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ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAatEn Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat —fulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE TN LIMBI STRAINE ‘TEST-GRILA 1. Ponderea ierarhicé reprezint a, raportul dintre salariatii calificati si cei cu studii medi ; numérul persoanelor conduse direct de un manager ; raportul dintre manageri si subordonati ; raportul dintre cei care conduc sicei care executs;, raportul dintre angajati din structura formalé si cea informala. (4p) b, © 4. e, 2. Teoriile motivationale elaborate de Maslow i Herzberg se afld in deplind corespondenti. Astfe!, zona factorilor motori identificati de Herzberg corespunde : (40) a. nevoilor de stima si de realizare ; b, nevoilor sociale si de securitate 4. nevoilor fiziologice si de securitate ; €. nevoilor de stima si de putere. 3. Monagementui de bazé dintr-o organizatie se orienteazS mai mult spre: (4p) a. interesele actionaritor ; b._ performanta economico-sociald a organizatiel ; ©. optimizarea proceselor de investitit; 4. angajati; e. decizii strategice. 4, Frederic Taylor a lansat 0 teorie care permite delimitarea activitatilor (@p) a. de baz de cele suport ; b. de productie de cele de distributie ; ¢. directe de cele indirecte ; d. de conducere de cele de executie ; fe. primare de cele secundare 5. Principiul managementulvi participativ, principiul syprematiei obiectivelor, principiul unitai de decizie si actiune sau principiul apropierii managementului de executie, au fost formulate de: (3p) a. Victor Vroom ; b. Henry Fayol ; Frederick Taylor; d. Michael Porter; e. Peter Drucker. ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAatEn Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat — julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE TN LIMBI STRAINE 6. Avantajele potentiale ale unui fidership porticipativ sunt: (Bp) 2. consumul de timp si energie; b. motivatia subordonatilor, calitatea a c.concentrarea puteri si disciplina; d. dezvoltarea competentelor financiare; e. reducerea receptivitstii angajatilor. itSti si acceptarea; 7. Managementul operativ caut& rspuns Ia intrebarea: (3) ‘2, cum trebuie facut un lucru? b. cine trebuie sé fac’ un lucru? unde trebuie actionat? 4. cum sunt planificate activitstile? . cum se repartizeazd resursele? 8. In opinia lui Michael Porter, activitatile care adauga valoare se clasific3 in: (3p) a. activitayl simple si multiple; b. activitdti primare si suport; ¢. activitati actuale si de perspectiva; 4d. activitati decizionale si operationale; . activitati sigure si cu risc. . . 9. Michael Porter considerd c& puterea clientilor este mare atunci cand acestia: (Gp) a. cumpara produse unicat; b. au capacitate de productie mica, « practicé preturi corecte; 4. cumpard un volum mai mare de resurse; . sunt dispersati geografic. 10. Teoria lui McCileland a ilustrat c& principalli agenti de motivare sunt : a. nevoia de implinire de sine, nevoia de putere si nevoia de afiliere; 'b. nevoia fiziologicd, nevoia de securitate si nevoia de succes; c. nevoia de securitate, nevoia de relationare si nevoia de putere; d. nevoia de echitate, nevoia de implinire si nevoia de securitate; e.nevoia de expectatie, nevoia de instrumentalitate si nevoia de stima. (3p) 11. Numérul mic al domeniilor de afacer! siexistent3 unei legaturi stranse intre acestea caracterizeaza: (3p) a. diversificarea global; b. diversificarea unilaterals; c. diversificarea concentric’; 4d. diversificarea focalizat3; ¢. diversificarea conglomerals. ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat — julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE AAalEn 12. Nisa strategicé poate fi definitd prin urmtoarele elemente: 1. Brupa de clienti, linia de produse, segmentul geografic; b. pieta, marja de profit, concurenta; c. tehnologia folosits, calitatea produselor, costul de producti 4d. reteaua de distributie, comunicarea de marketing 5i preful practicat; e. mixul de marketing si concurenta 13, Curba de experienté evidentiaza relatia dintre: a. angajati si manageri; b. piata si concurents; ¢, costurile unitare si volumul cumulat al productiei; d. cost si profitabilitate; e. actionari gi client, 14. Strategia de diferentiere este un rezultat al orientérii spre urmatoarele obiective: a. cresterea profiturilor brute; b. calitate ridicata ; c. cresterea pietei; 4. crestere, reducerea riscurilor 51 rentabilitate; e. dobandire de cotd pe piata. 15. La baza piramidei lui Abraham Maslow se afl: a.nevoile de stim’; b. nevoile de apartenenta la grup; nevoile fiziologice; d. nevoile de autorealizare; e. nevoile de securitate. 16. Victor Vroom evidentiazé faptul c3 motivatia este influentatd de: a. nivelul de exnectatie, instrumentalitate si valent; b, nivelul de stimé, nevoia de putere si nevoia de afiliere; gradul de securitate, valoarea reziduald si apartenenta; d. gradul de autonomie, gradul de implicare si autorealizare; - nivelul de autonomie, gradul de afiliere si activitatile de executie. 17. Decizile de grup au ca dezavantaj a. numarul mare de solutii; b. complexitatea problemei decizionale; . consumul mare de timp; d.lipsa de resurse financiare; 2. gradul mic de rigoare. (2p) (2p) (2p) (20) (2p) (1p) ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAatEn ‘Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat ~ julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE TN LIMBI STRAINE 18. Exist dou tipuri de fuziuni: (ap) a. furiunea direct8 si fuziunea indirect’; b. fuziunea complex’ sifuziunea conglomerall; ¢ fuziunea prin preluare si fuziunea printr-o nou’ infiingare de intreprindere; d. fuziunea multiols sifuziunea in trepte; . fuziunea unicriteriaté si fuziunea globals. 18. Principalele direct in cercetarea privind implicarea In muncé au fost urmatoarele : (tp) a. conceptia bazatd pe profit si cifrd de afaceri; conceptia bazat pe recompense financiare ; conceptia bazatd pe schimbul individ-organizatie si conceptia psihologicd; conceptia bazatd pe investigarea activitatii organizationale; conceptia bazata pe ierarhizarea prio pang 20. Strategie externe de crestere pot fi grupate astfel: (ap) a. strategii de coperare, de achizitie si de fuziune; b. strategii de asociere, de parteneriat side joint venture; ¢. strategii de extensie, de dispersie si de cooperare; d. strategii de piat3, de inovare gi de integrare; e. strategii de specializare, de achizitie si de fuziune. 21. Insert the sentence that best fits the context: ‘My problem is that I own a chain of auto-repair shops. My latest idea is a service that goes to corporate workplaces, picks up employees' cars, services them, and returns them the same day. (ome) But it seems impossible to crack the big corporate HR departments for a pitch. Any suggestions? (3 p) a.1 find the decision-making process slow and complicated. b. 1am reluctant to make life too easy for my staff. ©. My target market is large companies in my area, d, However, I cold-call people every day e. It won't take very much of my time. 22. Choose the most appropriate alter New York. (1p) ive: The board... theyre transferring head office 10 a. has just been deci b. has just decided chad just decided 4. are being decided e. will be decided ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAalEn Admitere: Studit universitare de masterat — julfe 2024 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE 23. Insert the sentence that best fits the context: But what if you regularly make a habit of paying late? What are the impacts on your business? Research shows that more than one in ten (13%) of all businesses that have experienced late payment would never do business with that customer again, (.......)A staggering 52% do nothing = not out of choice but because the clients! business is too big and important for them. The message is clear - if you are paying your suppliers late, you stand a very good chance of losing their supplies. (3p) a. Furthermore, 17% would only do repeat business if they were to receive cash upfront anda further 2% would have less trust in the late payer in the future. b. If you do not have the money, then you need to look at the root causes as to why you do not have the cash. c, Paying late generally arises from either lack of cash of poorly managed finances. 4d. If you are having difficulties with financial management, talk to your accountant. €. 23% of late payers contact their bank in advance to seek funding. 24, Match the two parts of these sentences: 1, He led a political campaign against the company, saying its oil production caused environmental 2. According to the environmental 3. If you really want to show your environmental 4. The project will boost Brazilian efforts to fight environmental 5. In the richest countries with the toughest environmental a, lobby, this type of plastic is such a dangerous substance to manufacture and dispose of that it should be banned b. credentials, there are several houschold cleaning products that will cause less damage to the environment, but are likely to cost slightly more, . devastation in the area, 4, standards, the amount of household waste is growing more slowly than the economy asa whole. , degradation in the Amazon basin. (3p) Ib, 2c, 3a, 4d, Se. Ic, 2a, 3b, 4e, Sd 1d, 2a, 3¢, 4b, Se. le, 2a, 3d, 4e, Sb. Ic, 2b, 3e, 4d, Sa, pao ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAal En Adrnitere: Studi universitare de masterat ~iulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE 25. According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE? Why should these giant corporations, or any company, for that maiter - whose primary purpose ‘for existence is to maximise profits for their shareholders, be concerned with becoming good global citizens? Simply, in addition to being the right thing to do, it is good business. A study published by the Institute of Business Ethics of the FTSE 250 companies, provides evidence that those compenies with an ethical code in place for over five years generated greater economic value and market value than their peers. (4p) a. Being socially responsible is morally right bb. Social responsibility leads to an increase in profits. c. Only small companies should worry about social responsibility 4. The main goal of major corporations is to make profits. . Being socially responsible improves a company’s image. 