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Department of Applied Physics
Electrical Engineering Section
University of Calcutta
92, APC Road, Kolkata 700 009



The differential equations for the two different physical systems are identical form.
Such systems are called analogous systems, and the terms which occupy corresponding
positions in the differential equations are called analogous quantities. The concept of
analogous systems is very useful in the study of complex systems like electrical, mechanical,
hydraulic etc.


Consider the mechanical system shown in Fig.1(a). Mechanical network of the
mechanical system under consideration is shown in Fig.1(b).

Fig.1(a) : Mechanical system Fig.1(b) : Mechanical network

The node equation of the mechanical network at X

f(t) = f m + f b + f k
d2x dx
or f(t) = M 2
+ B + Kx (1)
dt dt
Now consider an electrical network shown in Fig.2.

Fig. 2 : An electrical system

The mesh equation by applying of Kirchoffs law is

di 1
v = L + Ri + i dt
dt C
dq d q dq q
Since, i = , v = L 2 + R + (2)
dt dt dt C
Comparing equations (1) and (2), we see that differential equations for the two systems
are identical form. Such systems are called analogous systems, and the terms which occupy
corresponding positions in the differential equations are called analogous quantities. The
analogy here is called the force-voltage analogy.


Consider an electrical network shown in Fig-3. Applying of Kirchoffs law, we get

i = iR + iL + iC
v 1 dv
or i =
L v dt + C
The magnetic flux linkage is related to v by the equation, v = d / dt ,
d 2 1 d 1
Now, i = C 2
+ + (3)
dt R dt L
Comparing equations (1) and (3), we see that differential equations for the two systems
are identical form. The analogy here is called the force-current analogy.
Lists of analogous quantities in between mechanical systems and electrical systems
are in the following Table-1.
Mechanical System Electrical System
Translational Rotational Voltage analogy Current analogy
1. Force, f 1. Torque , T 1. Voltage, v 1. Current, i
2. Mass, M 2. Moment of inertia, J 2. Inductance, L 2. Capacitance, C
3. Viscous-friction 3. Viscous-friction 3. Resistance, R 3. Reciprocal of
coefficient, B coefficient, B resistance, 1/R
4. Spring constant, K 4. Spring constant, K 4. Reciprocal of 4. Reciprocal of
capacitance,1/C Inductance, 1/L
5. Displacement, x 5. Angular 5. Charge, q 5. Magnitic flux
displacement, linkage,
6. Velocity, dx/dt 6. Angular velocity, 6. Current, i 6. Voltage, v
d/dt =

Table-1 : Analogous quantities in Force-Voltage and Force-Current

Example 1. Determine the differential equations describing the complete dynamics of the
mechanical system shown in Fig.4. Draw the electrical circuit based on both force-voltage
and force-current analogies for the given mechanical system.

Fig.4 : Mechanical system.

Solution: The mechanical network circuit of the above mechanical system is shown in Fig-5.

Fig.5 : Mechanical network circuit.

The different equations at each node can be written as
d 2 x1 d
M1 2
+ B1 ( x1 - x 2 ) + K1 ( x1 - x 2 ) = F(t)
dt dt
d2x 2 dx 2 d
and M2 2
+ B2 + B1 ( x 2 - x1 ) + K1 ( x 2 - x1 ) + K 2 x 2 = 0
dt dt dt
The differential equations based on force-voltage analogy are

di1 1
C1 1 2
L1 + R1( i1 - i 2 ) + ( i - i ) dt = v (t)
di 2 1 1
and L2
+ R 2 i 2 + R1( i 2 - i1 ) +
C1 ( i 2 - i1 ) dt +
C2 i 2 dt = 0

Hence, the electrical circuit analogous to the given mechanical system based on
force-voltage analogy is as shown in Fig.6.

