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A- ej

B- Bi
C- ci
D- di
E- i
F- ef
G- di
H- ejcz
I- aj
K- kej
L- el
M- em
N- en
O- o
P- pi
Q- kju
R- ar
S- es
T- t
U- ju
V- wi
W- dabliu
X- eks
Y- aj
Z- zed

PL 3(.)897(,)642, 4718
ENG 3, 897, 642. 4718
Three million eight hundred ninety seven thousand six hundred forty two POINT four seven one eight
- one half
- one fourth, quarter
1/6 one sixth
1/8 one eight
3/2 three halves
- three fourths/ quarters
4/6 four sixths
7/8 seven eights
Fractons uamki zwyke
Decimals uamek dziesitny
Ordinals liczebniki porzdkowe
24h tme tables
Tennis 0 love, loeuf
Temperature 0 C, nought
Tel. numbers [o] oh
Football, soccer Nil, O
Br. 24/10/2014; 24th October 2014;
AmE. 10/24/14; the twenty fourth of October; 2014 twenty fourteen
Oct. 24th, 2014
1. Yes/No questions Do you like.? closed questions, general questions; interrogatve pattern
2. WH questions How are you? specific questions, interrogatve pattern
Who used without a noun to ask about people
Whose used to ask about possession
What used alone or before a noun to ask about things; to ask about people, animals,
things when there is an unlimited choice of answers
Which used alone or before nouns, one/ones, of, to ask about people, animals,things;
only limited choice of answers; with superlatves and comparatves
How alone or before an adjective, adverb
How long
How long ago
How often
How much used with uncountable nouns
How many with countable nouns
What+be like ask for descripton of character
What+do like descripton of physical appearance
3. Question tags Its Friday today, isnt it? negatve pattern
4. Subject questions Who left the door open? affirmatve pattern
5. Reported speech questions She asked if I could lend her a pen.
6. Indirect questions Could you tell me what the tme is it now?
7. Inversion :
To be
Modal verbs: can, could, will, would, may, might, must, shell, should, ought to, to be able
to, need
Have inversion: present perfect, p.p. progressive, past perfect, p.p. progressive, have =
possessive GOT; no inversion: must= have to, have= idiom
Do do, does, did
How about/ What about going to the cinema?
What does she look like?
What is she like?
Do I do my homework every day? DO it is meaningless
Do I need to do it today?
I neednt say that Neednt I say that? Need I not say that?
Do I have to study every day must
Have I been to NY?
Does she have a shower every day?
Does Tom have a car? AmE; Has Tome got a car?
How far can a kangaroo jump?
What does Tom look like?
What tme does the train leave?
What was the party like?
How was the party?
What kind of music do you like?
How long ago did he graduate?
Which one of these boys is your son?
What is the size of your shoes?
What size of shoes do you wear?
When are you coming back?
When will you be back?
Who spilled the milk on the desk?
WHICH limited choice
WHAT- no limit
Do you like English? Could you tell me if/whether you like English?
What do you like? Could you tell me what you like? no auxiliary verb
Could you tell me what tme is it?
Couldnt you speak up? Could you tell me whether you could or could not speak up?
How are you feeling? Could you tell me how you are feeling?
Where should/ shell I put your backpack?
By the end of December I will/ shall have been writng this book for ten months
When are you going to leave the country?
Is Renata going to have a baby?
What were you doing at 8 a.m. uesterday?
Did you see John Lenon in concert?
Have you seen Pulp Ficton yet?
Did you like it?
What are you thinking about?
What do you think about his new book?
What are you doing tonight?
Have you been feeling better since youve started taking the pills?
Should they ..
Do they have to
Was the boss angry
Didnt the children
Did she want to go.
Does the train
When /what tme does the train leave?
What tme is it?
How much does he earn?
How many
Why did he call?
What is the new driver like?
What shall we do?
How long have you been waitng?
Whose is that
Which of these .
Who spilt coffee on the desk?
When did you
When/ how long ago did you
Which/ what is the
How long does
What is he like?
How often do you go swimming?
What made them laugh?
Whose are these books?
Whose books are these?
How much did/do the shoes cost?

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