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CHPT 1 from carpenter to Lord of plenty

1) dwell often upon the words 'Jesus Christ' meditating inwardly and affirming outwardly
2) Study and follow thru with the prosperity formulas to follow
3) It is important to tithe, give financially to God i.e. give generously.

"No person's name ever stood for such colossal achievement as the name Jesus Christ.
There is power for colossal achievement along all lines for me as I dwell upon this name
The mightiest vibration can be set up by speaking the name Jesus Christ. It is the name that
has the power to mould the rich substance of the universe into definite visible good for me.
As I speak the name Jesus Christ often it sets forces into activity that bring prosperous
Yes, I rejoice that Christ in me is my prospering power and that Christ in me is lord of
plenty, now and forever."

a) Jesus was not poor. He was one of the most prosperous thinkers who ever lived, a master
teacher of prosperity. He became Lord of Plenty.
b) The Christ nature in Jesus symbolises the Divinity in you that is never poor so that you can
become Lord of Plenty, too.
c) Jesus' interest in prosperity began at birth, born of ancient royal blood and given fine gifts,
continued throughout his life and was shown even after his resurrection.
d) Jesus' ministry began at the fishing port of Capernaum. Since fish symbolise ideas of increase,
Capernaum was a place of both physical and metaphysical prosperity.
e) In Jesus' time the poor were despised, it was considered a sin to be poor. Poverty was
considered a curse and wealth a spiritual blessing.
f) Jesus endorsed wealth achieved by honourable methods. He did not hesitate to use his deeper
powers to promote earthly prosperity.
g) Through his various prosperity teachings Jesus emphasised the good news about plenty: that
we do not have to wait until some future life for it; we can have it now.
h) There was a great deal of emphasis upon prosperity in the early Christian church. Only in later
centuries and for political reasons was the false belief instilled in the masses that it was pious
to be poor.
i) Jesus was born in Nazareth, which typifies the common mind of man, in which the prosperous
truth is born. Jesus as a carpenter symbolises one who converts ideas and thoughts into visible
form as the need arises. When you learn to do this, you can experience increased abundance
and happiness... which is what the word 'millionaire' actually means.
j) Here is one of the first prosperity secrets from the millionaire of Nazareth: the name 'Jesus
Christ' has the power to mould universal substance into definite, visible good for you. When
spoken, that name sets forces into activity that can bring prosperous results to you.

Tithe = to give a tenth of income to God's work

CHPT 2 prosperity law of adaptability

"I trust the available supply as the desired supply, and it becomes so. Whatever I have at
hand with which to meet life's problems is all that I need to begin meeting those problems
victoriously. I praise and bless what I have and the good multiplies. I praise and bless my
personal dreams. I praise and bless the people in my life. I praise and bless the
circumstances of my life. I praise and bless my financial income and business affairs. I
praise and bless my health. I bless the good I have and I look with wonder at its bountiful
increase now. I praise God that my good is adaptable. As I speak words of abundance I
overcome all lack in my life. So I rejoice that my life is now filled to the brim with abundant
1) two of Jesus' earliest miracles were prosperity miracles in which he replaced lack with
The first private prosperity miracle was when he manifested fish for Peter, James and John in
such abundance that it filled 2 boats and they left to follow him as disciples.
The first public prosperity miracle was at the wedding in Cana, water into wine.
2) the word adapt means to make suitable by changing. Jesus took certain steps in mental action
which made the water suitable by changing it.
3) the steps in mental action to use the prosperity law of adaptability are:

a) when a need arises, don't panic. To rush forth and try to make it good in an outer way will
dissipate your good.
b) To handle the possibility of new good, prepare inwardly. Pray for guidance then act only when
directed to from within.
c) Go to Cana I.e. use your power centre in your larynx (the meaning of 'cana') and speak the
words of abundance. You must pour something into the lack before you can get something out
of it so praise and bless your current circumstances.
d) Do not reject your good just because it is not in the appearance you would like. Good is
everywhere and in all. Treat the available supply as the desired supple and it will become so.
e) You already have everything you need with which to meet any situation. Fill your current
situation to the brim with praise and bless what you used to condemn.
f) You need to patiently draw what you want out of your pot by getting specific in thought, word
and deed with what you want.
g) This will fill your life to the brim with permanent, satisfying abundance.

