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AE372 Flight Mechanics

Spring 2016, Dr. Ilkay Yavrucuk

AE 372 Flight Mechanics
Spring 2016
Prepared by Dr.Ilkay Yavrucuk
Due on: May 13th, 2016 at beginning of class

The following data is given for the U.S. Navy A-4D Attack Aircraft at 15,000ft altitude and V=634ft/s
local air velocity in steady and level flight:

W=17578 lbs, S=260ft2, b=27.5ft, c=10.8ft,

Iy=25900 slug-ft2, Iz= 29280 slug-ft2, Ixz= 41 slug-ft2, CL=3.60 rad-1

X u = !0.0129s!1; X ! = !3.721 ft.s!2 ;

Zu = !0.104s!1;Z! = !518.9 ft.s!2 ;
M u = 0.0004 ft !1s!1;M ! = !12.97s!2 ;M !! = !0.353s!1;M q = !1.071s!1;
Y! = !144.6 ft.s!2 ;
L! = !35s!2 ; Lp = !1.516s!1; Lr = 0.874s!1;
N ! = 18.78s!2 ; N p = 0.04s!1; N r = !0.566s!1
The absence of derivatives implies negligible values. All angles are in radians. All the force
derivatives are normalized with respect to mass of the aircraft and moment derivatives are
normalized with respect to the moment of inertia about the appropriate axis, i.e.,

X= , Y = , Z = , L = , M = , N =
m m m Ix Iy Iz

a. Find the system (stability) matrix for this aircraft for the flight condition given above. First
convert the derivatives related to and to derivatives related to v and w, respectively.
b. Find the eigenvalues of the system matrix
c. Identify the Matrices corresponding to the Longitudinal Dynamics, Lateral Dynamics, and
d. Determine the eigenvalues for the longitudinal dynamics and the lateral dynamics
separately. How do they compare to the coupled dynamics of part b? Can you identify which
eigenvalue belongs to which mode?

Question 2:

Assume that the Center of Gravity of the Aircraft moves to the back resulting in a change in the
M ! derivative:
a. Repeat Question 1 Part b, c, d for the case when M ! = -5s-2.
b. Repeat Question 1 Part b, c, d for the case when M ! =0.
c. Repeat Question 1 Part b, c, d for the case when M ! = +5s-2.
d. Show the eigenvalues of the longitudinal dynamics that you obtained in Q1.d, Q2.a,b,c on one
complex plane, and show the change in the eigenvalues by connecting the same eigenvalues with
lines and arrows.

AE372 Flight Mechanics
Spring 2016, Dr. Ilkay Yavrucuk

The Problem can be done quite fast using Excel.
If you make an Excel spread sheet, you will be able to use it in future for work and other
similar projects.
Computer outputs can be submitted, but be clear and precise in what you are submitting and
attach the code to your submission. Express yourself clearly.
No need for fancy report formats.
Students are encouraged to discuss homework verbally with each other, but you may not work
together when preparing written answers nor may written answers be compared. Homework is
due at the beginning of class on the day it is due. Late homework will be graded, but will not
necessarily receive any points.

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