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This quiz is created from thirty years of personal experience in the spiritual field, over
twenty years of spiritual and metaphysical study and training, and ten years of
professional work as a spiritual teacher, healer and counselor. As with all my work,
when I sit down to write, I ask that God work through me and provide me any
information that needs to be shared at this time, and that all who are meant to find
it may do so. Therefore each archetype and accompanying book provides my psychic
and intuitive insights as well.

These archetypes are not meant to segregate or remove the uniqueness of each
persons spiritual journey. The intent of this is to assist those on the spiritual path by
shining light on characteristics, learning style, common blocks and how to transcend
the most common struggles for each archetype. You may feel you do not relate to every
characteristic, or that it describes you perfectly, both are absolutely fine.

Your may also find that you relate to more than one archetype or that upon retaking
the quiz at a later time, that your archetype has changed. Each of these archetypes
identifies a part of our spiritual path, therefore, as you progress down your path, your
archetype will change to reflect that. While these each signify different lessons, you
do not have to experience each archetype. You may also find your main lessons in life
reside in one archetype and do not sway much from that. This is also completely fine.
Each persons experiences on their spiritual path is unique to them and may transpire
differently than anyone else. This is simply a guide as to where you are in that spiritu-
al path and offers advice on what to do to assist you on that path.

To your spiritual success,

Christian Sinclair

Each prayer and mantra has interchangeable words such as God, which may be replaced with;
Spirit, Source, or Universe. If you are uncomfortable using any terms or phrases please substitute the
words you feel most comfortable with and relate to the most.

2016 Copyright by Christian Sinclair. All rights reserved. No part of these books may be used, duplicated, or
reproduced in any form whatsoever except in the case of brief quotations, articles,or reviews.
The New Ager
In the words of David Bowie, Religion is for people who believe in hell, spirituality
is for the ones who have been there. You have been through the trenches and seek to
incorporate spirituality into every aspect of your life. Youve spent your lifetime
practicing spirituality their way and are ready to live and practice, on your own
terms. You most likely come from a background with a strong religious figure such as
an overbearing or abusive Catholic parent.

You celebrate life and see your friends as the family you choose. Youre generally not
on the best terms with your immediate family and are considered the black sheep.
You enjoy group gatherings, conferences, expos and tours with friends and familiar
faces. Spirituality is a journey and you enjoy traveling your journey with loving souls
who get it. Being around others who understand the concepts of spiritual beliefs
such as past lives and karma helps you to freely express your experiences without
feeling odd or that youre being judged.

You have a difficult time living in the real world, and would prefer to spend your
days reading about the secrets and mysteries of the universe or going to healers
throughout the world. You enjoy learning about conspiracy theories, parallel universes,
vortexes, and energy fields.

You believe in psychics and may even have a couple on speed dial. You regret aspects
of your past that keeps you from wanting to make similar mistakes, which leads you to
seek guidance from outside sources.

You are open and receptive to all ideas and possibilities. The New Ager archetype is
generally more receptive to the unknown and trying on new modalities and practices
than any other archetype. You have lived in a world with concrete beliefs and ideas
and realize how much it limits growth. You understand Mans limited perception and
believe there are worlds and universes happening that we cannot even fathom. You
dont have one religion but rather collect pieces from all religions and spirituality that
you resonate with and adopt them into your own practices.

New Age archetypes find themselves in occupations such as: Teachers, bookstore
owners, event coordinators for new age expos and events, psychics and healers,
musicians, computer and software developers and highly mental jobs, and

Christian Sinclair |

Correlating Chakra: Throat

When balanced you may feel or experience:

A release of childhood trauma, forgiveness, the letting go of resentments, fearlessness,
intuition, self-expression, communication, centered, living in the present moment,
and a freedom of expression.

When unbalanced you may feel or experience:

Headaches, lack of purpose, too analytical, afraid to voice your opinions or are overly
vocal sharing opinions that stem from ego, lack of connection, depression, sore throat,
and paranoia.

Governs: Throat, ears, neck, shoulders, thyroid, mouth, tongue

Common Physical Ailments:

Immunity disorders, strep throat, thyroid problems, throat problems, speech issues,
back problems, lymphatic problems, and strange illnesses doctors cannot diagnose.

Correlating Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, pine, tea tree, sandalwood, patchouli,

lemongrass, lavender, sage

Correlating Stones: Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Sodalite, Turquoise, sapphire, ame-

thyst, morganite with azeztulite, fire opal, azurite

Correlating Element: Air and Water

Tarot Card: The Magician

Christian Sinclair |

Common Struggles:
Because The New Agers are so receptive to all ideas and possibilities, they are the most
likely to be deceived by spiritual teachers or even unknowingly enter into cult type
situations. Your eagerness to heal fused with your trusting personality may leave you
vulnerable to the manipulation or misguided teachings of leaders who take advantage
of peoples trust in a susceptible time on their spiritual path. This is especially
common for New Agers who have an unhealed history with overbearing or abusive
parents. They unknowingly attract the same lesson in a different, holier seeming form.

