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Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press [Shift] + ~ and type "devmapall" to enable cheat mode. Then, enter
one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
God mode god
All weapons and items give all
Extra ammunition give ammo
Extra armor give armor
Extra health give health
Maximum inventory give inventory
No clipping noclip
Dead mode on undying
Show shaders shaderlist
Set all Forces to indicated value setforceall [1-4]
Kill all NPCs npc kill all
Invisiblity notarget
Load map with cheats enabled devmap [map name]
Spawn indicated NPC npc spawn [npc name]
Spawn indicated NPC vehicle npc spawn vehicle [name]
Freeze all NPCs d_npc freeze 1
Unfreeze all NPCs d_npcfreeze 0
Set saber color sabercolor [1-2] [color 1] [color 2]
Set all lightsaber abilities setsaberall [1-10]
Set lightsaber throw level setsaberthrow [1-3]
Set lightsaber offense level setsaberoffense [1-3]
Set lightsaber defense level setsaberdefense [1-3]
Set Force Jump level setforcejump [1-3]
Set Force Heal level setforceheal [1-3]
Set Force Push level setforcepush [1-3]
Set Force Pull level setforcepull [1-3]
Set Force Speed level setforcespeed [1-3]
Set Force Grip level setforcegrip [1-3]
Set Force Lightning level setforcelightning [1-3]
Level skip victory
Use Force Heal force_heal
Bullet time thereisnospoon
Pit level map pit
Change speed; 1 is default, .5 is half speed timescale [number]
Record demo with indicated name record [filename]
Stop demo recording stoprecord
Enable dismemberment [Note 1] g_saberrealisticcombat [1-20]
Freeze game for indicated time freeze [number of seconds]
Spawn indicated item give [item name]
Play as indicated model playermodel [model name]
Perform taunt [Note 2] taunt
Display indicated message in console, or on
echo [text]
main screen if bound
Toggle any variable/command that uses a 1
toggle [variable]
or 0 (1=on, 0=off)
Pick up dropped lightsabers
Single lightsaber with desired hilt saber single_[1-9]
Dual lightsabers with desired hilt saber single_[1-9] single_[1-9]
Double lightsaber with desired hilt saber dual_[1-5]
Sith sword saber sith_sword
Turn off HUD and save screenshot levelshot
Save screenshot screenshot
Centers the view on the screen centerview
Change difficulty level after
g_spskill [number]
or starting a new mission (if done out of the
Fly an X-Wing fly_xwing
Ride an ATST drive_atst
Commit suicide kill
Quit game quit
Unknown where
Unknown levelshot
Unknown spawn
Unknown altbind
Unknown altbindlist
Unknown systeminfo
Unknown gfxinfo
Unknown playsong
Unknown widgetcom
Unknown inventory
Unknown vstr
Unknown heartbeat
Unknown kick
Unknown tiki
Unknown rcon
Unknown flushlips
Unknown meminfo
Unknown reset
Unknown demo
Unknown alisdump
Unknown skinlist
Unknown mand
Unknown setviewpos
Note 1: Turn dismemberment on at the options menu after enabling this code.
Note 2: If using dual sabers, he/she will make an "X" with the sabers. If using a saber staff, he/she
will make a half circle on the ground and a "come here" gesture. If only one saber (one blade) is on,
they will do the standard spinning taunt.
Key binding
Open up the console by pressing [Shift] + ~ and type "bind [key] [code or effect]". For example, type
"bind Home setforceall 4" or "bind T taunt". Note: Do not bind over existing keys that you are
using for regular game play movement or fighting. If you do, go back into your game options and
reset them.
Fighting friendly characters
Enable the "playerteam enemy" code in the console, then spawn "kyle" or "jedi_random" to fight
Changing saber colors
When using the "sabercolor [1-2] [color 1]sabercolor 1" will make the right-hand saber (for dual
sabers) [color 1]. "sabercolor 2" will make the left hand saber (for dual sabers) [color 1].
"sabercolor 1 [color 1] [color 2]" will make the top part of the saber staff [color 1] and the bottom part
[color 2]. For example, to have a saber staff (two handed saber) green, use the "sabercolor 1 green
green" code.
Dropped lightsabers
Enable the "g_saberpickupabledroppedsabers 1" code to enable the pick up of dropped
lightsabers. After a Jedi or Sith dies, you can walk up to his/her lightsaber on the floor. You will see a
"Use" icon (hand with a finger on a button). Use it, and you will drop your current lightsaber and pick
up his or hers. Note: If you have a saberstaff, you will drop your staff and pick up the saber, giving
you a total of one saber. If you have one saber, you will pick up his saber which gives you a total of
two sabers. If you have two sabers, you will drop the one in your left hand and replace it with his. If
you have no saber (none in your weapons/inventory), you will pick up and end up with only one
saber (until you pick up another one). If you have any type of saber (one, dual or staff), and you pick
up a saber staff, you will drop any/all your sabers and pick up his.
Difficulty settings
Use one of the following values with the "g_spskill [number]" code:
0: Padawan
1: Jedi
2: Jedi Knight
3: Jedi Master
Values higher than 3 will progressively increase the difficulty setting.
Lightsaber variations
Use the following combinations of these core saber commands with the "saber" command for
different effects:
kyle_boss (best working lightsaber)
jedi (color is random)
Vehicle names
Use one of the following values with the "npc spawn vehicle [name]" code:
NPC names
Use one of the following values with the "npc spawn [npc name]" code:
cultist (gun)
cultist_lightning (untextured model)
jedi_random (various helpers from the Academy)
luke (untextured and no saber)
protocol (C3PO)
trandoshan (different colors possible)
weequay4 (different colors possible)

