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Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974

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Digital photoelasticity of glass: A comprehensive review

Ramesh Kn, Vivek Ramakrishnan
Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The recent advances in digital photoelasticity have made it possible to use it conveniently for the stress
Received 10 January 2016 analysis of articles and components made of glass. Depending on the application, the retardation levels to
Received in revised form be measured range from a few nanometres to several thousand nanometres, which necessitates different
13 March 2016
techniques and associated equipments. This paper reviews the recent advances in the photoelasticity of
Accepted 15 March 2016
Available online 31 March 2016
glass with a focus on the techniques/methods developed in the last decade. A brief introduction to the
residual stress in glass is provided initially to bring out its tensorial nature. The subsequent sections are
Keywords: organised thematically rather than chronologically, for better readability and easy access of information.
Digital photoelasticity & 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tempered glass
Float glass
Residual stress
Scattered light

1. Introduction photoelastic effect in glass is detailed in Ref. [9]. Over the years, a
number of photoelasticity based measurement techniques and
Glass is one of the oldest man made materials and history of commercial equipments have been developed for residual stress
glass making can be traced back to third century B.C. Over the last measurements and on-line quality inspection of glass. One of the
decade, there has been an explosion in the use of glass ranging earliest monographs [1] on the topic appeared in 1993, which
from structural applications to bio-medical engineering. One of gives an exhaustive discussion on the various techniques adopted
the main concerns in the applicability of glass is its brittle nature till then.
and failure under tensile stress. Over the years, researchers have In 1999, Mckenzie and Hand [10] surveyed the available optical
understood that the structural behaviour of glass can be regulated methods for glass stress analysis, which is relevant for the users of
to a large extent by controlling the residual stress in them [14].
photoelastic analysis in glass industries. The use of digital com-
Residual stresses are introduced in glass articles during manu-
puters for photoelastic analysis was still in its infancy during that
facturing when they are cooled from the glass transition tem-
period. The advent of affordable high quality digital image acqui-
perature to the room temperature. The residual stresses affect the
sition and processing systems led to the emergence of digital
bending strength and fragmentation properties of glass. Hence,
photoelasticity [1114]. The recent reviews [15,16] focussed on
their measurement and control are very important in glass
industries. specic issues in the use of 2D transmission photoelasticity for
Photoelasticity is based on the phenomenon of stress/strain- retardation measurements in glass. In 2008, Aben et al. [17] have
induced birefringence and basically provides principal stress dif- briey reviewed the use of modern photoelastic technology for the
ference and their orientations. This technique has been in use for residual stress measurement in glass articles.
stress measurement in glass since it exhibits stress-induced bire- The last decade has seen rapid advancements in glass stress
fringence. Though birefringence in glass was rst observed by analysis using photoelasticity. A range of photoelastic techniques
Arago [5] in 1811, it was Seebeck [6] who rst performed sys- are available that can be used for either quick approximate esti-
tematic studies on the birefringence in glass specimens of different mation or to carry out detailed studies in cases that demand
shapes with different thermal treatments. Initial signicant con- accuracy of the evaluated parameters. A comprehensive review of
tributions were made by Brewster [7,8], who independently per- the techniques/methods will enable users to make an informed
formed thorough investigation on the photoelastic effect in glass. choice and may also aid them to develop newer techniques lead-
The roles of Arago, Seebeck and Brewster on the discovery of ing to the advancements in the topic. The review is organised
thematically rather than chronologically, to facilitate easy access of
Corresponding author. information to the user. Glass literature is aplenty with domain
E-mail address: (Ramesh K.). specic terminologies, which usually deters a generic stress
0143-8166/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
60 Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974

analyst. A brief introduction to the residual stress in glass is pro- residual stress as thickness, membrane and edge stress is con-
vided initially to bring out its tensorial nature. venient as the reason for their formation can be identied and
controlled separately. Further, in measurement, the optical meth-
ods lend themselves to measure these separately.
2. Residual stress in glass Fig. 1 illustrates the nature of residual stresses in a heat treated
glass plate in typical blocks taken at selected locations. For a block
Usually, the residual stresses are introduced in glass plates at A which is taken away from the edges, the variation of thickness
either by thermal or chemical means. The thermal residual stres- stress components on x and y planes are shown. Tensorially these
ses are created during their manufacturing process when they are are y and x components for the coordinate system shown in
cooled from the glass transition temperature to the room tem- Fig. 1. Variation of x and y across the thickness of the plate is
perature. These residual stresses affect the structural as well as the parabolic in nature with compression near the surface and tension
optical properties of glass. Usually for structural applications, in the central region. The maximum tensile stress is usually half
presence of compressive residual stresses on the surface of glass is the magnitude of the surface compressive stress [21]. The com-
benecial as it improves the strength and fragmentation char- pressive stress near the surface increases the bending strength of
acteristics. Whereas, for optical applications, this is detrimental as glass, whereas the tension in the mid-plane affects its fragmen-
it alters the refractive index. Hence, the measurement of residual tation properties. The magnitude of thickness stress is found to
stresses in glass articles is important. For structural applications, depend on the cooling process [2224] and the dimensions of the
the minimum residual stress requirements are prescribed by ASTM glass plate [25]. It is reported that the stress state is hydrostatic
[18,19]. The residual stress in glass vary from 0 to 1 MPa in (x E y) at zones away from the edges and cut-outs [1,2].
moulded glass lens, 70120 MPa in thermally tempered glass Membrane stresses are created due to the non-uniformity in
plates to as high as 1000 MPa in chemically tempered glass plates. cooling across the surface of the glass plate. They are constant
Generally, the problems involving stress analysis of glass can be throughout the thickness of the plate [1]. Among the membrane
classied into three at glass, axi-symmetric and generic three- stresses, the stresses near the edge are of interest to the glass
dimensional problems. manufacturers [21]. Block B (Fig. 1) is taken along the edge parallel
The glass literature generally labels the residual stresses in a to the y-direction and the edge stress component for a typical
manner that could be understood in a processing unit as thickness, section in the x plane are illustrated. Tensorially it is y and is
membrane and edge stresses. Stress is a tensor of Rank 2 and it is compressive in nature. Similarly, block C (Fig. 1) is taken along the
desirable that these stresses are also identied as suitable tensorial edge parallel to the x-direction and x is the edge stress for a
components. The subsequent sections provide an overview of the typical section in the y-plane. The z component is usually
nature of residual stress in various glass articles. neglected owing to the small thickness.
Edge stresses are created since the edges of the glass plate act
2.1. Flat glass as additional cooling surfaces and cool down faster compared to
the central region. They are generally compressive in nature and
Thermal residual stresses in plate glass are generally divided are benecial to arrest crack growth and improves the glass
into two thickness and membrane stresses [1,2]. The thickness strength. Recently, Aben et al. [26,27] reported a correlation
stresses are the stresses induced due to the thermal gradients between edge stress and surface stress in tempered glass plates.
across the thickness of the glass plates. Membrane stresses are This allows one to determine one type of stress when the other
introduced due to the thermal gradients along the surface of the is known.
plate. Membrane stresses near the edge of the glass plate is termed
as edge stress. In glass literature [1,20], one would also nd a term 2.1.1. Visualisation and measurement using photoelasticity
surface stress which denotes the combined effect of the thickness In photoelastic measurements, only those stress components in
and membrane stresses on the glass surface. Nomenclature of a plane perpendicular to the light path contribute to photoelastic

