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University of Basel

Student Administration Office

Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

Decisions of the Rectorate of 13 December 2016

Admission regulations of the University of Basel for the

academic year 2017/2018 (fall semester 2017, spring semester

1. Application deadlines

2. Admission to bachelors studies with Swiss educational qualifications

Admission to Bachelors degree programs with Swiss educational qualifications

3. Admission to Bachelors studies with foreign educational qualifications

Admission to Bachelors studies with foreign educational qualifications

Admission requirements by country - academic year 2017/2018 (according to the

recommendations of CRUS for the evaluation of foreign secondary school leaving
certificates of 7 September 2007)

4. Recognized higher education institution

5. Special requirements for the access of non-Swiss students to the clinical and dental
medicine programs

6. Conversion of the final grade / the grade average of degrees awarded by foreign
higher education institutions into the Swiss grading system

7. Additional requirements for the admission to the masters studies with degrees from
foreign higher education institutions

8. Additional requirements for the admission with a degree from a university of applied
sciences or a university of teacher education recognized by the University of Basel

9. Language skills

10. Additional requirements to sections 13 and 21 of the student regulations concerning

admission and application

11. Officially athenticated copies / recognized translations

This is a translation from the German original. It is provided

for information purposes only and has no legal force.
University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

1. Application deadlines

In accordance with Section 21 of the Student Regulations (from 28 September 2011), the admissions
process can only begin once the application has been submitted in written form and received by the uni-
versity by the respective deadline:

Course of studies (bachelor/master/doctorate) Fall semester Spring semester

Bachelors studies without admissions restrictions 30 April 2017 30 November 2017

Masters studies without admissions restrictions 30 April 2017 30 November 2017

Doctoral studies 31 July 2017 5 January 2018

Bachelor and Master in Clinical Medicine or Dental Medicine 1

15 February 2017 -----------------

Master in Nursing Science 15 February 2017 -----------------
Bachelors in Sport, Exercise and Health 15 February 2017 -----------------

Section 2 of the regulation on admissions restrictions for the course of studies in medicine at the University of Basel
Section 2 of the regulation on admissions restrictions for the Masters degree program in Nursing Science at the University of Basel
Section 4, par. 2 of the regulation on admissions restrictions for the Bachelors degree program in Sport, Exercise and Health at the
University of Basel

Late applications to bachelors degree programs without admissions restrictions

Late applications are possible, on written request, until 31 July 2017 (fall semester) or until 5 January
2018 (spring semester), as long as a complete application dossier has been submitted by the deadline. If
admission is dependent on further conditions (e.g. on the Complementary Examination of Swiss higher
education institutions), late applications are not possible. An additional fee of CHF 150 is payable for late
applications. Submission of a late application does not entitle the applicant to admission.

Late applications to masters degree programs without admissions restrictions

Late applications to masters degree programs (except for clinical medicine, dental medicine, and nursing)
are possible, on written request, for holders of a recognized bachelor's level degree from a Swiss higher
education institution until 31 July 2017 (fall semester) or until 5 January 2018 (spring semester), as
long as a complete application dossier has been submitted by the deadline. An additional fee of CHF 150
is payable for late applications. Submission of a late application does not entitle the applicant to admis-
University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

2. Admission to bachelors studies with Swiss educational

qualifications (academic year 2017/2018)

Swiss educational qualifications can be divided into the following admission categories:
a) Access to all bachelors degree programs
b) Access to all bachelors degree programs except medicine
c) Access to all bachelors degree programs at individual faculties
Study programs with restriction of admission remain subject to special requirements.

a) Access to all bachelors degree programs is granted under the following conditions:
Eidgenssische, bzw. schweizerische Maturitt
kantonale gymnasiale Maturitt, die schweizerisch anerkannt ist (gemss Maturittsanerkennungsreg-
lement MAR vom 16. Januar 1995 bzw. Verordnung ber die Anerkennung von Maturittsausweisen
vom 22. Mai 1968)
Abschlusszeugnis einer schweizerischen universitren Hochschule (Bachelor, Master, Lizentiat, Dip-
lom, Staatsexamen). Nicht darunter fallen Abschlsse der Weiterbildungsstufe (MAS, DAS, CAS,
EMBA, Nachdiplome u. .).
Eidgenssisches Berufsmaturittszeugnis / gesamtschweizerisch anerkanntes Fachmaturittszeugnis
in Verbindung mit dem Ausweis ber die bestandene Ergnzungsprfung gemss der Verordnung
ber die Ergnzungsprfung fr die Zulassung von Inhaberinnen und Inhabern eines eidgenssischen
Berufsmaturittszeugnisses oder eines gesamtschweizerisch anerkannten Fachmaturittszeugnisses
zu den universitren Hochschulen vom 1. Januar 2017.
Bachelor einer gemss Bundesgesetz ber die Frderung der Hochschulen und die Koordination im
schweizerischen Hochschulbereich (HFKG) anerkannten schweizerischen Fachhochschule (nach In-
krafttreten HFKG) Nicht unter diese Regelung fallen Abschlsse der Weiterbildungsstufe (MAS, DAS,
CAS, EMBA, Nachdiplome u. .)
Bachelor einer schweizerischen Fachhochschule, sofern der Studiengang/Titel gemss der Verord-
nung des EVD ber Studiengnge, Nachdiplomstudien und Titel an Fachhochschulen anerkannt ist.
(vor Inkrafttreten HFKG). Nicht unter diese Regelung fallen Abschlsse der Weiterbildungsstufe (MAS,
DAS, CAS, EMBA, Nachdiplome u. .)
Bachelor einer schweizerischen Pdagogischen Hochschule, sofern der Studiengang/Titel von der
Schweizerischen Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren (EDK) anerkannt ist. Nicht unter
diese Regelung fallen Abschlsse der Weiterbildungsstufe (MAS, DAS, CAS, EMBA, Nachdiplome u.
Nachtrglich erworbener schweizerischer FH-Titel, sofern ein entsprechender Entscheid der zustndi-
gen Stelle (BBT, EDK oder SDK/SRK) vorliegt.
b) Access to all bachelors degree programs except medicine is granted under the
following conditions:
M-Matur des Kantons Basel-Landschaft
Maturit Artistique des Kantons Genf
Kantonale Maturitten A-E der Zrcher Maturittskommission gemss dem Reglement fr die kanto-
nalen Maturittsprfungen vom 3. Juni 1975, sofern die volle Prfung abgelegt wurde.
Aufnahmeprfung der Universitt Zrich gemss dem Reglement ber die Aufnahmeprfung an die
Universitt Zrich vom 16. Dezember 2002, sofern die vollstndige Prfung abgelegt wurde.
Kantonale, nicht schweizerisch, bzw. eidgenssisch anerkannte gymnasiale Maturitten, die vor 2004
erworben wurden und allgemein bildend sind. Eine gymnasiale Maturitt gilt als allgemein bildend,
wenn in den letzten drei Schuljahren (Sekundarstufe II/gymnasiale Oberstufe) durchgehend mindes-
tens sechs voneinander unabhngige Fcher der folgenden Kategorien belegt wurden:
Nr Kategorie Fach
1 Erstsprache Erstsprache (Muttersprache)
2 Fremdsprache Fremdsprache
3 Mathematik Mathematik
4 Naturwissenschaften Biologie, Chemie oder Physik
5 Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften Geschichte, Geographie oder Wirtschaft/Recht
6 Frei whlbar Ein weiteres Fach aus den Kategorien 2, 4 oder 5