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Cheats For PC

1. Add bots

You must type the following, if it has ( ) then type the thing:
addbot (nickname) (character) (1-5) 1 (team)
addbot bob kyle 3 1 blue

Contributed by: kingkarrot

2. Ragdoll Physics

In any server, go into the console (shift + tilde) and enter the following: /broadsword

This will give ragdoll physics for when somebody dies (meaning the bodies will act
like real dead bodies and lean on things such as walls).

Contributed by: FishBreath101

3. Luke's and Kyle's Lightsaber

First bring up the cheat menu. then type "saber luke" for luke's saber and do the
same for kyle "saber kyle"

Contributed by: Maskos

4. Character Look Alikes

To enter these codes, you must be in game and press the tilde key, "~", to access
the drop-down console. Type the following:

Effect Effect
playermodel desann Look like Desann
playermodel lando Look like Lando
playermodel tauntaun "Shame on you" message
playermodel jedi Look like "no name" Jedi
playermodel cultist Look like a cultist
playermodel gonk Look like a gonk droid
playermodel gran Look like a gran
playermodel howler Look like a howler
playermodel human_merc Look like a human merc
playermodel jawa Look like a jawa
playermodel jedimaster Look like a jedi master
playermodel merchant Look like a merchant
playermodel mutant_rancor Look like a mutant rancor
playermodel reborn_new Look like a new reborn
playermodel noghri Look like a noghri
playermodel prisoner Look like a prisoner
playermodel rancor Look like a rancor (can't move)
playermodel rebel Look like a rebel
playermodel reborn Look like a reborn
playermodel rebornmaster Look like a reborn master
playermodel rodian Look like a rodian
playermodel saber_droid Look like a saber droid
playermodel shadowtrooper Look like a shadowtrooper
playermodel snowtrooper Look like a snowtrooper
playermodel stormtrooper Look like a stormtrooper
playermodel trandoshan Look like a trandoshan
playermodel tusken Look like a tusken raider
playermodel wampa Look like a wampa
playermodel weequay Look like a weequay
playermodel alora Look like Alora
playermodel assassin_droid Look like an assassin droid
playermodel atst Look like an AT-ST (can't move)
playermodel boba_fett Look like Boba
playermodel protocol Look like C-3PO
playermodel chewie Look like Chewbacca
playermodel galak Look like Galak
playermodel jan Look like Jan
playermodel kyle Look like Kyle
playermodel lannik_racto Look like Lannik
Effect Effect
playermodel luke Look like luke
playermodel r2d2 Look like R2D2
playermodel r5d2 Look like R5D2
playermodel rax Look like Rax
playermodel reelo Look like Reelo
playermodel rosh_penin Look like Rosh
playermodel swamptrooper Look like swamptrooper
playermodel tavion Look like Tavion
playermodel ugnaught Look like Ugnaught
playermodel bartender Lool like a bartender
playermodel mouse No body, close to ground
playermodel player Return to normal