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the nature of residual stress in a heat treated glass plate. A rectangular block A is considered at the zone away from the edges to illustrate the
nature and variation of thickness stress. Blocks B and C located at the edges illustrate the nature of edge stresses.
Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974 61

Fig. 2. Generic optical arrangement in a circular polariscope. Illustration of the typical viewing directions for measuring different types of stress (a) Thickness stress (light
direction along the x-axis) (b) Dark eld isochromatic fringe patterns corresponding to thickness stress in a oat glass slice. (c) Membrane stress (light direction along the z-
axis). (d) Dark eld isochromatic fringe patterns corresponding to edge stress in a tempered glass plate.

Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of the nature of residual stress in chemically strengthened glass (a) Chemically strengthened glass bar (b) Nature of residual stresses on a
section of the bar (c) Dark eld isochromatics corresponding to the bar shown in Fig. 3(a) when it is viewed such that light passes through y-direction. The surfaces in the x-z
plane are ground and polished to a depth of 1 mm to remove the strengthened layers. (d) Magnied view of the isochromatic fringes near the edge (courtesy: Ref. [30]).

effect. Fig. 2 shows the optical arrangement in a circular polari- The optical information obtained using the polariscope is
scope with two different orientations of the glass plate. The related to the stress values by the stress-optic law given by [11],
thickness stress component of y is directly measurable by placing
the glass plate such that the light passes through the width (x 1  2 1
direction) of the glass (Fig. 2(a)). Fig. 2(b) shows dark eld iso-
chromatics corresponding to the thickness stresses in a commer- where, ( 1  2 ) is the principal stress difference, N is the fringe
cial oat glass slice. They appear as straight fringes with increasing order, F is the material stress fringe value and h is the effective
gradient towards the edges. When this oat glass slice is rotated length of the light path. Hence, if one knows the fringe order and
and observed such that light passes through the z-direction, no the material stress fringe value, principal stress difference can be
perceivable fringes are observed since the integrated retardation is obtained. Determination of material stress fringe value is called
close to zero owing to the parabolic variation of the residual stress photoelastic calibration which is discussed in Section 3.
components x and y.
Membrane stresses in tempered/heat strengthened glass plates 2.1.2. Chemically-strengthened glass
can be viewed by placing the glass such that the light passes In chemically tempered glass, residual stresses are introduced
through the glass thickness (z direction) as shown in Fig. 2(c). by ion-exchange process where the original glasses are immersed
Fig. 2(d) shows the dark eld isochromatic fringes near the edge of in a molten alkali salt at temperatures below the glass transition.
a tempered glass plate. It can be clearly seen that the edge of the The alkali ions close to the surface of the glass are exchanged with
glass plate is highly stressed compared to the other regions. The those from the molten salt during the thermally activated inter-
fringe pattern represents integrated effect of |x-y| and at the diffusion process. If the ionic radius of the penetrating ions is
edge of the plate, it corresponds to y. The fringe order decreases larger than the ions leaving, then the surface of the glass is sub-
sharply with distance from the edge. jected to compression [1,2831]. Here, a zone of very high
62 Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974

compressive stresses is created at the surface of the glass with a tumbler. Dark eld integrated fringe pattern in a convex lens
depth of less than 1 mm. obtained using a plane polariscope is shown in Fig. 4(b). To record
Fig. 3(a)-(b) shows the schematic illustration of the nature of these patterns, the glass articles are immersed in a bath of
residual stresses in a chemically tempered glass bar. The com- immersion liquid which has the same refractive index as that of
pressive stresses close to the edge AB in terms of stress compo- the glass sample. The residual stresses in the glass tumbler are
nents is only x. Fig. 3(c) shows the dark eld isochromatics [30] intentionally introduced to improve its strength. Quantication of
corresponding to the bar shown in Fig. 3(a) when it is viewed such stresses in axi-symmetric articles is dealt in Section 4.4.1. Residual
that light passes through y-direction. The viewing surfaces (xz stresses in the lens affect its optical properties especially the
plane) are ground and polished to a depth of 1 mm to remove the refractive index [33]. These stresses need to be relieved by careful
strengthened layers before observation. Fig. 3(d) shows the mag- control of the annealing process. However, optimisation of the
nied view of the isochromatics near the edge and it can be seen total time period is also gaining importance in precision moulding
that the fringe gradient is very high close to the edge. The use of of glass lens. Use of birefringence measurement for improved
chemically strengthened glasses are increasing due to their numerical modelling is discussed in Section 5.
advantages like high surface compression, unaffected optical
quality and ability of the tempering process to strengthen thin
glasses of any complicated shapes.
3. Stress-optic coefcient of glass