CHPT 3 the prosperous setting for Jesus' teachings

1) some of Jesus most famous teachings - the beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer - contain powerful
prosperity formulas
2) The reason gave these at a time before he had performed many of his miracles of healing and
prosperity was this: when the inner nature of man is fed, outer results then come far more
3) It has been estimated that success may be the result of as much as 98% inner preparation and
only 2% outer action. In both the beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer one is first prepared inwardly
for outer success.
4) The reason some of Jesus most powerful success teachings are found in the prosperous
Matthew's gospel ( he was a wealthy businessman) is because the successful Matthew learned
from Jesus the inner truth about prosperity and how to manifest his supply from within
5) As chief tax collector, Matthew was ready in his soul growth to go from an outer, competitive
hard-working consciousness of supply into an inner, creative level of abundance, which he did
as a disciple of Jesus.
6) Matthew realised that by learning from Jesus how to develop an inner consciousness of supply,
his prosperity would come as the need arose, but he would not be encumbered by the outer
burdens so often associated with a strictly material wealth.
7) Jesus was not an illiterate carpenter but an educated man, a Rabbi or professor. He had great
knowledge of Hebrew law and was possibly a master of eastern wisdom. He gave a practical,
prosperous interpretation of the teachings of his time, one not commonly given by other rabbis.
8) People have always searched out the success and prosperity teachings of the bible, hidden in
allegories and parables. The great people of the bible wee master psychologists and
metaphysicians who sought constantly to teach the power of mental attitudes for success or
9) No wonder a strong excitement ran thru the masses when Jesus arrived, prospering and
healing his followers.
10) Galilee was a fertile and prosperous place, quite different from Jerusalem, and a proper place
to begin Jesus revolutionary teachings.
CHPT 4 - Prosperity from the beatitudes

1) the use of these beautiful attitudes can always bring worthwhile result
2) When you are confronted by a multitude of needs, like Jesus was when he was confronted by
the multitudes, instead of talking negatively about them go up 'into the mountain' by reading,
studying and mediating along prosperous lines. Then 'call your disciples', your thoughts and
feelings, and teach them with prosperous ideas.
3) The prosperous beautiful attitudes are:
a) be teachable and willing to learn and practice prosperous thinking.
b) The basic law of prosperity is that man should look to God as his source of supply
c) When the meek (to dismiss and release thoughts of past hurt, loss and failure) practice the
prosperous power of forgiveness and release, they experience vast good.
d) The will of God for man is wealth
e) Practice the prospering power of love
f) Practice the prospering power of picturing.
g) Practice the prospering power of peace and blessing.
h) Chemicalisation is a healing, prospering process that brings joyous results (chemicalisation is
the name for a process of inner cleansing that accompanies this expanded thinking. You are
likely to be tormented by life and your old thought processes. This should be celebrated, it is
your old way of thinking bubbling to the surface and leaving your mind forever. This is the time
to declare 'Peace, be still' to the old doubts and fears.)
i) Jesus concluded with the most beautiful attitude of all: use often the prospering power of joy.

CHPT 5 - prosperity from the Lord's Prayer

a) it is a brief summary of the good news in the gospel. Filled with healing and prospering power.
b) Instead of just repeating it one time, quickly, without thinking, declare it over and over with
c) One of the most important spiritual documents of all time, shows you how to get definite about
prosperity and how to attain true prosperity through spiritual methods. Most important spiritual
laws of wholeness ever offed mankind.
d) Both the inner and outer needs of man are covered.
e) Of the 54 words, the first 24 describe the prospering power of God's nature both universally
and within man 1. True prosperity has a spiritual basis 2. To dwell upon God's goodness brings
prosperity 3. To ask that God's Kingdom come is the cover-all prayer for success 4. The good
things in life are God's will for you.
f) The second half deals with mans outer needs for guidance, forgiveness, prosperity, protection
and completed results and it shows how these daily needs can be met. 1. Ask daily for 'more
than enough'. 2. Forgiveness is the turning point for results. 3. There is prospering power in
claiming divine protection. 4. Praise .god as the source of all your blessings then dare to think
big 5. Miracles often happen when you speak words of completion.