Folgende kantonale Primarlehrerpatente (PLP) mit fnfjhriger Ausbildung

- Bern: PLP (ab 1983)
- Graubnden: PLP des Bndner Lehrerseminars in Chur und des Lehrerseminars der evangeli-
schen Mittelschule Schiers (beide ab 1988)
- Fribourg: PLP der Ecole normale (ab 1983)
- Luzern: PLP des Instituts Baldegg, des Seminars der Stadt Luzern sowie der kantonalen Semina-
re Hitzkirch und Luzern (ab 1985)
- St. Gallen: PLP des Seminars Rorschach (ab 1988) sowie der Kantonsschulen Sargans, Wattwil
und Heerbrugg (ab 1987)
- Schaffhausen: PLP (ab 1985)
- Schwyz: PLP der Seminare Rickenbach und Theresianum Ingenbohl (ab 1988)
- Solothurn: PLP (ab 1988)
- Thurgau: PLP des Seminars Kreuzlingen (ab 1989)
- Wallis: PLP des Oberwalliser Seminar Brig (ab 1988)
- Zug: PLP (ab 1988)
Folgende Lehramtsmaturitten
- Aargau: Lehramtsmatur der Pd.-Soz. Gymnasien Aarau (ab 1985) und Wettingen (ab 1986)
- Glarus: Lehramtsmatur (ab 1985)
- Schaffhausen: Lehramtsmatur (ab 1985)
- Zrich: Lehramtsmatur (ab 1990)

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c) Access to all bachelors degree programs at individual faculties is granted under the
following conditions:
Educational qualification Admitting faculty
Abschlusszeugnis der Maturittskurse fr Berufsttige - Faculty of Theology
des Kantons Basel-Stadt, sprachlich-historischer Zweig - Faculty of Law
(Curriculum mit Latein) - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Psychology
Abschlusszeugnis der Maturittskurse fr Berufsttige - Faculty of Law
des Kantons Basel-Stadt, sprachlich-historischer Zweig - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
(Curriculum mit Mathematik) - Faculty of Business and Economics
- Faculty of Psychology
- Faculty of Medicine for:
Sport, Exercise and Health

Masters in Nursing Science


Abschlusszeugnis der Maturittskurse fr Berufsttige - Faculty of Science

des Kantons Basel-Stadt, naturwissenschaftlicher
Zweig (Typus C), altes Curriculum ohne Englisch
Abschlusszeugnis der Maturittskurse fr Berufsttige - Faculty of Science
des Kantons Basel-Stadt, naturwissenschaftlicher - Faculty of Business and Economics
Zweig (Typus C), neues Curriculum inkl. Englisch - Faculty of Medicine for:
Sport, Exercise and Health

Masters in Nursing Science


Handelsmaturittszeugnis der Scuola cantonale di - Faculty of Business and Economics

commercio, Bellinzona - Faculty of Law
Abschlusszeugnis der Kirchlich-Theologischen Schule - Faculty of Theology
Basel KTS
Abschlusszeugnis der Kirchlich-Theologischen Schule - Faculty of Theology
Bern KTS (gemss Rektoratsentscheid vom 28. August
Der von der Middlesex University (GB) akkreditierte - Faculty of Theology
und mit dem Titel Bachelor of Arts in Theology abge-
schlossene vierjhrige Studiengang des Theologischen
Seminars St. Chrischona
Diplome von Hheren Technischen Lehranstalten - Faculty of Science
(HTL) ab der Durchschnittsnote 5.0
Diplome von Hheren Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungs- - Faculty of Business and Economics
schulen (HWV) ab der Durchschnittsnote 5.0
Umfassende Aufnahmeprfung der ETHZ - Faculty of Science
Remains subject to the special provisions detailed in the corresponding regulations on admission restrictions as well as the
regulations for master studies in nursing science.

Seite 3/3
University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

3. Admission to bachelors studies with foreign educational

qualifications (academic year 2017/2018)

1. Basic principles for the recognition of foreign educational qualifications

Foreign secondary school leaving certificates are evaluated in accordance with the recommendations set
out by the plenary assembly of the Rectors Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS) on 7 September
2007, and in accordance with the fundamental principles for the acceptance of foreign secondary school
leaving certificates and for the admission to studies at Swiss universities that were approved by CRUS on
6 March 2003.

Foreign secondary school leaving certificates are in principle only recognized if the criteria listed
under points 17 are fulfilled.
Foreign secondary school leaving certificates must
1) largely correspond to the Swiss Maturitt certificate;
2) be the highest possible secondary school leaving certificate in the issuing country;
3) entitle the holder to general access to all university faculties and programs;
4) prove a school history of at least 11 years (of which at least three years were spent at upper
secondary level / in senior classes);
5) have been achieved in an unabbreviated way and, as a rule, in a classroom setting;
6) be in one of the following streams: classical languages, modern languages, humanities and social
sciences, or mathematics and natural sciences;
7) qualify as general education (see 2. General education subject catalogue).