2.2. Axi-symmetric glass articles

3.1. Measurement of glass stress-optic coefcient C

Similar to the glass plates, residual stresses are also introduced

Unlike in conventional photoelasticity where material stress
in axi-symmetric glass articles like tumblers, glass cooking ware
fringe value (F, N/mm/fringe) is widely used for quantifying the
and bulbs during their manufacturing process. In articles such as
photoelastic behaviour; in glass literature [1,3445] one nds the
tumblers, residual stresses of the order of 90 MPa are introduced
use of photoelastic constant C (TPa  1). For most glasses, the value
for improving their strength and resistance [32]. Though the nat-
of C lies in the range of 24 TPa  1 [1] whereas for commonly used
ure of the stresses introduced is similar to the glass plates, their
photoelastic materials like epoxy it is in the order of 50 TPa  1.
quantication becomes quite complex and concepts of tensorial
Hence, the birefringence in glass is weak and its accurate deter-
tomography are needed to interpret them.
mination poses a challenge.
In a general three dimensional photoelastic model, the princi-
Early methods for the determination of photoelastic constant
pal stress difference as well as the principal stress orientations
(usually called photoelastic calibration) are detailed in Ref [1].
vary along the light path. If the principal stress directions remain
Calibration is performed on simple specimens with known stress
constant or when the birefringence is weak, the optical informa-
state. The standard test method for measuring the stress-optic
tion can be linked to the stress distribution by integral Wertheim
coefcient of glass using conventional photoelasticity is detailed in
law [1,32], which is given by,
Z Z Ref. [34]. The specimens used in general are glass bre under
cos 2 C x  y dz and sin 2 2C xy dz 2 tension [34,35], four point bending [34,3638], concentrated force
at a point [1,39], uni-axial tension/compression [4044] and
where light propagates in the z-direction, C is the stress-optic cylinder/disc under diametral compression [45,46]. Considering
coefcient (C /F), x, y and xy are the components of the the easiness of specimen preparation and accuracy of loading, the
stress tensor and is the wavelength of light. Eq. (2) is valid if is use of beam under four point bending is preferable. Table 1 lists
less than approximately of the wavelength and the angle of the various approaches used for the calibration of glass.
rotation of the principal stress directions is less than /6. In the Early methods involved the use of compensators for point by
case of axial symmetry, should be less than of the wavelength point retardation measurements [34,38,4043]. Recently, Ramesh
[1]. This equation nds use in several techniques for glass stress et al. [36] have explored the use of recent advances in digital
measurement. photoelasticity for the photoelastic calibration of glass. They used
Fig. 4(a) shows the magnied view of dark eld integrated a beam specimen and recommended the use of phase shifting for
photoelastic fringe patterns in a section of the wall of a glass accurate estimation of C and carrier fringe method for quick

Fig. 4. Dark eld isochromatics: (a) Section of a glass tumbler recorded in monochromatic light and (b) convex lens recorded in a plane polariscope under white light.
Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974 63

Table 1
Methods for photoelastic calibration of glass reported in literature.

Fig. 5. (a) Dark eld isochromatics in glass beam free of residual stress under no-load. Composite fringes obtained by the superposition of glass and the carrier under (b) no-
load (c) loaded condition. (d) Dark eld isochromatics in a commercially oat lass beam under no-load. Composite fringes obtained by the superposition of glass and the
carrier under: (e) no-load (f) loaded condition.
64 Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974

calibration applications. In both approaches, the emphasis was on to choose the composition of oxide glass so as to minimise C. Using
the use of whole eld data for accurate measurement. this correlation, Guignard and Zwanziger [56] have found that
Usual methods for calibration demand glass samples free of any barium tellurite glasses also exhibit zero stress-optic behaviour.
residual stresses. If the sample has residual stress, it has to be Recently, Galbraith and Zwanziger [57] proposed a new composi-
removed by a carefully controlled annealing cycle which is time- tion of barium and lead phosphates to develop glass whose stress-
consuming in an industrial scenario. Further, it is also reported [48] optic response is non-dispersive over the optical range. Their
that the photoelastic constant value of glass depends even on the results suggest that with appropriate glass compositions, the
thermal history. Fontana [48] found that the stress optic coefcient stress optic response can be controlled over a range of wave-
of annealed soda lime glass is lower than that of un-annealed glass. lengths. For optical glasses with very low photoelastic constant
Hence, it is desirable to develop methods that can be used to cali- (o0.1 TPa  1), Tarkes and Ramesh [39] proposed the use of con-
brate glass with residual stress. In 2010, Nielsen et al. [49,50] used a centrated force acting on an edge of glass in conjunction with
scattered light polariscope, SCALP, to calibrate tempered glass plate phase shifting for photoelastic calibration.
by measuring the surface stress change on loading.
Vivek and Ramesh [37] improved the method of carrier fringes
in Ref. [36] to calibrate oat glass with residual stress. It would be 4. Methods for photoelastic parameter evaluation in glass
of interest to see how the fringe patterns differ in a specimen with
residual stress compared to a stress free specimen. Fig. 5(a) The range of birefringence levels that one encounters in glass
(c) shows the photoelastic fringe pattern in the glass and the applications is wide. Retardations may vary from 0.01 fringe order in
composite fringes obtained by the superposition of glass and car- optical lens, close to 2 fringes in thermally tempered glass plates to
rier. When the glass beam is loaded, the composite fringes rotate more than 15 fringes in chemically tempered glass. Hence, the
(Fig. 5(c)). This deviation from the vertical is used for the deter- methods adopted for retardation measurement is dependent on the
mination of retardation. Fig. 5(d)(f) shows the photoelastic fringe problem at hand. In order to make reliable measurements in cases
pattern in a oat glass with residual stress and the composite where the retardation is low, various methods of augmenting the
fringes obtained by the superposition of glass and carrier. The basic information are usually employed. With modern developments
deviation of the composite fringes shown in Fig. 5(f) with respect in phase shifting, it is also possible to measure very low retardations
to the ones shown in Fig. 5(e) is used to determine the photo- directly, provided high quality optical elements are used.
elastic constant. Mathematical details used for the estimation can
be found in Refs. [36,37]. 4.1. Transmission photoelasticity

