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General Biology I

TERM: Autumn 2016 INSTRUCTOR(S): C. DAbramo (RM I-330)

PONDERATION: 3-2-3 S. Daly (RM I-324)
DISCIPLINE: Biology C. Di Flumeri (RM B-319)
COURSE CREDIT: 2.66 A. Goldner-Sauv (RM B-327)
PREREQUISITE(S): none U. Oberholzer (I-319)
OFFICE HOURS: Office hours will be posted on Omnivox M. Saumier (RM I-319)
and your Teachers office door at the
beginning of the term.


Science (200.B0), registered in 101-NYA-05

00UK fully To analyze the organization, functioning and diversity of living beings
00UU partially To apply acquired knowledge to one or more subjects in the sciences


Text Book: Campbell, N.A. and Reece, J.B., 2012, Biology, Canadian Edition, Pearson Education Canada Inc.
(both hard copy and etext versions are available)

* This textbook is complemented with a hard copy study guide: Reece, J.B., Urry, L.A. and
Cain, M.L., 2015, Study Guide for Campbell Biology, Canadian edition.

Campbell, N.A. and Reece, J.B., 2011, Biology, 9 edition, Pearson/ Benjamin Cummings
th th
Publ. Co. Inc. (7 or 8 editions can be used).

* This textbook is complemented with a hard copy study guide: Taylor, M.R., 2011, Study
Guide for Campbell Biology, 9 edition, Pearson/Benjamin Cummings Publ. Co. Inc.
th th
(7 or 8 editions can be used).

Lab Manual: Marianopolis Biology Staff, Lab Manual, BIO NYA

For information on citation styles, consult the Marianopolis Librarys citation style links at


Objectives: To study various levels of organization of living organisms, their diversity, evolution, and mode of life.

General Biology I is the first college-level biology course, and is a required course for all science students. It is a
prerequisite for all other biology courses offered in the science program. By studying living organisms at the
molecular, cellular and organismal levels students learn the relation between structure and function. The
characteristics of the major taxonomic divisions are described, with emphasis on adaptation to the environment.
Students are introduced to the concept of the variability of organisms, the sources and inheritance of variation at
the individual and population levels, and the theory of evolution by natural selection. In a final synthesis, the
interaction of organisms within the ecosystem is discussed. Throughout, consideration is given to the integrative
aspects of each topic.

4873 Westmount Ave., Westmount, QC H3Y 1X9 Tel.: (514) 931-8792 Fax: (514) 931-8790
As they work through these specific objectives, students will also satisfy other targeted goals. Namely:

to participate in and learn laboratory skills and techniques

to learn a basic biological vocabulary
to understand the scientific method
to practise critical thinking
to develop observational and analytical skills
to apply their knowledge to new situations


1. The ponderation is 3-2-3. That is, the course material is presented in the form of lectures (3 hours per week)
and is complemented by laboratory exercises (2 hours per week). Students are expected to spend 3 hours a
week in home study, lab preparation and assignments. Students are encouraged to use the Study Guide.

2. Students can opt to do two enriched assignments to meet the requirements for Enriched BIO NYA (details


(Evidence of attainment of these objectives by the student). Topics identified by (*) have an integrative component.

(1) To recognize the relationship between structure and function at different levels of organization.

1.1 Introduction to life

Performance criteria
1.1.1 Define the characteristics of living organisms.
1.1.2 Define an autotroph and a heterotroph and understand the transfer of energy in
photosynthesis and cellular respiration.*

Learning objectives
Chapter 1: overview, concept 1.1

1.2 Biological chemistry

Performance criteria
1.2.1 Understand the significance of the physical and chemical properties of water.*
1.2.2 Describe the chemical structures of the various macromolecule found in living organisms
(carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids) and the biological function(s) of each.*

