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PER 'BAK how nature works © rop6SprayerVelg Now Yor, ne Alleights ese No pact thi publeaton maybe eproducd, toredin aetna sytem, or easiest any form ot by say means electron, mechanical horocopying, condi, or oherwie, without the ioe ween prmisuon ofthe publisher Allcharacters excep for historia perionages sections, Published ia the United Sates by Copeenicus an imprint of Springer Verlag New York In Copeenicus Springer Velag Now Yor lc 10 BilthAreoue Now York NY tonto USA Libeary of Congres loging n-Publcation Dats Bak, (Pe). How natre works thesczneeoftfonganized ely / Pee Bak Incadribogphic efecesand inde ISBNo-387-9¢794(hadcoetalk paper) 1 Ceicl phenomena (Physics) "2. 'Compleiy (Philosophy) 3. Physics—Philwoply. 1. Tie irs4CraBia tose coy! 6845 ‘Manuficuted inthe United States of America Printed on aif pope. Designed by Nike Prstoucis 9876 sana eee ‘Who could ever calculate the path of « molecule? How do we know that the ereations of worlds are not determined by falling grains of sand? —Vietor Hugo, Les Miserables Contents Preface nd Acknowledgments Choper1 Complexity and Critieality The Lawsof Physis Ace Simple bur Nature TsComplex : Seryclling Vers Science ‘What Cana Theory of Complexiy Explain? Pow Sptemsin Balsnce Are Not Complex Chaos Is Nox Compleity Sele Organiasd Cita Chaper2 The Discovery of SelfOrgu Critieality Laws and Critcaliy ‘Science arBrookhaven Where Does 1/F*Noise” Come From? ‘Susan Coppsesmith’s Dog Model On Coupled Pendulum sore “The Philosophy of Using Simple Models: (OnSpherial Cows The PenduluesBecomne Crna Chaper3 "The Sendpile Paradigm 8 » 2 8 v7 7 9 “ 6 0 Oper bape Chaps hep Chapers How Natare Works Lifein che Sandpile World (Can WeCatculate the Power Laws with Penand Paper? Real Sendpiles Real Sand Norwegian Rice Pits . ‘cscs Landslide Experiment: The Oxigia of Fractals Himalayan Sandptes Sediment Deposition : Geomorphology: Landscapes Oucof Balance Earthquakes, Starquakes, and Solar Flares Sct Organization of Exechquakes AMsprine Leads Progress Rumbling Around Stromboli ‘The Crustof dhe Exeth IsCriieal PulsatGltchesand Sacquakes Black Holesand Solar Faces ‘The "Game of Life’: Complexity IsCriticality ind Landscape Formation IsLifeaSelOrganized Critical Phenomenon? ‘TheSoaiaFelnstinue ‘Sandpitesand Punctuated Fqulibis Ieracting Dancing ness Landscapes Mass Extinctions and Panetuated Equilib ine Simple Model of Evolution Can We Mod Darwin? eee eee 9 oe 6 6 % a a8 % o 105 mg un ue i) ua Chapur 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Contenss Lifeaca Cold Place Compariion with Real Data (On Dinossisand Merors Dante Chialwo's Evolutionary Game Sel Organized Ceitcaligy and Gaia Replying the Tape of Evolution ‘Theory ofthe Penctuated Equilibrium Model Whatlsa Theory? ‘The Random Neighbor Version ‘ofthe Evolution Moxel ‘TheSelé Organization Process, ‘The Ceca Stare Revisiting che Game of Lite Revising Barehquakes The Brain Why Should the Brain Be Grica? The Monkey Problem The Beain and Rice Networks On Economics and Tratfie Jams Eauilibeiven Economies Is Like Water Real Economies Is Like San 7 ‘Simple Toy Model of Critcal Economy Fluctuations and Catastrophes Are Unavoidable Teac Jams : Bibliogeaphy Index us 4s ne 53 154 56 161 es 16 167 169 ve 175 176 8 bo 183 % 185 187 91 12 99 preface and acknowledgments SelForganized cetealiy i a now way of sewing ature. The bai pit is ‘one where nature is pepctally out of balance, bu organiza in a posed stste—the crcl stae—where anything can happen wichin ween tail fans. The aim ofthe scence of selFoxganized rica ist yi insight inno che Fndameatlqustion of why aust iscomples, otis, asthe lansof physic imply Selforganizal crtcalty plains some ubiguitoys pacer exiting in acu that view as comple. Fractal structure and catastrophic wens are among those rgslsites. Applications range from the su oF pulses ad back holes oearehquais and the exauion of lif: Oe intriguing conse- quence ofthe theory that catstrops can accu for no econ whaboewe Massextinctons may ake place without anyextenal erigscing mcchanismn such a oleanic eniption ora msteori: ating the eaeh alchough chehe- ‘ory ofcourse cannot ule ou tha tishasin fc occured) xi How Nace Works ‘Since we frst proposed the idea in 1987, more than 3,000 paps ane ‘been writenonselForganiederizality. making oursthemostied paperin hysis during chac period. Hew Nene Wir isthe frat bok co desl with the subject The basic idea i simple, and mostof the mathematical model that thre been used inthe implemenaionof dhe cheory arenot complicated. Aay- fe withsomecomputerlteracy ands PCcan sethe models upon hse > serif the predictions