Fig.6 : Force-voltage analogy Fig. 7 : Force-current analogy

The different equations based on force-current analogy are
dv1 1 1
L1 1 2
C1 + ( v1 - v 2 ) + ( v - v ) dt = i (t)
dt R1
dv 2 v2 1 1 1
and C2
( v 2 - v1 ) +
L1 ( v 2 - v1 ) dt +
L2 v 2 dt = 0

Hence, the electrical circuit analogous to the given mechanical system based on
force-current analogy is as shown in Fig.7.

Example2: Write down the differential equations governing the behavior of mechanical
system shown in the following Fig.8. Also draw an analogous electric circuit based on force-
voltage and force-current analogy.

Solution: The mechanical network circuit of the above mechanical system is shown in Fig.9.
The different equations at each node can be written as
d 2 y1 dy1
M1 + B1 + K1 y 1 + K 2 (y1 - y 2 ) = F(t)
dt 2 dt
d2y 2
and M2 + K 2 ( y 2 - y1 ) = 0
dt 2
The differential equation based on force-voltage analogy is
di1 1 1
+ R1i1 +
C1 i1 dt +
C2 1 2
( i - i ) dt = V (t)

di 2 1
C2 2 1
and L2 + ( i - i ) dt = 0
Hence, the electrical circuit analogous to the given mechanical system based on force-
voltage analogy is as shown in Fig.10.

Fig. 10 : Force-voltage analogy Fig. 11 : Force-current analogy

The different equations based on force-current analogy is

dv1 v1 1 1
L1 1 L2 1 2
C1 + + v dt + ( v - v ) dt = i (t)
dt R1
dv 2 1
L2 2 1
and C2 + ( v - v ) dt = 0
Hence, the electrical circuit analogous to the given mechanical system based on force-current
analogy is as shown in Fig.11.

Example 3 : Find the transfer function of the mechanical system shown in Fig.1. Draw the electrical
circuit based on force-voltage and force-current analogies for the given mechanical

Fig. 1 : Mechanical system.

Solution : The equations of the balancing forces on M1 and M 2 respectively are

d 2 x2 dx d
f (t ) = M 2 2 + B2 2 + B12 ( x2 - x1 ) + K12 ( x2 - x1 ) (1)
dt dt dt
d x dx d
and 0 = M1 21 + B1 1 + K1x1 + B12 ( x1 - x2 ) + K12 ( x1 - x2 ) (2)
dt dt dt
Taking Laplace Transform of the both equation (1) and (2), we get
F ( s ) = ( M 2 s 2 + B2 s + B12 s + K12 ) X 2 ( s ) - ( B12 s + K12 ) X 1 ( s ) (3)
and 0 = ( M 1s + B1s + B12 s + K12 + K1 ) X 1 (s ) - ( B12 s + K12 ) X 2 (s )
( B12 s + K12 ) X 2 (s )
\ X1 ( s) = 2 (4)
M 1s + B1s + B12 s + K12 + K1
Substituting the value of X 1 ( s) in Eq. (3), we get
( B12 s + K12 )( B12 s + K12 )
F ( s ) = ( M 2 s 2 + B2 s + B12 s + K12 ) X 2 ( s ) - X 2 (s)
M1s 2 + B1s + B12 s + K12 + K1
{ (M s
+ B2 s + B12 s + K12 )( M 1s 2 + B1s + B12 s + K12 + K1 ) - ( B12 s + K12 ) 2 X 2 (s )

= F ( s )( M 1s 2 + B1s + B12 s + K12 + K1 )

Transfer function of the system is
X 2 (s) M1s 2 + B1s + B12 s + K12 + K1
= (5)
F ( s) ( M 2 s 2 + B2 s + B12 s + K12 )( M1s 2 + B1s + B12 s + K12 + K1 ) - ( B12 s + K12 ) 2
Converting the equations of mechanical system into comparable electrical analogous equations,
we get

di 1
e(t ) = L2
+ R2i2 + (i2 - i1 )dt (6)
di 1 1
0 = L1 12 + Ri1 +
i1dt + R12 (i1 - i2 ) + (i1 - i2 )dt (7)
dt C1
Using Eqs. (6) and (7) the electrical analogous circuit based on force-voltage analogy is drawn as
shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 : The electrical analogous circuit based on force-voltage analogy

Example 4 : Obtain the transfer function of the mechanical system as shown in Fig. 3. Draw the
electrical circuit based on force-voltage analogies for the given mechanical system.