2. General education subject catalogue

Foreign school leaving certificates are considered to be general education if the last three years of school-
ing (upper secondary level / senior classes) include at least six general education subjects that are inde-
pendent of one another and fall under the following categories:

No. Category Subject

1 First language First language
2 Second language Second language
3 Mathematics Mathematics
4 Natural sciences Biology, chemistry or physics
5 Humanities and social sciences Geography, history or economics/law
6 Elective One subject from category 2, 4 or 5

If there is a choice of subjects in a category, as with categories 46, it is acceptable to have taken different
subjects from this category during the three years (e.g. category 4: two years of biology, one year of
These requirements are only applicable to the upper secondary level / senior classes. In the case of
school systems that last 13 or more years and have an upper secondary level lasting four to five years,
these requirements only need to be fulfilled during three of the four or five years.

3. Principles for the non-recognition of foreign educational qualifications

The following educational qualifications are not recognized, even if they give access to higher education in
the issuing country:
subject-restricted school leaving certificates and school leaving certificates specifically giving access
to universities of applied sciences (vocational secondary school leaving certificates);
in general, distance education school leaving certificates, night school leaving certificates and school
leaving certificates not attained in a school class;
school leaving certificates from vocational or part-time high schools and schools offering vocational
training as well as general education;
entrance examination certificates from foreign higher education institutions;
school leaving certificates obtained after having attended schools (at upper secondary level)
belonging to different education systems; these certificates will only be recognized if they provide
proof of the last three years at upper secondary level and of having passed all three years.

4. Proof of a place to study

If admissions restrictions exist in the issuing country (admission exam, numerus clausus) for individual
degree courses or the entire university program, proof must be submitted of a place to study at bachelor
level (i.e. a certificate of university admission) in the desired degree program at a university in the issuing
country recognized by the University of Basel. The proof of a place to study must be current. A place in a
correspondence / distance learning course or night school is not admissible.

5. Recognition of degrees from foreign higher education institutions for admission

Applicants with degrees from a foreign higher education institution can be admitted to specific bachelors
degree programs independent of proof of a secondary school leaving certificate. The degree must be on
the level of a bachelors / masters degree or equivalent. The degree must be issued by a higher education
institution recognized by the University of Basel. This does not include continuing education qualifications.
Study programs with admissions restrictions remain subject to special requirements.

6. Assessment of qualifications according to countries (see: list of countries)

A list, divided according to countries, establishes which school leaving certificates allow access to all
bachelors degree programs, and which requirements need to be fulfilled (List of countries for the admis-
sion to bachelors degree courses with foreign school leaving certificates academic year 2017/2018).
The assessment of the school leaving certificates follows the CRUS recommendations from 7 September
2007 for the evaluation of foreign school leaving certificates. Study programs with admissions restrictions
remain subject to special requirements. The Complementary Examination of Swiss higher education insti-
tutions (ECUS) is only held once a year in August. Applications requiring the complementary examination
are therefore only possible in the fall semester, not in the spring semester.

7. Baccalaurat Europen
The Baccalaurat Europen grants access to all bachelors degree programs. Study programs with ad-
missions restrictions remain subject to special requirements.

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8. Admission with the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)
The International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) grants access to all bachelors degree programs, providing a
minimum of 32 out of 42 points is obtained (without bonus points / combined grade) in six subjects accord-
ing to the following categories. One of the subjects in IB group 4 or 5 must have been taken at Higher
Level. Degree programs with admissions restrictions remain subject to special requirements.

Required category of IB subjects

1 First Language First Language
2 Second Language Second Language
3 Individuals and Society History, Geography, Economics, Business and Man-
4 Experimental Sciences Physics, Biology, Chemistry
5 Mathematics Mathematics or Further Mathematics HL
(Math Studies are not accepted)
6 Electives Computer Science, Music, Philosophy, Psychology,
Social Anthropology or a further subject from groups 2,
3 and 4. Economics, and Business and Management
in Group 3 count only as one subject even if both were

Transitional regulations
With IB diplomas issued before May 2007, transitional regulations will apply if the new regulations would
lead to a disadvantage for the student. Degree programs with admissions restrictions remain subject to
special requirements.

a.) Minimum of 30 out of 42 points (without bonus points)

b.) Specific requirements concerning the subject catalogue for the following faculties:
Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Humanities First Language A1/A2
and Social Sciences, and Faculty of Psy- Higher Level: 1st foreign language and History
chology Standard Level: 2nd foreign language
Faculty of Medicine German A1/A2
Higher Level: Mathematics
Standard Level: Foreign language (French, English
or Italian)
Either Higher or Standard Level: History + Biology
or Chemistry or Physics
Faculty of Science First Language A1/A2
Higher Level: Mathematics and one further science
Standard Level: one science subject (Biology,
Chemistry or Physics)

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8
Afghanistan Baccaluria / 12th Grade Certificate (general educational)
+ Grade point average 75%
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Afghan university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Albania Diplom e maturs shtetrore (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Albanian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Algeria Baccalaurat dEnseignement Secondaire Gnral (filires littraires et scientifiques) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Angola Bachelor Academic university degree
Argentina Bachiller (general educational)
+ Grade point average 7/10
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Argentine university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Armenia Mijnakarg (Iriv) Yndhanur Krtutyan Attestat (general educational)
+ 2 years of successfully completed university-level studies at a recognized university
Australia Upper secondary school-leaving certificate (general educational) per state as follows:
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Australian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)

Australian Capital Territory: ACT Year 12 Certificate (until 2014) / ACT Senior Secondary Certificate (from 2015)
New South Wales: Higher School Certificate (HSC)
Northern Territory: Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)
Queensland: Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
South Australia: South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
Tasmania: Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
Victoria: Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
Western Australia: Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)