Contributed by: JitaStormwaker

5. Console Commands

Hit Shift + ~ to activate the text screen

type devmapall or helpusobi 1 to enable cheats

Effect Effect
undying 999 life, but armor the same
adds another saberstyle to your list, type fast, medium, strong
addsaberstyle x
etc. in place of x.
g_saberpickuppabledroppedsabers 1 Allows pilfering of enemy lightsabers
set g_sabermorerealistic 3 Causes dismember whether you're attacking or not with your
set g_sabermorerealistic 2 Causes dismemberment only when attacking with a your sab
timescale (#) Changes game speed (1 is default)
Fraglimit # Changes Kill Limit to desired amount. 0 is unlimited.
sabercolor (color1)(color2) Changes saber's color
g_saberrealisticcombat 2 Dismemberment on!!
drive_atst Drive an AT-ST
Saber Sith_Sword Sith_Sword Dual Sith Swords
god Enable god mode
devmapall Enables cheats
playerteam free fight the good side and the dark side
fly_xwing Fly an X-Wing (Can cause game to crash)
give all Give all Weapons, ammo, force mana, etc.
Gives you a double edged lightsaber. The number you use at
saber dual_1
effects which hilt you get. Any number 1-5 works.
saber single_x single_x Gives you dual sabers, where x is a value 1-6 for different hi
Effect Effect
Gives you one saber, type a number 1-6 in place of x for diff
saber single_x
Gives you one saberstyle x. You can use Fast, Medium, Stron
setsaberstyle x
Dual, and a few others in place of x.
Grants you dual lightsabers. They start as the color red usual
saber 1 saber 1
however their colors can be changed.
give ammo Increase ammo
give armor Increase armor
give health Increase health
npc kill all Kills all NPCs
thereisnospoon Matrix-Style Camera
noclip No clipping Mode
g_saberpickupabledroppedsabers (0 or
Pick up dropped sabers
model jawa Play as a Jawa
PLAYERMODEL WEEQUAY[2-5] Play as a Weequay (each # indicates a different colored shirt)
playermodel boba_fett Play as Boba Fett
playermodel desann Play as Desann (from JKII)
playermodel kyle Play as Kyle Katarn
playermodel luke Play as Luke Skywalker, 200 max force
Playermodel X Play as selected charecter
playermodel tavion Play as Tavion
quit quit game
setsaberall (1 to 10) Raises saber abilities
setforceall (1 to 3) set force abilities
com_maxfps (X) Set your maximum frame rate.
Sets force skills to their maximum effective level. Saber offe
setforceall 7
max setting is 7.
cg_drawfps 1 Shows your framerate on screen.
Npc Spawn reborn_new2 Spawn a blue version of the new reborn.
NPC SPAWN CULTIST_GRIP Spawn a Cultist that utilizes force grip
Spawn a Cultist whose saber style is strong and throws his sa
NPC SPAWN REBORN_STAFF Spawn a Reborn with a saber staff
NPC SPAWN REBORN_DUAL Spawn a Reborn with dual sabers
NPC SPAWN REBORN_NEW Spawn a Reborn_new
Effect Effect
NPC SPAWN WEEQUAY[1-5] Spawn a Weequay (clothing colors vary with number)
NPC SPAWN Spawn an alternate version of a Cultist whose saber style is s
CULTIST_SABER_STRONG_THROW2 and throws his saber
NPC SPAWN HUMAN_MERC Spawn an enemy human mercenary
NPC SPAWN R2D2 Spawn an R2D2
NPC SPAWN R5D2 Spawn an R5D2
NPC SPAWN CHEWIE Spawn Chewbacca
NPC SPAWN KYLE Spawn Kyle Katarn
Npc Spawn Lannik_Racto Spawn Lannik Racto.
spawns a ridable Rancor (Note: you have to do the same thin
wampa )
NPC spawn rebornchiss Spawns a barkeeper with dual sabers
NPC Spawn rebornchiss Spawns a bartender with double lightsabers. (BOO-YAH)
swoop_mp2 spawns a blue colored swoop bike
Npc Spawn player Spawns a clone of your player.
npc spawn cultist_drain Spawns a Cultist that uses Force Drain
npc spawn cultist_grip Spawns a Cultist that uses Force Grip
npc spawn cultist_lightning Spawns a Cultist that uses Force Lightning
npc spawn cultist Spawns a Cultist using an E-11 blaster rifle