Learning objectives
Chapter 3: overview, concepts 3.1, 3.2; Chapter 5: overview, concepts 5.1,5.2, 5.3, 5.4 (omit
four levels of Protein structure), 5.5; Chapter 8: concept 8.3
the polar nature of the water molecule
cohesion, adhesion, capillary action, high specific heat, high heat of vaporization, versatile
solvent, why ice floats
monomers and polymers
condensation (dehydration) synthesis and hydrolysis
the structure and biological function of monosaccharides (glucose), disaccharides (maltose,
sucrose and lactose) and polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, cellulose and chitin)
the structure and biological function of fats/oils, phospholipids, steroids
the structure of amino acids and the function of proteins
the structure and biological function of DNA, RNA and ATP

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1.3 Cell structure and function

Performance criteria
1.3.1 Understand the structure and function of cell organelles.
1.3.2 Describe the Fluid Mosaic model of the cell membrane.
1.3.3 Relate the permeability properties of the cell membrane to its chemical structure.*
1.3.4 Describe the cytoskeleton and the types of cell junctions, and the functional role of each.

Learning objectives
Chapter 6: overview, concepts 6.1 (omit cell Fractionation), 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7; Chapter 7:
overview, concepts 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5
the structure and function of cellular organelles (nucleus, nuclear envelope, nucleolus,
ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), vacuoles, vesicles, Golgi apparatus,
lysosomes, peroxisomes, mitochondrion, chloroplast) comparing prokaryote and eukaryote
and plant and animal cells
microtubules, intermediate fibers, microfilaments, cilia, flagella and the cytoskeleton
cell junctions: plasmodesmata, gap junctions, desmosomes and tight cell junctions
the roles of phospholipids, proteins and cholesterol in the Fluid Mosaic model of the cell
passive movement across the cell membrane: diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis
active movement across the cell membrane: active transport, endocytosis (phagocytosis)
and exocytosis

(2) To analyze the mechanisms responsible for genetic variability

2.1 At the molecular level

Performance criteria
2.1.1 Describe the structure of DNA and RNA.*
2.1.2 Understand replication, transcription, translation and the genetic code.

Learning objectives
Chapter 16: concept 16.1; Chapter 17: concept 17.1 Basic Principles of Transcription and
DNA, RNA, nucleotide, double helix
complementary base pairing, anti-parallel nature of DNA strands
DNA replication
transcription, mRNA, codons, tRNA, anti-codon, rRNA, ribosomes

2.2 At the cellular level

Performance criteria
2.2.1 Describe the events of the cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis.
2.2.2 Understand the biological significance of sexual reproduction and the sources of variability that
arise from meiosis.*

Learning objectives
Chapter 12: overview, concepts 12.1, 12.2; Chapter 13: overview, concepts 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4
cell cycle: interphase (G1, S, G2 and M)
chromatin, chromosomes, chromatid, kinetochore
homologous chromosomes, haploid, diploid
mitosis (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase)
meiosis I and meiosis II, crossing over, independent assortment of different homologous
pairs of chromosomes

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2.3 At the organismal level: Mendelian Genetics

Performance criteria
2.3.1 Understand Mendels laws.
2.3.2 Identify patterns of inheritance and calculate probabilities in genetic crosses, pedigree
2.3.3 Explain epistasis, pleiotropy and polygenic traits.

Learning objectives
Chapter 14: overview, concepts 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4
Mendels laws: The Law of Segregation and The Law of Independent Assortment
gene, allele, phenotype, genotype, homozygous, heterozygous, dominant, recessive,
monohybrid cross (3:1 phenotypic ratio), dihybrid cross (9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio), test
cross, co-dominance, incomplete dominance
autosomal and sex-linked crosses, autosome, sex chromosomes (X and Y), epistasis
pedigree analysis

2.4 At the population level

Performance criteria
2.4.1 Understand the Hardy Weinberg Law and the conditions under which it is valid.*

Learning objectives
Chapter 23: concepts 23.2 and 23.3
2 2
gene pool, p + q = 1, p + 2pq + q = 1
population size, random mating, mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, bottleneck effect,
founder effect