26. In September we will be launching Is There Anybody Out There?, a monthly science magazine specialising in astrobiology and astrophysics. We are looking for a creative and innovative Assistant Editor to help develop a magazine that will be accessible to the layman. The suitable candidate will have a Bachelor's degree in journalism or science, and preferably some knowledge of astrobiology and/or astrophysics. He or she will be familiar with standard office computer software and will demonstrate creative writing skills. The ability to handle stress and meet tight deadlines is of the utmost importance. If you think you fulfil these requirements and are interested, send us your resume with a covering letter explaining why you think you would be suitable for the job. (4p) To be considered for the job, a candidate must: a. have experience as a journalist . have managerial skilis c. have studied astrobiology or astrophysics d_ know about specialist software €. be able to work under pressure 27. Fill in: Several airlines ....... when the demand for fights fell. 2p) a. went under b. called off c. put off d. carried out e. soared up ‘ACADEMIA DE STUDI! ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAatEn Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat - julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 28, Fill in: The plans have... Because a sponsor could not be found. (2p) dried up ». hooked up . gone bankrupt 4. fallen through . pencilled in 29, Fill in: I'm not sure exactly what was agreed. J would rather you now. (2p) .. on the details right a. could fill me in b. should fill me in . will fill me in 4, had filled me in e. filled me in 30. Choose the most appropriate altemative: Jf we........ for a rise in property prices last year, we ... our turnover. (3p) a. would plan, had almost doubled b. had planned, could have almost doubled . would have planned, had almost doubled . had been planning, needn't have almost doubled ¢. would be planning, would have almost doubled 31. Which of the following is not possible? (2p) 2. It's very cold in here. You need have forgotten to tum on the heat. b. Its very cold in here. You must have forgotten to turn on the heat. ¢. If very cold in here. You might have forgotten to tur on the heat. 4. It's very cold in here. You could have forgotten to tum on the heat. e. It's very cold in here. You will have forgotten to turn on the heat, 32. Choose the correct alternative: (2p) of his new novel?" than his previous one.” "So, what do you thi “Ws definitely a. controversialer , much controversial c. far controversial d. most controversial ©. more controversial | SS ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAatEn Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat — julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 33, Choose the correct alternative: (3p) "That trip was a nightmare.” "Yes, L Wish WE aces” a. went haven't gone c. hadn't gone d. don't go e. would go 34, Fill in: When Z........ home, my family... dirmer and........ around the table talking. (3p) a, came, will already have, will be b. came, had already had, were sitting c. came, are already having, would be sitting 4. come, had already had, will sit e. will come, will have, have been sitting ing 35. Which of the following alternatives is the correct Passive Voice version of the sentence "The police have issued a description of the man wanted in cormection with last night's robbery."? Gp) a. A description has been issued of the robbery last night by the police. b. The man wanted in connection with last night's robbery has been issued a description of. c. A description of last night's robbery has been issued by the police, dA description has been issued of the man wanted in connection with last night's robbery. €. The police have been issuing a description of the robbery last night ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat iulfe 2014 Facultatea; ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE AA a2En TEST-GRILA 1. Strategiile externe de crestere pot fi grupate astfel: 2. Principalele directii in cercetarea privind implicarea in muncé au fost urmatoarele : a b, « 4 e. 3. Exist doud tipuri de fuziu a 2. strategii de coperare, de achiziie si de fuziune; b, strategii de asociere, de parteneriat si de joint venture; .strategii de extensie, de dispersie si de cooperare; d, strategii de plata, de inovare si de integrare; e, strategii de specializare, de achizitie side fuziune, conceptia bazaté pe profit si cifré de afaceri; conceptia bazaté pe recompense financiare ; conceptia bazaté pe schimbul individ-organizatie si conceptia psihologica; conceptia bazatd pe investigarea activitatii organizationate; conceptia bazaté pe ierarhizarea prioritatilor. fuziunea directd sifuziunea indirect; +, fuziunea complexa $i fuziunea conglomerat3; 4 e ¢. fuziunea prin preluare si fuziunea printr-o noua infiintare de intreprindere; fuziunea multipls si fuziunea in trepte; fuziunea unicriterial8 sifuziunea global8. 4, Decizile de grup au ca dezavanta|: ‘a, numarul mare de solutii; b. complesitatea problemel decizionale; cc. consumul mare de timp; ai ipsa de resurse financiare; . gradul mic de rigoare. 5. Victor Vroom evidentiaza faptui c& motivatia este influentatd de: a. nivelul de expectatie, instrumentalitate si valenté; b. nivelul de stima, nevoia de putere si nevoia de afiliere; ¢ gradul de securitate, valoarea rezidualé si apartenenta; 4. gradul de autonomie, gradul de implicare si autorealizare; e. nivelul de autonomie, gradul de ai e si activitatile de executie. (Ap) (1p) (1p) (1p) (2p) AA a2En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat julie 2014 DMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE 6. La baza piramidel lui Abraham Maslow se afd: 2p) a.nevoile de stims; b. nevoile de apartenents la grup; c. nevoile fiziologice; d. nevoile de autorealizare; e-nevoile de securitate. 7. Strategio de diferentiere este un rezultat al orient&rii spre urm&toarele obiective: (2p) a. cresterea profiturilor brute; b. calitate ridicat8 ; c. cresterea pietei; di crestere, reducerea riscurilor si rentabilitate; e, dobandire de cotd pe piatd. 8. Curba de experienté evidentiaza relatia dintre: 2p) 2. angajati si manageri; b. piatd si concurent’; .costurile unitare si volumul cumulat al productiei; d. cost si profitabilitate; . actionari si client 9. Nisa strategicé poate fi definita prin urmatoarele elemente: (2p) a. grupa de client, linia de produse, segmentul geografic;, b, piata, marja de profit, concurenta; «. tehnologia folositd, calitatea produselor, costul de productie; d. reteaua de distributie, comunicarea de marketing si pretul practicat; . mixul de marketing si concurenta. 10. Numarul mic al domeniilor de ofaceri si existent unel legaturi stranse intre acestea caracterizeazi (3p) a. diversificarea global; b. diversificarea unilaterald; . diversificarea concentricé; 4. diversificarea focalizat3; ©. diversificarea conglomerals. 11. Teoria lui McClle/and a ilustrat c principalii agenti de motivare sunt Gp) ‘a. nevoia de implinire de sine, nevoia de putere si nevoia de afiliere; b. nevoia fiziologic’, nevoia de securitate si nevoia de succes; c. nevoia de securitate, nevoia de relationare si nevoia de putere; 4d. nevoia de echitate, nevoia de implinire si nevoia de securitate; e. nevoia de expectatie, nevoia de instrumentalitate si nevoia de stim’ ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA a2En Admitere: Studit universitare de masterat — julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE Pot 12. Michael Porter considera c& puterea clientlor este mare atunci cénd acestia: @) a. cumpara produse unicat; capacitate de productie micd; «. practicd preturi corecte; d. cumpérd un volum mai mare de resurse; e. sunt dispersati geografic. 413. 1n opinia ul Michael Porter, activitatile care adauga valoare se clasific8 tn: (3p) a. activitati simple si multiple; b. activitti primare si suport; € actvitati actuale si de perspectiv’; 4, actvitat decizionale si operationale; . activitati sigure sicu rise, 14, Managementul operativ cauta raspuns la intrebarea: Gp) a. cum trebuie facut un lucru? b. cine trebuie si fact un lucru? c. unde trebuie actionat? d. cum sunt planificate activitatile? e. cum se repartizeazé resursele? 15. Avantajele potengiale ale un a. consumul de timp si energie; b, motivatia subordonatilor, caitatea activt&til si acceptarea; «, concentrarea puteri i discipline; 4, dezvoltarea competentelor financiare; e. reducerea receptivitatil angajatilor. idership participativ sunt: (Gp) 16. Principiu! managementulul participatiy, principiul suprematiel obiectivelor, principiul unitéil de decizie si actiune sau principiul apropierii managementului de executie, au fost formulate de: (3p) a. Victor Vroom ; b. Henry Fayol ; ©. Frederick Taylor; d. Michael Porter, e. Peter Drucker. 17. Frederic Taylor a lansat o teorie care permite delimitarea activitatilor : (3p) a. de baza de cele suport ; de productie de cele de distributie ; directe de cele indirecte ; de conducere de cele de executie ; primare de cele secundare ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat —julle 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE 18. Managementul de bazd dintr-o organizatie se orienteaz8 mai mult spre: (4p) interesele acfionarilor ; b. performanta economico-sociala a organizatiel; c. optimizarea proceselor de investitil; q e |. angojati ; decizii strategice. 29. Teorille motivationale elaborate de Maslow si Herzberg se afi in depling corespondents. Astfel, zona factorilor motori identificati de Herzberg corespunde : (4p) a, nevoilor de stimd si de realizare ; b. nevoitor sociale si de securitate ; c._nevoilor de autonomic side stim: 4. nevollorfizlologice si de securitate ; fe, nevoilor de stima si de putere. 20. Ponderea ierarhict reprezint& : 2. raportul dintre salariati calificati sicel cu studii medit ; b. numérul persoanelor conduse direct de un manager ; _raportul dintre manageri si subordonati 4, raportul dintre cei care conduc si cei care execut; fe. raportul dintre angejatii din structura formala si cea informala. (4p) 21, Fill in: The plans have........ because a sponsor could not be found. 2p) a. pencille b. hooked up c. gone bankrupt d. dried up ¢, fallen through 22. Which of the following is not possible? 2p) a. Its very cold in here. You must have forgotten to turn on the heat, b. Its very cold in here. You need have forgotten to turn on the heat. c. Its very cold in here. You will have forgotten to tum on the heat, d. Its very cold in here. You could have forgotten to tun on the heat, e.Its very cold in here. You might have forgotten to turn on the heat. 23. Choose the correct alternative: Gp) That trip was a nightmare." ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA a2En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat julie 2024 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE a. haven't gone b. went c. would go d. hadn't gone e. dont go 24, Insert the sentence that best fits the context: But what if you regularly make a habit of paying late? What are the impacts on your business? Research shows that more than one in ten (13%) of all businesses that have experienced late ‘payment would never do business with that customer again, (....) A staggering 52% do nothing = not out of choice but because the clients' business is too big and important for them. The message is clear - if you are paying your suppliers late, you stand a very good chance of losing their supplies. Gp) a, If you are having difficulties with financial management, talk to your accountant, b, Furthermore, 17% would only do repeat business if they were to receive cash upfront and a further 2% would have less trust in the late payer in the future. c. 23% of late payers contact their bank in advance to seek funding. d, Paying late generally arises from either lack of cash of poorly managed finances. e. If you do not have the money, then you need to look at the root causes as to why you do not have the cash. 25. Choose the correct alternative: 2p) *So, what do you think of his new novel?" "Its definitely... than his previous one." a. more controversial b. most controversial c, far controversial d, much controversial e, controversialer 26. According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE? Why should these giant corporations, or any company, for that matter - whose primary purpose ‘for existence is to maximise profits for their sharcholders, be concerned with becoming good ‘global citizens? Simply, in addition to being the right thing to do, it is good business. A study (published by the Institute of Business Ethics of the FTSE 250 companies, provides evidence that those companies with an ethical code in place for over five years generated greater economic value and market value than their peers. (4p) a. Social responsibility leads to an increase in profits. b. The main goal of major corporations is to make profits, cc. Being socially responsible is morally right. d. Only small companies should worry about social responsibility ¢. Being socially responsible improves a company's image. ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA a2En ‘Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat ~iulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 27. Fill in: Several airlines when the demand for flights fell. 2p) a. put off b. went under «. soared up d. carried out e. called off 28. Insert the sentence that best fits the context: My problem is that I own a chain of auto-repair shops. My latest idea is a service that goes to corporate workplaces, picks up employees" cars, services them, and returns them the same day (onson:) But it seems impossible to crack the big corporate HR departments for a pitch. Any suggestions? Gp) a It won't take very much of my time. b. [ find the decision-making process slow and complicated. c. However, | cold-call people every day d. My target market is large companies in my area. ¢. 1 am reluctant to make life too easy for my staff. 29. Fill in: 'm not sure exactly what was agreed. I would rather you .......on the details right now. (2p) 2, filled me in b. had filled me in ¢, will fill me i d. should fill me in e. could fill me in 30, Match the two parts of these sentences: 1. He led a political campaign against the company, saying its oil production caused environmental 2. According to the environmental 3. If you really want to show your environmental 4, The project will boost Brazilian efforts to fight environmental 5. In the richest countries with the toughest environmental a. lobby, this type of plastic is such a dangerous substance to manufacture and dispose of that it should be banned. b. degradation in the Amazon basin. Gp) c. credentials, there are several household cleaning products that will cause less damage to the environment, but are likely to cost slightly more. d. devastation in the area. . standards, the amount of household waste is growing more slowly than the economy as a whole. ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA a2En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat ~iulie 2024 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE a. 1b, 2c, 3a, 4d, Se, b. Ic, 2a, 3b, 4e, 5d ¢. 1d, 2a, 30, 4b, Se. d. le, 2a, 34, 4e, Sb. €. 1e, 2b, 3e, 4d, 5a. 31. Choose the most appropriate alternative: If we... for a rise in property prices last year, We von OUP turnover. Gp) a, would be planning, would have almost doubled b, would have planned, had almost doubled . had planned, could have almost doubled 4d, had been planning, needn't have almost doubled . would plan, had almost doubled 32. Choose the most appropriate altemative: The board... they're ransferring head office to New York. (ip) a. had just decided b. has just been deciding . has just decided 4d. will be decided . are being decided 33, Fillin: When Danco. home, my family cov dinner and... around the table talking. (3p) 4, will come, will have, have been sitting b. came, are already having, would be sitting . came, had already had, were sitting d. come, had already had, will sit e, came, will already have, will be sitting 34, In September we will be launching Is There Anybody Out There?, a monthly science ‘magazine specialising in astrobiology and astrophysics. We are looking for a creative and innovative Assistant Editor to help develop a magazine that will be accessible to the layman, The suitable candidate will have a Bachelor's degree in journalism or science, and preferably some Jnowledge of astrobiology and/or astrophysics, He or she will be familiar with standard office computer software and will demonstrate creative writing skills. The abitity ro handle stress and ‘meet fight deadlines is of the utmost importance. If you think you fulfil these requirements and are interested, send us your resume with a covering letter explaining why you think you would be suitable for the job. 4p) ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA a2En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat — julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE iN LIMBI STRAINE To be considered for the job, a candidate must: 1, be able to work under pressure b, have managerial skills c. have experience as a journalist d, know about specialist software ¢. have studied astrobiology or astrophysics 35. Which of the following alternatives is the correct Passive Voice version of the sentence “The police have issued a description of the man wanted in connection with last night's robbery."? GP) a. The police have been issuing a description of the robbery last night. ’. The man wanted in connection with last night's robbery has been issued a description of. ©. A description of last night's robbery has been issued by the police. 4d. A description has been issued of the robbery last night by the police. e. A description has been issued of the man wanted in connection with last night's robbery. ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI Admitere: Studi! universitare de masterat - julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE TEST-GRILA 1. Principalele direct in cercetarea privind implicarea in muncé au fost urmatoarele conceptia bazatd pe profit si cifrd de afaceri ; conceptia bazatd pe recompense financiare ; conceptia bazata pe schimbul individ-organizatie si conceptia psihologicd; conceptia bazat8 pe investigarea activitati organizationale; conceptia bazatd pe ierarhizarea priorit8tilor. papge 2. Strategille externe de crestere pot fi grupate astfel a. strategii de coperare, de achizitie side fuziune; b. strategii de asociere, de parteneriat si de joint venture; ¢. strategii de extensie, de dispersie si de cooperare; d, strategii de piat’, de inovare side integrare; e, strategii de specializare, de achizitie si de fuziune. 3. Decizile de grup au ca dezavantaj: a. numérul mare de solutii; . complexitatea problemei decizionale; c. consumul mare de timp; d. lipsa de resurse financiare; e. gradul mic de rigoare. 4. Exist dou’ tipuri de fuziuni: 2. fuziunea directa si fuziunea indirect; b. fuziunea complexa sifuziunea conglomerala; -fuziunea prin preluare si fuziunea printr-o noua infiintare de intreprindere; d. fuziunea multipla si fuziunea in trepte; . fuziunea unicriterialé sifuziunea global8. Victor Vroom evidentiazs faptul ci motivatia este influentaté de: 2. nivelul de expectatie, instrumentalitate si valent; b.nivelul de stima, nevoia de putere si nevola de affliere; c gradul de securitate, valoarea reziduald si apartenenta; d. gradul de autonomie, gradul de implicare si autorealizare; €. nivelul de autonomie, gradul de afiliere si activitatile de executie. AAa3En (ap) (1p) (4p) (1p) (2p) ACADEMIA DE STUDI! ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAGBEn Admitere: Studil universitare de masterat — julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 6. Strategia de aiferentiere este un rezultat al orientarii spre urmatoarele obiective: (2p) a. cresterea profiturilor brute; b. calitate ridicata ; c.cresterea pietei; d. crestere, reducerea riscurilor si rentabilitate; e. dobiindire de cotd pe piat’. 7. Curba de experiengé evidentiaza relatia dintre: (2p) a. angajati si manageri; b. plata si concuren . costurile unitare si volumul cumulat al productiei; 4. cost si proftabilitate; . actionari si clienti. 8. La baza piramidel ui Abraham Maslow se afl: (2p) a.nevoile de stims; b.nevoile de apartenentd la grup; c. nevolle fiziologice; d. nevoile de autorealizare; e-nevoile de securitate. 9. Numérul mic al domeniilor de afaceri si existent unei legéturi stranse intre acestea caracterizeazs: (Bp) a. diversificarea global; b. diversificarea unilateralé; . diversificarea concentric d. diversificarea focalizat’; . diversificarea conglomerals. 10. Teoria lui McClleiand 2 ilustrat c& principalli agenti de motivare sunt : Gp) ‘a. nevoia de implinire de sine, nevoia de putere si nevoia de afiliere; 'b. nevoia fiziologics, nevoia de securitate si nevoia de succes; . nevoia de securitate, nevoia de relationare si nevoia de putere; d.nevoia de echitate, nevoia de implinire si nevoia de securitate; e, nevoia de expectatie, nevoia de instrumentalitate 51 nevoia de stim8, LL. Niga strategicd poate fi definitd prin urmatoarele elemente: (2p) 2. grupa de clienti linia de produse, segmentul geografic;, b. piata, marja de profit, concurenta; ¢.tehnologie folosits, calitatea produselor, costul de productie; d. refeaue de distributie, comunicarea de marketing si pretul practicat; . mixul de marketing si concurenta ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAQ3En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat - julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE. (3p) 12. Tn opinia lui Michael Porter, activitatile care adaugé valoare se clasific 2, activitati simple si multiple; b. activitati primare si suport; . activitati actuale si de perspectiva; 4. activitati decizionale si operationale; . activitati sigure sicu rise. 13, Managementul operativ cauta réspuns la intrebarea: (3p) 2. cum trebuie fcut un lucru? b. cine trebule sd faca un lucru? unde trebuie actionat? d. cum sunt planificate activite e. cum se repartizeaz& resursele? 