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CEMENT and CONCRETERESEARCH. Vol. g, pp. 497-500, 1979. Printed in the U.S.A.

0008-8846/79/040497-04502.00/0 Copyright (c) 1979 Pergamon Press, Ltd.



F.Ho Wittmann, H. Schwanke

Materials Science Section, Department of Civil Engineering
University of Technology Delft, The Netherlands

A. Schuhbauer
Entwicklungsabteilung der Alfred Kunz GmbH & Co, P~inchen

(Communicated by Z.P. 8azant)

(Received May 7, 1979)

~ C r
In an earlier paper a theoretical approach to calculate temperature
induced stresses in viscoelastic plain plates which are cooled from
one side is described. In this supplementary contribution the visco-
elastic behaviour of samples of asphalt concrete with four different
mix proportions has been studied. Corresponding values of an earlier
report are included for reasons of comparison. It is shown that the
maximum stress created by a temperature change is dependent on the
composition of the material, i.e., the amount end type of bitumen
added to the concrete. Using the expemimentally determined mater~a!s
proper~ie~ thermal stresses to be expected under given climatic
conditions can be calculated by means of a computer parameter study.
In this way an optimum mix proportion for different climatic environ-
ments can be found systematically.

In einer friiher~n Ver~ffentlichung wurde eine Methode zur Berechnun g

yon Temp turspannungen in eine~ ebenen Platte aus viskoelastischem
Material, die einseiti g a b E e k ~ t w/rd, beschrieben. In diesem erg~n-
zenden Beitrag wird das viskoelastische V ~ t e n yon Asphal~beton-
proben mit vier u n t ~ e d l i c h e n Mischun~v~t~lU~ssen ~ ~ .
Entsprechende Werte de~ f 1 ~ A~beit werden zum VerEleich C~.rncmmm~
Es wird gezeigt, daS die maximal e~-zeugten Tem~m~a%~n~pennm~m in
starkem MaSe yon de~ Z ~ e t z u n g , d.h. u~n Bi%~a~ehalt und
yon der Bitummlart ~ e n . 'Jnt~ V e m w ~ dem ~ s e k~men
die TempematurspannunEen untem heliebigen Kllmh-4_in~mgen mit Hilfe
einer Parameter~tudie bemechnet wer~Mm. Auf diesen Weise kSnnen opti-
male Zusammensetzungen .~3~ best~k~,te Klimazonen systematisch ermittelt
498 Vol. 9, No. 4
F.H. Wittmann, et al.


In an earlier paper /I/ we described ~n approach to calculate temperature

induced stresses in a viscoelastic plain plate cooled from one side. Experi-
ments with a special asphalt concrete mixture which is used under the name
"betophalt" in road constructions have been carried out and described in
detail /2/. Experimentally determined thermal stresses proved to be in fair
agreement with theoretical predictions /1/.
A typical cross section of the material under investigation is shown in FIG. 1.
Coarse aggregates are surrounded by a thin bitumineous film~nd the remaining
pores are filled with a premix polymer cement mortar.
Very often methods of materials science are exclusively used in an analytical
and descriptive way, which means that relevant properties of a given material
are studied in great detail. There seems to be a huge potential, however,
if materials science is also applied in a synthetic and constructive way.
In this short contribution an example shall be pointed out how to optimize
the composition of an asphalt concrete mixture with regard to temperature

Composition of Materials

Stresses created by a temperature change are essentially dependent on the

elastic modulus and on the coefficient of therr~al expansion of a given material
In a viscoelastic material thermal stresses are time dependent, i.e. they are
reduced due to stress relaxation. In an asphalt concrete mixture the type
and the amount of bitumen govern essentially viscoelastic properties. As more
bitumen is added thermal stresses are reduced more quickly but at the same
time the decrease of rigidity may badly influence the serviceability of the
material. Therefore under given climatic conditions an optimum of asphalt
concrete composition exists.
The technology and the composition of betophalt is described in detail in /3/.
Relevant materials properties of a typical mixture are described in the
preceding paper /I/. For comparison values of this mixture are recorded here
and are characterized by letter B.
By testing different mixtures the influence of composition on thermal stress
development was to be studied. The amount and type of bitumen added in the
mixtures under consideration are indicated in the Table. Mixtures A to D are
"betophalt"-type materials whereas mixture E is a conventional asphalt which
has been included for reasons of comparison.

