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Hormone: chemical that is release into the blood by one organ and carried to another part
of the body where it causes a particular response by a particular kind of tissue./ chemical
that is produced by endocrine glands.
Endocrine system: sistem yang terdiri dari kelompok organ yang tersebar luas dan saling
terintegrasi agar dpt bekerja saama dan menjaga keseimbangan metabolik./
Glands: organs which sinthesyze somthinglike chemical, enzyme, hormone, etc.
Circulating messengers: cara hormon untuk menuju ke sel target dan menimbulkan efek.

Endocrine have no ductus and produce hormone

Exocrine have ductus and produce enzyms


1. What are the functions of endocrine?

2. What are the classifications of endocrine?
3. What kinds of glands that produce hormones?
4. How is the mechanism of hormone?
5. What is the difference between the hormone and neurotransmitter?
6. What are the classification of hormone?
7. Where is the location and the function of each hormones?
8. What are the factor that may affect the hormone action?
9. Explain the hormone communication!
10. What are the classifications of endocrine disorders?
11. Explain the relation of hormone and metabolism in the body!
12. Based on chemical structure, what are the types of hormone?
13. What is the difference between Endocrine and Exocrine?
14. What are the other lobes in Hypofisis? And the relation with pineal glands?
15. How is the synthesized and storage of hormones?



1. What are the functions of endocrine system?

-Pertumbuhan metabolisme dan pemagtangan jaringan. ex: tiroid
-Homeostasis: menjaga keseimbangan air dan elektrolit
-Cardiovaskular: membantu mengatur frekuensi jantung. Ex: Angiotensin(tekanan) dan
Vasopresin (vasokonstriksi)di produksi di korteks adrenal
-Reproduksi. Ex: estrogen, FSH
-merangsang dan menghambat pertumbuhan. Ex: somatotropin yang diekskresi di hipofisis
Primary functions: producing hormone.

2. What are the classifications of endocrine system?

3. What is the difference between Endocrine and Exocrine?

4. What are the other lobes in Hypofisis? And the relation with pineal glands?


1. What are the classification of hormone?

Based on molecul hormone:
Lipophylic (lipid): group of hormone that soluble in fat
Same with steroid hormones (ex: aldosteron-> increasing the absorbtion of natrium
in ren)
Hydrophylic: group of hormone that soluble in water

Based on organs:

Hypothalamus (stimulate GHRH->peptide)

Pineal gland
Hipofisis gland
Tyroid gland
Paratyroid gland
Thymus gland
Adrenal gland (aldosterone-> increasing absorbtion of natrium, secreting hydrogen)
Pancreas gland (insulin in sel Beta)
Ren gland (eritropoietin->stimulate erythrocites)
Adipose tissue
Usus halus

Basd on signaling cells:

Endocrine-> dilepaskan lewat pembuluh darah dengan jarak jauh(ex: kalsitonin)

Paracrine-> melewati lengkungan dengan jarak yang agak dekat (ex: gastrin)
Justacrine-> mengeluarkan hormon yang ada di dekatnya (ex: somatostatin terhadap
Autocrine->mengeluarkan hormon untuk dirinya sendiri/sel sejenisnya(ex: GIF)

Somatostatin bisa di produksi di langerhans dan hipofisis.

Somatostatin merangsang pertumbuhan tulang dan menyeimbangkan produksi insulin dan


NB: somatostatin diproduksi di hipotalamus atau hipofisis?

2. Based on chemical structure, what are the types of hormone?

-Polipeptide : kelompok terbesar dan diarahkan oleh mRNA ke RE kasar menghasilkan
prohormon dan di pecahkan di apparatus golgi.
Secreted by hipofisis and paratyroid. Ex: insulin, glucagon, TSH
-Steroid: Berasal dari kolesterol dan di sekresi oleh korteks adrenal.
Secreted by adrenal cortex, ovarium,testis, and placenta. Ex: testosteron, estrogen,
-amino acid: secreted by tyroid gland and adrenal gland. Ex:tyroid and catecolamine
3. What kinds of glands that produce hormones?
Hypothalamus (stimulate GHRH->peptide)
Pineal gland (in brain)(cerotonine->sleepwake alarm circadian circle, and
melatonine-> increase in night, help to sleep better and easier)
Hipofisis gland (TSH-> sekresi T3 , T4 dan kalsitonin)
Tyroid gland (folicular-> secreting T3 and T4 and parafolicular-> secreting
Paratyroid gland (PTH-> menghambat kadar kalsium plasma pada tulang
ginjal dan usus)
Thymus gland
Adrenal gland (aldosterone-> increasing absorbtion of natrium, secreting
Pancreas gland (alpha cell->glucagon, beta cell->insulin(menurunkan kadar
gula darah dengan cara memecah karbo dari darah ke dalam sel), delta cell-
>somatostatin(menyeimbangkan kerja glucagon dan insulin), Fcell-
>polipeptide pancreas)

Jika gula darah turun-> glikogenisis: menaikkan kadar glukosa

Ren gland (eritropoietin->stimulate erythrocites)
Adipose tissue
Ovarium (progesteron-> kontaksi uterus)
Testis (Testosteron-> pada spermatogenesis)
Usus halus
4. Where is the location of each hormones?
5. How is the mechanism of hormone?
6. What is the difference between the hormone and neurotransmitter?
7. What are the factor that may affect the hormone action?
8. Explain the hormone communication!
9. Explain the relation of hormone and metabolism in the body!
10. How is the synthesized and storage of hormones?
11. What are the classifications of endocrine disorders?
Based on the organs:
-Def growth hormone
-DI:decreasing ADH hormone->decerease help absorbtion of ren cortex (water and
-Hiperprolaktinemia: the secretion more htan 100mg (hyper)
-cushing syndrome : the overuse of kortikosteroid
- Neoplasma: tumor pituitary (maligna disease)


