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Fred Tucker

MEDT 7476
Dr. Haynes
Mod 5 - Assessment Implementation

Client Information
Dina Odom (Cert.ID No. 457047)
6th Grade Science Teacher at Bay Springs Middle School

Performance Task Title

o Rock Cycle Interactive Flipbook

Grade Level
o 6th

o Fred Tucker

Performance Task Annotation

o Students will access the assignment through Google Classroom, research the
rock cycle and fossils, then use a Google Slides to complete a Rock Cycle
Interactive Flipbook.

o Earth Science

Approximate Duration of Performance Task

o One 55-minute class period, can be completed at home if technology is available.

Focus Standards
o S6E5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to show how Earths
surface is formed.
c. Construct an explanation of how to classify rocks by their formation and
how rocks change through geologic processes in the rock cycle.
o L6-8RST7: Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a
text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart,
diagram, model, graph, or table).

National Standards
o 1. Empowered Learner - Students leverage technology to take an active role in
choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals,
informed by the learning sciences.
1c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and
improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety
of ways.

Fred Tucker
MEDT 7476
Dr. Haynes
Mod 5 - Assessment Implementation

The Actual Assessment

Description and Teacher/Trainer Directions

o Before students begin this lesson, they should be familiar with the concepts of the
Rock Cycle and Fossils through classroom discussions and activities, reading the
related chapter in the text or completing the Interactive Lesson Rock Cycle
Lesson at Rock Cycle Interactive Lesson.
o Before the lesson begins, the instructor needs to have the Flip Book template and
instructions input into a Google Classroom assignment.
o Students will access the lesson through their Google Classroom account, follow
the directions, use their knowledge, notes and internet resources to complete the
assigned flipbook.
Instructions for Students.
Use the information that you learned from the Rock Cycle
Interactive Lesson to complete the Rock Cycle Flip Book.
Follow the directions at the top of each page and answer questions
in complete sentences where required.
Turn in completed Rock Cycle Flip Book to the Google Classroom
when finished.
o Instructor can model the use and manipulation of the digital flipbook on the
Promethean Board.
o The instructor monitor and assist the students directly and using online comments
in the Google Classroom.
o When students are complete, they should turn in their work in the Google
o The instructor will review the completed flipbook for grading or suggest
corrections and return to the student to rework and resubmit.

3. The Measurement Tool

Rubric Title
o Rock Cycle Interactive Flipbook

Rubric Description
o The rubric designates the elements that must be included to show the students
level of mastery and complete this assignment.
o The rubric is 40 points and may be scaled to 100 points.

Rubric or Other Performance Evaluation Tool

o See page 6 below.

Fred Tucker
MEDT 7476
Dr. Haynes
Mod 5 - Assessment Implementation

4. One Example of Student/Participant Submission with Teacher Feedback and Grade

Grade for this assignment was:

Grade Required Concepts Attract Time

Elements use
90 8 8 10 10

5. Report of Your Findings

Explain what worked well or did not work well with the assessment implementation.

The students could access the assignment and most were engaged throughout the

Were the students/participants able to complete the work as directed or did they need
clarification on anything?

Most students could complete the work as directed. Some needed assistance
manipulating information with in Google Slides or Docs, copying, pasting, etc.

Fred Tucker
MEDT 7476
Dr. Haynes
Mod 5 - Assessment Implementation

Did you get the types of responses or performances you expected?

The responses and performances were mostly as we expected. The higher achievers
could meet or exceed expectations. The lower achievers needed more guidance and
struggled to formulate complete sentences.

What should be done to improve the assessment the next time it is implemented?

The higher achievers needed additional pages with questions requiring more critical
thought. The assessment was appropriate or the lower achievers. As a whole, the
assignment requires more rigor. It worked well as a review, but in order to implement
this into a regular lesson it will have to require more in-depth critical thinking and
practical application.

6. Report of Impact on Student Learning

The data for the sample class is located on page 7 below.

The sample class is a close representation of the schools 6th grade population. The class
contained 30 students: 18 White, 10 Black, 2 Hispanic, 18 males, 12 females, 11 Special
Education, 11 economically disadvantaged, 2 ESOL.

The females outperformed the males 88.33% to 83.06%. The scores by ethnicity were very
close, Black students scored an average of 83.5%, White students scored an average of
86.39% and the Hispanic students scored an average of 82.5%. Special Education students
scored an average of 78.64 %. Economically Disadvantaged students also scored an average
of 78.64 %.