3.2. Inuence of glass composition on stress-optic coefcient C 4.1.1. Compensation techniques

Compensation techniques may either involve an additional
The value of the photoelastic constant depends on the com- birefringent plate (called compensator or tint plates) to augment
position of glass. The inuence of the composition on its photo- the total retardation or use the optical elements in the polariscope
elastic constant was rst studied by Pockels [51] who studied the itself. External compensators are designed such that their effective
effect of lead oxide content in int glass. They concluded that as thickness can be varied thereby varying the retardation. The
the percentage of lead oxide increases, the photoelastic constant commonly used compensators are wedge, polythene square,
decreases. It was found that as the percentage content of PbO Babinet-soleil compensators, standard strain discs and Berek
reaches about 75%, the photoelastic constant approaches zero compensators [10]. Compensators have been used conventionally
(C 0) and beyond this it behaves like a negative crystal (Co 0). for qualitative analysis of residual stress in glass or to determine
The inuence of additives on the properties of silica, borate and the retardation at a point. Standard strain discs and tint plates can
phosphate based glasses have been extensively discussed in the be used to assess the retardation in the glass by comparing colours
glass literature [1,4245,5254] but the studies on uoride and using a standard chart. Birefringent wedges, polyurethane square
chalcogenide glasses [40,41] are few. Photoelastic behaviour of and tint plate can also be used for determination of the sign of
borosilicate glasses was studied by Filon [52], who found that C stress near the edge of the glass plate.
increase with the addition of boric oxide whereas it decreases with
increase in the percentage of potassium oxide. It is reported that 4.1.2. Carrier fringe method
common oxide glass formers (SiO2, B2O3 and P2O5) have positive The use of carrier fringes in photoelasticity was rst introduced
values of C and the addition of alkali and alkaline earth oxides by Rupeng [58]. They are usually used to amplify the retardation in
lowers it to some extent [1]. But the addition of oxides such as the model when it is low for measurement and this aspect has
PbO, Bi2O3 and Tl2O can lower it to zero or even negative. Balm- been used for analysing glass as it is weakly birefringent. Usually
forth and Holland [53] found that replacing soda by lime resulted used carrier specimens are beam under four point bending, C-
in small but signicant increase in the stress-optical coefcient. shaped specimen under tension or a tensile specimen subjected to
Matusita et al. [54] studied the photoelastic constants of borate eccentric loading. Early methods used carrier fringes as compen-
glasses and found that Boron trioxide B2O3 glass has a very high sators for point by point measurement as discussed in Section
stress-optical coefcient of 11 TPa1 and lead oxide-boron trioxide 4.1.1. Recently, Ajovalasit et al. [59] have shown that the method of
PbO-B2O3 glass has a stressoptical coefcient of zero. carrier fringes could be used for automated measurements of
Recently, there is considerable focus on developing zero stress- residual retardation near the edge of a tempered glass plate.
optic glasses which, as the name implies, exhibit zero birefrin- Retardation measurement is based on the principle that the
gence even in the presence of applied stress. Applications of such intensity of light depends only on the retardation when the carrier
glasses include optical instrumentation and projection systems. and glass plate are oriented in such a way that their principal
Owing to environmental regulations, the conventional use of lead stress directions are perpendicular/parallel to each other. The
has now decreased and there have been studies to understand and novelty in their work is that the measurement of retardation is
develop alternate materials to form zero stress-optic glasses. simplied into the measurement of spatial deviation of the com-
Guignard et al. [42,55] discovered a correlation between stress- posite fringe pattern with respect to the reference carrier fringes.
induced birefringence and the ratio of metal oxygen bond metal- Naveen et al. [60] made observations that retardation obtained
licity to the metal coordination number. This provides a criterion from this method is dependent on the carrier fringe density and
Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974 65

Fig. 6. Composite fringe obtained by the superposition of the glass and the carrier. (a) Edge Stress in tempered glass (b) Magnied image showing the deviation of composite
fringes (c) Thickness stress in oat glass (d) Magnied image showing the deviation of composite fringes. Skeletons of the composite fringes are also shown in (b) and (d).

suggested the use of a high density carrier. Fig. 6(a) shows the where R, G and B represent the red, green and blue colour com-
composite fringes obtained by the superposition of the tempered ponents. The use of Eq. (4) leads to false estimation of fringe order
glass and the carrier. If the principal stresses in the carrier and the at some locations due to the repetition of colours and hence, the
glass plate are mutually perpendicular to each other, the retarda- spatial continuity of N is lost. This can be eliminated by incorpor-
tion in the glass can be given by, ating fringe order continuity using modied window search
method given by [66,67].
j y  yi j
N g x 3 q
ei R  Ri 2 G  Gi 2 B Bi 2 ; N A N p  N; N p N 5
where, p is the pitch of the carrier, (y  yi ) gives the deviation in
where, N is 0.4. The average value of the fringe orders of all the
the carrier (Fig. 6(b)).
neighbouring resolved pixels is used as Np in Eq. (5). Rening pro-
Retardation measurement using carrier fringes involves the
cess is started from points that are correctly resolved during the
identication of the composite fringe corresponding to the reference
least squares stage itself and are usually called seed points.
carrier fringe. This can be difcult at higher carrier fringe density
Although TFP is now extended to higher fringe orders [66,68], as the
using monochromatic light. Vivek and Ramesh [61] have devised a
retardation levels are low in glass, resolving three fringe orders
method for fringe identication under such circumstances based on
itself is sufcient.
the fact the fringe orders are less than 0.5 away from the edge. This
Ajovalavit et al. [69] have demonstrated the use of TFP/RGB
will aid automated edge stress measurement. Measurement of
photoelasticity for membrane stress measurement in tempered
thickness stresses in commercial oat glass has also been achieved
glass plate. They proposed the use of another glass plate with
using the carrier fringe method [62]. Fig. 6(c) shows the composite
higher retardation for colour code generation (called self-cal). This
fringes obtained by the superposition of a slice of oat glass and the
approach however, requires phase shifting for measuring the
carrier. It is interesting to note that after the superposition of the
retardation in the glass specimen used for calibration. They also
glass and the carrier, the composite fringe pattern is parabolic and
concluded that for commonly used glasses that exhibit normal
resembles the stress variation in glass. Hence, it is possible for one to
dispersion of birefringence, colour code generated using a poly-
use this qualitatively for residual stress visualisation as well as for
carbonate specimen in conjunction with colour adaptation [70,71]
quick estimation [1,62]. However, this method could be used only
gives good results for fringe orders less than 3.
when the residual retardation in the model is constant in the
The accuracy of fringe order results can be improved by the use
direction perpendicular to the carrier fringes. A technique for iden-
of a tint plate superimposed with the glass [72]. Tint plate used is a
tication of the composite fringe and the corresponding carrier
tensile plate having a uniform retardation of 1 fringe order. The
fringes for thickness stress measurement was also developed for accuracy is enhanced in zones where the retardation in the glass is
cases where identication of corresponding fringes is difcult [62]. less than 0.5 fringe orders. However, the method is dependent on
the alignment of the principal stress directions in the glass and the
4.1.3. Three fringe photoelasticity(TFP)/RGB photoelasticity
tint plate. To retain the advantage of the tint plate method, this
TFP/RGB Photoelasticity [6365] involves the use of a single
misalignment should not be greater than 15.
colour image recorded using white light for fringe order estimation.
This technique is useful especially in situations where multiple 4.1.4. Phase-shifting techniques
acquisitions are difcult. Fringe order at any point on the photo- Phase shifting is a technique in which specic phase shifts are
elastic model is obtained by comparing the colour components at introduced by rotating the optical elements of the polariscope,
that point with those in a calibration table. The most direct method which results in the modulation in the phase information over the
is to calculate the least squares error term (ei) for each row i in the domain. This is captured as intensity variation in the digitally
calibration table using the colour difference formula and identify acquired images.
the fringe order corresponding to the minimum value of ei using the Among the various phase shifting techniques, the ten-step
following colour difference equation [63], phase shifting has demonstrated its capability to obtain photo-
q elastic parameters of high accuracy for a variety of problems
ei R  Ri 2 G  Gi 2 B  Bi 2 4 [73,74]. The ten-step phase shifting method intelligently combines
66 Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974