DM: hypofunction of insulin

Hypotiroidism: hypofunnction of tiroid

Kelenjar endokrin

struktur kimia (polipeptida,
anatomi (hipofisis, tiroid, adrenal, hormone



1. What are the functions of endocrine?

To coordinate and integrate circulation activity , maintaining homeostatis, regulate sodium
and water balance and control of blood volume(vasoconstriction and vasodilatation) (the
balance of water and electrolyte) and pressure.
Coordinate the host hemodynamic and metabolic, counter regulatory responce to stress
regulation of reproduction,development, growth
resource : physiology endocrine
2. What kinds of glands that produce hormones?
-T3 and T4
=Korteks adrenal
3. How is the mechanism of hormone?
Feedback positive and negative:
-HPA Axis = hipothalamus pituitary adrenal
Stress->Hipothalamus release CRH-> Anterior pituitary release ACTH-> Adrenal gland-
>cortisol->methabolic effect->anterioir pituitary, hipothalamus, stress (-)
-HPG Axis= hipothalamus pituitary gonad
Hipothalamus -> anterior pituitary-> LH and FSH-> testis-> testosteron-> anterior pituitary
and hypothalamus(-)
Hipothalamus -> anterior pituitary-> LH and FSH->Ovarium-> estrogen and progesteron->
anterior pituitary and hypothalamus(-)

-HPT Axis= hipothalamus pituitary tyroid

Hipothalamus release TRH-> anterior pituitary-> TSH-> thyroid->T3 and T4_> increase
metabolism-> anterior pituitary, hipothalamus(-)
Source: endocrine system: an overview, Hiller and stur hoffle

ADH mechanism:
Increased pressure + increase blood volume->activated osmoreceptor->secrete ADH and
aldosteron->ren to retain Na and K-> decrease T and B

4. What is the difference between the hormone and neurotransmitter?

The definition:
Neurotransmitter:release by axon terminals of neurons into the synapsisjunction
Endocrin: release by gland

The difference:

Sifat` Sistem saraf Sistem endokrin

Susunan anatomik Sistem berkabel; susunan Nirkabel; luas dan struktural
struktur yang spesifik antara
neuron dan sel sasaran
Kecepatan respons cepat(md) Lambat (menit/jam)
Lama kerja Singkat lambat
Jngkauan pembawa pesan Sangat dekat Jarak jauh
Jns pembawa pesan kimia Neurotransmitter Hormon
Internal and external internal
Source: sherwood

Sel saraf: sel target nya sell otot

Sel endokrin: banyak

5. What are the classification of hormone?

a. chemical substance
-steroid: androgen, progesteron, adrenokortikoid
-elkosanoid: adrenokortikoid
-amino acid: tyroid, kortikolamin, epinefrin, tiroksin
-polipeptide: insulin, glukagon, GH, TSH, oksitosin, vasopresin
b. solubility
-water:insulin, glukagon
-fat: steroid, tiroid
c. receptor location
-in the surface of membran cell: katekolamin
-cytoplasm: steroid
-Nucleus: tiroid
d. secrets cycle of hormone
-dual secrets 24 H: kortisol
-peningkatan dan penurunan pulsatif and siklik : estorgen
-based in substance concentration: paratiroid
6. Where is the location and the function of each hormones?
7. What are the factor that may affect the hormone action?
-hormon receptor: importans to bind with the hormon
-hormone synthesis and secreting rapidly
-hormone degradation rapidly
-hormone transportaion system
-disfunction of hypothalamus
8. Explain the hormone communication!
Hormon lipofilik->reptor sitoplasma->nukleus-> kompleks hormon reseptor-> ikatan dgn
promotor DNA-> transkripsi gen, pembentukan mRNA, sintesis protein

Hormon lipofilik-> reseptor nukleus-> kompleks hormon reseptor-> ikatan dgn promotor
DNA-> transkripsi gen, pembentukan mRNA, sintesis protein
Hormon hidrofilik diikat llalu di keluarkan ->membutuhkan protein G->menembus membran
membuthkan second messenger (CAMP)->trnaskripsi gen/pembentukan mRNA/sintesis

Respetor akan aktif pd keadaan yg diperlukan (keadaan receptor down and up regulation)

9. Explain the relation of hormone and metabolism in the body!

Hipofisis anterior:
Prolaktin: produksi susunya
GH: meningkatkan pertumbuhan dengan mempengaruhi diferensiasi sel
Adrenokortikotropin: mengatur sekresi beberapa hormon, metabolisme glukosa, lipid,

10. Based on chemical structure, what are the types of hormone?

11. What is the difference between Endocrine and Exocrine?
12. What are the other lobes in Hypofisis? And the relation with pineal glands?
Pineal berdiri sendiri(melatonin)-> untuk tidur nyenyak
Tp untuk org stress, peningkatan melatonin berlebihan
Hypofisis pars intermediate (MelatositStimulatingHormone)
13. How is the synthesized and storage of hormones?
Hormon-> mRNA->keluar ke sitoplasma->ribosom: hormon peptida-> RE kasar (prohormon)-
> golgi-> vesikel secretori-> dikemas berbentuk fragmen kecil mempunyai aktivitas biologis
tp inaktif-> keluar ke intersisiil-> ion Ca menstimulus->exositosis-> distimulus oleh luar atau
14. What are the classifications of endocrine disorders?

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