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My name is Alan Russell, and Im about to share with you THE secret to completely
eliminating stress from your life.

It is the secret I used in my own life, to go from a guy who barely made it through
high-school to a business owner, an entrepreneur, and a senior manager for
one of the countrys largest manufacturers.

I used to be in the worst stress imaginable.

I used to stay up late every night, a tightness in my chest and my heart pounding
just spinning around and around in my head thinking about all the things I needed to
get done.

I tried absolutely everything. I read every book on stress management, and every
book on task management.

And no matter what I tried no matter what methods I used I always seemed to
end up in the same place.

I spent so much time running around putting out fires and just treading water, that I
could see my life slipping away without me even enjoying it

I knew that something had to be done, and I knew there MUST be an answer out there.

So I started on a journey.

And that journey led me to an incredible revelation.

After years of searching, I finally found the TRUE reason why we are all so stressed

And it wasnt at all what I expected it to be

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The Source of Stress

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal

hanging on of an uncompleted task.

When you ask most people why theyre stressed, theyll tell you its because they have
so much on So much to do at work! So much to do at home! So many demands and
so little time to get it all done.

While all those things contribute to the problem, theyre not actually the CAUSE
of stress.

Theres a very simple reason youre stressed and its NOT what you think.

Bluma Zeigarnik was born in a small city in Lithuania on the edge of the Neman River.
It was 1901, and Eastern Europe was going through a unique time in its history.

Bluma worked hard for her education, and was one of the first women in Russia to
attend university. It was a time in history when it was hard for women to get ahead.
Unlike the men who were applying at the time, she was required to take an entrance
exam to get in just to prove that she was as qualified as they were!

While at university, Bluma met many people who would shape her life and her career,
and in doing so go on to shape our understanding of modern psychology.

One of her professors was named Kurt Lewin. In the mid-1920s, Lewin noticed that
waiters at his favorite restaurant could recall unpaid orders in their entirety, but had
no such recall of the completed orders. He thought this was worth investigating, and
put the task to Bluma.

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She began to investigate the effect on the brain that is caused by incomplete or
interrupted tasks. The more she investigated, the more fascinated she became. She
was discovering something that would turn Gestalt psychology on its head.

She didnt know it then but the little secret that she discovered would provide the
answer to GETTING RID of the stress that plagues the modern world.

So what was it?

Well I think youll agree with me when I say that the world is more stressed than it
has ever been.

Everywhere you look people are drowning under the weight of the things they want
to accomplish.

We have so many things demanding our attention and so many things we want to

and there just arent enough hours in the day to get it done!

Everybody is looking for a holiday, a way to escape from the pressure of all the things
that need to be done.

Maybe youre a person who has SO MUCH GOING ON in their life that you feel like you
just cant cope!

Or you might be someone who has such a bad memory that youve dropped the ball
over and over again. You might be so afraid of picking it up again because you think
you already know how the story is going to go.

Or maybe you feel like you have so much POTENTIAL, but you just cant seem to get
organized and get started.

No matter HOW you think your current processes are failing you, I can GUARANTEE
you right now that we are going to turn your life completely around.

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The REASON youre not where you want to be is not because you dont
have the brains or the talent. It is NOT because you dont have the
motivation or the right opportunities.

Its because you simply havent learned the right way to approach your
personal productivity.

Everybody is looking for a magic pill to make them more productive, to give them
more drive and more energy Well Im glad to say that you have that magic pill right
in front of you!

The secret that Bluma discovered is the reason why you feel like you have more on
your plate every day but are getting less and less done.

Its the thing that is holding you back from ACHIEVING EVERYTHING youve ever

It is the key that is going to completely unlock your potential and kick your
productivity into HYPERDRIVE.

Sound interesting?


So lets get going and find out all about it!

And to do that, Im going to need to talk to you about tigers

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Tasks and Tigers

A task left undone remains undone in two places at the actual

location of the task, and inside your head. Incomplete tasks in your
head consume the energy of your attention as they gnaw at your

As human beings, our brains are designed to notice the things that are not yet

Heres an example so you can see what I mean:

Imagine youre going for a stroll in the jungle. Just a beautiful day walking along in
the summer sun, whistling a happy tune checking out the beautiful rainforest.

Suddenly you hear a rustling in the bushes! The hair stands up on the back of your
neck Your heart starts to race as you back away from the sound

The bushes move apart and out comes a TIGER!

You start to panic, knowing that youre only seconds away from becoming
somebodys dinner!

Time slows down and your life starts flashing before your eyes

You start thinking about all the things you wanted to do a holiday in Spain that
book you always wanted to write the big job you never applied for

And then the tiger walks behind a rock.