Austria Reifezeugnis einer allgemein bildenden hheren Schule (AHS) (general educational)
Azerbaijan Orta tahsil haqqinda attestat (general educational)
+ 2 years of successfully completed university-level studies at a recognized university
Bahrain Tawjihiya (Secondary School Certificate literary track / scientific track) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 80%
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Bangladesh Bachelor Academic university degree
Belarus Atestat ab agulnaj sjarednjaj adukacyi (general educational)
Attestat o sredenem obrazovanii (general educational)
+ 2 years of successfully completed university-level studies at a recognized university
Belgium Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (general educational)
Certificat d'enseignement secondaire suprieur (general educational)
Diploma van hoger secundair onderwijs (general educational)
Benin Baccalaurat de lEnseignement du Second Degr (Srie A1 Lettres - Langues / Srie A2 Lettres - Sciences humaines / Srie B Lettres Sciences sociales / Srie C Sciences et
Techniques / Srie D Biologie - Gologie) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Beninese university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8
Bolivia Bachiller en Humanidades (general educational)
+ Grade point average 5/7
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Bolivian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Bosnia- Diploma o zavrsenoj srednjoj skoli (general educational)
Herzegovina Svjedodzba (general educational)
Maturai (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Bosnian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Botswana Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (general educational)
+ Grade point average C
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Brazil Certificado de Concluso do Ensino Mdio (general educational)
+ Grade point average 7/10 (bom)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Brazilian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Bulgaria Diploma za (zavarsheno) sredno obrazovanie after 12 school years (academic-general stream) (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Bulgarian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Burkina Faso Baccalaurat de lEnseignement du Second Degr (Srie A philosophie-lettres / Srie C mathmatiques et sciences physiques / Srie D mathmatiques et sciences naturelles)
(general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Burkinan university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Burundi Diplme des Humanits Gnrales + Diplme dEtat (general educational)
+ Grade point average in the Diplme dEtat 60%
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Burundian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Cabo Verde Certificado de Habilitaes Literrias (general educational)
+ Grade point average 14/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized university of Cape Verde
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Cambodia Certificate of Upper Secondary Education (general educational)
+ Grade point average B or 30/50
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Cambodian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Cameroon Baccalaurat de lenseignement secondaire (A: Littraires / C: math et sciences physiques / D: math et sciences de la vie et terre) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Cameroon GCE in 6 independent general educational subjects
+ each one with at least grade C and at least 3 subjects must be at the Advanced level (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences)
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8
Canada Upper secondary school-leaving certificate (general educational) per province as follows:
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Canadian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)

Alberta: Alberta High School Diploma in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences - Biology, Chemistry or Physics - at
Level 30)
British Columbia: British Columbia Certificate of Graduation Dogwood Diploma in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural
sciences - Biology, Chemistry or Physics - at Grade 12)
Labrador: High School Graduation Diploma in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences - Biology, Chemistry or Phys-
ics - at Level III / Advanced or Academic Math 3200, 3201, 3208)
Manitoba: High School Diploma in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences - Biology, Chemistry or Physics - at Level
12 as S Specialized Course)
New Brunswick: High School Graduation Diploma Diplme de fin dtudes in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sci-
ences - Biology, Chemistry or Physics - at Grade 12 in the College Preparatory Program)
Newfoundland: High School Graduation Diploma in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences - Biology, Chemistry or
Physics - at Level III / Advanced or Academic Math 3200, 3201, 3208)
Northwest Territories: High School Graduation Diploma in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences - Biology, Chemis-
try or Physics - at Grade 12 on the University Preparation Level)
Nova Scotia: High School Completion Certificate in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences - Biology, Chemistry or
Physics - at Grade 12 on the University Preparation Level)
Nunavut: Nunavut Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences - Biolo-
gy, Chemistry or Physics at Level 30)
Ontario: Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences - Biology, Chemistry
or Physics - at Grade 12 U or M)
Prince Edward Island: Prince Edward High School Graduation Diploma in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences -
Biology, Chemistry or Physics - at Grade 12 in the category Academic)
Qubec: Diplme dtudes collgiales (D.E.C.) pruniversitaire
Saskatchewan: Record of Secondary Level Achievement (Transcript) for complete Grade 12 standing in 6 independent general educational subjects (one of which must be math-
ematics or a natural sciences - Biology, Chemistry or Physics in the Grade 12 Level 30 Course)

Chad Baccalaurat de lenseigenement du second degr (general educational)

+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Chadian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Chile Licencia de Enseanza / Educacin Media (cientifico-humanista / humanistico-cientifica) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 70% (5/7)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Chilean university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
China Bachelor Academic university degree
Central African Baccalaurat Srie C mathmatiques et science physiques / Srie D mathmatiques et sciences de la nature (general educational)
Rep. + Grade point average 12/20
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Colombia Bachelor Academic university degree
Congo, Dem. Diplme dEtat dEtudes Secondaires du Cycle Long (Sections scientifique / littraire et pdagogique) (general educational)
Rep. + Grade point average 60 %
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Congolese (Dem. Rep.) university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8

Congo, Republic Baccalaurat de lEnseignement du Second Degr (general educational)

+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Congolese (Republic) university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Costa Rica Bachelor Academic university degree
Croatia Svjedodzba o drzavnoj maturi (4 years) (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Croatian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Cuba Bachiller Ciencias y Letras (general educational) + Certificacion Estudios Terminados (list of subjects)
Bachiller nivel medio superior de la Educacion General Politecnica Laboral (general educational) + Certificacion Estudios Terminados (list of subjects)
+ Grade point average 80%
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Cuban university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Cyprus see Greece resp. Turkey
Czech Republic Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce Gymnazium (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Czech university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institu-
tions (ECUS)
Denmark Studentereksamensbevis (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Danish university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education insti-
tutions (ECUS)
Dominican Rep. Bachiller (general educational)
+ Grade point average B (muy bueno)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Dominican university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Ecuador Bachiller General Unificado en Ciencias (general educational)
+ Grade point average 14/20 or else 8/10
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Ecuadorian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Egypt Thanaweya aAmma (General Secondary Education Certificate GSEC) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 80%
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Egyptian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
El Salvador Bachelor Academic university degree
Eritrea Bachelor Academic university degree
Estonia Gmnaasiumi loputunnistus + Riigieksamitunnistus (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Estonian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Ethiopia Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Certificate Examination (EHEECE) (Social Science) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 80% (B)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Ethiopian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Finland Lukion Ptttodistus + Ylioppilastutkintotodistus (general educational)
+ at least 75 courses including 6 independent general educational subjects with at least 8 courses in each subject and 10 courses in mathematics
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Finnish university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education insti-
tutions (ECUS)
France Baccalaurat gnral, srie S and srie ES (general educational)
Baccalaurat gnral, srie L (general educational). Without proof of the subject Mathematics throughout the last three school years, then a Bachelor Academic university
degree is required.