2 14. Michael Porter considers c3 putereoclentior este mare atunci cind acestia: (3p) a. cumpara produse unica; b. au capacitate de productie mica; ¢. practicd preturi corecte; d. cumparé un volum mai mare de resurse; , sunt dispersati geografic. 15. Principiul managementului pasticipativ, principlul suprematiei obiectivelor, principiul unitéiti decizie si actiune sau principiul apropierii managementului de executie, au fost formulate de: (3p) a. Vietor Vroom ; b. Henry Fayol Frederick Taylor ; 4. Michael Porter; fe. Peter Drucker. 16. Frederic Taylor a lansat o teorie care permite delimitarea activitstilor : (Ge) a. de baz¥ de cele suport ; de productie de cele de distributie ; directe de cele indirecte ; de conducere de cele de executie ; primare de cele secundare pang 17. Avantajele potentiale ale unui fidership participativ sunt: (Gp) a. consumul de timp si energie; b. motivatia subordonatilor, calitatea activitatii si acceptarea; ¢. concentrarea puterii si disciplina; 4, dezvoltarea competentelor financiare; €. reducerea receptivit’tii angajatilor ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAa3 En Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat —iulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE TN LIMB! STRAINE 18. Teoriile motivationale elaborate de Maslow 5i Herzberg se afl3 in deplin corespondent3. Astfel, zona factorilor motori identificati de Herzberg corespunde : (4p) a. nevoilor de stima si de realizare ; b. nevoilor sociale si de securitate ; c. nevoilor de autonomie si de stima ; 4, nevoilor fiziologice side securitate ; €.nevoilor de stim’ side putere. 19, Ponderea ierarhieé reprezinta : (ap) . raportul dintre salariati calificati si cel cu studii medi b. numarul persoanelor conduse direct de un manager ; ¢.raportul dintre manageri si subordonati ; 4. raportul dintre cei care conduc si cei care executd; fe. raportul dintre angajatii din structura formala si cea informals, 20. Managementul de bazé dintr-o organizatie se orienteaz’ mai mult spre: a. interesele actionarilor ; '._performanta economico-sociald a organizatiei; ©. optimizarea proceselor de investitl; 4d. angajati; e. decizi strategice. 21, Fill in: Several airlines ..... when the demand for flights fell. (2p) 2. carried out ». soared up c. went under d. put off e. called off 22. Choose the correct alternative: (2p) ‘So, what do you think of his new novel? It's definitely than his previous one". ‘a. most controversial b, more controversial ¢, far controversial . controversialer e. much controversial (4p) ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA a3 En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat ~ julie 2024 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 23. Insert the sentence that best fits the context: But what if you regularly make a habit of paying late? What are the impacts on your business? Research shows that more than one in ten (13%) of all businesses that have experienced late payment would never do business with that customer again, (........) A staggering 52% do nothing - not out of choice but because the clients’ business is too big and important for them. The message is clear - if vou are paying your suppliers late, you stand a very good chance of losing their supplies. Gp) a. Paying late generally arises from either lack of cash of poorly managed finances. b, 23% of late payers contact their bank in advance to seek funding. ¢. Furthermore, 17% would only do repeat business if they were to receive cash upfront and a further 2% would have less trust in the late payer in the future. 4. If you are having difficulties with financial management, talk to your accountant. e. If you do not have the money, then you need to look at the root causes as to why you do not have the cash. 24. Choose the most appropriate alternative: /f we ..... for a rise in property prices last year, We rm OUP Hurnover. (3p) a. would plan, had almost doubled b. had been planning, needn't have almost doubled c. would have planned, had almost doubled d. had planned, could have almost doubled ¢. would be planning, would have almost doubled 25, Fill Gp) When Loo. home, my family. dinmer and ........ around the table talking. a, will come, will have, have been sitting b. come, had already had, will sit ¢. came, are already having, would be sitting i came, had already had, were sitting €. came, will already have, will be sitting 26. In September we will be launching Is There Anybody Out There?, a monthly science ‘magazine specialising in astrobiology and astrophysics. We are looking for a creative and innovative Assistant Editor 10 help develop a magazine that will be accessible to the layman. The suitable candidate will have a Bachelor's degree in journalism or science, and preferably some knowledge of astrobiology and / or astrophysics. He or she will be familiar with standard office computer software and will demonstrate creative writing skills. The ability 10 handle siress and meet tight deadlines is of the utmost importance. If you think you fulfil these requirements and are interested, send us your resume with a covering letter explaining why you think you would be suitable for the job, (4p) ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat ~ julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE TN LIMBI STRAINE AA a3 En To be considered for the job, a candidate must: a, have managerial skills ». be able to work under pressure c. know about specialist software d. have studied astrobiology or astrophysics @, have experience as a journalist 27. Choose the correct alternative: (3p) Phat trip was a nightmare.” "Yes, | wish we a, went ». don't go ¢, would go d. haven't gone e. hadn't gone 28, Which of the following alternatives is the correct Passive Voice version of the sentence "The police have issued a description of the man wanted in comection with last night's robbery." ? (3p) a. A description has been issued of the man wanted in connection with last night's robbery. b. The police have been issuing a description of the robbery last night. c. A description of last night's robbery has been issued by the police. 4. A description has been issued of the robbery last night by the police. €. The man wanted in connection with last night's robbery has been issued a description of. 29. Insert the sentence that best fits the context: My problem is that 1 own a chain of auto-repair shops. My latest idea is a service that goes to corporate workplaces, picks up employees" cars, services them, and returns them the same day. (one) But it seems impossible to crack the big corporate HR departments for a pitch. Any suggestions? (3 p) a, However, I cold-call people every day b. [t won't take very much of my time ¢. Lam reluctant to make life too essy for my staff. 4. find the decision-making process slow and complicated. €. My target market is large companies in my area. ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAG3En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat — julle 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 30. Match the two parts of these sentences: (3p) 1. He led a political campaign against the company, saying its oil production caused environmental 2. According to the environmental 3. If you really want to show your environmental 4. The project will boost Brazilian efforts to fight environmental 5. In the richest countries with the toughest environmental a. lobby, this type of plastic is such a dangerous substance to manufacture and dispose of that it should be banned, b. standards, the amount of household waste is growing more slowly than the economy as a whole. , degradation in the Amazon basin. d. credentials, there are several household cleaning products that will cause less damage to the environment, but are likely to cost slightly more, e. devastation in the area. a Ib, 2c, 3a, 4d, Se, b. Le, 2a, 3b, de, Sd ¢. 1d, 2a, 3¢, 4b, Se. d. le, 2a, 3d, de, 5b. e. le, 2b, 3e, 4d, 5a 31. Choose the most appropriate alternative: The board... they're transferring head office to New York. (Ip) a. will be decided b. are being decided . had just decided 4d. has just decided ¢. has just been deciding 32, Fill in: The plans have ...... because a sponsor could not be found. (2p) a. fallen through b. hooked up c. gone bankrupt d. pencilled in e. dried up ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA G3 En Admitere: Studil universitare de masterat— lulle 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE TN LIMBI STRAINE 33, Fill in: /'m not sure exactly what was agreed. Iwould rather You uu... on the details right now. (2p) a, could fill me in . filled me in . will fill me in d. should fill me in e. had filled me in 34, According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE? (4p) Why should these giant corporations, or any company, for that matter - whose primary purpose for existence is to maximise profits for their shareholders, be concerned with ‘becoming good global citizens? Simply, in addition to being the right thing to do, itis good business. A study published by the Instirute of Business Ethics of the FTSE 250 companies, provides evidence that those companies with an ethical code in place for over five years generated greater economic value and market value than their peers. a. The main goal of major corporations is to make profits. b. Social responsibility leads to an increase in profits. . Being socially responsible improves a company's image. 4, Being socially responsible is morally right. e. Only small companies should worry about social responsibility. 