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Legal Philosophy PLATO (427 347 BCE) (Aritocles-Birth name)

comes from the Greek word for Broad

Law and justice are meant to produce
human happiness. This happiness is
Outline/Reviewer Student of Socrates
gained through being virtuous and
controlling our inner beast.
INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY Wrote as the voice of Socrates
Unlike Plato, Aristotle believed that justice
Believed that human law should strive to was within the grasp of human beings.
Philosophy is the Mother of Science reflect certain universal and eternal truths.
Human beings are endowed with the
It is existed before psychology, biology or Nature is inherently reasonable and good. ability to think and reason. Therefore
chemistry. It gave birth to the field of study by humans can recognize their own nature
raising question about the human mind, the Law is the moral imperative and the ideal and make laws that are suitable to that
human body and the nature of physical objects that humans must attempt to achieve. nature.
when philosophers begun investigating the world, The most basic law is to do good and
avoid evil. The perfect standard of law is revealed
they provided the foundation for all the
through the exercise of human reason
knowledge we treasure today. The purpose of law is to serve as a moral guided by observation. This is called
SCIENCE vs PHILOSOPHY guide on how to live the good life. rationalism.

- Heart of Science is experimental research. A human being achieves a state of justice The laws of the state must regulate human
Scientist conduct experiment to gather through reason. The state achieves a life to help citizens to use their reason to its
data. state of justice through law. greatest potential.