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8
Gabon Diplme de Bachelier de lEnseignement du Second Degr (Sries A D) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Gambia Senior Secondary School Certificate (West African Examinations Council) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 3
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Georgia Sashualo skolis atestati (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Georgian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Germany Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized German university
A certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject can be compensated by a grade point average of 2.5 (or better); for the academic subject Psychology it must be
1.5 (or better). No compensation is possible for the academic subjects Biology and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Ghana Senior Secondary School Certificate (West African Examinations Council) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 3
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Greece Apolytirio Genikoy Lykeioy (general educational)
Apolytirio Eniaioy Lykeioy (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Greek university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institu-
tions (ECUS)
Great Britain General Certificate of Education (GCE) / Cambridge AICE Diploma / Pre-U / General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) / International Advanced Level / International GCSE
including 6 independent general educational subjects, each one with at least grade C (or grade 4 for GCSE / or M3 for Pre-U). At least 3 subjects must be at the level GCE AL / AICE
AL / Pre-U Principal Subject (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences), 1x GCE AS / AICE AS / Pre-U Short Course and 2x GCSE
Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) Standard Grade / Higher / Advanced, including 6 independent general educational subjects, each one with at least grade 3 resp. C. At
least 3 subjects must be at an Advanced Higher Level (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences), 1x Higher and 2x Standard grades
Guatemala Bachelor Academic university degree
Guinea Baccalaurat Unique (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Guinean university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Haiti Baccalaurat (2me partie) (general educational)
Diplme dEnseignement secondaire (2me partie) (general educational)
Diplme dEtudes secondaires (2me partie) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 60% (2me partie)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Haitian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Honduras Bachelor Academic university degree
Hong Kong Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) in 6 independent general educational subjects, each one with at least grade 3 (or C for a category C language subject)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized university of Hong Kong or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Hungary Gimnziumi rettsgi bizonyitvny (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Hungarian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
India Bachelor Academic university degree
Indonesia Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), IPA + Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional (general educational)
+ Grade point average of 70% in the Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Indonesian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8

Iran Diplom Metevaseth (theoretical stream: Mathematics and Physics / Experimental Sciences) (general educational) and leaving certificate of the "One-Year Preuniversity Education"
+ with each a grade point average of 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Iranian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Iraq Bachelor Academic university degree
Ireland Leaving Certificate of the Department of Education resp. Statement of Provisional Results in 6 independent general educational subjects, each one with at least grade C. At least 3
subjects must be at the Higher level (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences one).
Island Studentsprof (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Islandic university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Israel Te'udat Bagrut (issued by the Ministry of Education) in 6 independent general educational subjects
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Israeli university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institu-
tions (ECUS)
Italy Diploma di istruzione secondaria superiore of the following Licei: classico, linguistico, scientifico, delle scienze umane, scientifico opzione scienze applicate, delle scienze umane
opzione economico-sociale (general educational)
Ivory Coast Diplme de Bachelier de lEnseignement du Second Degr (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Ivorian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Jamaica Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) / General Certificate of Education in 6 independent general educational subjects
+ each one with at least grade C and at least 3 subjects must be at the Advanced level (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences)
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Japan Koto Gakko Sotsugyo Shomei-sho (general educational)
+ Grade point average 3/5
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Japanese university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Jordan Bachelor Academic university degree
Kazakhstan Orta bilim turaly attestat (general educational)
+ 2 years of successfully completed university-level studies at a recognized university
Kenya Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 9/12 or B
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Kenyan university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Kyrgyzstan Zalpi orto bilim znnd attestat (general educational)
Attestat o srednem obscem obrazovani (general educational)
+ 2 years of successfully completed university-level studies at a recognized university
Korea, North Bachelor Academic university degree
Korea, South High School Certificate of Graduation (general educational)
+ Grade point average C (Mi)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized South Korean university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Kosovo Diplom pr kryerjen e shkolls s mesme t lart Gjimnazit (general educational)
Diploma o zavrsenoj visoj srednjoj sokli Gimnaziji (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Kosovar university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Kuwait Bachelor Academic university degree
Laos Bachelor Academic university degree

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8

Latvia Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (general educational)

+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Latvian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education insti-
tutions (ECUS)
Lebanon Baccalaurat libanais (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Lebanese university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Lesotho Bachelor Academic university degree
Libya Bachelor Academic university degree
Lithuania Brandos atestatas (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Lithuanian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Luxembourg Diplme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires (Sections B / C / D / E / F / G) (general educational)
Macedonia Diplom pr dhnien e maturs shtetrore (4 years) (general educational)
Diploma za polozena drzavna matura (4 years) (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Macedonian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Madagascar Diplme du Baccalaurat de lEnseignement Secondaire (Srie A philosophie-lettres / Srie C mathmatiques et sciences physiques / Srie D mathmatiques et sciences naturelles)
(general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Malagasy university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Malawi Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) (general educational)
+ Grade point average from 1 to 5
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Malawian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Malaysia Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) + Sijil Tinggi Persekohlahan (STPM) in 6 independent general educational subjects
+ of which 3 Sijil Tinggi Persekohlahan STPM with a Grade point average of at least of C (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences) and 3 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia
SPM with the Grade point average of at least of 4
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Malayan university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Mali Bachelor Academic university degree
Malta Matriculation Certificate (general educational)
Mauretania Diplme de Bachelier de lEnseignement du Second Degr (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Mexico Bachiller (Educacion Media Superior Propedeutico) (general educational)
Certificado de Secundaria General (general educational)
+ Grade point average 7/10
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Mexican university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Moldova Atestat de studii medii de cultura generala (11 years) (general educational)
+ 2 years of successfully completed university-level studies at a recognized university
Diploma de bacalaureat (12 years) (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Moldovan university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8

Mongolia Gerchilgee (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education) (general educational)