npc spawn saber_droid spawns a droid equipped with a saber
lambdashuttle spawns a flyabel Imperial Shuttle
tie-bomber spawns a flyable TIE Bomber
spawns a flyable TIE Bomber (as far as I can tell the weapon
tie-fighter spawns a flyable TIE Fighter
x-wing spawns a flyable X-Wing (this will not crash the game)
z-95 spawns a flyable Z-95
NPC SPAWN HAZARDTROOPER spawns a hazard trooper with machine gun
NPC Spawn Human_Merc Spawns a Human_Merc (He gets on the vehicle nearest to hi
npc spawn jedimaster spawns a jedi master to help you.
NPC SPAWN MUTANT_RANCOR spawns a mutant rancor
NPC spawn Noghri Spawns a Noghri (Blue Guy)
atst_vehicle spawns a pilotable AT ST Walker
npc spawn jedi_random spawns a random jedi to help you.
Npc Spawn jedi_random Spawns a random jedi.
NPC SPAWN REBEL spawns a rebel trooper with regular blaster
swoop_mp spawns a red colored swoop bike
tauntaun spawns a ridable Tauntaun.
spawns a ridable wampa (Note: You have to jump on the wam
ride it. If you hit the use button you will get on and then get o
wildtauntaun spawns a ridable Wild Tauntaun (this is tauntaun has no harn
Effect Effect
Spawns a rockettrooper2 with a jetpack. (DO NOT try and u
NPC Spawn rockettrooper2officer playermodel for this one. if you try to fly your jetpack the ga
NPC Spawn rockettrooper2 spawns a rockettrooper2 without a jet pack.
NPC SPAWN SHADOWTROOPER spawns a shadow trooper with lightsaber
NPC SPAWN ROCKETTROOPER spawns a stormtrooper commander variant with rocket launc
NPC SPAWN STOFFICERALT spawns a stormtrooper commander with flachette weapon
NPC SPAWN STCOMMANDER spawns a stormtrooper commander with machine gun
NPC SPAWN SWAMPTROOPER spawns a swamp trooper
npc spawn cultist_saber Spawns a weak saber-weilding Cultist
spawns an enemy reborn master. Now you can make large sc
npc spawn rebormmaster
fights wherever you go =).
npc spawn reborn_new spawns an enemy reborn with a single saber
NPC SPAWN IMPERIAL spawns an imperial officer variant with regular blaster
NPC SPAWN IMPCOMMANDER spawns an imperial officer with regular blaster
NPC SPAWN PROBE spawns an imperial probe droid
NPC SPAWN SABOTEURCOMMANDO spawns an imperial spy variant
NPC SPAWN SABOTEURSNIPER spawns an imperial spy with laser rifle
NPC SPAWN SABOTEUR spawns an imperial spy with regular blaster
NPC SPAWN IMPWORKER spawns an imperial worker with blaster pistol
NPC Spawn Boba_Fett Spawns Boba Fett
npc spawn tavion_scepter spawns endboss tavion with scepter and lightsaber
npc spawn tavion_sith_sword spawns endboss tavion with the sword
NPC spawn Kyle_Boss Spawns Kyle
Spawns Kyle Katarn's father. ( He won't move for some reas
NPC Spawn Morgankatarn
though. )
Spawns Ragnos. ( This guy is weird cause he shoots bullets a
NPC Spawn Ragnos
out of his stomach. :P)
Npc Spawn rosh_dark Spawns Rosh after he turned to the dark side.
NPC Spawn Tavion_sith_sword spawns tavion with a sith sword.
NPC Spawn Tavion_scepter Spawns tavion with the sith scepter.
playermodel default stormtrooper model and makes you an enemy
kill Suicide
taunt Taunt (duh!)
helpusobi 1 This enables the cheats. It works the same as "devmapall."
give force This recharges your force power meter to max.
This works the same as devmap, but cheats will not be enabl
map (level name)
when you use it this way.
notarget Turns off Enemy AI
iknowkungfu Use streetfighting moves e.g. Throws, punches, kicks
devmap (level name) Warps to that level with cheats on
G_knockback X X is a number. The higher it is the futher people are knocked
npc spawn <charactername> You can also spawn some of the popular characters, such as l
Effect Effect
kyle, rosh and tavion for some epic battles =).
saber Sith_Sword your lightsaber becomes a sword with saber powers

