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Generally, freedom is a notion that we might all regard as being positive. The majority of
people want to find fulfillment in life that can lead to happiness. It may be true that a
significant part of happiness comes from the natural environment, without which
prosperous living would not be possible. However, the majority of people hardly
acknowledge that there are not infinite amount of natural resources available for humans
to utilize. In consequence of human actions are becoming deadly for biodiversity This
essay focuses upon why the biodiversity, considering the historical perspectives of
biodiversity, is crucial among species and the environment and the main threats to the
biodiversity of an area and methods to sustain the biodiversity.

First, several influential Greek Philosophers and a British scientists have shaped the
concept of early western science by predicting that life might have gradually evolved
over long period of time. For example, Aristotle suggested that all existing creatures are
composed of five elements including earth, fire, water, air, and quinta. Micheal, 2002 p 4)
makes it clear that Aristotle, through his vision of nature, identified affinities among
species. A century later, Charles Darwian provided a foundation of theory of evolution.
That is to say All organisms in life are related and come down from ancestors

The biological diversity, in general terms, signifies the variations of living organisms
from all sources such as inter alia, terrestrial marine and other aquatic mammals at all
levels of biological organizations( kevin and John, 2004). The diversity of life can be
illustrated in a multiplicity of ways. The variations of key elements in biodiversity are
divided into three following groups, genetic diversity, organismal diversity and
ecological diversity( Kevin & John 2004).

The importance of biodiversity lies in the relationship between biodiversity and function
of ecosystem. The biodiversity supports life in several ways. For one thing, Biodiversity
supply food for humans and provide basis for food industries and related services. All of
the food include fruit, vegetables, fish, nuts and meat. These are acquired from wild or
cultivated by farming. According to United Nations Development programme, human
consumption for food and energy is predominant. Humans have consumed 95% of all
animal protein, plant and 99% of energy.

In addition to providing nourishments for humans, biodiversity play crucial roles for
sustaining the health of human population. Natural products derive from nature and have
been past on for generations as an effective medicine. Primarily, 60% of worlds
population depends upon plant medicine for healthcare (Kevin and John, 2003).
Moreover, 9 out of 20 of the best selling non-protein drugs were obtained from organic
products, adding up to annual sales of more than 16 billion dollars per year
respectively( Kevin and John, 2003). Plant species are recognized as one of the most
effective medicines.

It is relevant that variety of industrial components have been acquired directly from
biological resources. The biological materials are fibers, dyes, resins, gums adhesive,
rubber, oils, waxes and perfumes. In the wood industry alone, the total world wide export
was estimated to US$6billion and estimated 3.8 billion cubic meteres are estimated to be
harvested annually world wide for fuel, timber and pulp( Michel 2002).

Global warming is a concern for biodiversity. In the contemporary life, particularly in the
cities, people tend to rank themselves according to the level of their material possessions.
This has led to individualism. For example, some people drive luxury cars that squander
large amounts of gas and live in big houses that waste heat and air conditioning. Such
behavior may be justifiable from an individual`s frame of mind (Smith, 2000). However,
from the perspectives of society as whole, each individual by living such a lifestyle is
contributing to releasing a huge amount of carbon dioxide into the air. In fact, 60 percent
of all products are produced in the cities. In the USA, traffic jams have caused 4 percent
release of the total release of petrol gas (Hardoy, Miltin and Satterthwite 1992). These are
primary reasons why the temperature of the earth`s atmosphere has increased over the
course of previous or current decade.

Since prehistoric times, the consequences of human activities have harmful impacts on
biodiversity. During the late Pleistocene period, all of the major land masses had been
settled by humans. Arrival of humans in different part of land masses reduced number of
the megafauna. Experts claim that mass hunting by humans directly responsible for
deterioration of large mammals.

Loss of species and other loss of biodiversity are direct result of three main causes. First,
exploitation of species have caused the biodiversity to become extinct. Secondly, the
consequence of human mobilization have led to habitat loss and degradation for species
and other biodiversity. Third introduction of new species to new habitat can led to major

Clearly, mass hunting, in recent decades, can be seen ubiquitously throughout the
Amazon and tropical forests. The consumption of bush meat by hunters have
dramatically increased. For instance, it has been estimated that humans have consumed
23.5 million birds, mammals according to United Nation development programme. More
intriguingly, the demand of bush meat is incredibly high for commercial and urban stores
because amazon forest can be easily accessed by humans and original hunting approach
have changed.

Recently, insufficient amount of wood for a fuel is on the rise every year.
The data collected by the United Nation Development Programme showed that there are
more than 2 billion people who utilize wood as a primary source of energy. Burning of
wood is main form of biomass energy in many developing countries. Supplies of wood
have decreased profoundly in many areas, leaving people who rely on wood to travel
great distances to acquire them.