35. Which of the following is not possible? (2p) a. It's very cold in here. You might have forgotten to tum on the heat. b. It's very cold in here. You will have forgotten to turn on the heat. ¢. Its very cold in here. You need have forgotten to tum on the heat. It's very cold in here. You could have forgotten to turn on the heat. . It’s very cold in here. You must have forgotten to turn on the heat. aa 1 Rea Sw | y of ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat ~iulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE AA a4 En TEST-GRILA 1. Principalele direct in cercetarea privind implicarea in muncé au fost urmatoarele a. conceptia bazatd pe profit si cifrd de afaceri; conceptia bazatd pe recompense financiare ; conceptia bazata pe schimbul individ-organizatie si conceptia psihologic’; conceptia bazata pe investigarea activitatii organizationale; ‘conceptia bazaté pe ierarhizarea prioritstilor. 2, Strategiile externe de crestere pot fi grupate astfel: a, strategii de coperare, de achizitie si de fuziune; b. strategii de asociere, de parteneriat si de joint venture; «. strategil de extensie, de dispersie si de cooperare; d. strategii de piat3, de inovare side integrare e. strategii de specializare, de achizitie si de fuziune. 3. Decale de grup au ca dezavantaj a. numérul mare de solutii; b. complexitatea problemel decizionale; ¢ consumul mare de timp; d.lipsa de resurse financiare; , gradul mic de rigoare. 4. Victor Vroom evidentiazd faptul 4 motivatia este influentat de: a. nivetul de expectatie, instrumentalitate si valent’; b. nivelul de stim, nevaia de putere si nevoia de afliere; c.gradul de securitate, valoarea reziduald si apartenenta; d. gradul de autonomie, gradul de implicare si autorealizare; e, nivelul de autonomie, gradul de afiliere si activitatile de executie. 5, Exist’ doud tipuri de fuziuni: 2. fuziunea direct8 si fuziunea indirect; b. fuziunea complexa gi fuziunea conglomeralé; «.fuziunea prin preluare si fuziunea printr-o nous infintare de it d, fuziunes multipld si fuziunea in trepte; . furiunea unicriterialé si fuziunea global. (1p) (ap) (1p) 2p) {1p) ACADEMIA DE STUDI! ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAa4En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat —iulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 6. Ponderea jerarhict reprezinta : (4p) a. raportul dintre salariati calificatt si cei cu studii medi b. numarul persoanelor conduse direct de un manager; &raportul dintre manageri si subordonati ; raportul dintre cei care conduc sicei care executd; e. raportul dintre angajatii din structura formald si cea informal 7. Teorille motivationale elaborate de Maslow si Herzberg se afl in deplina corespondent3. Astfel, zona factorilor motor’ identificati de Herzberg corespunde : (4) nevollor de stima si de realizare ; nevoilor sociale si de securitate ; nevoilor de autonomie si de stim8 ; logice si de securitate ; nevoilor de stima si de putere, 8. Managementul de baz dintr-o organizatie se orienteazé mai mult spre: (4p) 2. interesele actionarilor ; performanta economico-sociala a organizatiei ; optimizarea proceselor de investii; angajati ; éeciii strategice. 9. Frederic Taylor a lansat o teorie care permite delimitarea activitatilor : a. de bazd de cele suport; b. de productie de cele de distributie ; ©. directe de cele indirecte ; d. de conducere de cele de executie ; @. primare de cele secundare (3p) 10. Principiu! managementului participativ, principiul suprematiei obiectivelor, principiul unitatii de decizie si actiune sau principiu apropieril manogementului de executie, au fost formulate de: (3p) a. Vietor Vroom ; b, Henry Fayol; Frederick Taylor; d. Michael Porter; e. Peter Drucker. 11. Avantajele potentiale ale unui fidership participativ sunt: Bp) a. consumul de timp si energie; b, motivatia subordonatilor, calitatea activitatii si acceptarea; €. concentrarea puter si disciplina; 4. dezvoltarea competentelor financiare; €. reducerea receptivitatii angajatilor. ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI ‘Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat —iulie 2024 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE TN LIMB! STRAINE AA ad En 12. Managementul operativ caut& rspuns la intreberea: a. cum trebuie fécut un lucru? b. cine trebuie s8 facé un lucru? «unde trebuie actionat? cum sunt planificate activitatile? €. cum se repartizeaza resursele? 13.1n opinia ui Michael Porter, activitatile care adaugs valoare se clasificd in: 2. actvitati simple si multiple; b. activitati primare si suport; .activitétiactuale si de perspectiv; d, activitati decizionale si operationale; ¢. activitat sigure si cu ris. 114, Michael Porter considera cd puterea clientilor este mare atunci cand acestia:, ‘2. cumpard produse unicat; b. au capacitate de productie mics; €.practicé preturi corecte; d. cump§rd un volum mai mare de resurse; €. sunt dispersati geografic. 15. Teoria lui McCileiand @ lustrat c& principalii agenti de motivare sunt : ‘a, nevoia de implinire de sine, nevoia de putere si nevoia de afliere; b. nevoia fiziologic’, nevoia de securitate si nevoia de succes; nevoia de securitate, nevoia de relationare si nevoia de putere; d. nevoia de echitate, nevoia de implinire si nevoia de securitate; e, nevoia de expectatie, nevoia de instrumentalitate si nevoia de stima, 16. Numarul mic al domeniior de afaceri si existent unei legaturi stranse intre acestea caracterizeaza: a. diversificarea globalé; bo. diversificarea unilaterald; . diversificarea concentric’; d. diversificarea focalizat3; . diversificarea conglomerala. 17. Nisa strategicé poate fi definita prin urmatoarele elemente: a. grupa de clienti, linia de produse, segmentul geografic; b. piata, marja de profit, concurenta; . tehnologia folosit3, calitatea produselor, costul de productie; d. reteaua de distributie, comunicarea de marketing si pretul practicat; . mixul de marketing si concurenta . (3p) (3p) Gp) (Bp) (3p) @) ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat — julie 2024 AA a4 En Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 18. Curba de experienté evidentiazé relatia dintre: a, angojati si manageri; b. piatd si concurenta; . costurile unitare si volumul cumulat al productiel; d. cost si profitabllitate; . actionar si client. (2p) 19, Strategia de diferentiere este un rezuitat al orientarii spre urmatoarele obiective: (2p) a. cresterea profiturilor brute; ba calitate ridicatd ; c. cresterea pietei d.crestere, reducerea riscurilor si rentabilitate; e. dobandire de cot pe piata 20. La baza piramidei lui Abraham Maslow se afl&: a. nevoile de stims; bb. nevoile de apartenenta la grup; &. nevoile fziologice; 4d. nevoile de autorealizare; e. nevoile de securitate. (2p) 21, Fill in: The plans have... because a sponsor could not be found. (2p) a. dried up b. fallen through ¢. gone bankrupt d. hooked up e. pencilled in 22, Fill in: I'm not sure exactly what was agreed. I would rather YOU vu. now. (2p) a. had filled me in b. could fill me in ¢. filled me in d. should fill me in e. will fill me in on the details right ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA aden Admitere: Studll universitare de masterat ~ julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 23, Fill in: Several airlines... when the demand for jlights fell. 2p) a. called off b. carried out ©. put off . went under e. soared up 24. Choose the most appropriate alternative: If we... for a rise in property prices last year, We urn. OUr turnover. (3p) ‘a. would have planned, had almost doubled , would be planning, would have almost doubled . would plan, had almost doubled d. had been planning, needn't have almost doubled , had planned, could have almost doubled 25. In September we will be launching Is There Anybody Out There?, a monthly science magazine specialising in astrobiology and astrophysics. We are looking for a creative and innovative Assistant Editor to help develop a magazine that will be accessible to the layman, The suitable candidate will have a Bachelor's degree in journalism or science, and preferably some knowledge of astrobiology and / or astrophysics. He or she will be familiar with standard office computer software and will demonstrate creative writing skills. The ability to handle stress and meet tight deadlines is of the utmost importance. If you think you fulfil these requirements and are interested, send us your resume with a covering letter explaining why you think you would be suitable for the job. (Ap) To be considered for the job, a candidate must: a. have studied astrobiology or astrophysics b. have managerial skills c. be able to work under pressure | d. know about specialist software e€. have experience as a journalist 26. Which of the following is not possible? (2p) a, It's very cold in here. You could have forgotten to turn on the heat. b. It's very cold in here. You will have forgotten to turn on the heat, ¢. It’s very cold in here. You might have forgotten to turn on the heat. d. It's very cold in here. You need have forgotten to turn on the heat. «. It's very cold in here. You must have forgotten to turn on the heat. ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAoaEn Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat - julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 27. According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE? Why should these giant corporations, or any company, for that matter = whose primary purpose for existence is to maximise profits for thelr shareholders, be concerned with becoming good ‘global citizens? Simply. in addition to being the right thing to do, it is good business. A study published by the Institute of Business Ethics of the FTSE 250 companies, provides evidence that those companies with an ethical code in place for over five years generated greater economic value and market value than their peers. (4p) a, Only small companies should worry about social responsibil b. The main goal of major corporations is to make profits. ¢. Social responsibility leads to an increase in profits, 4. Being socially responsible improves a company’s image. , Being socially responsible is morally right. "So, what do you think of his new novel “It's definitely ...... than his previous one a. most controversial b. much controversial ¢, more controversial 4. controversialer , far controversial 29, Match the two parts of these sentences: Gp) 1. He led a political campaign against the company, saying its oil production caused environmental 2, According to the environmental 3. If you really want to show your environmental 4. The project will boost Brazilian efforts to fight environmental 5. In the richest countries with the toughest environmental ‘a. standards, the amount of household waste is growing more slowly than the economy as a whole. ». lobby, this type of plastic is such a dangerous substance to manufacture and dispose of that it should be banned. c. devastation in the area. d. degradation in the Amazon basin. ¢. credentials, there are several household cleaning products that will cause less damage to the environment, but are likely to cost slightly more. ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat — julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE (N LIMBI STRAINE AA oa En a. Ib, 2c, 3a, 4d, Se. b. Le, 2a, 3b, 4e, Sd ¢. Id, 24, 3c, 4b, Se. dle, 2a, 34, 4e, 5b. €. le, 2b, 3e, 4d, 5a. 30. Choose the correct alternative: (3p) "That trip was a nightmare” "Yes, | wish we a. hadn't gone b. would go ©. went 4 haven't gone e. don't go 31. Insert the sentence that best fits the context: But what if you regularly make a habit of paying late? What are the impacts on your business? Research shows that more than one in ten (13%) of all businesses that have experienced late payment would never do business with that customer again...) A staggering 52% do nothing - not out of choice but because the clients' business is 100 big and important for them. The message is clear - if you are paying your suppliers late, you stand a very good chance of losing their supplies. (3p) a, 23% of late payers contact their bank in advance to seek funding. b. If you do not have the money, then you need to look at the root causes as to why you do not have the cash. ¢. Furthermore, 17% would only do repeat business if they were to receive cash upfront and a further 2% would have less trust in the late payer in the future. 4. Lf you are having difficulties with financial management, talk to your accountant, ¢. Paying late generally arises from either lack of cash of poorly managed finances. 32, Fill in: When Fu... home, my family . Gp) . dinner and........ around the table talking. a. come, had already had, will sit b. will come, will have, have been sitting c. came, are already having, would be sitting 4. came, will already have, will be sitting e. came, had already had, were sitting ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA ad En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat ~fulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE TN LIMBI STRAINE 33. Choose the most appropriate alternative: The board........ they're transferring head office to New York. (1p) a, has just been deciding . had just decided c. will be decided d. are being decided €. has just decided 34, Which of the following alternatives is the correct Passive Voice version of the sentence “The police have issued a description of the man wanted in connection with last night's robbery.""? (3p) a. The police have been issuing a description of the robbery last night. b. A description has been issued of the man wanted in connection with last night's robbery. c. A description of last night's robbery has been issued by the police. 4. The man wanted in connection with last night's robbery has been issued a description of. ¢. A description has been issued of the robbery last night by the police. 35, Insert the sentence that best fits the context; ; My problem is that I own a chain of auto-repair shops. My latest idea is a service that goes to corporate workplaces, picks up employees’ cars, services them, and returns them the same day. (son) But it seems impossible 10 crack the big corporate HR departments for a pitch. Any suggestions? (3 p) a. My target market is large companies in my area. b. Lam reluctant to make life 100 easy for my staff. ¢. It won't take very much of my time. d. However, I cold-call people every day. . [find the decision-making process slow and complicated. aL~ b (27) 2-e (zp) 13-d. (zp) aye (3p) ase (4p) at-d (2) Qy- 4 (47) 26- ce. (29) te 30- a.( 3p) ae. p) 32- © (3p) 33 - (Up) 34-6 (3 9) ae (3 p) ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAGSEn Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat — julfe 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE TEST-GRILA 1. Nisa strategicé poate fi definit8 prin urmdtoarele elemente: (2p) a, grupa de client, linia de produse, segmentul geografic;, b. piata, marja de profit, concurenta; ¢. tehnologia folasits, caitatea produsetor, costul de productie; 4. reteaua de distributie, comunicarea de marketing si preful practicat; , mixul de marketing si concurenta 2. Teoria |ul MeCileland a ilustrat c& principalii agenti de motivare sunt : (3p) a. nevoia de implinire de sine, nevoia de putere si nevoia de afiliere; b. nevoia fiziologicd, nevoia de securitate si nevoia de succes; . nevoia de securitate, nevoia de relationare si nevoia de putere; 1d. nevoia de echitate, nevoia de implinire si nevoia de securitate; 2. nevoia de expectatie, nevoia de instrumentalitate si nevoia de stim, 3. Numérul mic al domeniilor de afaceri $i existent unei legdturi strdnse intré acestea : caracterizeaz’: 30) a. diversificarea globald; b. diversificarea unilaterala, .diversificarea concentric’; 4d, diversificarea focalizat’; . diversificarea conglomeral8 4, La baza piramidei lui Abraham Maslow se afié (2p) a, nevoile de stima; b. nevoile de apartenent& la grup; ¢. nevoile fiziologice; 4. nevoile de autorealizare; €.nevoile de securitate. 5. Curba de experienté evidentiazd relatia dintre: 2p) a. angojati si manageri; b. pial si concurent, . costurile unitare si volumul cumulat al productiei; 4. cost si profitabilitate; . actionari si cliensi ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI ‘Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat —fulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LiMBI STRAINE AAQSEn 6. Strategia de diferentiere este un rezultat al orient&rii spre urmatoarele obiective: a. cresterea profiturilor brute; b. calitate ridicata c. cresterea pietel; 4. crestere, reducerea riscurilor si rentabilitate; e. dobandire de cot pe piatd. 7. Exist dous tipuri de fuziuni: a. fuziunea direct3 $i fuziunea indirect; b. fuziunea complexd si fuziunea conglomerald; «. fuziunea prin preluare si fuziunea printr-o noua Inflintare de intreprindere; d. fuziunea multiplé si fuziunea in trepte; . fuziunea unicriterialé si fuziunea global8. 8, Victor Vroom evidentiazd faptul c& motivatia este influentats de: a. nivelul de expectatie, instrumentalitate si valent’; b. nivelul de stimé, nevoia de putere si nevoia de afiliere; c. gradul de securitate, valoarea rezidual8 si apartenenta; d. gradul de autonomie, gradul de implicare si autorealizare; e- nivelul de autonomie, gradul de afiliere si activitaile de execute. 9. Decizile de grup au ca dezavanta} a. numérul mare de solutii; b. complexitatea problemei decizionale; .consumul mare de timp; d.lipsa de resurse financiare; 2. gradul mic de rigoare. 10. Strategiile externe de crestere pot fi grupate astfel: a. strategii de coperare, achizitie si de fuziune; », strategii de asociere, de parteneriat si de joint venture; .strategil de extensie, de dispersie si de cooperare; 4. strategli de piagd, de inovare si de integrare; e. strategii de specializare, de achizitie side fuziune. 11. Principalele directit in cercetarea privind implicarea in munci au fost urmatoarele : a. conceptia bazatd pe profit si cifra de afaceri; b. conceptia bazat8 pe recompense financiare ; ©. conceptia bazaté pe schimbul individ-organizatie si conceptia psihologic§; 4. conceptia bazatd pe investigarea activit3tii organizationale; @. conceptia bazaté pe ierarhizarea prioritatilor. (2p) (1p) (2p) (1p) (ip) (Ap) ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA aS En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat —fulie 2034 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 12, Managementul de baz dintr-o organizatie se orienteaz’ mai mult spre: (4p) a. interesele actionarilor ; b. performanta economico-sociala a organizatiei ; ¢. optimizarea proceselor de investiii; d. angajati ; e. deciall strategice. 13. Ponderea ierarhicd reprezint’ : (49) a. raportul dintre salariatitcalificati sicei cu studi medit ; b. -numérul persoanelor conduse direct de un manager ; ©. raportul dintre manageri si subordonati ; d. raportul dintre cei care conduc si cei care executd; fe. raportul dintre angajatii din structura formal8 si cea informals.. 14, Teorile motivationale elaborate de Maslow si Herzberg se afl in deplin’ corespondents. Astfel, zona factorilor motori identificati de Herzberg corespunde = (ap) a. nevoilor de stimd si de realizare ; fb. nevollor sociale si de securitate ; ._nevoilor de autonomie si de stima 5 nevoilor fiziologice si de securitate ; nevoilor de stim’ si de putere. 15. Avantajele potentiale ale unui fidership participativ sunt: Gp) 2. consumul de timp si energie; b. motivatia subordonatilor, calitatea activitatii si acceptarea; c. concentrarea puterii si disciplina; d. dezvoltarea competentelor financiare; €. reducerea receptivit8tii angajatilor. 26. Frederic Taylor a lansat o teorie care permite delimitarea activitatilor : Gp) a. de baz de cele suport ; b. de productie de cele de distributie ; icte de cele indirecte ; d. de conducere de cele de executie ; €. primare de cele secundare 17. Principiul managementului participativ, principiul supremotiei obiectivelor, principiul unttatit de decizie si actiune sau principiul apropierii managementului de executie, au fost formulate de: (3p) a. Vietor Vroom ; b. Henry Fayol ; ©. Frederick Taylor ; d. Michael Porter; e. Peter Drucker. ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA aS En Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat — julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 18. Michael Porter considers c& puterea clientilor este mare atunci cénd acestia Bp) a. cumpara produse unicat; b. au capacitate de productie mi «. practicé preturi corecte; d. cumparé un volum mai mare de resurse; e. sunt dispersati geogratic. 19. Managementul operativ caut& réspuns la intrebarea: (3p) a. cum trebuie facut un lucru? b. cine trebuie s8 facd un lucru? unde trebuie actionat? d. cum sunt planificate activitatile? e. cum se repartizeazé resursele? 20. In opinia lui Michael Porter, activtatile care adauga valoare se clasific tn: Ge) 2. activit3ti simple si multiple; b. activitdti primare si suport; c. activititi actuale si de perspectivs; 4d. activitati decizionale si operational . activitati sigure gi cu risc. 21. Match the two parts of these sentences: Bp) 1. He led a political campaign agai environmental 2. According to the environmental If you really want to show your environmental 4. The project will boost Brazilian efforts to fight environmental 5. In the richest countries with the toughest environmental 3t the company, saying its oil production caused a. credentials, there are several household cleaning products that will cause less damage to the environment, but are likely to cost slightly more. ». devastation in the area, c. lobby, this type of plastic is such a dangerous substance to manufacture and dispose of that it should be banned. 