a four-step plane polariscope approach for isoclinic data evalua- One of the key aspects of the ten-step method is to use
tion and a six-step circular polariscope based method for iso- unwrapped theta values in the calculation of the fractional retar-
chromatics data evaluation. Table 2 shows the optical arrange- dation i.e., theta values obtained from Eq. (6) is unwrapped using
ments of the ten-step phase shifting technique and the corre- suitable unwrapping methodology and this unwrapped theta is
sponding intensity equations. These optical arrangements are used to calculate the fractional retardation using Eq. (7). Several
carefully selected to minimise the inuence of quarter-wave plate other phase shifting methods reported are a subset of this. For
mismatch error. In Table 2, and refer to the orientation of the instance, the last six arrangements in Table 2 correspond to the
polarizer and analyser, and refer to the orientation of the slow six-step phase shifting technique [75,76]. Aben et. al. [77] have
axis of the rst and second quarter wave plates respectively. Ia and proposed a method to determine the direction of rst principal
Ib represents the amplitude of light and background light intensity stress uniquely using six-step phase shifting provided the retar-
respectively. Phase retardation and the principal stress direction in dations are less than half the wavelength.
the model are represented as and . The isoclinic angle and the Four step methods [7881] were also proposed by researchers
retardation are given by [73], to evaluate the photoelastic parameters. Since, the orientation of
  principal stresses near the boundary of glass plate is known,
c tan  1 4 2 6 Ajovalasit et al. [82] used Tardy's and Senarmont's phase shifting
I3  I1
with three images, for automated measurement of edge residual
  stress in tempered glass plates. Tardy's method correspond to the
I 9  I 7 sin 2c I 8  I 10 cos 2c
c tan  1 7 steps 5, 6 and 8 of the ten-step method shown in Table 2. Senar-
I 5  I 6
mont phase shifting employs a slightly different optical arrange-
ment as it does not use the rst quarterwave plate. They have
Table 2 reported that if the quarter wave plate error is zero, Tardy's phase
Optical arrangement for ten-step PST and corresponding intensity equations. shifting method is more precise than Senarmont phase shifting.

Fig. 7(a)(j) shows the ten phase shifted images of a tempered
Step Intensity equation
glass plate. Fig. 7(k) shows the isochromatics results obtained by
1 /2 0 post processing these images using Eqs. (6) and (7). The fringe
I 1 I b I a sin 2 2 sin 2 2
2 5/8 /8 2 order steadily increases towards the edge and the maximum value
I 2 I b I2a sin
2 1  sin 4

3 3/4 /4 being 1.3. Since the edge of the tempered glass plate is chamfered,
I 3 I b I a sin 2 2 cos 2 2
4 7/8 3/8 2 the fringe order at the edge can be obtained by appropriate
I 4 I b I2a sin 2 1 sin 4
/2 /4 /2
extrapolation techniques [18]. Fig. 7(l) shows the isoclinic values in
5 3/4 I 5 I b I2a 1 cos
/2 /4 the glass plate as a binary representation in steps of 10.
6 3/4 0 I 6 I b I2a 1  cos
7 /2 3/4 0 0 I 7 I b I2a 1  sin 2 sin
A Grey eld polariscope (GFP) has been developed for auto-
8 /2 3/4 /4 /4 I 8 I b I2a 1 cos 2 sin
mated measurement of retardation using photoelasticity [8385].
9 /2 /4 0 0 I 9 I b I2a 1 sin 2 sin The rst version of GFP is essentially a circular polariscope without
10 /2 /4 3/4 /4 I 10 Ib I2a 1  cos 2 sin the second quarter wave plate. The analyser is rotated con-
tinuously and a large number of images ( 8) are captured. By post

Fig. 7. (a)(j) Ten-step phase shifted images of a tempered glass plate corresponding to the arrangements in Table 2 (k) whole eld isochromatic fringe order results
(l) binary representation of isoclinics in steps of 10.
Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974 67

processing the captured images, both retardation as well as the photoelastic parameter evaluation. Simultaneous acquisition of
isoclinic parameter are evaluated. The use of grey eld polariscope images makes it suitable for real time stress inspection in glass
for the measurement of residual stress in glass has been demon- industries [83]. These four steps are equivalent to steps 6, 7, 9 and
strated in Ref. [83,84]. Fig. 8 shows the image of a toughened glass 10 of the ten-step method with a difference that it uses circularly
plate depicting the fringe patterns, obtained using GFP. The sen- polarised light of single handedness only. Hence, the accuracy of
sitivity of GFP is claimed to be 70.002 fringes. However, the need this four step phase shifting method is sensitive to the quarter
for multiple images makes it unsuited for dynamic applications. wave plate errors [76] and demands use of high quality elements.
In 2004, Lesniak et al. [86] developed a novel polariscope,
christened as poleidoscope, by combining a polariscope and a 4.2. Scattered light photoelastic method
kaleidoscope. It consists of an objective lens produced by sec-
tioning conventional convex lens into quadrants followed by dif- Scattered light photoelasticity [8789] is used for three-
ferent sets of optical elements for each quadrant. This enables dimensional stress analysis of a model by optical slicing. The inten-
simultaneous acquisition of four phase shifted images for sity of the scattered light is generally weak and is directly propor-
tional to the square of the amplitude obtained by projecting the light
ellipse in a plane perpendicular to the direction of observation. In the
scattered light photoelastic technique, the primary beam may be
unpolarised, plane polarised or elliptically polarised [1].
The rst successful attempt to use scattered light photo-
elasticity for stress measurement in glass was by Bateson et al. [90]
who used a HeNe laser light of 633 nm wavelength. The extreme
parallelism and coherence of the laser light beam improved the
denition of the fringes and in turn the accuracy of measurement,
compared to conventional light sources. Bradshaw [91] proposed a
method for determining stress proles in thin specimens of che-
mically tempered glass by progressively etching the surface com-
pressive layer and measuring the change in the magnitude of the
centre tensile stress using scattered light technique. Several
authors have also developed scattered light polariscopes for stress
measurement in at glass [9294]. However, all these methods/
equipments developed were bulky and were suitable only for
Fig. 8. Toughened glass image obtained using GFP (Courtesy: Ref. [83]). laboratory measurements.

