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Data-Driven Instruction

Data-Driven Instruction

Candace Calvillo

University of St. Thomas

EDUC 5315 Instructional Leadership

Dr. Lachanda N. Landry

Data-Driven Instruction

When discussing rigor in the classroom and how it can be seen in instruction by teachers

and administrators we must first grasp the meaning of


According to Webster dictionary, rigor can mean;

precision, accuracy, toughness, severity, to explain a few.

As we take a deeper look into the meaning and what it

measures when discussing it in connection to instruction.

In the book, Leverage Leadership, the author describes how in order to have a successful

data-driven instruction, there are four fundamental keys that it depends on:

1. Assessment. Define the roadmap for rigor

2. Analysis. Determine where students are struggling and why.

3. Action. Implementation new teaching plans to respond to this analysis.

4. Systems. Create systems and procedure to ensure continual data-driven


When discussing rigor, leaders of the school often need a baseline or a starting point in

order to look and process the outcome of the current school in comparison to district and state.

The baseline that the leaders are looking at will help them determine where their school should

be aligned. Once they can determine that factor then the leaders can determine how their students

should be preforming and what possible actions need to be taken to ensure that they are meeting

district and state goals.

Data-Driven Instruction

Now that leaders are aware that their goal for rigor, or precision is set to a certain

standard, they are able to take step 3, in the fundamentals keys. Leaders take action and discuss

what plan will be conducted as they review their data and analysis possible situations. In

reviewing plans and collaborating with one another they can discuss a system (fundamental key

4) that will ensure that the goals are reached because the leaders will continue to improve their

intake on data.
Data-Driven Instruction


Bambrick-Santoyo, P., & Peiser, B. M. (2012). Leverage leadership: a practical guide to

building exceptional schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Dictionary: Search the Merriam-Webster dictionary first. Here's why... (n.d.). Retrieved June 14,

2017, from

The phenomenon of data-driven innovation. (2015). Data-Driven Innovation,19-68.


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