4. degradation in the Amazon basin. (3p) . standards, the amount of household waste is growing more slowly than the economy as a whole. a. 1b, 2c, 3a, 4d, Se, b, le, 2a, 3b. de, Sd €. 1d, 2a, 3¢, 4b, Se. d. le, 2a, 34, 4, 5b. e. Ie, 2b, 3e, 4d, Sa. ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAaSEn Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat — julie 2014 7 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE 22, Fill in: I'm not sure exactly what was agreed. I would rather you ..... on the details right now. (2p) a, will fill me in b, should fill me in cc. could fill me in d. filled me in e. had filled me in 23. Fill in: Several airfines........ when the demand for flights fell. 2p) a. put off. b. called off c. soared up 4, carried out fe. went under 24, Insert the sentence that best fits the context: But what if you regularly make a habit of paying late? What are the impacts on your business? Research shows that more than one in ten (13%) of all businesses that have experienced late payment would never do business with that customer again. (........) A staggering 52% do nothing = not out of choice but because the clients’ business is too big and important for them, The message is clear - if you are paying your suppliers late, you stand a very good chance of losing their supplies. 3p) a, Ifyou are having difficulties with financial management, talk to your accountant. b. If you do not have the money, then you need to look at the root causes as to why you do not have the cash. ¢. Paying late generally arises from either lack of cash of poorly managed finances. 4. 23% of late payers contact their bank in advance to scek funding, e. Furthermore, 17% would only do repeat business if they were to receive cash upfront anda further 2% would have less trust in the late payer in the future. 25. In September we will be launching Is There Anybody Out There?, a monthly science magazine specialising in astrobiology and astrophysics. We are looking for a creative and innovative Assistant Editor to help develop a magazine that will be accessible to the layman, The suitable candidate will have a Bachelor's degree in journalism or science, and preferably some knowledge of astrobiology and/ or astrophysics, He or she will be familiar with standard office computer sofiware and will demonstrate creative writing skills. The ability to handle stress and meet tight deadlines is of the utmost importance. If you think you fulfil these requiremems and are interested, send us your resume with a covering letter explaining why you think you would be suitable for the job. (4p) ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI Admitere: Studil unlversitare de masterat —julle 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE AAaSEn To be considered for the job, a candidate must: a. know about specialist software b, have studied astrobiology or astrophysics ¢. have managerial skills d. be able to work under pressure ¢. have experience as a journalist 26. Fill in: When 1........ home, my family....... dinner and....... around the table talking. 3p) a. came, had already had, were sitting b, will come, will have, have been sitting c. came, are already having, would be sitting 4. come, had already had, will sit . came, will already have, will be sitting 27. Choose the most appropriate alternative: Uf We ........for a rise in property prices last year. WE ovsee OU turnover. (3P) 8, had planned, could have almost doubled b. would plan, had almost doubled ¢. would be planning, would have almost doubled had been planning, needn't have almost doubled e. would have planned, had almost doubled 28. Choose the most appropriate alternative: The board....... they're transferring head office 10 New York (Ip) a. has just decided b. will be decided c. are being decided d. had just decided €. has just been deciding 29. Choose the correct alternative: (3p) "That trip was a nightmare." "Yes, I wish we...” a. don't go b. hadn't gone ¢. haven't gone d. went e. would go ACADEMIA DE STUDI! ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAGSEn Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat ~fulle 2024 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE 30, Which of the following alternatives is the correct Passive Voice version of the sentence "The police have issued a description of the man wanted in connection with last night's robbery." ? (3p) a. The police have been issuing a de: of the robbery last night. b. The man wanted in connection with last night's robbery has been issued a description of. . A description has been issued of the man wanted in connection. with last night's robbery. d. A description of last night's robbery has been issued by the police. ¢. A description has been issued of the robbery last night by the police. 31, Which of the following is not possible? (2p) a. Its very cold in here. You will have forgotten to turn on the heat, b. It’s very cold in here. You could have forgotten to turn on the heat. ¢. Its very cold in here. You must have forgotten to turn on the heat, 4. It's very cold in here. You might have forgotten to tum on the heat. | e. Its very cold in here, You need have forgotten to turn on the heat 32. Insert the sentence that best fits the context: ‘My problem is that I own a chain of auto-repair shops. My latest idea is a service that goes to corporate workplaces, picks up employees’ cars, services them, and returns them the same dey. (nn) But it seems impossible 10 crack the big corporate HR depariments for a pitch. Any suggestions? (3 p) a. It won't take very much of my time. . My target market is large companies in my area. ¢. However, I cold-call people every day. 4. find the decision-making process slow and complicated. e. Lam reluctant to make life too easy for my staff. 33, Choose the correct alternative: (2p) "So, what do you think of his new novel?" "It's definitely ...... than his previous one." a. far controversial b. much controversial ¢. controversialer d. more controversial e. most controversial ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAaSEn Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat — julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE 34. Fill in: The plans have ...... because a sponsor could not be found. (2p) a. pencilled in b. hooked up . fallen through d. gone bankrupt e. dried up 35. According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE? Why should these giant corporations, or any company, for that matter - whose primary purpose for existence is to maximise profits for their shareholders, be concerned with becoming good global citizens? Simply in addition to being the right thing to do, it is good business. A study Published by the Institute of Business Ethics of the FTSE 250 companies, provides evidence that those companies with an ethical code in place for over five years generated greater economic value and market value than their peers. (4p) a. The main goal of major corporations is to make profits. b. Only small companies should worry about social responsibility. ¢. Social responsibility leads to an increase in profits. d. Being socially responsible is morally right. e. Being socially responsible improves a company's image. ae ai a (49). 7 aa-d (2p). nan a3-e& (2 p) ~ lyre (3p) as- A (4) aC_ a (39) a 26— a oe) 30 «(29 Bt-e (2 sak (ty 33- d (2p) Mee (2p) a5 - © (4p) ACADEMIA DE STUDI! ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA a6 En Admitere: Studii universitare de masterat — iulle 2014 é Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE TEST-GRILA Tn opinia lui Michael Porter, activitatile care adaugd valoare se clasificd in: (8p) i simple si multiple; b. activitati primare si suport; ¢. activitati actuale si de perspectiv d. activitati decizionale si operational . activitatisigure si cu ris. 2. Managementul operativ cauta réspuns la intrebarea: (@e) a. cum trebuie facut un lucru? b. cine trebule sé facd un ucru? c.unde trebuie actionat? 4. cum sunt planificate activitatile? €. cum se repartizeara resursele? 3. Michael Porter considera c& puterea clientilor este mare atunc cind acesti a. cumparé produse unicat; b. au capacitate de productie mics; ©. practicd pretur corecte; d. cumpard un volum mai mare de resurse; €. sunt dispersati geografic. (3p) 4. Principiul managementului participativ, principiul suprematiei obiectivelor, principiul unital de decizle si actlune sau principtul opropierii managementulul de executie, au fost formulate de: (3p) a. Victor Vroom ; b. Henry Fayol; c. Frederick Taylor; d. Michael Porter; fe. Peter Drucker. 5. Frederic Taylor a lansat o teorie care permite delimitarea activitatilor : (@p) a. de bazd de cele suport; b. de productie de cele de distributie ; . directe de cele indirecte ; d. de conducere de cele de executie ; €, primare de cele secundare ACADEMIA DE STUDI! ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA a6 En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat ~ julie 2024 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMB! STRAINE 6. Avantajele potentiale ale unui tidership participativ sunt: (30) 2. consumul de timp si energie; 'b. motivatia subordonatilor, calitatea activitatil si acceptarea; ¢.concentrarea puterii si disciplina; 4. dezvoltarea competentelor financiare; €. reducerea receptivitatii angajatilor 7. Teoriile motivationale elaborate de Maslow si Herzberg se afla in deplina corespondenta. Astfel, zona factorilor motori identificati de Herzberg corespunde : (4p) a. nevoilor de stima si de realizare ; b. nevoilor sociale si de securitate ; ¢.nevoilor de autonomie si de stima ; 4 nevoilor fiziologice si de securitate ; nevoilor de stims si de putere. 8. Ponderea ierarhicd reprezinta : (ap) a. raportul dintre salariati calificati si cei cu studii medit ; . numarul persoanelor conduse direct de un manager ; ._ raportul dintre manageri si subordonati; 4. raportul dintre cei care conduc sicei care executd; ce. raportul dintre angajatii din structura formala si cea informal 9, Managementul de bad dintr-o organizatie se orienteaz mai mult spre: (4p) a. interesele actionatilor ; b. performanta economico-sociala a organizatiei ; ©. optimizarea proceselor de investiti; 4. angajati; e. deciaii strategice. 10. Principalele directiiin cercetarea privind implicarea tn muncd au fost urmatoarele : (ap) a. conceptia bazata pe profit si cifrd de afaceri; b. conceptia bazatd pe recompense financiare ; ©. conceptia bazat’ pe schimbul individ-organizatie si conceptia psihologicd; 4. conceptia bazatd pe investigarea activitati organizationale; . conceptia bazata pe ierarhizarea prioritatilor. 