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Roll for the Galaxy Solo Variant:

This variant takes the excellent rule set developed by Dale Buonocore (Elad on BGG) and adds
another layer of artificial intelligence to the Bot so that it is able to respond more to the current game
state. To play this variant, you will need a copy of Roll for the Galaxy, a copy of the Bot mat attached
to this file, and five small tokens with which to track the current game state.

Set Up:
Set up your own play area according to the standard rules for Roll for the Galaxy, except that you will
not need the Phase selection strip. Youll use the Bots play mat for Phase selection instead.
Place the Bot mat in the center of the table and put one of the RFTG meeples on the 1 space of the
cash track. Draw one home world tile for the Bot. If this tile calls for a good to be placed on it, do so.
If it calls for any other dice, move the cash token forward one space for each die, instead.
If the Bot draws the Doomed World starting planet, place the cash level at 8 as instructed.
Draw two tiles from the bag and look at the Planet sides of the tiles. Place the one with the lower
value on the Bots Planet stack, and turn the other tile to its Development side and place it in the bots
Development tile stack.
Set out 24 victory point chips (14 ones and 2 fives) for use in the game. Keep the others nearby for
end game scoring.
Select one green die and one white die for the Bot and lay these near the mat.

Cash Track
The Game State Grid The Bot stockpiles cash
Tokens placed here help and uses it to Develop and
define the actions taken Settle
when the Bot rolls a Wild

Action Selection Spaces

The Bot places both of its

dice in the green spaces,
which activates the Phase.

The human player places

one die on one of the gray
spaces to activate a Phase
and other dice in the
dashed spaces below.
Begin each turn by rolling and assigning your own dice as usual. Place the die with which you wish to
activate a phase on the gray square below the appropriate phase on the Bots mat, and your other
dice in the dashed areas below the gray squares.

Update the Game State Grid:

Count the number of empty Develop or Settle stacks on the Bots mat and add one. Place the
token in the Explore icon row on that number
Count the number of tiles in the Development Stack on the Bots mat. Place the token in the
Develop icon row on that number.
Count the number of tiles in the Planet Stack on the Bots mat. Place the token in the Settle
icon row on that number.
Count the number of the Bots Production Planets not containing a good. Place the token in
the Produce icon row on that number.
Count the number of goods on the Bots planets. Place the token in the Ship icon row on that
If any of these totals is higher than the highest number shown in its row, place the token on the star in
that row. If one or more tokens are on star spaces, the Bot will not roll its green die this turn. Rotate
the die so that its Wild face is showing instead.

Assign the Bots Dice:

Roll the Bots dice. Place each die in the green space above its matching icon. If the white die is
above the same icon as the green die, reroll the white die until another icon is selected. If the green
die lands on its Wild side, check the Game State grid in the upper left of the mat. Place the die above
the Phase icon whose token has moved the farthest to the right. If two or more tokens on the game
state grid are in the same column, use the one closest to the top of the grid. At the beginning of the
game, this will always be the Explore icon.

Resolving Phase Actions:

Once all dice have been assigned, resolve the phases which have been activated. When resolving
phases, the Bot always goes first, performing the actions described below. If the Bot has activated a
phase with either of its dice, it will execute the action on the green space on the mat. In phases
where the Human player has activated the phase and the Bot has not, the Bot will perform the action
on the gray space on the mat. The human player goes after the Bot, resolving phases according to
the regular rules of the game.
The Bots Actions:
A die on the green space allows the Bot to draw one tile from the bag and move its cash
token forward two spaces. The tile drawn is added to the shorter of the two stacks on its
mat (Planets or Developments.) If the two stacks are the same size, add the tile to the
Planet stack.
A die on the gray space on the mat performs exactly like the one on the green space, except that only
one cash point is earned.
A die placed on either colored space in this phase allows the Bot to spend cash equal to the
victory point value of the top Development of the stack and place the Development in its
tableau. If the Bot does not have the full value of the Development in cash, it may not use
the Develop action.
This space is resolved exactly like the Develop space, except that cash is spent to settle a
Planet. If the Settled planet calls for a Good to be placed on the planet, do so. If it calls for
any additional dice, move the cash track forward one space per die.
A die placed on the green space in this Phase allows the Bot to produce one good on each
of its two empty planets whose goods have the highest trade values.
A die on the gray space produces only one good, which is placed on the planet which
produces the highest valued trade good.
Use any spare die to represent the good on the Bots planets. The color of the good will not matter.
When a die is in the green space in this Phase, the Bot ships its two highest trade value
shipping goods. The highest valued good is shipped for cash (Trade), and the other is
shipped for victory points (Consume).
When a die is on the gray space in this phase, the highest valued good is shipped for cash.
If the Bot is ever supposed to Trade a good, but already has 10 cash points, Consume the good
When Consuming, score two victory points for goods shipped from blue or brown worlds and three
victory points for goods shipped from green or yellow worlds.
The Bots Alternative Actions:
Sometimes the dice require the Bot to perform an action it cannot perform, such as:
-Develop or Settle when it does not have enough cash
-Produce when no Production planet is available
-Ship when no goods are available
The Bot takes the gray space action in the next column to the right, instead. If that action is also
impossible to perform, continue moving to the right until a possible action is located. If a Ship action
is to be taken and is impossible, move to the Explore action instead. By definition, the Explore action
is always available.
Dice placed in the gray space by the human player do NOT take alternative actions. If the Bot action
on this space is not possible, the action is forfeited.
Note that taking these alternative actions does NOT change which phases have been activated for
the turn. The phase on which the dice were originally placed is still activated, and not the space
whose alternative action is performed.

Ending and Winning the Game:

As in the regular version of Roll for the Galaxy, the game continues until the end of the turn in which
either the player or the Bot has placed their twelfth tile, or in which all of the victory point chips have
been exhausted.
The game is scored as usual, except that the Bot never scores bonuses for the 6+ tiles.

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