+ Grade point average 4
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Mongolian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Montenegro Diploma o polozenom maturskom ispitu (general educational)
Diplom pr dhnien e provimit t maturs (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Montenegrin university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss Universities
Morocco Baccalaurat (sciences exprimentales / sciences mathmatiques / lettres) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Mozambique Certificado de Habilitaces (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Mozambican university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Myanmar Bachelor Academic university degree
Namibia Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) ordinary level + Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) higher level in 6 independent general educational subjects, of which
at least 3 subjects at the NSSC Higher level with Grade point average of at least 2 (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences) and 3 subjects at the NSSC Ordinary
level with Grade point average of at least C
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Namibian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Nepal Bachelor Academic university degree
Netherlands Diploma voorbereidend wetenschapelijk onderwijs (VWO) (general educational)
(The) + Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Dutch university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institu-
tions (ECUS)
New Zealand National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA), level 3 certificate in 6 independent general educational subjects, of which 3 subjects with at least 14 Credits at level 3 each
(one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences) and 3 subjects with at least 10 credits at level 2 each
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized New Zealand university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Nicaragua Bachelor Academic university degree
Niger Diplme de Bachelier de lEnseignement du Second Degr (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Nigerien university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Nigeria Senior School Certificate (WAEC or NECO) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 3
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Nigerian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Norway Vitnemal videregaende opplaering (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Norwegian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Oman Bachelor Academic university degree
Pakistan Bachelor Academic university degree
Palestine Tawjihi (general educational)
(Palestinian + Grade point average 70%
Authority) + Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Palestinian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8

Panama Bachiller (general educational)

+ Grade point average 4/5
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Panamanian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Paraguay Bachiller en Ciencas y Letras / Cientifico (general educational)
+ Grade point average 3 (bueno)
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Peru Certificado Oficial de Estudios (general educational)
Certificado de Educacin Secundaria Comn Completa (general educational)
Baccalaureate (general educational)
+ Grade point average 14/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Peruvian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Philippines Bachelor Academic university degree
Poland Swiadectwo ukonczenia liceum ogolnoksztalcacego + Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Polish university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institu-
tions (ECUS)
Portugal Bachelor Academic university degree
Qatar Bachelor Academic university degree
Romania Diploma de Bacalaureat (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Romanian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Ruanda Bachelor Academic university degree
Russia Attestat o srednam (polnom) obscem obrazovanii (general educational)
+ 2 years of successfully completed university-level studies at a recognized university
San Marino Diploma di superamento dellesame di stato conclusivo dei corsi di studio di liceo classico, linguistico o scientifico (general educational)
Saudi Arabia Bachelor Academic university degree
Senegal Baccalaurat de lEnseignement Secondaire) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Senegalese university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Serbia Diploma o stecenom srednem obrazovanju Gimnazija 4-year (general educational)
Diplom pr kryerjen e shkolls s mesme t pgjithsme Gjimnazin 4-year (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Serbian university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Singapore Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (New Curriculum 2006), in 6 independent general educational subjects, each subject with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of
these subjects must be H2 (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences), 1x H1 and 2x O-levels
Slovakia Vysvedcenie o maturitnej skuske-gymnzium (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Slovak university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institu-
tions (ECUS)
Slovenia Spricevalo o splosni maturi (general educational)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Solvene university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
South Africa National Senior Certificate (NSC) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 60% (Rating Grade 5)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized South African university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8
Spain Bachillerato (Modalidad de Ciencias) (general educational)
+ 2 years of successfully completed university-level studies at a recognized university
Sri Lanka Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education, O-level and A-level in 6 independent general educational subjects
+ each subject with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be at the Advanced Level (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences).
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Sudan Sudan Secondary School Certificate (general educational)
+ Grade point average C
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Sudanese university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Syria Al-Shahada Al-Thanawiyya-AlAmma (Scientific Branch) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 50%
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Syrian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Sweden Examensbevis, Hgskolefrberendande Examen (Ekonomi-, Naturvetenskaps- or Samhllsvetenskapsprogrammet) in 6 independent general educational subjects
+ each subject with at least 200 credits but 250 credits in mathematics
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Swedish university or Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education
institutions (ECUS)
Taiwan Senior High School Leaving Certificate (general educational)
+ Grade point average B
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Taiwanese university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Tajikistan Bachelor Academic university degree
Tanzania Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) + Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) in 6 independent general educational subjects
+ each subject with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be at the Advanced Level (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences)
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Thailand Mathayom 6 (general educational)
+ Grade point average 2/4 (60%)
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Thai university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Togo Baccalaurat du troisime degr (littraire / mathmatiques et sciences de la nature / mathmatiques et sciences physiques) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Togolese university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Tunesia Baccalaurat (sections lettres / mathmatiques / sciences exprimentales / sciences informatiques / sciences techniques) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 12/20
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Turkey Lise Diplomasi (general educational)
+ 2 years of successfully completed university-level studies at a recognized university
Turkmenistan Bachelor Academic university degree
Uganda Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) + Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) in 6 independent general educational subjects. At least 3 of these subjects must be at
principal level UACE, each subject with a minimum grade of C (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences) and 3 UCE with a minimum grade of 3/9
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Ugandan university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Ukraine Atestat pro Povnu Zagalnu Seredniu Osvitu (general educational)
+ 2 years of successfully completed university-level studies at a recognized university
U. A. Emirates Shahadat Al-Thanawiya-Al-Amma (Arts Stream) (general educational)
+ Grade point average 80%
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Uruguay Bachelor Academic university degree

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A D M I S S I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S B Y C O U N T R Y (foreign educational qualifications) - A c a d e m i c Y e a r 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8

USA High School Diploma (general educational)

+ 5 Advanced Placement Tests, each one with a minimal score of 3 and including 2 languages, calculus and 2 natural sciences (Biology, Chemistry or Physics). A social sciences
(History, Geography or Economics) can be chosen instead of a language or a natural science. Not recognized are the following or similar subjects: Art History, Comp. Government &
Politics, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Music Theory, Psychology, Statistics, Studio Art und U.S. Government & Politics.
+ at the minimum 2 years of successfully completed undergraduate university-level studies in an academic subject (major) recognized by the University of Basel at a recognized
college/university. A college or university is recognized by the University of Basel if the institution is accredited by one of the following organizations: MSA-CHE, NEASC-CIHE, NCA-
HLC, NWCCU, SACS, WASC. In addition 2-year junior colleges must prove a Credit Transfer Agreement with a recognized 4-year college or university.

