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Jonathan Morgan

EDU 527

Prof. Moroney

Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Name: Jonathan Morgan Current Course: EDU 527 Spring 2017

Hour[s] of this Session: 1 [#] Total Hours to Date: 0

Date of this session ______6/1/17________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM

Students Name: Logan Louis

Grade and Subject Area (or other description): Introduction

Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

This was our first day meeting Logan. He is diagnosed as having slight autism along with ADHD. He came
off very shy in the beginning, keeping responses to our questions brief. However, about midway through
the session, Logan began opening up to the group. Together we made a WordCloud for Logan which
included words that highlighted his hobbies, interests, family life, as well as himself. We found that
Logan is infatuated with superheroes and cars. He knows plenty of facts surrounding these two areas.
He can list numerous DC and Marvel characters and can list off several car names off the top of his head.
He enjoys animals and seems to favor fast food when we asked questions pertinent to the topic.

As Logan grew more comfortable with the group, it became increasingly harder to garner his attention.
He would often follow up with the same question or a randomized one whenever we asked inquisitive
questions. He seemed to be mimicking us at times in a playful way. This became a little problematic
when we needed to refocus his attention to answer the questions pertinent to determining his learning
style and multiple intelligences. Nonetheless, we found a way to complete the task by using the
Grandma Rule or asking him a question that he must answer and then allowing him to ask a question
that we must answer.

We found that Logan was a predominantly kinesthetic and auditory learner. Many of his favorite
activities were sports related, including basketball and dodgeball. He can get distracted easily,
especially when there are other events going on around him. He did not like nor seem to understand
certain jokes or idioms. His interpretation is extremely literal.

This first session had everything to do with Gardners multiple intelligences. He believed students have
different kinds of minds and subsequently learn, remember, and understand in various ways. We
needed to determine what ways Logan learns best so that we can tailor lesson plans in a way hell easily
understand. He loves sports, so we plan on incorporating a lot of games and movement into future
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Name: Jonathan Morgan Current Course: EDU 527 Spring 2017

Hour[s] of this Session: 1 [#] Total Hours to Date: 1

Date of this session ______6/5/17________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM

Students Name: Logan Louis

Grade and Subject Area (or other description): 1st Grade Addition and Syllables

Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

For the math portion of the tutoring session, we assessed Logan on basic addition. His IEP mentioned
that he had basic addition skills but required extra mathematical intervention. We were very surprised
by how he easily answered the questions given to him. We saw that he used multiple methods of
coming to his conclusions (i.e. counting tallies, creating charts, using his fingers). He scored a 9/10 on
the assessment which consisted of strictly numerical questions. We used six word problems based upon
DC comic book characters, which he showed a strong affinity for. His posttest scored a 7/8only getting
a problem wrong which required regrouping.

For the ELA portion we had Logan review syllables. We included an activity in which Logan had to jump
the amount of syllables he identified in sports and superhero related words. He Really liked this activity
because it engaged his kinesthetic learning style. He received a perfect score on his kahoot posttest
assessment in which he was required to identify the amount of syllables in each word.


Reflect on how your instructional activities, strategies, assessment tools link with the theories of
education presented in your coursework throughout the program.

With both of our instructional activities, we correlated instruction around what Jean Piaget called a
childs schema. The schema is a set of linked mental representations of the world. We use these
representations to comprehend and respond to whats going on around us. Our activities tapped into
Logans schema of superheroes. We formulated problems in a way that would be both engaging and
easy to understand for Logan, being that he loves superheroes.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Name: Jonathan Morgan Current Course: EDU 527 Spring 2017

Hour[s] of this Session: 1 [#] Total Hours to Date: 2

Date of this session ______6/7/17________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM

Students Name: Logan Louis

Grade and Subject Area (or other description): 1st Grade Addition and Rhyming

Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

Today we practiced on Logans money skills. For his math pre-test, we asked him to identify 5 money
objects (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar) and the values of each of the objects for a total of 10
questions. During his first assessment, he scored a total of 5 out of 10 correct. During instruction, he
struggled with identifying what a nickel was, often mistaking it for a dime. His values were also
misconstrued when it game to the amount each was worth. He initially knew the values of a penny,
quarter, nickel, and dollar but eventually seemed to resort to guessing when shown the coins again.

