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The Love Manifesto a lot of questions

What is love and would you, ladies and gentleman, vote for it over
hate? Is love a positive energy that comes from our dear lord or in
more secular and less sacred terms is it something that just makes us
feel good all over? Is it a general word that has words underneath it
such as kindness, charity, unity, knowledge and inclusion? Does the
general word hate have underlining words such as meanness, greed,
divisiveness and exclusion? In our constitution if we fight for love are
we fighting for our democracy, justice, and freedom? Which side does
Hillary represent more of? Which side does Trump represent more of?
Would Trumps rhetoric represent tyranny, suppression and revenge?
Let us explore our two candidates in more detail with evidence galore
with what I like to call the 21 reasons why Hilary is a better candidate
then Trump. I am a rational voter a progressive democrate who speaks
within the bounds between fairly conservative republicans and ultra
liberal demos who hopefully with not vote for him with the common
sense to vote for somebody else.
1) While Clinton fought for desegregation in the schools in the
1970s Trump had the justice department breathing down his neck
when he refused to rent out condos to African and Latino Americans
also in the 1970s. Now tell me something. Who is more loving in those
two situations-Clinton or Trump and why?

2) While Clinton had her foundation which saved lives all over the
world, Trumps charity was used
to pay for a six- foot mural of himself. Now tell me something voters-
who is more loving? Clinton or Trump.

3) While Clinton use a lot of hers and her husbands money for
altruistic means which means for people who are disadvantaged from
poor people to the elderly, Trump spent his lifetime as a developer to
make money only for himself and that includes kicking out a senior
citizen with that imminent domain situation. Now I ask the voters this:
who is more loving Clinton or Trump and why?

4) While Mrs. Clinton herself has never been accused of cheating on

her husband and shows a genuine respect towards everybody including
the opposite sex, Trump cheated on his first wife, divorced, and had
physical intimate relationships with minors and has had a bad
historical pattern of saying and doing disrespectful things towards the
opposite sex. Now I humble ask the voters this: who is more loving:
Clinton or Trump and why? The choice should be obvious.

5) Every politician lies. While Clinton on average has been reasonable

truthful and at worse exaggerates the truth, Trump has not only lied
about a great many things he has doubled down on those lies to the
American people for the sake of enhancing fear and anger? So I ask
who is more loving Clinton or Trump.

6) While the Clintons helped in the 1990s to rebuild our world

economy to a point where we actually had a surplus that helped more
people, Trumps 4 bankruptcies hurt a lot of people who worked on his
buildings as they were not paid, and contractors were stiffed. So I ask,
who is more loving Clinton or Trump and why?

7) While the media has been paying attention like there is no

tomorrow to her e-mail scandal, Trumps criminal activities include
possible rape, his fraudulent Trump university and 3499 other lawsuits
which the media needs to pay more attention to. So I ask this: Who is
more loving, Clinton or Trump and why?

8) While Clinton has been a positive advocate for the African and
Latino Americans throughout her lifetime, Trump has had a history of
racism which includes this election cycle when he called Mexicans
rapists and African Americans lazy and should be roughed up. So I ask
the American voters time and time again who is the more loving
candidate? Clinton or Trump and why?

9) While Clinton has surrounded herself with staff members who, for
the most part, are not controversial. The Clinton team tries to include
not just the democrats but common core republicans, Trump has
aligned himself with hateful fringe people such as Steve Bannon a
person who has a hateful radio talk show that is anti- minority and
anti-woman just to start it off thus attempting to exclude and alienate
people. So I ask this obvious question- who is more loving and why?

10) While Clinton has more knowledge about world affairs including
how to deal with dictators, Trump has gaffed on even things that I
knew about and his bromance with Putin should raise a red alert in the
back of every voters mind? Remember I said that knowledge leads to
more love and ignorance leads to more narrow minded hate. So I ask
who is more loving and why?

11) While Clinton had to fight her way to the top with obstacles in her
way as she was raised in a middle class family, Trump had a silver
spoon handed to him in a more unloving environment? So, I ask who is
more loving and why? Shouldnt voters vote for somebody who is more
log- cabin type.

12) While there is no evidence of Clinton insulting anybody in the

military, Trump has attacked and disrespected the mother of the Gold
Star Son, insulted POWS, and said no so nice things about our military
generals? So, I ask again who is more loving: Clinton or Trump.

13) While while other rally from either the republican and democratic
rally have been relatively peaceful, punches have been thrown by
some of Trumps deplorable causing blood to be spilled and hateful
language has been said by trump supporters to those that disagree
with him? So I ask who is more loving and why?

14) While Clinton might be a little stand offish with the media, she,
unlike Trump, does not hurl insults including poking fun at a disabled
reporter nor does she, unlike Trump complain how unfair the media has
been treating him? So I ask the American people who is more loving
and why?

15) While it seems that Clinton is mentally healthy, Trump does

nothing to take care of his mental health as he has shown all the
classic signs of a physiopath. So I ask this: who is more loving and

16) While Clinton would never show any tendencies to abandon our
Nato allies, Trump would if they dont pay for the protection and if they
were abandoned would dictators like Putin have free reign in Eastern
Europe? So I ask who is more loving protector of the people in the
world and let me add this American- which person do foreign people
love more. I will give you Americans a hint: the people in the world
would like to have him come to hitter shores and world leaders are
terrified of him. Voters, listen to the world around you. People are
afraid of a Hitler type and less afraid of her.

17) While Clinton has shown little disrespect towards our

constitutional democracy,Trump has mentioned that congress needs to
be abolished along with the supreme court and he also mentioned this
quote: I have no room for liberty. So, who is more loving and why?

18) While Clinton has never threatened Trump, he has incited and
encouraged violence a few times on our former secretary of State? So
who is more loving Clinton or Trump and why?

19) While the Clintons have released 40 years of taxes including this
year to the public which is a way of telling the truth, Trump hasnt
release any of his for quite some time which is a form of lying? So who
is more loving in that situation voters and why?

20) While Trumps immigration policy is so inhumane where it

would separate Mexican families from each other in America, Clintons
policy encourages a pathway to citizenship that keeps families
togethers while tearing down more walls of injustice? So I ask again
and again who is more loving candidate and why? If you say Trump I
urge you to reconsider.

21) Sorry to play the fear card a bit. Trumps mentally ill as
mentioned earlier and is prone to anger and has said he said this I
would never take using nuclear weapons off the table and that could
include Europe. Clinton and others from Eisenhower to now have and
will never will use nuclear weapons preemptively. Voters if Trump did
use them and atomic blast means a nuclear winter, we would not
survive. So I ask this one last time who is more loving and or more
important question would you vote for Clinton if our lives depended on
not having a nuclear blast which would kill more people then the
bubonic plague. The choice is your. It might be a matter of live and

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