Uzbekistan Bachelor Academic university degree

Venezuela Bachelor Academic university degree
Vietnam Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho Thong (general educational)
Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc (general educational)
+ Grade point average 8/10
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Vietnamese university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Yemen Bachelor Academic university degree
Zambia General Certificate of Education (general educational)
+ Grade point average merit
+ Certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognized Zambian university
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education, O-level + A-level ) in 6 independent general educational subjects
+ each subject with a minimum grade of C. At least 3 of these subjects must be at the Advanced Level (one of which must be mathematics or a natural sciences)
+ Complementary Examination of the Swiss higher education institutions (ECUS)

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University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

4. Recognized higher education institution

A foreign higher education institution is recognized by the University of Basel

if its recognition is stated in an agreement, a contract or a binding arrangement with the Swiss
Confederation or the University of Basel
if it has been state-approved or accredited in the respective educational system and can award
doctorates, meaning it has the right to offer academic doctorates and to confer the respective de-

A higher education institution and its degrees are in general not recognized if they fail to fulfil either of the
above criteria.

A degree is only recognized if at least 80% of the course achievements were obtained at a recognized
higher education institution in an accredited degree program.

A degree that has been awarded from a distance learning course is recognized if all of the following re-
quirements are fulfilled:
The degree has been awarded by a recognized higher education institution, and at least 80% of
the course achievements have been obtained at a recognized higher education institution.
The degree course is recognized / accredited by the official government agency in the respective
education system.
The course achievements in the distance learning course are comparable with those from a
course of study with compulsory attendance in the respective higher education system.
The degree achieved in the distance learning course allows admission to further studies at the
next level, including to a course of study with compulsory attendance, in the respective higher ed-
ucation system.
University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

5. Special requirements for the access of non-Swiss students

to clinical and dental medicine programs

Special requirements for the admission of non-Swiss students to the Bachelors in Medicine or the Mas-
ters in Clinical and Dental Medicine must be fulfilled in addition to the general requirements (in keeping
with the recommendations of the Swiss University Conference on the admission of non-Swiss applicants
to study medicine in Switzerland of 19 November 2015).
Access to the Bachelors in Medicine and to the Masters in Clinical and Dental Medicine is granted to the
a. citizens of Liechtenstein;
b. foreigners with a settlement permit for Switzerland or Liechtenstein;
c. citizens of a European Union member state, Iceland or Norway who possess an EU/EFTA right of
residence for Switzerland stamped with Employment (Erwerbsttigkeit) and can provide evidence of
professional activity closely connected to the medical program (Agreement between the European
Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation on the free movement of persons
(FMPA), Annex I, Art. 9, Section 3); this only includes professions listed under Art. 2 of the Swiss
Federal Act on University Medical Professions (MedBG); in addition, at least one year of gainful em-
ployment in the applicable profession in Switzerland is required;
d. children, irrespective of their nationality, of citizens of a European Union member state, Iceland, Nor-
way or Liechtenstein if they possess a right of residence in Switzerland stamped with Family Reuni-
fication (Familiennachzug) as a family member of an EU/EFTA citizen (FMPA, Annex I, Art. 3, Sec-
tion 6);
e. other foreigners with official residence in Switzerland whose parents have a settlement permit for
f. other foreigners with official residence in Switzerland who are married to a Swiss citizen or whose
spouse has had a settlement permit in Switzerland for at least the past five years or has been in pos-
session of a Swiss work permit for at least the past five years (= actual start of gainful employment at
least five years before the day of the fixed deadline, no interruption allowed);
g. other foreigners with official residence in Switzerland who have been in possession of a work permit
for at least the past five years (= actual start of gainful employment at least five years before the day
of the fixed deadline, no interruption allowed), or foreigners with official residence in Switzerland
whose parents have been in possession of a work permit for at least the past five years (= actual start
of gainful employment at least five years before the day of the fixed deadline, no interruption al-
h. other foreigners with official residence in Switzerland who are in possession of a Swiss or cantonal,
Swiss-acknowledged Maturitt certificate (in accordance with the regulation of 15 February 1995 on
the recognition of Maturitt certificates and with the regulation of the EDK of 16 January 1995 on the
recognition of Maturitt certificates) or a Swiss federal professional Maturitt certificate / a specialized
Maturitt certificate recognized throughout Switzerland in combination with proof of having passed
the supplementary examination (in line with the ordinance of 1 January 2017 on the supplementary
examination for admitting to universities holders of a Swiss federal professional Maturitt certificate or
a specialized Maturitt certificate recognized throughout Switzerland);
i. children whose parents have diplomatic status in Switzerland;
j. persons with official refugee status in Switzerland.
The following conditions apply:
a. Foreigners as defined in Section 1, parts a to i must be in possession of the documents required for
admission to the medical program no later than the day of the registration deadline set for the medical
program (15 February). Proof of educational qualifications may be submitted later.
b. Persons with refugee status in accordance with Section 1, Part j must have submitted their asylum
application in Switzerland no later than the day of the registration deadline set for the medical program
(15 February). The asylum application must have been recognized no later than the last day of the
matriculation period at the university at which they are granted a place.

Seite 2/2
University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

6. Conversion of the final grade / the grade average of

degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions into
the Swiss grading system

The conversion of the final grade / grade average of degrees awarded by foreign higher education institu-
tions into the Swiss grading system follows the subsequent formula: [The result is rounded to one decimal

N max Ntrans
y = 6 2
N max N min

y: result, rounded to one decimal place

6: highest grade in the Swiss grading system
2: conversion factor
Nmax: highest grade in the foreign grading system
Ntrans: the final grade that has to be converted into the Swiss grading system
Nmin: lowest pass grade (on average) in the foreign grading system

This conversion formula is only binding for the admission process to all levels of degree courses (bache-
lor, master, doctorate) and can only be used for absolute, not for relative scales. The faculties may use
different conversion formulas for the recognition of foreign course achievements.
University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

7. Additional requirements for the admission to masters

studies with degrees from foreign higher education

In addition to the requirements of the student regulations dated from 28 September 2011 of the University
of Basel, the following requirement has to be fulfilled in order to qualify for the admission to masters stud-
ies on the basis of a degree awarded by a foreign higher education institution recognized by the University
of Basel:
The proof of a place to study in the respective system of higher education has to come from a univer-
sity recognized by the University of Basel and cannot be issued for a distance learning program or
evening classes. It must be current.
University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

