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Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts

Beginner Lesson
It Wasn’t Me!

148 Kanji Transcript

Kana Transcript


Translation 2

Vocabulary 3

Grammar Points 3

Bonus Transcript 4

Lesson Code: 333_B148_120706 December 7th 2006 / 2006ᐕ12᦬7ᣣ
Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts

ṽሼ  ߆ߥ߫ࠎ
Უ ด੹㧍 ߪߪ ߚߛ޿߹㧍
ߌࠎߓ ߅Ꮻࠅ‫ޕ‬ ߌࠎߓ ߅߆߃ࠅ‫ޕ‬
Უ ޽ࠇ㧍ࡑࡑߩᄢᅢ߈ߥ⧎↉߇უࠇߡ޿ ߪߪ ޽ࠇ㧍ࡑࡑߩߛ޿ߔ߈ߥ߆߮ࠎ߇ߎࠊ
ࠆ㧍߁ߘ㧍ߌࠎߓߊࠎ‫ޕ‬ ࠇߡ޿ࠆ㧍߁ߘ㧍ߌࠎߓߊࠎ‫ޕ‬
ߌࠎߓ ߪ޿‫ޕ‬ ߌࠎߓ ߪ޿‫ޕ‬
Უ ⺕߇⑳ߩ⧎↉ࠍუߒߚߩ㧫 ߪߪ ߛࠇ߇ࠊߚߒߩ߆߮ࠎࠍߎࠊߒߚߩ㧫
ߌࠎߓ ௢ߓ߾ߥ޿‫ޕ‬ኅߩ₀߇უߒߚ‫ޕ‬ ߌࠎߓ ߷ߊߓ߾ߥ޿‫ߒࠊߎ߇ߎߨߩߜ߁ޕ‬
Უ ߌࠎߓߊࠎ‫ޕ‬ ߚ‫ޕ‬
ߌࠎߓ ߪ޿‫ߪੱ‽ޕ޿ߐߥࠎ߼ߏޔ‬௢ߢߔ‫ޕ‬ ߪߪ ߌࠎߓߊࠎ‫ޕ‬
⸵ߒߡߊߛߐ޿‫ޕ‬ ߌࠎߓ ߪ޿‫ߊ߷ߪࠎߦࠎߪޕ޿ߐߥࠎ߼ߏޔ‬
Უ ࠊ߆ߞߚ‫੹ޕߚߞ߆ࠊޕ‬࿁ߩཐߪ⋡ࠍ ߢߔ‫ޕ޿ߐߛߊߡߒࠆࠁޕ‬
ߟ߱ߞߡ޽ߍࠆ‫ߪࠄ߆ࠇߎޕ‬ᱜ⋥ߦ⸒ ߪߪ ࠊ߆ߞߚ‫ߘ߁ߩ޿߆ࠎߎޕߚߞ߆ࠊޕ‬
߁ߩࠃ‫ޕ‬ ߪ߼ࠍߟ߱ߞߡ޽ߍࠆ‫ߒߪࠄ߆ࠇߎޕ‬
ߌࠎߓ ࠊ߆ߞߚ‫ޕ‬ ࠂ߁ߓ߈ߦ޿߁ߩࠃ‫ޕ‬
ߌࠎߓ ࠊ߆ߞߚ‫ޕ‬

2 5ǀPDML Translation
Haha Tadaima! Mother I’m home.
Kenji Okaeri. Kenji Welcome back.
Haha Are! Mama no daisuki na kabin ga kowarete Mother What! My favorite vase is broken! No
iru! Uso! Kenj-kun. way! Kenji!
Kenji Hai. Kenji Yeah.
Haha Dare ga watashi no kabin o kowashita no? Mother Who broke mom’s vase?
Kenji Boku ja nai. Uchi no neko ga kowashita. Kenji Wasn’t me! The cat broke it.
Haha Kenji-kun. Mother Kenji!
Kenji Hai, gomen nasai. Hannin wa boku desu. Kenji I’m sorry. I’m the guilty one. Please for-
Yurushite kudasai. give me.
Haha Wakatta. Wakatta. Konkai no uso wa me o Mother Okay. I’ll look past your lie this time, but
WXEXWWHDJHUX.RUHNDUDZDVKǀMLNLQLLXQR make sure you tell the truth from now on.
yo. Kenji Okay.
Kenji Wakatta.

