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Parts of the Atom

*Fill in the following table about the parts of the atom.
proton 1.67262158 x 10-27
neutron 1.6749 x 10-27
electron 9.10938188 x 10-31

1 atomic mass unit = 1.66053886 x 10-27 kilograms

Use the chart to answer the following questions (Hint-the mass you see of the elements on the periodic
table is measured in atomic mass units)

1) What is the approximate mass in amu (atomic mass units) of the sub-atomic particles of an atom:

PROTON= ______________

NEUTRON= ______________

ELECTRON= .000548579867 amu

2) Where is most of the mass found in an atom? Explain your answer in terms of atomic structure.

3) What is the overall charge of the nucleus of an atom? Which sub-atomic particle in the nucleus has nothing to
do with the overall charge of the atom?

4) The elements that you see on the periodic table are neutral. What does neutral mean?

5) In order for the elements on the periodic table to be neutral, which two sub-atomic particles have to equal
each other?

*Use the previous information and the periodic table to answer the following questions:
6 ______________: This is the number of protons
C chemical symbol:_________________________________
carbon ______________: This is the name of the element.
12.011 atomic mass (in AMUs): This tells you the average mass of all the known
isotopes of that element.

1) How do you find the number of protons in an element?

2) Since all the elements on the periodic table appear as neutral atoms, how would you find the number of

3) The rounded atomic mass to the nearest whole number is called the MASS NUMBER. Which two sub-
atomic particles added together will give you the mass number of an element?

_________________________ + __________________________ = MASS NUMBER

4) Using the answer from question 3, deduce the equation for finding the number of neutrons in an element.

NEUTRONS= _____________________ ___ _____________________

5) Fill-in the following chart about the characteristics of an element when the element is neutral. Answer these
questions as if you could not use the periodic table.

Characteristic How do I find it?



Mass Number


Atomic Number

*Complete the table for the elements with atomic numbers 1-25. All elements are NEUTRAL


H 1 0

He 2 4 2
Lithium 3 4

Be 4 9 4
Boron 5 6

C 6 12 6
Nitrogen 7 7

O 8 16 8

F 9 10
Neon 10 20 10

Na 11 12

Mg 12 24 12

Al 13 14
Silicon 14 28 14

P 15 16
Sulfur 16 32 16

Cl 17 18
Argon 18 40 18

K 19 20

Ca 20 40 20

Sc 21 24
Titanium 22 48 22

V 23 28

Cr 24 52 24

Mn 25 30

*Heres how to draw an atom of any element using the Bohr model of the atom:

The following steps need to be followed when drawing out an atom. You will need a periodic table!!!

1) Find the correct number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

2) Draw a circle that represents the nucleus. Put the correct number of protons and neutrons in the center.

3) Draw the electrons in the cloud (orbits, energy level etc..) following the clock method. Only putting
electrons at the 12:00 position, 3:00 position, 6:00 position, and 9:00 position.

4) You must adhere to the 2, 8, 8 rule when drawing in electrons. The first cloud holds up to 2 electrons,
the second cloud holds up to 8 electrons, and the third cloud holds up to 8 electrons.

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