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10 Lower Ab Workouts for Men

1. V-ups

Those trying to engage the lower rectus abdominus muscles should focus on exercises that require you to lift your legs off the floor. In this case, lay on the ground

with the legs stretched out and the feet together. Prop yourself up on the elbows, creating a 15-20 degree angle from the floor. Brace the core and extend your

legs toward your feet, lifting the feet up toward the ceiling, creating a V-shape. Hold this position for 1-3 seconds and then lower the torso back onto your elbow

and the feet back down to the floor.

2. Reverse Crunch

Lie on your mat and bring the legs up so they are straight above the hips. Bend the knees at a 90 degree angle, placing your hands beneath your lower back to

add to the support. Contract the abs to bring your knees closer to your chest and hold in this position for around 3 seconds before returning to your starting

position. Repeat 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. Leg Circle

Lie on your back with the arms out slightly away from your body with the palms down for balance. Lift the legs above the hips, locking the knees and squeezing the

hips together. Draw a circle with the feet as large as you can, aiming to get as high above your body and as low to the ground as possible. You can reverse

directions periodically to increase the difficulty. One circle is one repetition.

4. Leg Lift

Leg lifts can help you tone the obliques and lower abs. Lie on an exercise mat and raise the legs so they are straight up over the hips. Rest your hands palms

down at your sides. Use your lower abs to lift your hips off of the floor, pulling them toward the ribcage. While doing this, turn your hips to your right side, holding in

this position for five seconds before returning your starting position. Repeat on the left side, performing three sets of 10 repetitions on each side.

7. Hip Thrust

Lie on your back with the knees bent and the feet on the floor about shoulder width apart. Contract your abdominals to pull the torso forward, creating a diagonal

line between your knees and shoulders. Hold the position for three seconds then return to your original position. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.

8. Hanging Knee Rise

This exercise help to isolate your lower rectus abdominus muscles. Attach your arms to a harness on a chin-up bar and allow your body to hang below. Keep your

feet together and pull your knees up as close to your chest as you can get them. Pause when your knees are raised, squeezing the abdominals for 2-3 seconds,

then lower your legs back to the starting position and repeat.

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