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How to Worship Your Yoni Through

Sacred Rituals
Do you practice the art and ritual of yoni worship? Yoni
worship is honoring, loving and adoring the yoni {Sanksrit for
vagina} through various self-love and/or self-pleasure
practices. The yoni is the sacred portal to the Divine feminine,
sexual energy {Shakti}, oneness and sacred union with the
Divine masculine, pleasure, sexual healing, awakening and
The yoni is/was revered in many different cultures as being a
sacred space for union between consciousness and life-force
energy. The masculine and feminine energies combine and co-
create thorough the yoni for spiritual enlightenment and
embodiment of the god and goddess.
The yoni is where you, as a woman, can experience deep
levels of pleasure, bliss, healing, love, awakening and ecstasy
through self-pleasure or lovemaking with a partner.
Worshiping your yoni gives you permission to accept, honor
and fully love your body and sexuality as she is right now. She
is perfect and whole as is. Pleasure, sensuality and sexuality
are your divine birthrights.
The yoni also tends to carry the most trauma, shame, guilt,
pain and suffering passed through lineages and generations of
repressed feminine energy and sexuality. Healing the
relationship with your yoni will allow you to shed layers,
unraveling the web of repression that we as women carry
collectively. Ill share with you some of my favorite rituals and
My favorite yoni worship rituals:
Mirror work- use a mirror to gaze at your yoni fully and
lovingly. I bought a fancy silver handheld mirror to do
my mirror yoni worship ritual. Any mirror in size will do.
Spend at least five minutes honoring and noticing the
size, shape, texture, color etc. of your yoni. Let go of any
judgement you may have regarding what you think your
yoni should look like. Society has a way of ingraining
that our bodies should look a certain way, generally to
aesthetically please men. This is bullshit. Your yoni is a
goddess so worship her as so.
Yoni Massage- use warm coconut oil to give your entire yoni
and womb a nice loving massage. Imagine rubbing away
any judgement, shame, trauma or pain as you massage
pure divine love into your yoni and womb.
The Feather Seduction Technique- use a peacock feather or
whatever feels good for you and gently run it over your
entire pubic region and yoni. Close your eyes and simply
notice the sensations as your body awakens. Do you feel
pleasure? Is it arousing? Melt into it fully.Yoni
massage- use warm coconut oil to give your entire yoni
and womb a nice loving massage. Imagine rubbing away
any judgement, shame or pain as you massage pure divine
love into your yoni and womb.
Jade egg work- use a jade egg or yoni egg of choice to
strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, awaken your sexual
energy and heal on all levels. (more on this below)
I also love to write poetry in honor of my yoni and Shakti.
Heres one of my sensual Yoni Worship musings below:

Early morning yoni worship.

This ritual is about honoring.
But wholly loving.
Finding pleasure and sacredness in the curves and folds.
Like rose petals.
The yoni is the portal to healing, pleasure, Divine union, love,
ecstasy and so much more.
Do you make time to worship your yoni?
The sacred space of your body that births life and creative
That opens you up to surrender, trust and intimacy.
That allows you to heal the shame, guilt and trauma.
Your yoni embodies the Goddess.
She is awakened.
Sunday is my favorite day for worshiping, honoring and
celebrating not only my sensuality and sexuality through
sacred ritual, prayer and other healing embodiment practices,
but its also a day I spend time giving my yoni some extra love
and divine attention.
Heres another poem I crafted during my Sunday sensual

Sunday morning ritual.