8. Additional requirements for the admission with a degree

from a university of applied sciences or a university of
teacher education recognized by the University of Basel

In addition to the requirements of the student regulations of 28 September 2011 of the University of Basel
and the guidelines of admission to the University of Basel, the following requirements have to be fulfilled in
case of an application with a degree from a university of applied sciences or a degree from a university of
teacher education recognized by the University of Basel:
1. Degree with a grade average of lower than 5 (not rounded)
The grade average has to be at least 5 (not rounded) according to the Swiss grading system
(grades: 1 to 6, 6 = max / 4 = pass) in order to allow access to masters studies. An admission to
the bachelors studies is possible as long as there are no special admission requirements. Course
achievements can be recognized by the University of Basel, after a formal request has been sub-
mitted and only in the form of a waiver. A bachelors degree awarded by the University of Basel
requires that at least 75 credit points have been earned at the University of Basel.
2. Admission in the case of an exclusion
In the case of a final exclusion from a degree program or subject at a Swiss or foreign higher edu-
cation institution or after the successful completion of the degree program or subject, the admis-
sion to a comparable degree program or subject will be denied (section 13, para. 2 of the student
regulations). Deviations from this principle can be allowed in the case of an exclusion from a
bachelors degree program and the subsequent awarding of a degree by a university of applied
sciences or a university of teacher education recognized by the University of Basel with a grade
average of 5 (not rounded) according to the Swiss grading system if this degree allows for access
to the Masters degree course at the University of Basel. The admission to a comparable Bache-
lors degree course is not permitted in any case.
University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

9. Language Skills

According to section 14 of the student regulations dated 28 September 2011 the two principal languages
of instruction at the University of Basel are German and English.

The corresponding language skills are prerequisites for the successful completion of a degree program.
The language of instruction in bachelors degree programs, but also in some masters degree programs, is
predominantly German. German is also the principal examination language, both in written and in oral
examinations. To successfully pursue their chosen degree course, students are advised to have attained
language skills at Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages before the
beginning of their degree program. The same also applies to English for those masters degree programs
taught primarily in English.

Students are responsible for having attained the language skills required to successfully pursue their cho-
sen degree program. Examination failures cannot be excused by insufficient language skills.

The Language Centre of the University of Basel helps students acquire language skills at the necessary
level (
University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

10. Additional requirements to sections 13 and 21 of the student

regulations concerning admission and application

In addition to section 13 of the student regulations of 28 September 2011 of the University of Basel the
following admission regulation applies:
In the case of a final exclusion for disciplinary reasons from a higher education institution in Switzerland or
in a signatory state of the Lisbon recognition convention, admission as a rule will be denied (bache-
In addition to section 21 of the student regulations of 28 September 2011 of the University of Basel the
following regulation applies:
The admission/matriculation at the University of Basel is impossible if documents handed in with the appli-
cation are under strong suspicion of having been forged.
University of Basel
Student Administration Office
Petersplatz 1, Postfach
4001 Basel, Switzerland
T +41 61 207 30 23

11. Officially authenticated copies / recognized translations

Officially authenticated copies

Officially authenticated copies of the standard documents for decisions on admission (secondary school
leaving certificates, annual and interim reports, university degree certificates, transcripts / academic pro-
gress summaries, etc.) are to be submitted when applying for admission.
A copy is considered officially authenticated if the content of the copy has been signed and stamped by
one of the following to confirm that it matches the content of the original document:
a) an authorized official Swiss body (e.g. Beglaubigungsbro Basel-Stadt);
b) a Swiss notary;
c) an institution that issued the original document (e.g. a university / higher education institution /
d) a diplomatic or consular representative of the foreign state to whose educational system the issuing
university / higher education institution / school belongs;
e) an official body / person authorized in the country of origin to authenticate copies, provided the signa-
ture is re-authenticated by the foreign ministry of the relevant country;
f) bodies authorized to stamp documents with the Hague Apostille (agreement of 5 October 1961).

Recognized translations
If the original documents are written in a language other than German, French, Italian or English, a recog-
nized translation is required in German or English. The following rules apply for the acceptance of transla-

Formal requirements for a translation

The translation must be based on the original or on the officially authenticated copy, and the origi-
nal translation is to be submitted together with the authenticated copy.
The following terms should be translated literally with their original designation in brackets: foreign
diplomas; academic degree statuses and titles; names of higher education institutions and univer-
sities; names of schools.
Retrospective amendments to the documents, particularly deletions, additions and handwritten
comments, are to be confirmed on both the originals and copies by stating the date of the
amendment and are to be signed by the person authorized for authentication.

Translations from Switzerland

Translations are accepted from the following sources:
GGG (Gemeinschaft fr das Gute und Gemeinntzige) Basel, +41 61 206 92 22;
ALD BL (Auslnderdienst Baselland), bersetzungsdienst, Pratteln, +41 61 827 99 00;
KV (Kaufmnnischer Verein) Basel, +41 61 271 54 70;
bersetzergruppe Basel, +41 61 273 95 42 / +41 61 901 34 09;
ASTTI members (Schweizerischer bersetzer-, Terminologen- und Dolmetscherverband),;
members of, providing they have been accredited by a Swiss authority.
Translations from abroad
The following translations from abroad are recognized:
Translations by a sworn translator if authentication of his/her signature is provided by one of the
following bodies:
o a consular or diplomatic representative of the Swiss Confederation or another state;
o bodies authorized to stamp documents with the Hague Apostille (agreement of 5 October
Translation by the institution that issued the original document.

Copies and translations directly provided to the University of

Basel by a state or state-recognized organization
Copies and translations are deemed recognized if they are provided directly to the University of Basel by
one of the following organizations:

China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC)

Further provisions
The University of Basel reserves the right to verify the authenticity of the submitted documents directly
with the issuing institution and to reject deficient translations and to have their correctness verified by uni-
versity offices. Furthermore, in cases of doubt, the applicant might be asked to have the translation veri-
fied by a second expert, the cost of which must be covered by the applicant.

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