(3) The biodiversity of living organisms: the main taxonomic groups and their evolutionary relationships and
physiology (structure: function)

Performance criteria
Describe the characteristic features of representative organisms of each of the 3 domains and their

Learning objectives
Chapter 27: overview, concepts 27.1, 27.3, 27.4, 27.5; Chapter 28: overview, concepts 28.1,
28.5; Chapter 31: overview, concept 31.1; Chapter 29: overview, concepts 29.1, 29.3; Chapter
30: overview, concepts 30.1, 30.3; Chapter 36: concepts 36.3, 36.4, 36.5; Chapter 32: concept
32.3; Chapter 33: overview, concepts 33.1, 33.2, 33.3, 33.4, 33.5; Chapter 34: concepts 34.1,
34.3, 34.4, 34.5, 34.6, 34.7; Chapter 41: concept 41.2; Chapter 42: concepts 42.1, 42.5, 42.6;
Chapter 44: concepts 44.1, 44.2, 43.3

domains: Archaebacteria, Bacteria, Eukarya

kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

3.1 Describe the characteristic features of representative organisms that are prokaryotes.
Domain Bacteria: prokaryotic, heterotrophic/autotrophic, cyanobacteria, symbionts, decomposers

3.2 Describe the characteristic features of representative organisms that are eukaryotes.
Domain Eukarya: eukaryotic, unicellular/multicellular, autotrophic/heterotrophic

3.2.1 Describe the characteristics of the Protists.

Protists: algae (chlorophytes), protozoans (amoeba, paramecium), ciliates, pseudopods

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3.2.2 Describe the characteristics of the Kingdom Fungi.
Kingdom Fungi: absorptive heterotrophs, chitin cell wall, hyphae, mycelium, lichens,
mycorrhizae, decomposers, symbionts, parasites

3.2.3 Describe the Life cycle of plants and their adaptations to live on land.
Kingdom Plantae: eukaryotic, autotrophic, multicellular
alternation of generations: sporophyte, spore, gametophyte, gamete, zygote, embryo, seed
Phylum Bryophyta (mosses): gametophyte dominant, sporophyte dependent on
gametophyte, no vascular system, no true roots or leaves, swimming sperm, seedless
Phylum Pterophyta (ferns): sporophyte dominant, independent gametophyte, vascular
tissue, true roots and leaves, swimming sperm, seedless
Phylum Coniferophyta (conifers): sporophyte dominant, dependent gametophyte, vascular
tissue, cones, pollen, naked seed
Phylum Anthophyta (Angiosperms, flowering plants): sporophyte dominant, dependent
gametophyte, vascular tissue, flowers, anther, stamen, pollen, non-naked seed, fruit
roots: endodermis, Casparian strip, uptake of water and minerals
stems: vascular bundles, xylem, tracheids, vessels, root pressure, capillarity, cohesion-
tension, transpiration, mass flow (bulk flow)
leaves: cuticle, guard cells, stomata, transpiration