Result s

The experimental procedures are described in /i/ and /2/. As mentioned above
experimental findings Of mixture B are also reported in /i/ and /2/ and are
mentioned here solely for reasons of comparison. The modulus of elasticity

:IG. I

~ . section of a
al sample of the
it cement concrete
Vol. 9, No. 4 499

~""~"~"----..]_.. .. .. .. T= OC

0/, ";.,, %,
J Mischg A .......

2 Mischg C . . . . .
Mi$chg D - - ......,...
"'.-.. ...... . ........... ....
Mischg E

Ti me

FIG. 2: Master curves of stress relaxation based on a temperature

of OC.

kp . . . . . . .
I w tA - - -

0 1 .I0"C - - O'C 0 /
4' E . . . . . . . . .

3. E ...............


02 02. U U h 1~
Time ,.

FIG. 3: Thermal stresses induced in a FIG. 4: Ther~sl stmesses induced

plain plate as function of in a plain plate as func-
time if the surface ~s cooled tion of time if the sur-
down from +10C to 0 C in 20 fac~ is cool~d down from
minutes and then kept a constant -10vC to -20vC in 20
temperature. minutes and then kept

as determined at 0C is given in the Table. Si-~ess relaxation is plotted a

function of time in FIG. 2. Each line ~epresents a master curve based on 0~C.
For further details on the master curve and the corresponding shift factor
one may refer to /i/ and /2/. Tt~ coefficient of thermal expansion is only
500 Vol. 9, No. 4
F.H. Wittmann, e t a ] .

little influenced by a change of composition. A mean value of 12.10 -6 K-lhas

been found.

Calculated Temperature Stresses

Using the experimental findings just mentioned it is possible to calculate the

temperature induced stresses. The maximum value at the surface of a plain
plate obtained in this way is plotted in FIG. 3 and FIG. 4 for t ~ temperature
steps. By means o f a comprehensive parameter study any climatic condition can
be simulated. Two significant examples are shown here._
In FIG. 3, the temperature is linearly lowered from 10C to 0C in 20 minutes
and then kept constant. Due to stress relaxation, the maximum value reached
after 20 minutes is slowly reduced. At 0 C, mixture E is still so viscous that
hardly any thermal stress can build up. At -20C, however, all mixtures
are nearly elastic and as a consequence no appreciable amount of the consi-
derably higher thermal stress is released within one hour.


The amount and type of bitumen added to an asphalt concrete mixture influences
the maxinmm value of thermal stresses created in a plain plate cooled from
one side.
Thermal stresses created in a material under given climatic" conditions can
be estimated by means of a computer parameter study.
Optimum viscoelastic properties can be determined.

A~unt and type of bitumen added to all five mixtures. The elastic modulus at
C C is also indicated.

Mixture Bittnmen added Elastic

Amount Type kp/c~m ulus

A 3% pen 80 25.000

B 4% pen 200 17.000

C 4% pen 45 30.000

D 2,6% pen 80 25.400

E 5,6% pen 80 8.900

i. Wittmann, F.H., Knappe O.W., and Schuhbauer, A., "Temperature Induced
Stresses in Concrete", Cem. Concr. Res. 8, 703-710 (19781

2. Wittmann, F.H., and Knappe, O.W., "Zur Ermittlung temperaturinduzierter

Spannungen in Betophalt", Berichte der Abteilung f~r Werkstoffphysik,
Technische Universit~t Mlinchen, Heft 15 (1977)

3. Schuhbauer, A., "On the Properties and Application of a Semi-Rigid Pavement

Material", Proc. ~brkshop on Materials and Methods for Low Cost Road, Rail
and Reclamation ~brk, Sidney (1976)

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