Contributed by: SepirothFF7, Draknar, ChanceMatsumoto, Snaffle J. Bean,

Sonicmaster713, bullet sword, kianbung, Lord_Sintra, Bano, supremecommander,
Anonymous, King Kool, STUBZ82, CI254, S1ryfe, TaoShaltor, Labratkid, fjandr,
poweradefan100, The Savage Wolverine, poweradefan99, gardyanakbar,
ShadowElixir, JokerFett, nexusgx, Christophomicus, Jedi Death

6. Cheat codes

Hold shift and ~ (left of 1 on your keyboard) to open up the command console. Then
type these into the console to get the cheat.

Effect Effect
gloat another taunt. varies with saber style
d_npcfreeze 1/0 Freezes/unfreezes all NPCs.
meditate meditate
multiplayer effect only. Make the camera spin all around you. WARNING: Can
reverse effect. Must exit the multiplayer game and join back in.
splose same as spwin except it displays a losing message
npc spawn probe Spawns a Probe Droid
npc spawn remote Spawns a Training Remote
spawns the bryar pistol from Jedi Outcast
spawns the weak stun baton seen in Jedi Outcast
cg_fpls 1/0 Toggles cockpit view on and off.

Contributed by: bullet sword, Chev427BB, matorodude

7. Level Warps

Just type the codes in in the console to go to your desired level. MUST ENTER
/helpusobi 1 before you enter th code.

Effect Effect
map t2_rogue Capture Crime Lord - Coruscant
map t2_wedge Covert Operation - Kril'dor
Effect Effect
map t1_rail Cult Investigation - Corellia
map t2_dpred Cult Investigation - Dossun
map t3_stamp Cult Investigation - Tanaab
map t3_rift Cult Sighting - Chandrila
map t3_hevil Dismantle Device - Yalara
map t1_surprise Droid Recovery - Tatooine
map taspir1 earch for Rosh Penn - part 1
map t1_fatal Emergency Assistance - Bakura
map vjun1 Enter Darth Vader's Castle - part 1
map vjun2 Enter Darth Vader's Castle - part 2
map vjun3 Enter Darth Vader's Castle - part 3
map t3_byss Force Theft Investigation - Byss
map hoth2 Luke Skywalker's vision
map hoth3 Luke Skywalker's vision continued
map t2_trip Meet Contact - Zonju V
map t1_sour Mercenary Activity - Tatooine
map t1_danger Merchant Rescue - Blenjeer
map t2_rancor Rescue Mission - Nar Kreeta
map t3_bounty Weapon Destruction - Ord Mantell

Contributed by: dr_feelgood1994

8. Clone youreself

Open up the command console and enter this code. You will then spawn a clone
that will use the weapon that is currently equipped on your player and will be
completely idendical to the character you created. The clone will not move very
much unless you spawn it in the middle of some action. Not sure if they know how
to use the force, though, gut they might be able to resist force push. WARNING: They
will attack any other npc regardless if they are allies or enemies. They will not
attack other clones or you unless you attack them with sabers. Also, when you play
on jedi master difficulty, your clones might attack you when there is no other npc

Effect Effect
npc spawn player Clone yourself

Contributed by: bullet sword

9. Duble sith swords

Press SHIFT + ~ and type helpusobi 1 then the code.

Once activated you can send enemies flying by slashing them, but as far as I can tell
It does the same amount of damage as a normal saber.
WARNING: Some cut-scenes tend to glitch up and close the program, so just to be
safe save before the cut-scene.

Effect Effect
saber sith_sword sith_sword Duble Sith Swords

Contributed by: CM0525

10.Ammo Codes

Hold Shift and ~, enter helpusobi 1, and enter following in the console.