We had Logan write down the names of the coins along with their values. He was later asked to match
up the coin cutouts with the names/values he wrote down on his own. Afterwards, we gave him a
mixture of coins together on a picture with three choices of possible answers. He was allowed to use his
cheat sheet to identify the amount of money on the new cutouts. At first, he resorted to guessing
instead of using mathematical calculations. When we finally got him to write down his calculations, this
helped somewhat. Logans biggest issue with money seemed to be differentiating a nickel from a dime.
The size differences seemed to mess him up. On his post assessment, he correctly answered7 out of 10
of the questions asked of him. The biggest problem being the nickel-dime associations.

For the ELA portion, we had Logan work on rhyming words. For his pre-assessment, he scored a 9 out of
10. We had him play a game of memory in which he was asked to turn over matching rhyming words
on post cards. He did exceptionally well in this game. We later gave him a worksheet to see how well he
did with composing his own rhyming words. Logan had to rhyme words with hive, cat, last, mop, and
cook. He moved through this relatively fast.

The money lesson we used really tapped into Logans zone of proximal development, created by Vygotsky. Logan
knew president names as well as names of coins, but did not know values nor could he correctly identify them.
Through scaffolding and ample prompts, he was able to boost his score by 2 more points than what he scored on
the pretest. This was the optimal difficulty we strived to design our lessons with. The ELA section ended up being
too easy for him, causing his pre- and posttest scores to be the same.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Name: Jonathan Morgan Current Course: EDU 527 Spring 2017

Hour[s] of this Session: 1 [#] Total Hours to Date: 3

Date of this session ______6/12/17________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM

Students Name: Logan Louis

Grade and Subject Area (or other description): 1st Grade Telling Time and Main Idea

Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

To refresh his memory, we showed Logan a YouTube video that reviewed the hours of the clock. We
picked a video with an upbeat tempo and easy to learn. Logan began singing along and quickly caught
the hang of the tune. We began with a pre-test kahoot containing 10 questions with different hours. He
scored a perfect 10 out of 10 for determining the accurate answer.

For Logans activity, we had him match clock times with the hours shown on an analog clock. Logan
completed the task fairly easily. He seemed to have a strong foundation for telling time. He expressed
knowledge of the concepts of identifying correct five-minute intervals. He also understood the concepts
of a quarter after and half past the hour. The concept he struggled with most was a quarter to the hour.
He did not fully understand this was indicative of 15 minutes before the hour. For the post-test he had
to draw the hands on a clock for 10 individual times. He was confused whenever we asked him any
question that was phrased with a quarter to.

For ELA Logan was assessed on finding the main idea in passages. Reading showed to be a bit difficult for
him. His auditory learning style is highly effective when he is required to read good chunks of
information. He did not always acquire the main idea when he read by himself, but whenever he was
read the passage, answers came to him easily.


The ELA lesson for this tutoring session showed us where Logan fit in Blooms taxonomy. When he read,
he could recall facts and basic concepts (bottom tier of Blooms Taxonomy). However, when it was time
to move to the next level, understanding, he couldnt make the connection. Auditory instruction allows
him to reach this stage, but reading doesnt. Logan needs more help organizing thoughts through during
and pre-reading strategies. This would afford him the ability to spend less time deciphering words and
more time visualizing as well as comprehending what he is reading.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Name: Jonathan Morgan Current Course: EDU 527 Spring 2017

Hour[s] of this Session: 1 [#] Total Hours to Date: 4

Date of this session ______6/14/17________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM

Students Name: Logan Louis

Grade and Subject Area (or other description): 1st Grade Punctuation and Inequalities

Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

This was one of the more difficult experiences we had with Logan. For the inequality section of our
lesson, we played a youtube video to activate his prior knowledge. He accurately answered all inequality
equations we wrote on the board, and even scored a perfect 10 out of 10 on the posttest Kahoot. The
mathematical video we showed Logan solidified our hypothesis that YouTube videos were a great way
to engage Logan as warmups to activate prior knowledge. His attention was held the entire time.

For the ELA section, we focused on proper capitalization and sentence-ending punctuation. We provided
him with a plicker for a pre-and posttest assessment. He only scored one incorrect answer on his
pretest. For his posttest, he scored worse, getting 2 wrong. This was mainly due to our ELA activity
which was a sheet which had a paragraph of run-on sentences which required capitalization and
punctuation. He struggled within the first sentence and quickly gave upducking under the table,
perseverating, and redirecting conversation.