3.2.4 Describe the characteristics of animals and describe the evolution of the digestive, excretory,
circulatory and respiratory systems.
Kingdom Animalia: eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic, asymmetric, radial and bilateral
symmetry, cephalization, diplo- and triploblastic, ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm,
acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, coelomate, protostome vs deuterostome, spiral vs radial
cleavage, determinate vs indeterminate cleavage, gastro-vascular cavity, gut (complete
digestive tract)
Phylum Porifera (sponges): filter feeder, intra-cellular digestion, osculum, asymmetric
Phylum Cnidaria (hydra, jellyfish): cnidocytes, nematocysts, gastro-vascular cavity, medusa,
polyp, intra- and extracellular digestion
Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms: planarians, tapeworms, flukes): bilateral symmetry,
cephalization, triploplastic, mesoderm, gastro-vascular cavity, intra- and extra-cellular
digestion, protonephridia, flame cells, excretory system
Phylum Nematoda (round worms): pseudocoelom, no circulatory system
Phylum Annelida (segmented worms): coelomate, protostome, gut (complete digestive
tract), crop, gizzard, intestine, meta-nephridia, heart, closed circulatory system
Phylum Mollusca (snails, clams, squid, octopus): coelomate, protostome, 3 body parts
(mantle, foot, visceral mass), gut (complete digestive tract), open circulatory system
(except for squid and octopus), gills (aquatic)
Phylum Arthropoda (insects, crayfish, arachnids, centipedes, millipedes): coelomate,
protostome, exoskeleton (chitin), jointed appendages, tracheal tubes (insects), book lungs
(arachnids), gills (lobster), malpighian tubules
Phylum Echinoderma (starfish, sea urchins): coelomate, deuterostome, adult radial
symmetry, water vascular system
Phylum Chordata (vertebrates: cartilaginous fish, bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,
mammals): notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal gill slits, tail

- Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish, shark): internal fertilization, acute senses

- Class Osteichthyes (bony fish, perch): closed circulatory system (single circuit) with 2-
chambered heart, gills, counter-current exchange
- Class Amphibia (frogs): closed circulatory system (double circuit) with 3-chambered heart,
lungs, positive pressure breathing, moist skin, ectotherm
- Class Reptilia (snakes, turtles): closed circulatory system (double circuit) with 3 -chambered
heart, scaly skin, amniote egg, ectotherm
- Birds: closed circulatory system (double circuit) with 4-chambered heart, wings, feathers,
amniote egg, endotherm

101-NYA-05 Course Outline | Autumn 2016 Page 5

- Class Mammalia (humans): closed circulatory system with 4-chambered heart, mammary
glands, hair, internal fertilization
- Complete digestive tract: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large
intestine, rectum, anus
- Respiratory system: lungs, negative pressure breathing, pharynx, trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles, alveoli, diaphragm
- Circulatory system: 4-chambered heart, pulmonary and systemic circuits, arteries, veins,
- Excretory system: kidneys, nephrons, glomerulus, tubules, collecting duct, glomerular
filtration, tubular re-absorption and tubular secretion, urine formation
(4) Evolution

4.1 Historical context

Performance criteria
4.1.1 Understand the modern theory of evolution based on natural selection.
4.2.1 Understand the Hardy Weinberg law and the conditions necessary to maintain an equilibrium.*
4.2.2 Describe natural selection.
4.2.3 Describe the process of allopatric speciation and sympatric speciation, reproductive isolating

Learning objectives
Chapter 22: overview, concepts 22. 1, 22.2; Chapter 23: concept 23.4; Chapter 24: overview,
concepts 24.1, 24.2
Modern theory of evolution (Darwin)
natural selection
forces of natural selection: environment, non-random mating, differential fertility
camouflage, Batesian mimicry, Mullerian mimicry
trends of selection: directional, stabilizing, diversifying
speciation, allopatric speciation (with geographic isolation), sympatric speciation, polyploidy
reproductive isolating mechanisms (pre-zygotic: ecological, temporal, behavioral,
mechanical, gametic, and post-zygotic: reduced hybrid viability, hybrid infertility, hybrid
(5) Ecology

5.1 Interaction at the population level

Performance criteria
5.1.1 Understand the concept of a population and their growth, birth and death rates.
5.1.2 Describe the types of intra-specific competition.
5.1.3 Describe the different survivorship curves.
5.1.4 Understand that populations can interact to form a community

Learning objectives
Chapter 53: overview, concepts 53.1, 53.2, 53.3
define population
members of a populations compete for food, water, space and mates
population growth, carrying capacity
survivorship curves: type I, II and III

5.2 Interactions at the level of the ecosystem

Performance criteria
5.2.1 The concept of an ecosystem.
5.2.2 Explain the transfer of energy through the ecosystem and define the various trophic levels.
5.2.3 Understand the transfer of toxic elements through the ecosystem.