11, Strategiile externe de crestere pot fi grupate astfel: (1p) a. strategii de coperare, de achizitie si de fuziune; b, strategii de asociere, de parteneriat si de joint venture; strategii de extensie, de dispersie si de cooperare; . strategii de piata, de inovare side integrare; , strategii de specializare, de achizitie si de fuziune. ACADEMIA DE STUDI ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI Admitere: Studil universitare de masterat —iulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE AA a6 En 12, Decizile de grup au ca dezavantaj a. numérul mare de solutil ». complexitatea problemet decizi ‘©. consumul mare de timp; d.lipsa de resurse financiare; . gradul mic de rigoare. 13, Victor Vroom evidentiaza faptul ci motivatia este influentata de: a. nivelul de expectatie, instrumentalitate si valent3; .nivelul de stima, nevoia de putere si nevoia de afiliere; . gradul de securitate, valoarea reziduald si apartenenta; 4. gradul de autonomie, gradul de implicare si autorealizare; €, nivelul de autonomie, gradul de afiliere si activitstile de executie, 14. Exist doud tipurl de fuziuni: 2a, fuziunea direct si fuziunea indirect’; b, fuziunea complexs si fuziunea conglomerals; . fuziunea prin preluare si fuziunea printr-o nous infintare de intreprindere; d. fuziunea multipla si fuziunea in trepte; . fuziunea unicriterialé sifuziunea global8. 15, Strategia de diferentiere este un rezultat al orient&rii spre urmatoarele obiective: 2. cresterea profiturilor brute; . calitate ridicata ; c. cresterea piefel; d. crestere, reducerea riscurilor si rentabilitate; e. dobandire de coté pe piat’ 16. Curba de experienté evidentiaz’ relatia dintre: a. angajati si manageri; ». piafd si concurent3; .costurile unitare si volumul cumulat al productiei; d. cost si profitabilitate; €. actionari si clienti 17. La baza piramidei lui Abraham Masiow se aft a. nevoile de stima; b. nevoile de apartenenta la grup; €. nevoile fiziologice; d. nevoile de autorealizare; e:nevoile de securitate. (Ip) 2p) (tp) (2p) {2p} (2p) ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAQ6En Adritere: Studi universitare de masterat —fulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE. 18, Numsrul mic al domenitior de ofacer! siexistenta unei legaturi stranse intre acestea caracterizeaz’: (3p) a. diversificarea globali, b. diversificarea unilateral ¢. diversificarea concentric 6. diversificarea focalizat’; e. diversificarea conglomerala 19. Teoria lui McCileland a ilustrat c& principalil agenti de motivare sunt (3) 2. nevoia de implinire de sine, nevoia de putere si nevoia de afiliere; b. nevoia fziologics, nevoia de securtate si nevoia de succes; c nevola de securitate, nevoia de relayionare si nevoia de putere; d. nevoia de echitate, nevoia de implinire si nevota de securitate; @. nevoia de expectatie, nevoia de instrumentalitate si nevoia de stim, 20. Nisa strategic’ poate fi definit& prin urmatoarele elemente: 2p) 2. grupa de clienti linia de produse, seamentul geografic; . piata, marja de profit, concurenta; ¢.tehnologia folosits, calitatea produselor, costul de productie; d. reteaua de distributie, comunicarea de marketing si pretul practicat; e. mixul de marketing si concurenta ‘ 21. Match the two parts of these sentences: Gp) 1. He led a political campaign against the company, saying its oil production caused environmental 2. According to the environmental 3. If you really want to show your environmental 4, The project will boost Brazilian efforts to fight environmental 5. In the richest countries with the toughest environmental a. lobby, this type of plastic is such a dangerous substance to manufacture and dispose of that it should be banned. ». credentials, there are several household cleaning products that will cause less damage to the environment, but are likely to cost slightly more. ¢. devastation in the area. 4. standards, the amount of household waste is growing more slowly than the economy as a whole e. degradation in the Amazon basin. a. 1b, 2c, 3a, 4d, Se. ». Ie, 2a, 3b, de, Sd c. 1d, 2a, 3c. 4b, Se. d. le, 2a, 3d, 4c, 5b. €. Ie, 2b, 3e, 4d, Sa. ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAO6En Admitere: Studil universitare de masterat — julie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE TN (MBI STRAINE 22. Which of the following is not possible? (2p) a. It's very cold in here. You need have forgotten to turn on the heat. b. It’s very cold in here. You will have forgotten to tum on the heat. ¢. Its very cold in here. You could have forgotten to turn on the heat. d. It’s very cold in here. You might have forgotten to tum on the heat. e. Is very cold in here. You must have forgotten to tum on the heat. 23. Fi : Several airlines... when the demand for fights fell. 2p) a. went under b. put off c. caried out d. called off ¢. soared up 24, Choose the most appropriate alternative: If we ...... for a rise in property prices last year, We vse OUP turnover. (3p) a. had been planning, needn't have almost doubled b. would have planned, had almost doubled ¢. had planned, could have almost doubled 4. would plan, had almost doubled e. would be planning, would have almost doubled 25, Insert the sentence that best fits the context: My problem is that own a chain of auto-repair shops, My latest idea is a service that goes to corporate workplaces, picks up employees" cars, services them, and returns them the same day. (ove) But it seems impossible to crack the big corporate HR departments for a pitch. Any suggestions? (3 p) a. 1am reluctant to make life too easy for my staff. b. However, I cold-call people every day. ¢. My target market is large companies in my area. 4. [find the decision-making process slow and complicated. e, It won't take very much of my time. 26. Choose the correct alternative: (2p) "So, what do you think of his new novel?" “It's definitely ........ than his previous one.” ACADEMIA DE STUDI! ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AAa6En Admitere: Studit universitare de masterat—iulie 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE IN LIMBI STRAINE a, most controversial b. far controversial , much controversial d. controversialer €. more controversial 27. Fill in: 7'm not sure exactly what was agreed. I would rather you ....... on the details right now. (2p) a. had filled me in b. should fill me in ¢. could fill me in . will fill me in. e. filled me in 28. Insert the sentence that best fits the context: But what if you regularly make a habit of paying late? What are the impacts on your business? Research shows that more than one in ten (13%) of all businesses that have experienced late payment would never do business with that customer again. (.......) A staggering 52% do nothing = not out of choice but because the clients’ business is too big and importam for them. The message is clear - if you are paying your suppliers late, you stand a very good chance of losing their supplies. Gp) a. Furthermore, 17% would only do repeat business if they were to receive cash upfront and a further 2% would have less trust in the late payer in the future. b. 23% of late payers contact their bank in advance to seek funding. ¢. If you are having difficulties with financial management, talk to your accountant. 4. Paying late generally arises from either lack of cash of poorly managed finances. e. If you do not have the money, then you need to look at the root causes as to why you do not have the cash. 29. According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE? Why should these giant corporations, or any company, for thal matter - whose primary purpose for existence is to maximise profits for their shareholders, be concerned with becoming good global citizens? Simply, in addition to being the right thing 10 do, itis good business, A study published by the Institute of Business Ethics of the FTSE 250 companies, provides evidence that those companies with an ethical code in place for over five years generated greater economic value and market value than their peers. (Ap) a. Social responsibility leads to an increase in profits, b. The main goal of major corporations is to make profits c. Only small companies should worry about social responsibility. d. Being socially responsible is morally right. ¢. Being socially responsible improves a company's image, ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI AA a6 En Admitere: Studi universitare de masterat —fulle 2014 Facultatea: ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR, CU PREDARE TN LIMBI STRAINE 30. Which of the following alternatives is the correct Passive Voice version of the sentence "The police have issued a description of the man wanted in connection with last night's robbery.”? (3p) a. A description has been issued of the man wanted in connection with last night's robbery b. A description of last night's robbery has been issued by the police. c. The man Wanted in connection with last night's robbery has been issued a description of. 4d. A description has been issued of the robbery last night by the police. e. The police have been issuing a description of the robbery last night. 31. Fill in: The plans have ......... because a sponsor could not be found. (2p) a. pencilled in b. gone bankrupt c. hooked up d. fallen through ¢. dried up 32. In September we will be launching Is There Anybody Out There? a monthly science ‘magazine specialising in astrobiology and astrophysics. We are looking for a creative and innovative Assistant Editor 10 help develop a magazine that will be accessible t0 the layman, The suitable candidate will have a Bachelor's degree in journalism or science, and preferably some Inowledge of astrobiology and / or astrophysics. He or she will be familiar with standard office computer software and will demonstrate creative writing skills. The ability to handle stress and meet tight deadlines is of the utmost importance. If you think you fulfil these requirements and are interested, send us your resume with a covering letter explaining why you think you would be suitable for the job. (4p) To be considered for the job, a candidate must: a, have managerial skills , know about specialist software ¢. have studied astrobiology or astrophysics 4. have experience as a journalist ¢. be able to work under pressure 33. Choose the correct alternative: (3p) "Phat trip was @ nightmare." "Yes, L wish We vr a. would go b. don't go . hadn't gone 4. haven't gone e. went

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