Sensuality blossoming.
Touching my body is my prayer.
Its my holy worship.
Its my honoring of the divine feminine. The way the candle
flames flicker and dance along the walls.Casting oblong
shadows that move like two lovers in a passionate embrace.I
hear my heart beating.I feel my soul melting further into my
being.My essence glimmering with love.My body moving even
slower.Circling.Undulating. Rising. Falling.Like tides pulled
by the magnificent moon.The gentle, yet powerful
awakening.The firm, but fluid way I embody.I fill myself with
sacred love.With beauty, pleasure and sensuality. I open a
little more.Surrender a little deeper. Shedding another
layer. Unraveling. Coming undone.Under the touch of my own
hands. Fingertips trailing.Feeling.Not just the surface
though.Feeling into my divinity. Into my soul as she expresses
herself in my blood, bones, skin and muscles. Feeling her so
wholly and completely.Embodying her as she is.
If you could write a poem to your yoni, what would you say?
How can you show gratitude to her?
Ill forever be grateful to the sensual and sexual practices,
tools and rituals that I use or engage with for healing,
embodiment, awakening, self-love, pleasure, divine union and
spiritual enlightenment. Awakening and embodying my sacred
sensuality and sexuality has been the most profound
experience and journey in my life. Thinking back to all of the
shame, trauma, guilt, stagnancy and blocks Ive experienced in
my body and life since a young age has made me realize that
this is the journey I was destined for from before
birthperhaps even lifetimes. And not only destined to
awaken, embody and experience it myself, but to also share
this as my divine love and sacred gift, service and offering to
the world. The power and beauty of ritual, prayer, worshiping
and honoring when it comes to my sensuality, body, yoni,
Shakti (sexual, creative, life force energy) femininity, heart,
soul and life in general has deeply impacted me. Its rooted
within me and will remain there forever. Theres no going
back anymore. I wouldnt even want to if I could.
Using the jade egg, for instance, has deeply and powerfully
transformed the relationship with my yoni, Shakti and
sexuality as a whole along with my connection to the divine
and god/dess. To earth. To others. To animals. To everything
and nothing all at once.
Recently I experienced something newanother layer being
shed and released, but more powerfully than Id ever
experienced before.
After a few sexual energy breathing practices and a good
amount of time self-pleasuring with my jade egg in, I
experienced the most profound and intense orgasm ever, which
immediately rolled into my heart shattering open beautifully
and hard sobs with warm tears consuming me. It was cathartic.
It was healing. Releasing. Pleasurable. Ecstacy. Deeply
intimate. This is what we need as a society. Sexual healing.
Sacred sexuality and divine union within ourselves and with a
partner/lover. Conscious. Sacred. Holy. Love. Orgasmic on all
levels. Healing. Every time you orgasm in this way you are
releasing all of the trauma, repression, guilt, shame and pain
that youve carried for your whole life. Shit that may not even
belong to YOU, but to your lineage or ancestors. To the
millions of women who have walked this planet before us.
Embrace divine love. Let it in. Fully.
We need more women (just like you!) honoring and
worshiping the yoni through sacred rituals. Especially using an
amazing tool like the jade egg.

The jade egg is one of my favorite sexual healing and

embodiment tools. If you arent familiar with a jade
egg, essentially its a crystal (in this case its the stone/crystal
jade) shaped like an egg, which can then be inserted into the
yoni (vagina). They may also be referred to as yoni eggs and
come in many different crystals and stones, each having its
own special and magical healing and awakening properties for
the body and yoni as well as emotionally and spiritually.
Rose quartz is excellent for opening the heart and finding
deep, medicinal self-love from within. Obsidian is great for
soaking up negative energy. Jade is great for sexual healing,
spiritual awakening and releasing shame, trauma and pain in
the yoni and pelvic region. Jade eggs help with sexual energy
awakening, cultivation and embodiment, although any yoni
egg helps you do this with intention.
The jade egg helps you strengthen and tone the pelvic floor,
helping with incontinence and weak bladder problems. I got
into the jade egg for the sexual healing and sexual energy
harnessing properties personally, but I do find myself more
orgasmic, easily aroused, flowing when it comes to yoni
lubrication and Ive released a ton of pent up emotions and
trauma that not only belong to me, but to an ancient lineage of
women before me. I use the jade egg at least a few times a
week and its part of my yoni worship ritual. I have to say that
it has truly transformed how I view and honor my yoni,
feminine energy and Shakti.
The jade egg allows me to trust, surrender and connect to
god/dess and the divinity within myself and any lover or
partner I share my sexual energy and/or yoni with. It has
increased my orgasmic potential and capacity for pleasure on
all levels. I couldnt love this sacred tool more!!! More to
come on the jade/yoni egg in the futureIm actually planning
to get trained on it more and will eventually have a Sensual
Playshoppe with all kinds of yummy goodies like jade eggs
and rose quartz yoni wands. Im so excited for things coming
Drop me a comment or love note below and let me know what
you think! Do you use a jade egg? Do you practice yoni
worship? If not, whats holding you back?

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