Our Father (a loving, rich father, universally present who is pleased to bestow gifts on you) who
art in heaven (it is described in revelation as a place made of gold and full of jewels and is
elsewhere described as being in man therefore heaven is a prosperous mindset within man)
hallowed (whole and rich and good) be thy name, thy kingdom come (if he is all good then his
kingdom come must produce the best possible outcome but a. it will start from within you since that
is where God is then b. it will produce outer results and c. you must be willing for it to come into the
lives of all, even those that have angered you, since God is everywhere), thy will be done in
earth as it is in heaven ( as it is imagined in the invisible so shall it come to pass in the visible),
give us this day our daily bread (the original Greek translation meant 'more than enough bread
for the day' ie Jesus insisted that real, definite results manifested and that those results were more
than just what we needed to survive; two stage process: recognise God as the source of your
supply and then get specific and claim that supply in definite form), and forgive us our debts as
we also have forgiven our debtors (make forgiveness a daily act, a way of life, don't wait for
others to do it because God has already forgiven us all, this can remove negative, blocking energy.
Empty your mind of criticisms and negativity and leave room to fill it with prosperity), and leave us
not in temptation but deliver us from evil (temptation meaning trying times. Tests can be hidden
blessings, strengthening the soul but once the lesson has been learnt you don't want to be left in
difficult times forever: stop fighting the difficult times, ask that the lesson to be learned is learned
and then ask for deliverance from the experience) for thine is the kingdom, the power and the
glory forever and ever (added in 1st century AD this is a call based on David, reaffirms the nature
and power of God from the first part of the prayer. Think big: it is as easy for God to manifest a pea
as it is a mansion) amen (another addition, meaning so be it, a word of completion, declaring that
your prayer would be answered rather than remaining a vague wish, miracles often happen after
words of completion)

CHPT 6 prosperity law of continuation

1) loaves and fishes story proves that Jesus was concerned about mans physical needs
2) To learn a prosperity consciousness: a) learn the prosperity philosophy b) practice its specific
principles. This gives inner hold on rich substance of universe, giving outer results
3) "Continue" = "go on without interruption". Jesus pointed out the simple steps to have this
miracle of supply. It took place in a desert proving that nowhere is barren.
4) How Jesus invoked the law of continuation:
Turn lack into abundance by paying no attention to negative reports of lack
Make prosperity statements (bread symbolised the good you desire, fish symbolised the
increase of that good thru prosperity ideas)
Put things in divine order: tell the multitudes to sit down, get quiet, get ready to receive. When
you gain control within through divine order, you can meet outer needs as they arise
Jesus took the bread (substance) and fish (ideas of increase) and looked up to God as the
source of his supply
He blessed, broke and gave out the multiplied result knowing that sharing is the start of financial
Bless what you have as you share it, don't condemn, and it has multiplying powers.
Once he gained an inner control of substance he never let it go
Remain in a relaxed state of mind declaring 'it is enough'
(See page 158 for suggested meditation to invoke this law)

CHPT 7 - prosperity law of unrestricted supply ('not held down or restrained')

Part 1) - prosperous attitudes for tapping unrestricted supply

a) non-resistance. Willing to pay life's bills.

b) When a financial need arises instead of grumbling about lack say yes and the battle is half
c) When faced with a financial challenge make the effort to get into an uplifted state of mind
d) And get into a prosperous state of mind
e) Use the prospering power of faith. Take just 1 step in faith and it will lead you to unrestricted

Part b) - actions for tapping into unrestricted supply

f) go to the sea of rich ideas through meditation, affirmation, inspirational study, association with
prosperous-minded people
g) cast a specific hook in the sea of rich ideas by asking divine intelligence to help you, through list-
making, affirmation and picturing
h) take the first idea of increase that comes to you and keep mental company with it allowing it to
grow strong and reveal its secrets
I) keep quiet about the ideas as they gradually grow and develop
j) use what comes as you promised to use it, otherwise you will have to meet the challenge again
and again until you fulfill your promise
k) peter caught only 1 fish in the sea of capernaum yet it was enough to meet their needs and
fascinated mankind for 2000 years. It's secrets area available to you!

