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Floral Dis.
Rev. 2/08

Floral Diseases

Disease, Symptoms Cultural Control Fungicide*

Rust Discard infected plants. Keep azoxystrobin,

leaves dry. kresoxim m ethyl,
Sym ptom s: On geranium , reddish- m ancozeb,
brown pustules appear in concentric m yclobutanil,
rings on underside of plant. On oxycarboxin,
fuchsia, red leaf spots appear with propiconazole,
yellow-orange pustules. On triadim efon,
snapdragon, reddish-brown pustules trifloxystrobin
form on underside of leaves.

Botrytis Blight (Gray M old) To reduce relative hum idity: azoxystrobin,

vent greenhouse at dusk to chlorothalonil,
Sym ptom s: Grayish m old visible on bring in cooler, drier air and fenhexam id,
above ground plant parts. Old leaves, heat. Use horizontal air flow fludioxonil,
injured leaves and stem s are fans especially at night and on m ancozeb,
particularly susceptible. overcast days. Irrigate by drip or iprodione,
bottom water. Space plants to thiophanate,
im prove air circulation and trifloxystrobin,
reduce senescence of lower vinclozolin
leaves. Rem ove dead and
dying leaves daily and place in a
garbage can with a lid.

Pow dery M ildew See control m easures listed azoxystrobin,

under Botrytis blight. kresoxim m ethyl,
Sym ptom s: W hite,powdery fungal m yclobutanil,
growth on leaves, stem s, flower buds piperalin,
and/or petals. New growth m ay be thiophanate m ethyl,
stunted, distorted. triadim efon,
triflum izole

Pythium Root Rot Use soil-less growing m ixes, etridiazole,

that drain well. Do not fosetyl Al,
Sym ptom s: Roots are decayed and overwater. Sanitation is m efenoxam ,
discolored. Plants m ay wilt even im portant; use clean pots, flats potassium salt of phosphoric acid,
though soil m oisture is adequate. and tools. propam ocarb

Black Root Rot Reduce stress during hot fludioxonil,

weather. Sanitation is im portant; thiophanate m ethyl,
Sym ptom s: Infected plants are often use clean pots, flats and tools. triflum izole
chlorotic and stunted.
Floral Dis.
Rev. 2/08

Disease, Symptoms Cultural Control Fungicide*

Rhizoctonia Stem Rot & Damping Use a soil-less m ix. Use clean azoxystrobin,
Off pots, flats, and tools. fludioxonil,
Sym ptom s for Stem Rot: Distinct iprodione,
lesions form on stem at soil line. PCNB,
Young plants m ay be killed; older thiophanate m ethyl,
plants m ay be stunted. triflum izole,
Sym ptom s for Dam ping Off: Young
seedlings are attacked at soil line and
fall over. Circular areas of dead
plants develop in flats.

Leaf Spot Diseases Keep foliage as dry as possible. azoxystrobin,

(Alternaria, anthracnose, black spot, Irrigate with drip irrigation. chlorothalonil,
Cercospora, Myrothecium leaf spot Discard heavily infected plants. fludioxonil,
and blight) iprodione,
Purple, brown to black leaf spots on kresoxim -m ethyl
foliage. Check plugs closely for signs m ancozeb,
of disease. Buy only disease free m yclobutanil,
plants. Leaf spot diseases can be thiophanate m ethyl
difficult to control.

Dow ny M ildew Vent cool, hum id air. Use fans azoxystrobin,

May be found on snapdragon, pansy to keep air m oving and foliage dim ethom orph,
and rose. Dam age m ay appear as dry. Destroy heavily infected fosetyl Al,
leaf spots with fungal growth under plants. kresoxim m ethyl,
infected leaves. potassium salt of phosphoric acid,

Foliar Nematode Propagate only nem atode free chlorfenapyr

W ater soaked lesions on shade loving plants. Sanitation is im portant.
perennials such as hosta and Prevent splashing water.
anem one; also on African violet and
begonia. May cause distorted growth.

Disinfectants Preclean all surfaces prior to Quatenary am m onium chloride

Use to disinfect inanim ate objects disinfection disinfectants.
such as pots, flats, benches,
walkways etc.

Hydrogen dioxide (peroxide)


*For each disease, consult the pesticide label for the following inform ation: target disease, target host, cropping system
(nursery, greenhouse, com m ercial or residential landscape), rates, use intervals, com patibility with other pesticides,
inform ation on resistance m anagem ent, m am m alian toxicity and phytotoxicity, and other valuable inform ation.
Floral Dis.
Rev. 2/08

Crop Rotation Guidelines for Bedding Plants/Landscape Beds

One method of managing bedding plant diseases is crop rotation. If you have experienced
chronic problems with one of the following diseases in a landscape bed, choose a host that is
resistant (R) or only slightly susceptible (SS).

Host Phytophthora Rhizoctonia Black Botrytis Pythium Root Knot Pow dery
Crown Rot Stem Rot Root (gray mold) Root Rot Nematode M ildew

Vinca* HS SS S R R R R

Impatiens SS HS R R S HS R

Begonia SS S R R R HS S

Salvia HS R R R R R R

Petunia S S S HS S SS R

Coleus S R R R S HS R

Pansy HS R HS S R S R

Marigold R R R HS R R R

Snapdragon HS S R S S HS S

Geranium S R R HS HS ? R

Zinnia** R S R SS R R S

*Vinca (Madagascar periwinkle) is very susceptible to foliar phytophthora blight.

**Zinnia linearis is resistant to powdery mildew. The Profusion series of zinnia is also resistant to
powdery mildew.

HS = Highly susceptible, control measures needed; S = Susceptible, some damage when

conditions are very favorable for disease, generally little damage; SS = slightly susceptible, rarely
causes damage; R = resistant

***The information in this table was supplied by Dr. R. K. Jones, Professor Emeritus, Plant
Pathology, North Carolina State University.

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