Historically speaking, catching of marine fishes rose dramatically during seventeen

century, fueling the industrialization. Engraulos Ringen is one of the most exploited fish
in the world, yielding 130590 in 1902. Although the amount of fish caught need to
maintain the certain level, amount of engranules caught accelerated beyond the
sustainability particularly in New England and Canada. The number of fishing efforts
have continue to rise and impact in the stock of marine fish.

Fishermen, considering the declines of fisheries available in the shallow water,

desperately suggested to fish deeper water fisheries which produced even more impact to
the marine fish.
In consequence of overfishing brought wider impacts to the marine fish and their habitat.
The incidental catches and elimination of other species including sea birds, turtle, sea
snakes and marine mammals cause unseen results because they have long life-spam and
repuductive rate are low.

Total area Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of

Biome (km^2) undisturbed partially human
area disturbed area dominated area

Earlier human activities have transformed natural landscapes.

Degradation of forestry can be seen in many areas. Forest/wood land had reduced by 29%,
grass land by 49% shrubland by 74 % and tundra by 14%.29%, grass land by 49%
shrubland by 74 % and tundra by 14%.
Temperate broadleaf forests 9,519,442 6.1 12.0 81.9

Evergreen sclerophyllous 6,559,728 6.4 25.8 67.8

Temperate grasslands 12,074,494 27.6 32.0 40.4
Subtropical and temperate 4,232,299 33.0 20.9 46.1
rain forests
Tropical dry forests 19,456,659 30.5 41.1 28.4
Mixed mountain systems 12,133,746 29.3 45.0 25.6
Cold deserts/ semi-deserts 10,930,762 45.4 46.1 8.5
Warm deserts/ semi-deserts 29,242,021 55.8 32.0 12.2
Tropical humid forests 11,812,012 63.2 11.9 24.9
Tropical grasslands 4,497,090 74.0 21.3 4.7
Temperate needleleaf forest 18,830,709 81.7 6.4 11.8
Thundra and arctic desert 20,637,953 99.3 0.7 0.3
( from Hannah et al. 1995)

Since the prehistoric times, whether intentionally or accidentally, humans have

undertaken introducing new species to nonindigenous land. Human action, ignoring the
domestic species, have resulted in breaching many natural barriers, causing many species
to extinctions.
Region Native species Alien species Percentage of alien
Russian Arctic 1403 104 6.9
Europe 11,820 721 5.7
USA 17,300 2100 10.8
Southern Africa 20,573 824 3.9
Australia 15,638 1052 11.1
British Isles 1225 945 42.9
Hawaii 1143 891 43.8
New Zealand 2449 1632 39.9
(Adapted from vitousek et al. 1997b.)
There is several unorthodox approach to sustain and protect the biodiversity
A successful state program in stream restoration

During the course of four years, a successful stream restoration was conducted by the
Missouri Department of Conservation. The group of biologists planned the fish
restoration because the land owners felt that they had problems with river banks and
streams. This project was enacted by many professionals including, planners, engineers,
and resource biologists. The importance of the project lied in the litter control, bank
stabilizing, restoration of fish, wild habitats, and quality of water. The team was formed
inorder to work on segment of local streams. The uniqueness of the Missouri restoration
was in the understanding of rural land owners. They controlled most of the riprian land in
the state. The team was able to increase the awareness of the stream problems to the local
farmers and communities, allowing them to get involved in the stream restoration, and
establish new techniques for the stream restoration. The team also provided technical
services and incentives to riparian landowners.

In conclusion, biodiversity is integral part of our life. In recent years, the disappearance of
species are increasing at faster rate than we can hardly recognize primarily through
human actions such as exploitation of species to obtain food, deforestation to cultivate
farm and build towns, and introduction of new species to new habitats. These actions
have lead to extinctions of species. Despite the mass extinctions of species, professionals
and people who care for the environment are making effort to save the biodiversity by
restoring river banks; getting local communities involved to implement the system. If
people notice the combinations of modern technologies and studies can work together to
create effective results. In the light of success, the ecosystem in the challenges the lie
ahead of us may be possible to maintain the biodiversity.

Charles Darwin and Tree of Life(2012) available at: (accessed 2 March, 2013).

Kevin J, G and John I, (2004) Biodiversity and Introduction.Malden: Blackwell Science

Michel, L. ed(2002)Biodiversity and Ecosystem Funcitioning Synthesis and Perspectives.

New York: Oxford University Press

Rebeca, G and Braulio, D (2012)
(accessed 2 March, 2013).

River Restoration (2012)
eds/chariton-river/management-problem (accessed 2 March, 2013).

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