Fig. 9. (a) Three dimensional illustration of the scattered light polariscope. Faint red lines in the monitor depicts the tracked light path. (b), (c) Schematic optical
arrangement of the portable scattered light polariscope. (adapted from [96]).
68 Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974

A major stride in the industrial applicability of scattered light

photoelasticity for glass stress measurements was brought about
by Aben et al. [17,95]. They developed a portable scattered light
polariscope for measuring the stress prole across the thickness of
glass specimens. Optical measurement scheme of the portable
scattered light polariscope (SCALP) is shown in Fig. 9(a). A laser
beam is passed through the glass panel being tested, at an angle
(Fig. 9(b)). The intensity of the scattered light along the laser beam
is recorded with a CCD camera. The camera is placed in such a way
that the direction of observation is perpendicular to the plane of
incidence (Fig. 9). The software module incorporates a light path
detection algorithm to track the laser beam inside the glass. The Fig. 10. Optical arrangement in a grazing angle surface polariscope (GASP) (Cour-
use of oblique light incidence can lead to the refraction of light tesy: Ref. [105]).
from the glass surface. This is eliminated by the use of suitable
contact liquid and a compact glass prism, which is elegantly gives a very high spatial resolution, however, it requires lapping
designed to eliminate refraction of incident as well as the scat- and polishing of one edge of the glass plate.
tered light beams. All these components are embedded in the
polariscope in a compact manner which makes is portable and can 4.3. Surface guided wave methods
even be used as a handy probe for stress measurement in glass.
The retardation in the laser beam as it passes through the glass Guided wave photoelastic methods have been developed for the
plate, assuming plane stress condition, is governed by the integral measurement of stress at the surface of glass. There are different
Wertheim law (Eq. (2)) [96,97]. If the residual stress state is iso- methods to measure surface stresses in homogeneous glasses and
tropic (x y) then a single measurement is sufcient and the stratied glasses. Differential refractometry is used to determine the
residual stress is given by [96], surface stress in homogeneous glasses and initial developments were
proposed by Guillemet and Acloque [103] and Kishii [104]. For
h0 8 stratied glasses, surface wave guided methods (also called Mirage
C sin 2 methods) were proposed. Here polarised light is guided through the
where, h0 is the length of the light path, C is the stress-optic surface of the glass using prism of high refractive index. The gradient
coefcient of glass, is the optical retardation in nm and of the refractive index causes the resurgence of the rays out of the
0h ddhh0 . panel. Polarisation of the output light depends on the distance tra-
If x a y, one needs to make two orthogonal measurements at velled and the stress on the glass surface. An apparatus based on this
each point. Then, the individual stress components can be com- method is called Epibiascope [103].
puted by [96], The commercially available grazing angle surface polariscope
(GASP) also works on a similar principle [21,105]. The set-up is
02 01 cos 2 0 02 cos 2
x and y 1 9 designed such that light is incident on the prism at the critical
C1  cos 4 C1  cos 4
angle, which on entering the glass plate, travels through its surface
where 1 and 2 are the optical retardations measured by placing (Fig. 10). A Babinet compensator is placed near the eye piece of the
0 0
SCALP along x and y axes. 1 ddh d2 h
0 0
0 ; 2
1 h
0 . polariscope. The tilt in the fringes (similar to the one in Fig. 5(c))
The scattered light polariscope gives accurate results for oat can be linked to the surface stress values through a chart provided
glass whose refractive index is close to 1.5. For glass samples of by the manufacturer. However, this cannot be used for chemically
higher refractive indices, improved light path detection algorithms strengthened or patterned glass.
are used owing to the refraction of the light beam.
Scattered light polariscope is now being widely used for testing 4.4. Integrated photoelasticity
and research. Nielsen et al. [49] have used it to characterise the
stress state in commercially toughened glass. They have found that Integrated photoelasticity is used for the measurement of
the residual stress in tempered glass is highly non-uniform, with a stresses in glass articles of complicated shapes having complex
variation in the surface stress as high as 35 MPa in 19 mm glass stress distributions [1,17,106119]. The model is immersed in an
specimens. Soulie et. al [97] have studied the nature of residual immersion liquid and polarised beam of light is passed through it.
stresses in tempered glass discs of thickness 4.9 mm used in The use of integrated fringe pattern to determine the stresses in
optical industry. Chen et al. [23] and Anton et al. [98] have studied three-dimensional specimens was rst proposed by Neumann
the inuence of process parameters on the isotropy in tempered [106]. Integrated photoelasticity is tensor eld tomography in
glass and stress inhomogeneity respectively. In 2014, Zaccaria and which the unknown quantity at each point is a tensor of rank two,
Overend [99] have studied the mechanical performance of che- thus making the problem much more complicated.
mically and thermally treated (bi-treated) glass. Vivek and Ramesh The propagation of polarised light through a three dimensional
[100] studied the inuence of thermal cycling on the residual inhomogeneous birefringent medium is a function of the stress
stress generated in rectangular glass specimens. distribution between the point of entrance and the point of exit. In
Recently, Castellini et al. [101] have explored the use of laser generic cases, both principal stress differences and their orienta-
sheet scattered light method for on-line monitoring of through- tions can vary in a general way which makes the problem com-
the-thickness residual stress in tempered glass. This method is plex. In integrated photoleasticity, one experimentally measures
non-contact and does not require a glass prism and contact liquid three parameters along the light path labelled as , and . These
since the laser sheet is introduced through the edge of the glass are termed as characteristic parameters which represent the
plate. However, this method cannot be applied in cases where the parameters of an optically equivalent model consisting of a retar-
edges are not optically transparent due to prior machining. In der (, ) and a rotator ()[107]. The quantities that represent the
2015, Hodemann et al [102] have introduced a micron-scale con- stress eld in the model are then obtained from these character-
focal scattered light photoelastic method for the measurement of istic parameters, from multiple measurements along different light
stress prole in chemically strengthened glass panels. This method paths, by using the concept of inverse Radon transform [108,109].
Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974 69

Fig. 11. (a) Illustration of the formation of integrated fringe pattern in an axi-symmetric tempered glass tumbler, (b) dark eld isochromatics and (c) axial stress z obtained
by the method elaborated in Section 4.4.1.

