it
calmed the ever-moving hairs on my head that were such a constant source of irritation.
Each night, I would wrap the cloth around my neck and it would emit a heating sensation,
dissolving the sickness inside me.

Not only did the cloth cure me of Morgellon¶s Disease, but it also brought about a complete
change in my life. I now live for the Lord after having come through some life shattering
changes. I have used the tools of salvation you laid out in Chapter Sixty-Eight (in Book
Twelve) and am experiencing a new joy for living like never before. Prior to receiving the
prayer cloth, I had a fear and distrust of Christianity and religion as a whole, but I now see
that this was a result of the state of the world today and had nothing to do with Christ¶s
power to heal and create miraculous changes in anyone.

I truly feel that Morgellon¶s Disease is nothing more than a way for the dark side to gather
the life force and suck energy out of a soul through implanted fibers and metallic objects,
leaving one only enough energy to live a meager and bleak existence, and making it
impossible to completely connect with God. Nothing was able to free me of this implanted
parasite disease and I now see that if not for the healing power of Christ imparted in your
prayer cloths, I would still be living in darkness, sick and without hope.

My body, soul, mind and spirit thank you for bringing me back to the Light.

With love and deep gratitude,


(Glory to our Mighty King! Our Saviour is healing Morgellons Disease! Only He can heal
this disease; for in the world or medicine, there is no cure!)
I thank each of you for sharing your testimonies! It is such a blessing to know of the
healings and miracles, which our Saviour has given to you through His power on the Holy
Anointed Cloths. I rejoice in my heart to hear of His blessings for each of you; and I know
that others also rejoice in knowing of your great blessings. The faith of the weak is surely
strengthened to see what our Mighty King has done for you!

May we all join together to praise and exalt our Saviour¶s Holy Name continually! For, He
is worthy of all the praise, all the honor, all the glory and all the power forever and ever!

Please keep sending the testimonies! Together, we will magnify the Name of our Mighty

Sending much love to each of you!

Your sister through our Blessed Saviour,



My Blessed Child, My Little Son will help many, who are sick and dying from all
manner of diseases, but he will set free especially many, who have the Morgellons
Implant Disease! Yes, it is an implant disease, one in which Satan and his many
hoards have viciously implanted the bodies of many with foreign substances, the
purpose being to siphon off their light, and to override their electrical (neurological)
systems until they are either mind controlled slaves, or dead! They really do not care,
but delight in all of the suffering, which they have inflicted upon these unsuspecting

My Little One, you know the work of My son, that he is able to clean remove all such
implants from the bodies of these Morgellons sufferers. And, I have brought him up
amidst the most horrendous of implant technologies! Never has a living soul suffered
what you have suffered, not any of the Morgellons sufferers, not anyone, not another
living soul!

I have brought up My Little Son in you, amidst the most horrendous of conditions,
beneath the feet of Satan and all of his hoards! And, I have done so all in order to
make him ready to go into My Bride, My Supernatural Army, and to equip them for
these most horrendous wars, which involve these most terrible of implants and
implant diseases! For, these implant diseases are now rampant and are going to
increase in an exponential way! You will see this in the world, when these creatures
come up out of the earth and sting the people for five months! (Rev 9:10) As you well
suspect, they will sting them by driving fibers and other implantable objects into their
skin and tissues! Almost overnight, the implant diseases will skyrocket, and escalate
to pandemic proportions, and many will not know at all what has caused such pain,
such red whelps, and such stinging!

Therefore, My Little One, as this is already going on and there are no cures for these
implant diseases, except for My cure through My Little Son, the manchild of
Revelation Chapter Twelve, I will most assuredly take him to My throne very, very
soon; and I will also call all, who are deemed ready and worthy; and I will impart My
Little Son into these, who will them become the Manifest Sons of God!

My Little One, these Sons will then become your seed, as mentioned in Revelation
Chapter Twelve, verse seventeen! And, Satan, on seeing them, will make war against
In My army, There will be many ranks, and not all will walk in the same power! For,
in some the manchild will be of great power and in others, he will be of small power!
Those, who walk in great power, will do great and marvelous works and will exhibit
much of My power, the most powerful of these being the Two Witnesses! But, others
among them will also walk in much power and will manifest many miracles, many
healings and many deliverances in My Name!

But, others (among My army) will struggle greatly; for they will be severely tortured
by Satan, even as you have been severely targeted and they will be greatly troubled;
for they will have little power and Satan, on seeing this, will trouble them greatly!
But, it is important that each remembers what you have taught them: to be grateful for
all things, to praise Me and thank Me for all things, and to seek My perfect will in all
things, lest bitterness set in and defeat should rear its ugly head!

My Little One, you have shown them by example; for I have put My perfect example
in you, that is long suffering, patience, trust and faith in Me, a loving heart and
kindness towards others, to daily die to self and things of the world! And, these are
not all, but of most importance are these basic attributes and concepts in surviving and
doing well, even in captivity under the feet of Satan and all of his hoards! For, you,
My Little One, have surely been in prison and in a very terrible prison for too many

And, you ask, ³My Lord, considering that it has been Your will for me to be in prison
for these years, how is it too many years?´ And, My answer to you is this: ³It has been
too many years, My Little One, for your time of suffering has been extended! I have
tarried and delayed because too many have not made themselves ready!´ But, I warn
you now; and I warn all now, that I am coming! This time of tarrying and delaying is
running out! I will take whom I will take, but great and severe shall be the
disappointment in the hearts of My people! For they believe that they are clean and
are not clean! They say that they love Me, but do not obey Me! They say that they
love others, but do not love others! Therefore, My Little One, many, many will be
shocked at what I about to do and how I am going to do it! For, in this situation, many
of the last shall be first and many of the first shall be last!

I am a God of My word, My Little One! I have forewarned that I would tarry, and I
have tarried for many, many months! But, I tell you now and believe and receive it,
that all that you long for is yours in just an instant of time! The heritage of My son, he
is now embracing; and your very heritage, My Little One, is now on your plate!
Likewise, all, who are clean, whose hearts are pure before Me, also have their heritage
before them, even on their plates; and in an instant of time, this heritage for all, who
are pure of heart, shall be realized!
Let the wise get more wise! The clean, even more clean! The faithful even more
faithful! The loving, even more loving! For, at this late hour, I am extending an
abundance of My love, My mercy, and My grace to all, who have made themselves
ready; and to all late comers, who are still struggling with a few issues!

Go in peace, My Little One; for I tell you the truth! Rejoice! For, all that you long for,
all that you wait for, is only an instant away!

I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God!

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 11th day of October, 2009,

Linda Newkirk

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