CHPT 8- the prosperity parable of right use (prodigal son)

Parable - earthly story with heavenly meaning

Prodigal - to waste. Stop wasting our substance through limited thinking

Part 1 - how to get out of the far country of limit d thinking

A. The young son went off with good intentions, to make himself financially independent. But he
had not yet learned to understand the source of his supply
B. Riotous means lacking in order, no one gave to him in this state and he lacked
C. Things become orderly when you dwell upon divine order and peace and establish them
D. When you are in the far country of lack nothing works out until you release that which has
become unproductive and unrewarding
E. Move toward God as the source of your supply by getting into a consciousness of abundance
and peace thru: meditation, affirmation, inspirational study alone and with others, and by
putting God first again financially.

Part 2 - the lavishness that awaits you in the fathers house

A. No matter what we have though, said and done, the God of abundance and forgiveness still
wishes to help and bless us
B. The prodigal son proved that a rich living father gives a feast to those who come to him for
guidance and supply
C. You can return to your fathers house of lavish abundance through both your inner and outer
actions. It lays to put God first financially as well as to put him first in other areas of your life

Part 3 - prospering power of joy and forgiveness

A. Much that has passed for 'religion' has been expressed in harsh, self-righteous, narrow
B. If you've become rigid, intolerant, or unaware of the suffering, grief or faults others are trying to
overcome your unmerciful attitudes can draw intolerable experiences to you again and again
C. This can cause stomach problems. The solution is to relax more and judge less
D. Prosperous attitudes of joy and love will produce far more than over serious, critical attitudes
E. When others near you get the results you desire, it is a sign that your own good is on its way
F. To release envy and practice the prospering power of forgiveness can bring vast improvement
G. Dwelling often upon the fathers promise to the older son can lead to your own rags to riches
story: all that is thine is mine

CHPT 9 - the prosperous mite

It is significant that just before Jesus' crucifixion he taught a simple yet powerful prosperity
The message is not one of poverty but one of prosperity for you. Success begins with the way
one thinks about, handles and uses prosperity in small amounts. The road to permanent,
enduring riches begins with the mite
Most of us feel like the widow, lacking something. We must do something drastic, first in our
thinking then in our actions to rise out of the limitation
Thru her dramatic and fearless act of giving she wanted to overcome the belief in lack and its
results and develop prosperity consciousness, raising her out of limitation
She didn't give from an abundance but out of her need, it is that which is given in faith that
prospers us
Giving expands us, opens us up to receive more. She gave a lot to get a big change
Tithe or tenth was the magic number of increase
Jesus was trying to remind the poor that had stopped tithing of the way back to prosperity. You
start by giving in a sense of need and grow into giving from grateful abundance
Jesus and Peter tithed and the early Christian church grew so successfully due to the generous
gifts of its early members
Many poor people have given more to the church over a longer time than spasmodic gifts from
the rich
The widows mite includes more than money: love of truth, obedience to spiritual law, service to
God and man in his name
His last prosperity parable of his earth life was given in the beautiful, lavish setting of the Temple
which radiated a consciousness of lavish abundance

CHPT 10 - prosperity law of the right side

Jesus was so interested in teaching prosperity that he even appeared after his resurrection to
teach it
He used 'fish' miracles at beginning and end of his ministry to show us
No greater work could be done for the Kingdom of heaven than to show people how to succeed
in the business world through spiritual methods

Prosperous steps to lead you to the right side of life:

- Ask the help of the prosperous Christ because there is success power in his Name and
- Go to Galilee thru your high vision then orderly thoughts, words, and actions
- Peter and disciples tried all night with human methods to catch fish without success. They only
succeeded after following Christ's instructions. Instead of trying u man methods, look up from
your task, reaffirm your faith. Then you will hear the inner voice of the prosperous Christ leading
you to success.
- Cast your net (mind) on the right side ie cast your mind in a sea of rich ideas using right ideas.
Success in life depends on right attitudes.
- Peter symbolised faith and he tried to get to shore. When you make the effort to go towards your
goals in faith, great abundance appears.
- Making the effort to share what you already have develops your prosperity consciousness,
strengthens your character and opens the way for abundance to manifest.
- Bread symbolises divine substance which is the foundation of all wealth. Call on divine
substance to prosper you, a rich gift.
- Fish symbolises ideas of increase. Activated thru prosperity thinking and prosperous decrees.
- Ended with message: hang on to or clutch nothing. There is prospering power in release. Which
can lead to new cycles of expanded growth and abundance.
- After our release of former ways of living, which we have outgrown, comes new success and
satisfying abundance.

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