4.4.1. Axi-symmetric stress distribution photoelasticity have been used for the measurement of residual
If the problem is axi-symmetric, then the tensor eld tomo- stress in glass articles like glass tumblers, bottles, CRT glass bulbs
graphy can be reduced to scalar eld tomography for determining and high pressure lamps [17,110,116,117].
a single component of the stress tensor eld. The axi-symmetric In some problems, the linear approximation of the photoelastic
3D specimen is investigated in an immersion bath and measure- tomography is not valid. An example being the residual stress
ments of the isoclinics and optical retardation are to be per- measurement in glass articles of complicated shapes. Aben and
formed in two parallel sections along the axis of the axi- Errapart [118] have proposed a non-linear method of photoelastic
symmetric specimen at a small distance z apart [111]. By tomography using differential evolution algorithm for measure-
applying Integral Wertheim law for the two parallel sections and ment under such circumstances.
by using equations of equilibrium the axial stress (along z-direc- In cases, where the stress distributions are non-axisymmetric
tion) is obtained as [109], residual stress measurement can be carried out using a combination
Z C Z B Z B  of integrated photoelasticity, scattered light method and surface
1 V1
z dy0 V 02 dx0  V 2 dx0  10 stress measurement [119]. Aben et al. [109] illustrated that a
A Cz l l C
tomographic method can be elaborated for the measurement of
where V2 and V 02 represent the variables cos2 for the main and three-dimensional stress eld in glass of any arbitrary shape, based
the auxiliary sections respectively and V1 represent sin2 in Eq. on the linearised solution of equations of integrated photoelasticity.
(2). A and C represents the points of entrance and exit of a light
beam in any direction y0 . l and B represent the radial distance of the 4.4.2. Peculiarities in inhomogeneous birefringent models
light beam and the edge of the specimen from the z-axis along x0 . Aben et al. [120,121] reported the presence of peculiarities in the
The component of stress z and its distribution can be determined integrated fringe pattern in inhomogeneous birefringent models.
by Radoninversion techniques [114,115]. Similarly, if the specimen The appearance of these peculiarities (called interference blots) can
can be rotated during measurements around different axes, dis- be attributed to the rotation of the principal birefringence axes.
tribution of all the normal stresses (x and y) can be determined. Because of this, the optical retardation cannot take all the values
If a specimen of any arbitrary cross-section is of prismatic form between 0 and , which causes blurring or even complete dis-
and has no stress gradient in the direction of its axis z, then in Eq. appearance of fringes, making their ordering ambiguous. These
(10) one has V 2 V 02 0 and the distribution of z can be deter- interference blots can be seen in the integrated fringe pattern near
mined on the basis of photoelastic measurements in a single
the wall-to-bottom region of a tempered glass tumbler [121].
section. In addition, knowledge that the stress distribution is
parabolic is used advantageously in devising the algorithm. Fig. 11
(a) shows the formation of integrated fringe pattern in a tempered 4.5. Other photoelastic methods
glass tumbler. As light travels through the tumbler, it accumulates
retardations, which are recorded as fringe patterns for a small Apart from the conventional transmission arrangements, there
section in the z-direction as shown in Fig. 11(b). The axial stresses have also been attempts to explore other techniques for glass
determined using appropriate algorithms [17,109] is shown in stress measurements. Tomlinson et al. [122] have used a range of
Fig. 11(c). The value of compressive stress on the surface is photoelastic methods including reection photoelasticity and
100 MPa. These stress measurements are sensitive to the immer- magneto-photoelasticity to study the spontaneous fracture of
sion uid used and to limit the error in surface stress measure- automotive glass. The stress distribution in the automotive glass
ments below 5%, one has to use immersion uids of precision of under load was measured using a birefringent coating in con-
about 0.001 in matching the refractive index [116]. Integrated junction with a grey eld polariscope.
70 Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974

The use of magneto-photoelasticity to evaluate the stress- birefringence materials is demonstrated by performing experi-
distribution along the light path in three-dimensional models was ments on a thin glass substrate used for liquid crystal display.
rst proposed by Aben [123]. The conventional transmission
arrangement along with a magnetic eld in the direction of light
propagation yields information about the stress distribution along 5. Birefringence measurement for optical glass moulding
the light path. This technique is useful especially in cases where the
integrated retardation is zero or close to zero eventhough the Conventionally photoelasticity has been used to validate the
stresses are non-zero. In 1998, Clarke et al. [124] adapted magneto- results obtained from numerical simulation of the manufacturing
photoelastic technique for measuring the residual stress in tough- processes of glass articles especially the tempering of glass
ened glass plates. Tomlinson et. al. [125,126] have developed a [22,129131]. Owing to the increase in demand of optical lens,
there has been considerable focus recently on the studies on
pulsed magneto-polariscope, which is capable of data acquisition in
optical glass moulding. Chen et al. [132] have validated the
continuously varying magnetic elds. They used this set-up to
numerical simulation of glass moulding process by measuring the
determine unique set of three characteristic parameters for each eld
birefringence in thin slices from the moulded lenses. Similarly, Yi
strength in thermally toughened glass discs [127]. This approach is
et al. [133] have compared the integrated birefringence values in a
particularly useful to characterize the stress distribution in regions moulded glass lens. In 2014, Tao et al. [134] have used the whole
where parabolic assumption of the thickness stress is insufcient. eld measurement capability of digital photoelasticity to validate
Recently, Sung et al. [128] have proposed a method called the numerical simulation of aspherical moulding of lens.
Transmissivity Extremities Theory of Photoelasticity (TEToP) by Ramesh and Tarkes [135] customised the commercially avail-
integrating white light photoelasticity and spectrometry. In this able glass polariscope (AP-07) for residual stress measurement in
method, initially, a systematic relationship of transmissivity with glass lens. The optical arrangement of the modied set-up is
stress and wavelength is established and then a stress quantifying shown in Fig. 12(a), which facilitates easy placement of lens in an
formula is derived. The use of TEToP to measure stress in low immersion bath. Fig. 12(b) and (c) shows the integrated