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Learning objectives
Chapter 54: concept 54.2; Chapter 55: overview, concepts 55.1, 55.2, 55.3, 55.4
define an ecosystem
understand the difference between the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem
the unidirectional flow of energy in an ecosystem
food chains and webs
producers and consumers of the ecosystem
primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary consumers
biomass, pyramid of biomass
the role of decomposers


The evaluation policy in this course is in accord with those policies specified in IPESA, Institutional Policy
on Evaluation of Student Achievement.

1. The student will demonstrate his/her knowledge of class material by writing two class tests during
the regular lecture periods, and a final examination during the final exam period.

2. At least 10-20% of the questions on class tests and the final exam will be designated integrative and
will be on the topics identified by (*) in the list of specific objectives. The grade on these integrative
questions will be included in the overall grade.

3. To demonstrate his/her understanding of lab material, the student will write two lab exams, requiring
the identification of specimens, definitions of terminology and explanation of biological principles
studied in the lab sessions. A student who has not attended labs cannot take the lab exam.

Marking Marking
Scheme #1 Scheme #2
Quiz: week of Sept. 12 3% 3%
TWO CLASS TESTS The marking scheme
First-term class test: week of Sept. 26-30 15% 22.5% which is most
Second-term class test: week of Oct. 31-Nov. 4 15% 22.5% advantageous to the
student will be used.
Final exam (final exam period) 50% 35%
Lab Exam 1: Oct. 19-21 7% 7%
Lab Exam 2: Nov. 23-25 10% 10%
TOTAL 100% 100%

In this course and all other courses at the College, at least one evaluation will be graded by the end of the fifth week
of class. Students should be familiar with the terms of the Institutional Policy on Evaluation of Student
Achievement (IPESA). Evaluation of students work will reflect the performance criteria listed above under the
objectives of the course as well as the criteria of the ministerial English Exit Exam, as noted in the Marianopolis
Language Policy: comprehension and insight, organization of response, and expression. In particular, students must
make a conscious effort to express themselves clearly and coherently in all of their work.

For further information about evaluation, please consult the Institutional Policy for the Evaluation of Student
Achievement (IPESA) and the Language Policy available at


See Course Content and Methodology - page 2, point 2.

101-NYA-05 Course Outline | Autumn 2016 Page 7


Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA)

The Institutional Policy on the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA) reflects the Colleges philosophy on
education and guides the assessment of student achievement by way of progressive and systematic evaluation.
This policy describes the goals and objectives of such evaluation, documents the means taken to arrive at
comprehensive and fair evaluation, and establishes the rights and sharing of responsibilities for all participants. All
students and faculty, administration and staff members are responsible for knowing the provisions of the policy.
The Marianopolis IPESA is available online:

Language Policy
The Marianopolis graduate shall be prepared to bring the powers of thought and language not only to the
challenge of academic studies but also to that of personal and public leadership in the contemporary world. In all
course activities, attention shall be paid to the structure of thought and the language characteristic of the
discipline; to reinforcing and integrating the language objectives of the different programs; and to the criteria of
the ministerial exit examination in language: comprehension and insight, organization of response, and expression.
High standards in the quality of written and spoken language shall be maintained. The Marianopolis Language
Policy is available online:

In addition, the teacher for the course will make a French-English glossary of common biology-related terms
available to students on Omnivox.

Student Code of Conduct

This document outlines expectations for Student behaviour. The Marianopolis Student Code of Conduct is available in
your Student Agenda and online:

Academic Integrity
In keeping with the principles of fairness and honesty and consistent with the standards upheld by institutions of
higher learning, the College is committed to promoting and protecting academic integrity. Students are expected
to properly acknowledge any other persons contribution to their work, when such contributions are permitted, in
conformity with the guidelines provided by the teacher.