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So what do you going to do? Are you going to suddenly relax because the threat is now
gone? Does all that panic and stress suddenly disappear?

Of course not!! Just because you cant see it, it doesnt mean its gone

That tiger is still there and waiting to pounce!

Strange as it may seem, our task lists are a lot like that tiger. And more accurately,
theyre a lot like a LOT of tigers!

Over the span of just an average day youll have so many things that need to be
attended to. You have bills to pay, business contacts to call, shopping to do, emails to
respond to

and thats not even getting started on the thousand post-it notes that are on your

They might not have the dangerous consequences of a wild jungle cat, but your brain
treats all those unfinished tasks in the exact same way. Since the task still exists (just
like the tiger still exists when it disappears behind the rock), your subconscious mind
cant just forget about it.

Your mind needs to know that something is being done about that task.

And it cant rest until the task is finished.

Thats right each of the unfinished tasks in your life is keeping your brain
awake and active! All hours of the day. 7 days a week.

I call these unfinished things task-tigers.

A task-tiger simply means that youve initiated some sort of activity, but you havent
yet finished it.

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An example: You want to renovate your bathroom at home.

Sounds simple enough right?

But a bathroom renovation isnt just something that you spend a couple of minutes
on and its done. It takes time!

From the minute you start thinking about the project until the second its done, your
brain will constantly be keeping track of it.

Somewhere in the back of your mind youll be thinking

Next time Im driving past the hardware store, Ill have to remember to go in and
look at the different taps.

Oh, and I have to remember to talk to Dave, hes done a renovation before and might
have some tips.

Oh! And I have to get some different paint samples, I dont like the current color.

And I really must put together a budget to see how much this is going to cost

and on and on and on it goes!

There is simply no end to the things your mind can come up with.

But the question is can you actually DO anything about those tasks right now?

Well if youre at the office, then probably not. Youre not anywhere near a hardware
store! So your poor brain is frantically going over and over your list of tasks to make
sure that you dont forget any, and you cant even do anything to complete them!

Its like a car with the engine running but the car is up on blocks.

Since you cant do anything about the task right now your brain is whizzing away
but not getting anywhere!

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And that is just one project that you need to get done. Just ONE, out of the dozens or
HUNDREDS that you might have in your life at any one time!

This is the major cause of STRESS in your brain

That continuous process of thinking about the unfinished tasks you have, identifying
what the next steps are, and deciding whether you can do something about them right

Imagine if you could just leave all that aside, and ONLY focus on the things you
can do Right Now.

Imagine never having to worry about losing track of another task.

Imagine never having to worry about forgetting an important date or deadline

Im happy to say there is a way!!

And to explain it to you, lets talk about goldfish.

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Plan like a Goldfish

We all have times when we think more effectively,

and times when we should not be thinking at all.

Theres a common misconception that the elephant is the king of the productivity
world. After all, an elephant never forgets!

But is remembering EVERYTHING really the most useful way to manage your tasks?

If you have a task list thats only 10 items long it might be achievable, but what if your
task list is a hundred items? A thousand??

Imagine how many things youd need to hold in your head to make sure it all gets

There is much smarter way to work. And that is to put everything out of
your head except the things youre working on right now.

You need to learn how to plan like a goldfish.

Now hold on a second, you might be saying First you tell me that my brain CANT
forget about these tasks, and now youre telling me I NEED to forget them?? How does
that work?

Well take a second here, because I want you to imagine for a moment you had the
brain of a goldfish.

What do I mean by that?

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Well, you know how a goldfish only has a 7 second memory

Imagine that every 7 seconds you forgot what you were planning to do! How would
you ever get anything done?

To make sure that you didnt forget about any of your tasks you would
CONSTANTLY be reciting your list of tasks over and over in your head.

All day long your brain would be running full speed just to stay in one place

just like a car up on blocks.

Even though you and I dont have the brain of a goldfish, we STILL subconsciously
perform that same mental routine

Going over and over our list in the back of our minds to make sure that everything
we need to get done actually gets done.

But the interesting thing is that your brain doesnt need those tasks stored inside your
head. It just needs to know that they are stored SOMEWHERE that is trustworthy
and reliable.

It just needs to know that they are safe. And that when you can do something about
them you WILL do something about them.

If you couldnt rely on your memory at all youd have to take all the goals you have
and all the tasks you need to do, and put them into an external system to manage

It would need to be a system that you trust, a system that you could rely on.

Now I know what you might be thinking

Youre probably thinking to yourself, Alan, I agree with what youve been saying
about tasks and tigers

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but I already HAVE a task list! So if what youre saying is true, how come I still
feel stressed??

Well thats because there is a problem with the way that most people write their task

Its a problem that is so simple youll wonder why you never thought of it before.

