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Q1: Fill in the blanks. (10)

i. Isotopes of an element have same number of ____________________ but different
numbers of ______________.
ii. A physical change is a __________________ change.
iii. Edible oil is changed to banaspati ghee by ___________________________.
iv. Heat travels quickly through ________________________.
v. Dark coloured bodies are good _____________________ of heat.
vi. Objects that emit light are called ____________________.
vii. Longitudinal wave are sometimes called __________________________.
viii. Electrolysis can _________________ a compound.
ix. Stars are the shinning balls of _______________________.
x. Constellation is a group of _____________________.

Q2: Write T for true and F for false statement. (10)

i. Anions carry positive charge. ______
ii. Wood ash is a natural fertilizer. ______
iii. Souring of milk is a reversible charge. ______
iv. Solar panels are black to reflect more heat. ______
v. Moon is a non-luminous body. ______
vi. Yellow, white and pink are primary colours. ______
vii. Sound of frequencies higher than 20,000 Hz are called ultrasonic waves. ______
viii. The low points of wave connects an appliance directly to main switch. ______
ix. The colour of a star is related to its size. ______
x. An earth wire connects an appliance directly to main switch. ______

Q3: Choose the correct answer. (10)

i. Star distances are measured in
(A) Year (C) Metres
(B) Kilometres (D) Light Years
ii. ELCB is a
(A) Safety Device (C) Measuring Device
(B) Electrical Appliance (D) Insulator
iii. The unit of frequency is
(A) Metre (C) Metre per second
(B) Decibels (D) Hertz

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iv. If all the colours are absorbed the object appears
(A) Yellow (C) Green
(B) White (D) Black
v. Oceanic currents are caused by
(A) Conduction (C) Convection
(B) Radiation (D) Both A and B
vi. Which one is a physical change?
(A) Frying an egg (C) Rusting of iron
(B) Melting of wax (D) Formation of Curd
vii. Which of following is correct electronic configuration of sodium.
(A) 2, 8 (C) 2, 8, 1
(B) 8, 2 (D) 2, 1, 8
viii. The example of good conductor is
(A) Copper (C) Plastic
(B) Wood (D) James
ix. A damaged insulation may cause
(A) Overheating (C) Current Loss
(B) Open Circuit (D) Short Circuit
x. The colour of hottest star is
(A) Blue
(B) Orange
(C) Red
(D) Yellow

Q4: Draw labelled diagram to show refraction of light through a glass slab. (10)

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Q5: Draw a parallel and series circuit. (10)

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