During this lesson, we realized the importance of keeping Logan active for constant engagement. Our
lesson taught us to really key in on Logans specific multiple intelligences, proposed by Dr. Howard
Gardner. Linguistic intelligence was not Logans strong suit. When he sat down to read and write, the
activity became too difficult and he began giving up. As Gardner mentions, the school environment can
be burdensome for learners outside of the linguistic and visual realm because the typical academic
environment mainly focuses on these intelligencesproviding lack of reinforcement to other
intelligences. This can partially explain why Logan experiences some difficulty in school, especially ELA.
When Logan was asked to perform board work or when technology was implemented, he was an
attentive to the lesson or at least participating. When we used some form of low-technology that
required a sedentary setting, he quickly was lost.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Name: Jonathan Morgan Current Course: EDU 527 Spring 2017

Hour[s] of this Session: 1 [#] Total Hours to Date: 5

Date of this session ______6/19/17________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM

Students Name: Logan Louis

Grade and Subject Area (or other description): 1st Grade Punctuation and Addition with Regrouping

Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

For this lesson, the weather was poor so Logan arrived late. We were only able to get through the ELA
section of our lesson plan. We revisited punctuation and began with a YouTube video because of its
ability to keep him captivated. Our pretest was a game on which we had 10 sentences written on
different index cards. Logan had to use punctuation stickers to place at the end of the sentences. He
enjoyed the game but asked a lot of questions during. He incorrectly placed other punctuation signs on
the three sentences that required periods. He was accurate with exclamation points and question
marks. Periods were the only punctuation marks he did not accurately identify for the given sentences.

We did not get a room with a board so we had Logan write out sentences with various punctuation on a
piece of paper. Because of this, he began ducking under the table and perseverating once again. We
realized we wouldnt get far with this technique and moved to the kahoot posttest which was similar to
the pretest. As a result, he only scored one point higher than his pretest assessment. However, he did
correctly identify a period for 1/3 sentences that required one.


We tried to implement Vygotskys framework of scaffolding by providing support and eventually cutting
back until the point where Logan would be independent. Realizing his struggle with proper grammar and
punctuation the previous week, we provided Logan with a Hip-Hop video to review punctuation. For the
flash card activity, we read to him and tried to assist him when he asked questions without revealing the
answer. Then during the intervention, we worked intensively with him to demonstrate examples and
have him create his own for each punctuation mark. As mentioned, because of lack of a board to work
on, we had to use paper which disengaged Logan immediately. When we assessed him with minimal
assistance for the posttest, he did not improve as much as we wouldve liked.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Name: Jonathan Morgan Current Course: EDU 527 Spring 2017

Hour[s] of this Session: 1 [#] Total Hours to Date: 6

Date of this session ______6/21/17________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM

Students Name: Logan Louis

Grade and Subject Area (or other description): 1st Grade Addition with Regrouping and Vowel Teams

Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

The addition portion of this lesson provided the most effective results weve seen all month with Logan.
His pre- and posttests both contained 4 addition problems that did not require regrouping and 4 that
did. Logan only scored 3/8 for the pretest assessment and was very frustrated. He said the questions
were too hard and would commonly not count the carried over 1 when adding the tens column. He
initially needed assistance lining up the numbers for addition because he was trying to use the tally
system. During the intervention stage, Brian did some examples on the board with numbers generated
by our 3D manipulative. Brian had Logan instruct him on how to correctly perform the addition. After a
few problems, he began solving the problems with automaticity.

The posttest was remarkable because the questions possessed the same difficulty if not a little more
than the pretest. Logan did not complain about the difficulty this time, properly set up his equations,
and performed the necessary addition with accuracy. He correctly answered 7/8 questions, only getting
one wrong because he clicked the wrong button when he picked up the phone.


This was the lesson we were searching for which kept Logan engaged the entire time. We werent able
to utilize Gardners theory of multiple intelligences the previous week because of our accommodations.
This time we were given a room with a whiteboard and smartboard, so Logan was moving the whole
time. The end result was Logan constantly learning through his visual and kinesthetic intelligences,
forming the largest improvement we witnessed between his pre- and posttests. Being that it was the
last day and that there was little time where Logans mind was elsewhere, he was a little reluctant to

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