Often, no more han highschool mathematcsisnceded Some ofthe computer progeans ate even salable on the Inernet Some of ‘he sndpile experiments ate of no greater csc and ful than the dedi cated reader can perform him or herself Unlike othe subjects physic che buscideasaresimpleenoughtobe made ccesiblemsnon-ciende iene without being evi. Many friends and colleagueshasc helped me, wth both the reseaech and he book: The science has ben all fur-—in parccular [am getefil to Kurt Wiesenfeld snd Chao Tag, with whom I collaborated on the orginal es, and to Kan Chen, Kim Christensen, Maya Paceuski, Zeev Olami, Serge “Maslog Michael Cecuts, Michel Woodford, Dimitris Sasinopolous and Jove Schenkman, who parcicipated in the esearch tha followed, bringing ‘the idea wo life by applying it o many diferene phenomena in nacut, ‘Thanks are dc to Eine Wiesenfeld for drawing the logo of elF-organined rial the sini, shown in Figure 110 Raed Sole for deawing the og: pulling Figure 9: ro Arch Johaston for providing Figuce 2 to Jens Feder and his group in Orlo for Figure 8 and the figures on thie ricepile experimen, Figures 15-17 and Plate 4:19 Daniel Rothman and John Grozzinges forthe photos of che Kings Peak formation, Figure 1840 Pier Grasherger for the office version ofthe sandpile mode, Figure and co Paolo Diodati fo providing the original gure on che messucements of acoustic emission from Stromboli, Figuse 25. The impressive computer graphics on the sandpile in Place and the “Game of Lif” Places 6-8, are due Michel Cowes ‘A numberof persons helped me increase the leary qualities of the eee eee eee eee eee Preface and Acknowledgments xiii of all, Lam garefl co Maya Paczuski and Jim Niederer who spent endlsss fours improving the presentation and helping with organizing the materia ‘My hile Tine and Jakob and Thomas. checked the manuseip fr rend ahi or 90n prosonals leading co cvsios of seca unclear pases Finally [am indebeed Jerry Lyons, William Fruchi and Robere Weal of Copernicus Boks for substantial and invaluable help with the manusce allseges chapter] complexity and criticality “Howcan che universe tare with fiw sypesoflemencary parce atthe big bang and end up with i, istory.economies and Haerature” The questions seceaming ufo be answered but tis seam even ake Why di the big ‘bang aoc or simple gs particles. or condense into one big cya? We see complex phenomena around us offen chat me take chem for granted without loking fo further explanation. In ft, uni esenely wry lil i= cnt effort was derord o understanding why naure scores [will age cha complex bshavior im nature eflets the tesency oF largespstrs with many components i evelse into a posed, "ext sae, ‘a7 out of balance, where minor disturbances may lea to eens called avalanches, of all sick Mose of the changes ake pl ‘rough catastrophic cont rather shan by flowing 2 smooth gradual path. The evolu ro this ery delicate sare scars ithows desig fom aay outside agent The ate isesa lished solely because of the dynamical interactions 2 How Nature Weeks sahil Storie oly own en Caleta egeenompli Temes ir ett tings dene ple ge le gig te indie ninegutremindccntente ee Tee canbeunderdin tees psa popenes uapencernen vest pletaome erp anther ilfehlenatide heroes on te snd eso bgg and ge Elin sno eo sees ceaspnalonestt pe Avdaepom degen finns and inthe ong te untonoad neers Savor inviual gria Te ounces at eng ch cinbeunlesanon fomsbalnicdesopenoticomreere th eile rather an fom sui denn enn tristhesindpewaconpleree Figure L Sandpile. (Drawing by Ms. Elaine Wicwenfeld.) Complesty sndCobielity “The complex phenomena obseied een indicate that nature op- cacesatthe self-organized cricl sate. The behavior ofthe critical sndpile mimics several phenomena observed across many science, which ce asci- ated with complete, But before arging that this indeed the as let wy tosharpen the definition of the problem. Wha is complexity? Flow hae i= cents and others addresed the problem in the pas? The Laws of Physies Are Simple, but Nature Is Complex Sectng from the Big Bang, che universe supposed to hare evolved accard- ing to che laws of physics By analyzing experiments ad aberrations, physi ss hae been sry succesful inning those ws The innermost of mate have been revealed dowa co ever smaller scales. Mace const of| atoms which are composed ofelementary particles such aeleeros, protons, snd neurons, which chemseves ar formed by quarks and gluons. and oo Al pheomena in natue from che largest length sales spanned by the uni- ease the smallest represented by the quar, shouldbe explained by the same lawsofp ysis ‘Onesuch ais Newon'second lan f= ma whichsimplyellsusthatan object