Effect Effect
give ammo_blaster Give blaster ammo
give ammo_metallic_bolts Give bolt ammo
give ammo_powercell Give cell ammo
give ammo_detpack Give detpacks
give ammo_rockets Give rocket ammo
give ammo_thermal Give thermal detenators
give ammo_tripmine Give tripmines

Contributed by: Fenriswolf

11.Secret Weapons

There are several secret weapons in the game that you can't use unless you type
these codes in the console. NOTE: In order to get these, you must have a GUN out,
not your saber. And in order to use them, you can't switch weapons or you will not
be able to select them again. And the last setback, these work in single player

Effect Effect
give weapon_tusken_staff Gives the gaffi stick. (works)
give weapon_jawa Gives the jawa gun (I'm trying to figure out why it's not working, hopefully
Effect Effect
find out)
give weapon_noghri_stick Gives the Noghri weapon. (may crash game when you fire)
give weapon_turret Gives the portable assault sentry gun... (doesn't do any damage whatsoever)
give Gives the rapid-fire-stoulker (says it's an unknown item, maybe it works in
weapon_rapid_fire_conc multplayer but I haven't tried it)
give weapon_scepter Gives the sith scepter (it doesn't really work)
give weapon_tusken_rifle Gives the tusken sniper rifle. (works)

Contributed by: BlackPhoenix2

12.Jawa Skin

In multiplayer, hit shift + ~ to bring up command prompt. Enter model jawa and
you've become a Jawa.

Effect Effect
model jawa Jawa character in multiplayer

Contributed by: SuperMario28

13.Spawn Vehicles

Go to console (Shift ~) and enable cheats [devmap (map name)] and type in "npc
spawn vehicle [name]" to make a vehicle apear. These vehicles are all ridable.
Animals can be ridden by jumping on thier backs and vehicles can be driven by
walking up next to them and pressing "R".

Effect Effect
tie-bomber2 Spawns alternate Tie-Bomber (vehicle)
atst_vehicle Spawns AT-ST (vehicle)
swoop Spawns Gray Speeder (vehicle)
lambdashuttle Spawns Imperial Shuttle (vehicle)
z-95 Spawns Kyles modified X-Wing (vehicle)
rancor_vehicle Spawns Rancor (animal)
swoop_red Spawns Red Speeder (vehicle)
tauntaun Spawns Tauntaun with reigns(animal)
wildtauntaun Spawns Tauntaun without reigns (animal)
tie-bomber Spawns Tie-Bomber (vehicle)
wampa_vehicle Spawns Wampa (animal)
x-wing Spawns X-Wing (vehicle)
Contributed by: ReZips

14.NPC Spawn certain things

Hit Shift + ~ to activate the text screen

type devmapall or helpusobi 1 to enable cheats

Effect Effect
NPC Spawn Rancor Spawns an enemy Rancor
NPC Spawn Wampa Spawns an enemy Wampa
NPC Spawn Nostros Spawns floating Nostros

Contributed by: a_gameboy_sp

15.Weapon Codes

Press Shift and ~ during the game, enter helpusobi 1, and the desired code.

Effect Effect
give weapon_blaster_pistol Spawns Blaster Pistol
give weapon_blaster Spawns Blaster Rifle
give weapon_bowcaster Spawns Bowcaster
give weapon_bryar_pistol Spawns Bryal Pistol
give weapon_concussion_rifle Spawns Concussion Rifle
give weapon_demp2 Spawns DEMP2 Gun
give weapon_det_pack Spawns Det Pack
give weapon_disruptor Spawns Disruptor Rifle
give weapon_flechette Spawns Flechette Gun
give weapon_saber Spawns Kyle's Lightsaber
give weapon_melee Spawns Melee Weapon (Hands)
give weapon_repeater Spawns Repeater Rifle
give weapon_rocket_launcher Spawns Rocket Launcher
give weapon_stun_baton Spawns Stun Baton
give weapon_thermal Spawns Thermal Detonator
give weapon_trip_mine Spawns Trip Mine

Contributed by: Fenriswolf

To activate open up the conole: shift + ~
then type these commands

Effect Effect
/ambeg you character will act like a beggar
/amatease your hands will be put behind your back

Contributed by: UnkownWarrior25

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