It turns out most people write their tasks completely wrong. They write
them in a way that it actually causes them MORE mental effort.

But once you know the correct formula, it becomes so simple and so obvious!

It seems like such a silly little trick, but I can tell you that its absolutely going to
change your life. When you stop holding on to all the things that you think you need
to remember

there is going to be a HUGE weight off your shoulders. Instead of walking into the
office with fear of all the things you have going on, youll walk in with a HUGE smile
on your face.

I know it might seem ridiculous to you now, but Ive seen this work for people over
and over again. Ive seen it work in my own life to transform me from someone who
was scared to even approach my task list

into a guy who has launched business after business, climbed the corporate ladder
all the way to the top, and jumped off into a future that I never could have dreamed
of when I started this journey.

If it worked for me then I KNOW it will work for you! And the secret really is to get
all that dead weight OUT of your head.

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Do I Really Need To?

Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success.

They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of
the game one foot from a winning touchdown.

At this point you might be saying to yourself:

Well, Im pretty good at remembering my tasks. I dont need this!

And thats a valid concern!

But let me ask you a simple question

Have you EVER had a project that you started and didnt complete?

Or a goal that you wanted to achieve but never actually did it?

Or a hobby that you wanted to get into but then just forgot about it?

Or something thats broken that youve never got around to fixing?

If you answered yes to any of those then youre exactly the kind of person who
needs to be reading this!

The Goldfish Method is not JUST about the simple daily tasks that you need to
get done.

Its about EVERYTHING in your life! And its about creating a system that almost
guarantees that you CANNOT FAIL!

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Because you CANT lose track of your tasks, you WILL keep pushing on and you will
keep taking action.

You wont be that person who starts a project and then it just fizzles out.

You wont be like all the other talkers in life youre going to be one of the few people
who actually DO things.

Youre going to keep going and keep taking action until you WIN!

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Building the Future You Truly Deserve

It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease.

Hack away at the inessentials.

Your brain is amazing for so many things.

But it isnt well equipped for the incredible demands of the modern workload.

The secret to reducing your stress and getting everything done is to take the tasks out
of your head, and put them into a reliable system.

And this is where the Goldfish Method comes in.

Im going to teach you how to build up a system that WORKS. A system that you trust,
and a system you can RELY on to get you from where you are now to the future you
imagine for yourself.

BUT, thats not all!

Managing tasks and projects is only ONE of the life-changing outcomes youre
going to get from this method.

When your brain is freed up from the stress and effort of constantly managing your
workload, you suddenly have all this new capacity!

You become more creative. Your thinking process opens up and you start making new

Youll have more mental energy to decide what you want in life.

And because you become more effective at achieving your goals

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Youre going to have more time available to do the things you REALLY want!

I have a good friend named Steve who I coached through this method.

He had attempted to get a business off the ground for about 6 months before he came
to talk to me and in that 6 months he had done almost nothing.

He was in debt had high blood pressure and he said his stress levels were through
the roof!

Hed keep starting, and then changing his mind about key elements, and then
restarting over and over again. He also had so many demands on his time that he
didnt even think it was POSSIBLE to get this business off the ground.

I asked him if hed be willing to try something a bit crazy if hed be willing to forget
ALL the tasks he had to do.

He looked at me like I was mad, but after I explained things to him he decided to
give it a go.

We set him up with the system, and within a couple of weeks he was sending me back
status updates.

He told me how hed accomplished more in those two weeks than he had in the
last 12 months!

Within a month he had a site chosen and a team working with him, and within two
months the business was running.

He had coffee with me at the three month mark, and he couldnt stop talking about
how AMAZED he was!!

He said it was almost like THE TASKS MANAGED THEMSELVES.

He said that he felt there was a huge weight gone from his mind, and with the weight
gone he was completely free to pursue his goals. He now had a clear and defined plan
for the next 24 months, and there was no sign of slowing down.

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And the best thing was that he said the stress was completely GONE!

Now I know that youll agree with me when I say that stress is so bad for your health!

It can cause depression, high blood pressure, difficulty sleeping, abnormal heartbeat,
hardening of the arteries, ulcers, weight gain, loss of sex drive, fertility problems,
flare-ups of asthma or arthritis, or skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

It can even cause a HEART ATTACK!!

Dont you owe it to yourself to get rid of it once and for all?

If it was working right now for you, then you wouldnt be here.

The fact is that you NEED to change your approach. You need a method that is tried
and tested and has worked for thousands of people around the world.

I think its time to get started.

Over the next few weeks Im going to send you a series of emails leading you on a
journey of how to use this in your own life.

Or, if you want, you can skip right to the end and find the answer out right now at

So strap yourself in and together lets build the future you truly deserve.

Your friend,

Alan Russell

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