Lesson Code: 333_B148_120706 December 7th 2006 / 2006ᐕ12᦬7ᣣ
Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts

Vocabulary - න⺆
Kanji Kana 5ǀPDML English
⧎↉ ߆߮ࠎ kabin vase
უࠇࠆ ߎࠊࠇࠆ kowareru to be broken, to break
უߔ ߎࠊߔ kowasu to break
ཐ ߁ߘ uso lie
‽ੱ ߪࠎߦࠎ hannin criminal
⸵ߔ ࠁࠆߔ yurusu to forgive
ߟ߱ࠆ ߟ߱ࠆ tsuburu to close the eyes
ᱜ⋥ ߒࠂ߁ߓ߈ VKǀMLNL honesty

Grammar Points
Japanese verbs can be divided into two categories: transitive verbs, tadoshi, and intransitive verbs, jidoshi.
The difference between these two types is that transitive verbs require a direct object to create a proper
sentence, while on the other hand, intransitive verbs do not require one. In Japanese, the key to deciphering
which is which can be found in the particles used in the sentences. A good mnemonic device for remem-
bering the difference between the two is that in transitive sentences the subjects transfers something to
the direct object. In Japanese, the direct object is marked by the direct object marker o, so sentences with
transitive verbs tend to have the following pattern: Subject (topic marker wa/ga) Object (marked by o)
Verb. Sentences in which intransitive verbs are found tend to resemble the following pattern: Subject (topic
marker wa/ga) Verb.

In Japanese, there are many pairs of transitive and intransitive verbs which share the same kanji character.

3 While the kanji character is the same, what follows varies. Please see the following list for a few examples:

Transitive Meaning Intransitive Meaning

ὐߌࠆ to turn on ὐߊ to be lit
tsukeru tsuku
უߔ to break უࠇࠆ to be broken
kowasu kowareru
㗍߆ࠆ to take charge of 㗍ߌࠆ to entrust
azukaru azukeru
ㅏ߇ߔ to set free ㅏߍࠆ to escape
nigasu nigeru
ᱷߔ to leave behind ᱷࠆ to be left
nokosu nokoru

A transitive verb is incomplete without a direct object, while an intransitive verb doesn’t take a direct
object. “The player threw” is incomplete without a direct object. “The player threw the ball” is a complete
sentence. In the sentence “Lighting struck,” the verb struck is intransitive as there is no receiver of the
action, while in the sentence “Lighting struck the house,” it is transitive as the action is transferred to the

Me o tsuburu is an idomatic phrase which means to look the other way. The literal meaning is to close
one’s eyes.

Lesson Code: 333_B148_120706 December 7th 2006 / 2006ᐕ12᦬7ᣣ
Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts

Უ ด੹㧍
ߌࠎߓ ߅Ꮻࠅ‫ޕ‬
Უ ޽ࠇ㧍ࡑࡑߩᄢᅢ߈ߥ⧎↉߇უࠇߡ޿ࠆ㧍߁ߘ㧍ߌࠎߓߊࠎ‫ޕ‬
ߌࠎߓ ߪ޿‫ޕ‬
Უ ⺕߇⑳ߩ⧎↉ࠍუߒߚߩ㧫
ߌࠎߓ ௢ߓ߾ߥ޿‫ޕ‬ኅߩ₀߇უߒߚ‫ޕ‬
Უ ߌࠎߓߊࠎ‫ޕ‬
ߌࠎߓ ኅߩ›߇უߒߚ‫ޕ‬
Უ ߌࠎߓߊࠎ‫ޕ‬
ߌࠎߓ ኅߩ㠽߇უߒߚ‫ޕ‬
Უ ߌࠎߓߊࠎ‫ޕ‬
ߌࠎߓ ኅߩ㊄㝼߇უߒߚ‫ޕ‬
Უ ߌࠎߓߊࠎ‫ޕ‬
ߌࠎߓ ߪ޿‫ߪੱ‽ޕ޿ߐߥࠎ߼ߏޔ‬௢ߢߔ‫ޕ޿ߐߛߊߡߒ⸵ޕ‬
Უ ోߊ‫ޕ‬ኅ߽േ‛ᴛጊ㘺ߞߡࠆߌߤ‫ੱޔ‬㑆߇৻⇟࿎ߞߚ߽ࠎߛࠊ‫ޕ‬

Lesson Code: 333_B148_120706 December 7th 2006 / 2006ᐕ12᦬7ᣣ

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