You harbor many resentments and deep seated anger toward the people in your life,
mostly from you past. These negative emotions lead to health problems, and issues
with money, either not having it or being irresponsible with it. You guilt yourself too
harshly and attempt to find reasons why you have negative outcomes in your life. You
are generally willing to take responsibility for what you manifest but because you have
not healed the guilt and shame from your past you overly accept responsibility or
self-blame i.e. My car broke down because Im not taking care of my body or Im
sick because in a past life I was a tyrant.

This also feeds into your when mentality.

I will become wealthy when I forgive my past life as a thief.

I will attract a healthy relationship when I release my trauma.

I will be successful only when I do mindset work first.

Christian Sinclair |

Everything we want in our lives is attainable the moment we choose to accept it.
This does not require earning it or doing the work until we are worthy of it.
Believing we must work hard for the things we want will perpetually create hard
work in your life. Goals, visions and dreams become a carrot on stick that you will
never reach. This will begin to create animosity because you see yourself as doing
the work yet others seem to easily and effortlessly receive what they ask for without
seemingly any difficulty or hard work. Until you let go of your past, forgive it and see
yourself as worthy in the here and now, you will continue to suffer and feel lack in
love, abundance, health, and worth.

Because of a difficult religious past, many New Agers find themselves avoiding
words, phrases or teachings that reflect this past. Unfortunately this means they are
missing out on the benefits of these practices and what they may have to offer.
For instance, the words, God, Jesus, and I AM (as seen in The Bible) are extremely
powerful healing words. However, since many New Agers come from overbearing
Catholic homes, they refuse to use these words and shut themselves off to any
teachings from The Bible. While it is certainly acceptable to disagree with teachings
or words from any religion, the charge behind the refusal shows the depth of how
much the past is still controlling them. Consciously choosing not to speak words
because they do not resonate, but having no charge when the words are spoken, is
vastly different than refusing to speak them because of the trauma they trigger.

Seek advice and information from all sources and outlets but be cautious of
devoting yourself completely to one teaching style or teacher. Most spiritual teachers
do not walk the talk or practice what they preach but it is suggested that you
attempt to only follow those who do, which may require some in depth research.
One way of connecting with teachers who emulate their teachings is by looking at
the life they live. If your spiritual teacher reflects a life that you yourself are
desiring, they may be true to their word or at least have something to offer in this
current stage of your life.

Christian Sinclair |

Recommended Practices:
Letting Go
Healing negative religious experiences
Sound therapy

Recommended Reading:
Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path by Michael Mirdad
The Dynamic Laws of Healing Catherine Ponder
Love Without Conditions by Paul Ferrini
High Mysticism: A Series of Twelve Studies in the Wisdom of the Sages of the Ages
by Emma Curtis Hopkins

I forgive and release all who I believe have hurt, judged, or slighted me in any form.
I bless them and surrender them to God, here and now.

I am worthy and accepting of Gods love, health, and abundance.

My Christ self is my authentic self. I honor this truth in myself and in others.

Father, Mother, I accept your abundance and wholeness of love, health, and pros-
perity in my life here and now. I surrender my will and my belief that I must strug-
gle or work hard to earn your Divine Love. I AM the child of Divine Love and I
accept Divine Love now.

Want more? Visit The New Ager board on Pinterest for inspiration, branding, decor, fashion and more!
Make sure to follow me on Pinterest for updates!

Christian Sinclair |

Who Am I?
Christian Sinclair is spiritual teacher, healer, psychic, and writer who has worked
with over 200+ clients, helping them to dynamize their lives, health,
relationships, and careers. Having two parents who were predominate figures in
spirituality and metaphysics, Christian has spent her life in the spiritual field
surrounded by new thought leaders such as: Dan Millman, Doreen Virtue, Jimmy
Twyman, Gregg Braden, Don Miguel Ruiz, Donna Eden, Mary Morrissey, as well
as many others.

Christian studies, practices and is well versed in:

Christ Consciousness
Occult studies
The Bible
Christian Science
Religions of the Far East
Food As Medicine
Mind over medicine
Past lives
Oneness Blessing
Akashic Records
Dream interpretation
Art Therapy
Lunar Phases
Pagan studies
Native American practices including animal magic
As well as a plethora of others.

She uses her lifetime in spirituality, metaphysics, and psychology to assist people
in accessing profound levels of healing in a modern, stylish, and even light
hearted and humorous ways.

Christian is a contributor for The Huffington Post, YFS, and Revamped Magazine.

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