Fig. 12. (a) Schematic arrangement of the customized set-up for residual stress analysis in lens by modifying automatic polariscope AP- 07. Integrated retardation in optical
lens made using (b) Isothermal glass moulding (c) Non-isothermal glass moulding process. (d) (f) Numerically simulated birefringence values for different heat transfer
parameters for a ow rate of 50 L/min in glass disks. (g) Experimentally measured retardation. (Courtesy: Ref. [136]).
Ramesh K., V. Ramakrishnan / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87 (2016) 5974 71

retardation in optical lens manufactured by isothermal and non- used for testing and research. Surface guided waves have also been
isothermal glass moulding processes respectively measured using used for the determination of surface stress in at glass.
the set-up in Fig. 12(a). It is interesting to note that the retardation Simplication of the complicated problem of tensorial eld
distribution is axi-symmetric in the former whereas it is non axi- tomography to scalar eld tomography has made the use of inte-
symmetric in the latter. This is a very useful information to select grated photoelasticity convenient for stress measurement in axi-
appropriate numerical model for simulation. Modelling of iso- symmetric glassware. Several researchers have also explored the
thermal process is simple as axi-symmetric model can be used. use of magneto-photoelasticity and hybrid method like TEToP for
Recently, Tarkes Dora et al. [136] have proposed digital pho- stress measurement in glass. Over the years several commercial
toelasticity assisted numerical simulation approach for determin- equipments have been made for glass stress measurement using
ing process parameters required for numerical simulation of pre- digital photoelasticity. A summary of these is given in Appendix A.
cision glass moulding. Heat transfer mechanism in such problems With the recent advances in digital photoelasticity, it is expected
is complex and it is difcult to determine the equivalent heat that more challenging problems in glass will be solved in the years
transfer coefcients, which is essential for numerical simulation. to come. Development of zero stress-optic glasses is important for
Hitherto, these values are usually assumed. The novelty in their optical applications. Birefringence measurements in precision lens
work is that, they used integrated birefringence measured using moulding can have a greater impact on the development of better
digital photoelasticity to arrive at the thermal boundary condition models for numerical simulation. The problem of nickel sulphide
values. In numerical simulation, the equivalent heat transfer (NiS) inclusions has been there for a long time. Optical techniques
coefcient is varied (Fig. 12(d)(f)) till the integrated retardation like photoelasticity can be used for monitoring the delayed phase
matches with experimental values (Fig. 12(g)). It can be seen that transformation in NiS inclusions, thus eliminating the chances of
the numerical and experimental results match closely using the catastrophic failure. The use of bolted glass connections have also
heat transfer coefcient of heqv 18 W/(m2K). been increasing for faade applications. Digital photoelasticity has
the potential to enhance the understanding of structural behaviour
of glass especially near the bolted joints and holes which will
6. Conclusions and future directions denitely pave the way for efcient concepts and designs.

Digital photoelasticity has now matured for evaluating photo-

elastic parameters over the entire model domain with a considerable Appendix A
level of accuracy. Various methods used for the retardation mea-
surement in glass have been surveyed in this paper with a focus on A.1 Commercial equipments for glass stress measurement
the work done in the last decade. Since the range of retardations to
be measured in glass is wide, several techniques have been adopted, Equipments for the measurement of the stresses in glass have
depending on the problem. Early methods involving point to point been developed right from the 1950s. With time, several equip-
methods are now being replaced by digital photoelastic methods. ments have been developed for laboratory measurements as well as
The accuracy of the stress measurement using photoelasticity for on-line monitoring of stress in glass [137140]. Most of primitive
depends on the accuracy of the measured photoelastic constant. This devices have now been replaced by modern equipments that used
is now enhanced by the use of recent advances in digital photo- advanced hardware and processing softwares. Table A.1 shows a list
elasticity. Among the various transmission photoelastic techniques, of prominent modern devices, their manufacturers and suitability. A
the use of phase shifting technique (PST), where it is applicable polariscope called Grazing Angle Surface Polariscope (GASP) has been
serves as a benchmark technique as it gives accurate results. Single developed by Strainoptics Inc. [105] for measuring the surface
acquisition based techniques using carrier fringes and white light stresses in the glass plate (Fig. 10). The use of GASP is restricted to
based TFP/RGB photoelasticity have also been used. A major stride in at or almost at (radius of curvature 4200 mm) surfaces. The use
the use of scattered light photoelasticity was brought about by the of the commercially available Grey Field Polariscope (GFP) for stress
development of compact scattered light polariscope which is now measurement in glass is discussed in Section 4.1.4.

Table A.1
Commercial equipments for glass stress inspection/measurement.

SI Equipment Manufacturer Methodology Suitability Refs.

1. AP-07 GlasStress Ltd Phase shifting Stress in panels/axi-symmetric articles [17,26,27,32,36,117,136,142]

2. SCALP GlasStress Ltd Scattered light method Thickness stress prole in at glass [17,23,26,27,49,95100,141]
3. Edge stress metre Sharples Senarmont compensation Edge Stress in at glass [143]
4. Edge Master Stressphotonics Phase shifting - poleidoscope Edge stress in at glass [144]
5. Lammaster Stressphotonics Phase shifting - poleidoscope Thickness stress in glass slice [145]
6. GFP Stressphotonics Phase shifting - poleidoscope Real time laboratory systems [8385,122,146]
7. GES/PES Edge stress metre Strainoptics Spectral content analysis Edge stress in at glass [147]
8. DIAS 1600 Strainoptics Thickness stress in glass slice [147]
9. GASP Strainoptics Refractometry Laboratory Surface stress measurement [17,21,105,147]
10. Stress scanner Strainoptics Real time monitoring of membrane stress [147]
11. Strainviewer Strainoptics Qualitative Stress inspection [147]
12. CSG 100 polarising Strainoptics Visualise fringe pattern in chemically [147]
microscope tempered glass
13. Surface stress metre Luceo Refractometry Surface stress in thermally/chemically [148]
tempered glass
14. Straineye Luceo Rotating analyser/Senarmont/sensitive Qualitative Stress inspection [148]
colour methods
15. Strainmatic Ilis gmbh. Senarmont phase shifting Integrated birefringence in glass panels/ [149]
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