Cheating is a serious academic offence. Cheating means any dishonest or deceptive practice. It includes, but is not
restricted to, making use or being in possession of unauthorized material, obtaining or providing unauthorized
assistance for any submitted work, false claims about the submission of work, disobeying the Colleges
Examination Rules, plagiarism, or attempting to do any of the above.

Plagiarism occurs when a student presents or submits the work of another, in whole or in part, as his or her own. It
includes but is not limited to using material or ideas from any source that is not cited, submitting someone elses paper
as ones own, receiving assistance from tutors, family, or friends that calls the originality of the work into question.

Suspected instances of cheating and plagiarism will be reported to the Associate Academic Dean and the
Department Chair. The penalty shall be decided by the Associate Academic Dean, and may include, but is not
limited to, a grade of zero on the plagiarized work; a grade of zero in the course; and/or expulsion from the
College. Any judgment resulting in this grade or penalty is final; associated work is excluded from any grade
appeal, and no assignment may replace such work.
Regulations related to cheating and plagiarism are available online in the Marianopolis IPESA: Section 4, page 14.


General Policies Regarding the Lab

In order to fulfil targeted goals of the science program, this course includes mandatory participation
in labs and learning of laboratory skills and techniques. It is therefore compulsory that students
attend all labs, and arrive on time at all labs in order to be allowed to write the lab exams.

101-NYA-05 Course Outline | Autumn 2016 Page 8

Absence for medical reasons requires a note from a physician. If you know in advance that you must
miss a lab and you have presented a valid excuse to your teacher, then you may ask the technician if it is
possible to take the lab in another section for that week. Absence without a valid excuse means you will
not be fulfilling the targeted program goal mentioned above, therefore, marks will be deducted.

If you arrive late, you will be missing instructions that include issues of procedure and safety, and
therefore, you will not be meeting the targeted goals mentioned above. If this occurs without a valid
medical or urgent personal reason, marks will be deducted.

Rules for testing situations

In order to ensure that no student has an unfair advantage over the other students, the only calculator
permitted during quizzes, class tests and final examinations at the College is Texas Instruments
Model TI-30XII (B or S).

Integrative Activities in Biology NYA

Several components of this course address the integrative activity component required of all
compulsory courses in the Science program. The following topics are integrative in nature:

Water (biology and chemistry) Mendelian Genetics (biology and mathematics)

ATP (biology and chemistry) Population Genetics (biology and mathematics)
Biological macromolecules (biology and chemistry) Food chains (biology and biochemistry)
Diffusion and osmosis (biology and chemistry) Energy flow in ecosystems (biology and chemistry)
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration (biology
Microscope (biology and physics)
and chemistry)
Molecular Biology (biology and chemistry)

All of these topics will be examined on class tests, laboratory exams and the final exams. The approximate
contribution to the final course grade is 10%.

101-NYA-05 Course Outline | Autumn 2016 Page 9


Autumn 2016 Semester


101-NYA-05 and 101-701-MS


Lab Technicians: Alexandra Adam and Renu Chitra


1 August 17 - 19 Lecture

2 August 24 - 26 Lecture

3 August 31 - September 2 Lecture and safety talk

4 September 7 - 9 Lecture: Except Thursday, Sept. 8, Monday schedule

5 September 14 - 16 Lab 1: Ecology

6 September 21 - 23 Lab 2: The Microscope

7 September 28 - 30 Lab 3: Properties of the Plasma Membrane

8 October 5 - 7 Lab 4: Cell Division

9 October 12 - 14 Lecture: Except Friday, Oct. 14, Monday schedule

10 October 19 - 21 Lab Exam I (Labs 1 to 4) Lab 5: Genetics

11 October 26 - 28 Lab 6: Survey I

12 November 2 - 4 Lab 7: Survey II

13 November 9 - 11 Lecture: Except Wednesday, Nov. 9, Monday schedule

14 November 16 - 18 Lab 8: Physiology

15 November 23 - 25 Lab Exam II (Labs 5 to 8)

16 November 30 - December 2 Lecture Review

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