that issued to 2 frce responds by accelerating ta rte propor tional wo char force Thissimple law ssulicient 0 describe ow an apple ils tothe ground. how planesocbithesun,andhow galaiesare arated tone nother by the ce of gai Marwellsequations dseibe the intercon beeween eletrial currents and magnetic field, allowing us o underscand how an eletie moro ora dynamo works Eisteins theory of laity says that Newton's as hate to be mod for objets moving a high veloc, (Quantum mechanics ellsus tha electoasin an atom can only exis in tes with specific energies Theelectronscanjump from oncstceto another with- ‘ur spenng sy cme in becwecn ‘These laws physics are quite simple They ar expressed in mathematic ‘al equations char ean all be writen down of & couple of notbook pages However, che mathematics involved in soling these equations een fo i= 4 How Nasze Wocks ‘than ew objets to consider For instance, calculating che motion of wo plan: ‘moving inthe gravitational feld ofthe othe planetsand the sua sero ‘andydiicule The problem siasluble wih pen and papecandcan be done ‘only approximately with che helpofcom puters bucthatisusually considered ‘be practical problem rather than fandamental physi problem, ‘The philosophy of physis since inception has ben reduction’sc that the word around us can be understood in tems ofthe properties of seple building blocks Een the Grecks viewed ehe world asconsisting fol a ew ements Once we have broken the world dowa ots simplest fandameaval laws, and he most Fundamental particles hve ben denied, the jb com plete Once we hae accomplished this fx. the oe of physis—the “hing of scicnes'—willbe played out and the stage canbe le to helene” scenes, suchas geophysics, chemistry. and biology rasor out the eomequences, Ta some spva eases, physics have succeded in explaining the behav ‘ir ofsysems consisting of many paesstoms, molecules, or eleceons. For insane the chair ofsrstals, where elon fos neal occupy che ‘owsand columes of regular periodic lt, relacively wll understood Fomthe basic sof physics Acysalisaprimecsampleofan"oneeasyx fem, where each atom has is well-defined place on a replay, periodic pid ‘Theceyslis understandable preily because itlooks he same eerywher. Acthe oppose end ofthe spectuen fiom cysts ae pase which aso «consis of many atoms or molecules, Gases can be understood because thee molecules rately interact, by bumping ico one anothe. ln coneas othe ‘cyst where the atoms ae ordered on alate he aomsiaa gs forma rane dom, disordered system. Again the testable ofthe stem aves fom es tnitorminy The gs looks the same reper, although at a given time the individual atoms a¢ diferent locations move with difecene velocities in Aifrendiretions On average allatoms behave the sameway However medo not iin simple boring world composed only of plan- sotbiting other planes cular infinite crystals and simple gsesr liquids (Our everyday situation isnot ha of iling apples I we open the window, we sean eniely iret picture. The sufi ofthe earth ya itsictecon- alomerate of mountains, oceans, islands citer volcanoes glaciers, and eth aa eee Complesty snd Cetiality 5 eco eed ps aps fm plan om Given kitcar doco ingaelalbmpe stn wines The ‘Devan clot kuch red bch (elton whe me or depen aan tee throng ona meta tere ame Hu weap ring the tho om ree tiyattlezonsone pou ances penmenon Comply linc tn evo nent nw rps Mog ie uate or dion fconpnyh e enpe n tmachacon ole ikon ng ei Cand fundotngpnesn tempted -sheraliensromyenlropic e GN shecamplny hs yop Beg as edo thy sh alien pce oy nihil dat comping ‘niiercengviteachotcin wih entonnen: endfor Seytanetbiogy indus Veen operas couse alien Tiehuantoi insert yan cesmgenentf inating Tete moon toneiltcnu can xm sepseuion ote cnr ot w Outisorsithisneateftensrrionandptat enn tsa yeanoetieeefonplay epee tment tah noms comport! of omumer rte hes omen smayexis ona ide rangeoflength sales ve 2000 0, andeconomists “Thus, the world that we actully observe ill fal kinds of tecture ane surprcs. How dos varabixyemecge out of simple invariable laws? ‘Most phenomena that we bare around us sm eather distant from the bai asf physics. Ita futile endemor try to explain moat mata phe- nomena in detail seating from particle physics and lloming the ejscto- ‘ies ofall pastes, The combined power ofall che computers inthe word dees noceven come close othe capacity needed for such so undertaking. “The fic thae he laws of physi specify everything (hat thy are deer= 6 HowNasuse Works Physics during the ast wo cencuies combined with the advances of modeen bighsped eomputes—that everything can be understood from sepia

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