The class did very well as a whole. They were engaged in the lesson and enjoyed the freedom
of working at their own pace. The female subgroup seemed to pay more attention to detail
which led to them having higher scores. The lowest scoring subgroups, Special Education and
Economically Disadvantaged, struggled the most with using the technology and staying on

Fred Tucker
MEDT 7476
Dr. Haynes
Mod 5 - Assessment Implementation
7. Future Instructional Plans

Work with the person you are coaching to review the data analysis and interpretation. Ask the
person you are coaching what should be planned for future instruction. Then write a brief report
of the future instructional plans. The following question must be answered as a part of the

What should be done to revise instruction based on areas where students/participants did not
perform well?

Upon review of the lesson and the data, we concluded that the lesson worked well as a review
of the Rock Cycle. The use of the online interactive lesson and the completion of the Rock
Cycle Flip Book allowed us to spend one on one time with the students that needed the most
help or remediation. We had students that were frustrated by the topic, show interest when
they gained a better understanding of the material. We will have to spend more time at the
beginning of next year teaching the students to become more proficient with the use of the
technology as a learning tool. Emphasis will need to be on the use of Google applications, the
proper ways research information, and how that information can be used in their work. We also
felt that we will need to change the Rubric section labeled Attractiveness to The use of
Complete Sentences Descriptions.

The class did very well as a whole. They were engaged in the lesson and enjoyed the freedom
of working at their own pace. The higher achievers needed additional pages with questions
requiring more critical thought. The assessment was appropriate or the lower achievers. The
lesson worked well as a review, but the lesson would need be included into a broader overall
unit plan and expanded to include to implement into more in-depth critical thinking and practical

Rubric Example:

Fred Tucker
MEDT 7476
Dr. Haynes
Mod 5 - Assessment Implementation

Flip Book Rubric

Proficient Developing Emerging Minimal

10 pts 8 pts 6 pts 4 pts

Required Proficient Developing Emerging Minimal

Elements All required Most of the A few of the Many of the
elements are required required required elements
included. Shows a elements are elements are are missing. Shows
great use writing included. Shows a missing. Shows a little or no use
skills and good use writing minimal use writing skills and
resources to skills and writing skills and resources to
convey resources to resources to convey
understanding. convey convey understanding.
understanding. understanding.

Concepts Proficient Developing Emerging Minimal

Demonstrates in Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
depth clear basic partial
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
concepts. concepts. concepts. concepts.

Attractiveness Proficient Developing Emerging Minimal

The flip book is The flip book is The flip book is
The flip book is
attractive in acceptably distractingly messy
terms of design, attractive, or very poorly
attractive in terms
layout, and though it may be designed. It is not
of design, layout,
neatness a bit messy attractive.
and neatness.

Use of Class Proficient Developing Emerging Minimal

Time Used time well Used time well Used some of Did not use time
during each class during each class the time well well during each
period. Focused on period. Usually during each class class period.
completing the focused on period. Some Lacked focus on
project. Never completing the focus on completing the
distracted others. project. Never completing the project. Often
distracted others project. distracted others

Fred Tucker
MEDT 7476
Dr. Haynes
Mod 5 - Assessment Implementation
Assessment Plan Implementation Class Data

Gender Ethicity Spec Ed Low Soc Ec ESL Grade Concepts Attract Time use
student62915 m b x x 65 8 6 8 4
student83530 m b x x 70 6 6 10 6
student63111 m b x x 85 8 6 10 10
student66320 m b x x 90 8 8 10 10
student70007 f w x x 85 8 6 10 10
student63900 m w x x 75 6 6 10 8
student67868 m w x x 60 6 4 8 6
student68961 m b x 80 8 6 10 8
student64463 f w x 80 6 6 10 10
student71485 f w x 90 8 8 10 10
student65204 f w x 85 8 8 10 8
student66464 m b x 90 8 8 10 10
student67389 m h x x 75 6 6 10 8
student80418 m h x x 90 8 8 10 10
student62916 m w x 80 8 6 10 8
student74635 f b 75 8 8 8 6
student76612 f b 90 8 8 10 10
student63177 m b 90 8 8 10 10
student63259 m b 100 10 10 10 10
student63257 f w 90 8 8 10 10
student66335 f w 90 8 8 10 10
student63287 f w 100 10 10 10 10
student76601 f w 100 10 10 10 10
student67889 f w 85 8 8 10 8
student66352 f w 90 8 8 10 10
student66511 m w 95 8 10 10 10
student69151 m w 100 10 10 10 10
student66314 m w 100 10 10 10 10
student69091 m w 85 8 8 8 10
student81934 m w 65 6 6 8 6
30 12 f 18 w 11 11 2 85.17
40% 60% 37% 37% 7%
18 m 10 b
60% 33%


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