Fig. 3 : Mechanical system

Solution : The displacements are M1 and M 2 as shown in Fig. 4 (a). The J1 is under i . The
displacement changes to 1 due to K. While J1 is under o .

Fig. 4 (a)
The equilibrium equation are
d 2
T = J1 2i + K (i - o ) (1)
d 2
and 0 = J 2 2o + K (o - i ) (2)
Taking Laplace Transform of the both equation (1) and (2), we get
T ( s ) = J1s 2i ( s) + Ki ( s) - Ko ( s ) = ( J1s 2 + K )i ( s) - Ko ( s) (3)
and 0 = J 2 s 2 o ( s ) + K o ( s) - K i ( s )
( J 2 s 2 + K )o ( s)
\ i ( s ) = (4)
Substituting the value of i ( s ) in Eq. (3), we get
( J1s 2 + K )( J 2 s 2 + K )o ( s) ( J s 2 + K )( J 2 s 2 + K ) - K 2
T ( s) = - K o ( s ) = 1 o ( s)
Transfer function of the system is

o ( s) K
= o ( s) (5)
T ( s ) ( J1s + K )( J 2 s 2 + K ) - K 2

Converting the equations of mechanical system into comparable electrical analogous equations,
we get
di1 1
( o - i )dt
dt C
e(t ) = L1
+ (6)
di 1
0 = L2 o + (i0 - ii )dt (7)
dt C
Using Eqs. (6) and (7) the electrical analogous circuit based on force-voltage analogy is drawn as
shown in Fig. 4(b).

Fig. 4(b) : The electrical analogous circuit based on force-voltage analogy

Example 5 : Determine the transfer function of the mechanical system as shown in Fig. 3. Draw the
electrical circuit based on force-voltage analogies for the given mechanical system.

Fig. 3 : Mechanical system

Solution : The torque equations are
d 2 d d
T = J1 21 + B1 1 + B3 (1 - 2 ) + K3 (1 - 2 ) (1)
dt dt dt
d 2 d d
and 0 = J 2 22 + B2 2 + B3 ( 2 - 1 ) + K3 (2 - 1 ) (2)
dt dt dt
Taking Laplace Transform of the both equation (1) and (2), we get
T ( s ) = J1s 21 ( s ) + B1s1 ( s ) + B3 s1 ( s ) - B3s 2 (s ) + K31 ( s ) - K 32 (s )
T ( s) = J1s 21 ( s) + B1s1 ( s) + B3 s1 (s) - B3 s 2 ( s) + K 31 ( s) - K 32 ( s ) (3)
and 0 = J 2 s 2 o ( s ) + K o ( s) - K i ( s )
( J 2 s 2 + K )o ( s)
\ i ( s ) = (4)
Substituting the value of i ( s ) in Eq. (3), we get
( J1s 2 + K )( J 2 s 2 + K )o ( s) ( J s 2 + K )( J 2 s 2 + K ) - K 2
T ( s) = - K o ( s ) = 1 o ( s)
Transfer function of the system is
o ( s) K
= o ( s) (5)
T ( s ) ( J1s + K )( J 2 s 2 + K ) - K 2

Converting the equations of mechanical system into comparable electrical analogous equations,
we get
di1 1
( o - i )dt
dt C
e(t ) = L1 + (6)
di 1
0 = L2 o + (i0 - ii )dt (7)
dt C

Using Eqs. (6) and (7) the electrical analogous circuit based on force-voltage analogy is drawn as
shown in Fig. 4(b).

Fig. 4(b) : The electrical analogous circuit based on force-voltage analogy

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