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Dahlia D a h lia

TH E R IC H P IN K o f this freshly opened dahlia w ill gradually BICO LO U RED D A H L IA S have always had a strong following,
lighten to a delicate pale pink as the flower ages. whether in small, neat forms or dinner-plate sized blooms.

FEATU RES the smaller varieties can be grown in

containers. Soil must be well drained and
Dahlias come in many different flower forms heavily enriched with manure or compost.
and in a huge range of colours. Flower sizes Dahlias give best results in rich soil and are
range from tiny pompoms less than 5cm (2in) heavy feeders.
across to huge blooms 30cm (12 in) or more
wide, and they may be single, double or semi
double. Most home gardeners are content to G R O W IN G M E T H O D
have a lovely garden display but there are
many enthusiasts who grow dahlias for Planting The tuberous roots should be planted
showing. 10-15cm (46in) deep with the neck
Dahlias are grouped into different classes containing the sprouting eyes pointing up, in
according to the shape and form of their middle to late spring. Spacing between plants
flowers, and classes include single, anemone- depends on variety set small growers about
flowered, collerette, waterlily, decorative, ball, 30cm (12in) apart, very large growers
pompon, cactus and semi-cactus. There is also 75-100cm (3040in) apart. The stakes and
a miscellaneous group for any other type not labels should be put in at planting time to
covered by these classes. Plants can be avoid damaging tubers later.
anywhere from 30cm (12in) to nearly 1.5m Dahlia tubers can also be potted up in moist
(5ft) high. They have a long flowering season compost in a warm greenhouse in early spring,
from mid to late summer right through the and cuttings taken of the shoots that arise
autumn. An ever-increasing range of bedding from the tubers. These can be potted up
dahlias can be grown from seed; they form individually and planted out in the garden
tubers which can be lifted and stored in the once the risk of frost has passed. This is a good
normal way in autumn. Bedding varieties can way to increase your stock of a particularly
also be bought as growing plants in spring. prized variety.
Feeding Once flowering has begun, feed dahlias
monthly with balanced fertiliser, or apply a
CON D IT IO N S high potash liquid feed every 14 days from
when the flower buds begin to form. Applying
Aspect Dahlias prefer full sun all day with protection a mulch of well-rotted garden compost will
from strong wind. The taller varieties need also help to retain soil moisture. Water well
staking. after planting tubers if the soil is dry, but
Site Dahlias are especially suitable for the further watering is usually unnecessary until
herbaceous or mixed border, where they after growth begins. During the growing and
provide very welcome late summer colour, but flowering season, it is important to make sure
they can also be grown as bedding plants or the plants never go short of water.

D A H L IA 2 4 0 T H E C O M P L E T E B O O K OF G A R D E N F L O W E R S
THIS SH R U B -L IK E D A H L IA w ith its clear, scarlet flowers w ill give many months o f colour in the garden i f dead blooms are regularly removed.
Dahlias prefer a sunny corner o f the garden where they are protected from the wind.

Problems Dahlias are affected by a number of viruses, the reach of pets and wildlife. Earwigs can also
notably dahlia mosaic virus, which causes damage blooms, feeding mainly at night and
yellowing foliage and sometimes stunted causing ragged holes in petals or distorted
plants. It is transmitted by aphids. Spotted blooms. During the day they can be trapped in
wilt virus causes spots and rings on leaves; it is upturned pots stuffed with straw positioned on
carried by thrips and affects a range of plants. stakes amongst the plants.
Watch for thrips and aphids early in the season
and spray if necessary. Snails love dahlia foliage
and flowers so take care to control them. They F L O W E R IN G
will climb up into the plant and stay there: if
plants are being damaged, search for snails on Season The long flowering period lasts from mid
and under the leaves and destroy them, or use summer to the first frosts. Deadhead the plants
slug bait, making sure it is positioned out of regularly to prolong blooming.
Cutting Cut flowers early in the day, remove lower
leaves and scald stems for 1015 seconds
D a h l ia s at a g lan c e before arranging them. They are very long
Spectacular flowering plants giving four months of bloom. lasting in a vase.
Perfect for cutting, showing or garden decoration.
J an / R ecomm ended V a r ie t ies
Feb / Bishop of Llandaff
M ar / Daleko Jupiter Requirements Tubers may survive in the ground for several
A pr plant ^ Firebird years if the soil is well drained, but in heavy
Glorie van Heemstede soils and in cold areas, they are better lifted in
M ay plant ^
Grenidor Pastelle late autumn. Cut off the stem 1520cm
J un / Hamari Gold (68in) above ground, dig up the clump
J uly flowering IT Jescot Julie carefully and shake off excess soil. Stand upside
A ug flowering s Kenora Fireball down to drain moisture from the stem, then
Sept flowering ' Wootton Cupid store in a cool, airy place such as a garden shed,
O ct flowering O lightly covered with sand, soil or peat, for
replanting next spring. Tubers can be divided,
Nov / but make sure that each section has a portion
D ec / of stem with a visible bud or eye the
tuberous root portion on its own cannot grow.

TH E C O M P L E T E B O O K OF G A R D E N F L O W E R S 2 4 1 D A H L I A

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