- Conduct experiments but their Plato believed that there is a hierarchy of Aristotle on Causality
experiments take place in the mind rather obedience. First people follow the law out
of fear, then out of habit and then out of Each Aristotelian science consists in the
than in the laboratory. Their goal is to
the realization that law is just. causal investigation of a specific department of
explore possibilities rather than to collect
reality. If successful, such an investigation results
data. It is Thought experiment. Since law should reflect a moral quality, in causal knowledge; that is, knowledge of the
The whole goal of philosophy is to find truth. Plato argues that it is just to disobey an relevant or appropriate causes.
Philosophers defend with all their hearts the view unjust law that does not produce harmony
and justice. (Civil Disobedience) Aristotle was not the first person to engage in a
that they believe are true and they want others
causal investigation of the world around us. From
to challenge them so that they can see whether ARISTOTLE (384 322 BCE) the very beginning, and independently of
they are right. Good philosophers are happy to
Student of Plato Aristotle, the investigation of the natural world
modify or even abandon their views if their
consisted in the search for the relevant causes of
arguments don't hold up against criticism.
Law is derived from Nature and is inherent a variety of natural phenomena.
THE PHILOSOPHY OF LAW in all things animate and inanimate.
From the Phaedo, for example, we learn that the
Natural Law Philosophers so-called inquiry into nature consisted in a
search for the causes of each thing; why each over the Academy. Aristotle established his own A FEW PHILOSOPHICAL TERMS
thing comes into existence, why it goes out of school in Athens, called the Lyceum.
Key ideas
existence, why it exists
While the Academy was devoted to the
Deductive validity: Where the premises of an
Here Aristotle recognizes four types of abstract- even mystical- speculation that Plato
argument necessarily imply its conclusion.
things that can be given in answer to a why- had promoted, the Lyceum concern itself with
question: hands-on, scientific studies. Aristotle was Doctrine of the four causes: True knowledge of
insatiably curious about rocks, plants and something requires a fourfold explanation of its
animals. In fact, he collected specimens and existence
The material cause: that out of which, made a careful study of their similarities, thereby
inventing the species-genus classification system Doctrine of golden mean: The virtuous person
e.g., the bronze of a statue.
that became so important in the development of avoids extremes, aiming always to act in a
The formal cause: the form, the science. moderate fashion
account of what-it-is-to-be, e.g., the
Aristotle was also interested in the sky. Empiricism: Knowledge comes from observation
shape of a statue.
Ancient Greek philosophers disprove the popular of the physical world around us-the foundation of
The efficient cause: the primary source of myth that, before Columbus discovered modern science
the change or rest, e.g., the artisan, the America, everyone believed the earth was flat. Friendship of pleasure: A relationship you pursue
art of bronze-casting the statue, the man Plato speculated that the earth was round based for mutual enjoyment
who gives advice, the father of the child. on the idea that the earth was round based on
the idea that the circle is the perfect shape. Friendship of utility: A relationship you develop
The final cause: the end, that for the sake
because it is mutually useful
of which a thing is done, e.g., health is If the divine maker of the earth is round
the end of walking, losing weight, purging, based on his observation of the lunar eclipse, in Friendship of virtue: A relationship which your love
drugs, and surgical tools. which the earth casts a curved shadow upon the is directed primarily towards your friend and only
moon incidentally towards whatever utility or pleasure
The essence of thing is its sine qua non, and it
they may help you achieve
is closely related to its purpose. What features Platos mystical approach relies on
enable a house to provide shelter? They are not controversial presuppositions- such as the notion Syllogism: A three- step argument
its particular colour or shape or size but, rather, of the divine and the notion of perfection. Plato
the fact that it has four walls and a roof that Teleology: The view that everything in the
considered these presuppositions justified on the universe has a special function
enclose a space. Without enclosing space, a grounds that they were born within (or innate to)
house would not be able to provide shelter the the human mind, as discussed in the last chapter.
wind and the rain would blow in. Aristotle rejects these innate ideas, arguing
TELEOLOGY: The view that everything in the
THE BIRTH OF SCIENCE instead that all knowledge comes from
universe has a special function.
observation of the physical world around us. This
Aristotle was a student- teacher at Platos view, which is the foundation of modern science, Example: The function of an oak tree is to
Academy when Plato died. Rather than taking is known as empiricism. produce acorns. An oak tree that fails to
produce acorns is defective, and one that Not all friendship are equally valuable, Aristotle asserted that true friends are like a single
produces many good acorns is an excellent tree. however. According to Aristotle, there are three soul dwelling in two bodies, not so much
different types. because they are like-minded but because they
EUDAIMONIA: which literally means the state of
provide a reflection for one another.
having a good indwelling spirit, signifying a 1. Friendship of utility is a relationship you
deeper sense of happiness than a dog or even a develop because it is mutually useful. You Aristotle was convinced that, in striving to be the
chimpanzee can achieve. might have such a friendship with a co- best friend you can be, you have to exercise your
worker or neighbour. While you are rational capacities, and, in so doing, you learn to
Aristotle famously defines the human
working together or living nearby, you act in accordance with the golden mean.
being as the rational animal, making rationality
chat and help each other out. But the
our formal cause and happiness our final cause. LOGIC
relationship does not keep you from
The excellent human being is one who is changing job or moving away, and, once Aristotle became such an enthusiastic student of
good at reasoning about the good life. you do, you may never see the person logic. In fact, he is considered the father of
again. modern logic, insofar as he was the first to
THE GOLDEN MEAN: Aristotle argued that,
develop a systematic analysis of deductive
whenever we are faced with a situation that 2. Friendship of pleasure is a relationship you
demands a choice, we should realize that there pursue for mutual enjoyment. Aristotle has
is a wide variety of possible responses, ranging in mind individuals who get together to Deductive validity is when the premises of an
from deficient through the excessive. The right engage in a recreational activity. In this argument necessarily imply its conclusion. For
response will always fall in the middle between case, interest in the activity holds priority example, consider the following argument:
those two extremes. over the people involved. In a football
team, for example, players may come 1 Socrates is a man.
This is the doctrine of the golden mean and go without changing the game. 2 All men are mortal.
that the virtuous person avoids extremes, aiming
always to act in a moderate fashion. Both utility friendship and pleasure friendships are
3 Therefore Socrates is mortal.
tenuous and probably temporary. They exist for the sake
Extreme behavior is often the result of of something else. When in such relationship, your love is Steps 1 and 2 are the premises, that is, the
directly primarily towards the utility of the pleasure and
emotional reactions. As rational animals, we are reasons for the inference.
only incidentally towards the person who helps you
at our best when we use reason to control achieve it.
emotion and guise us towards a moderate Step 3 is the conclusion that is inferred. This is a
response. 3. Friendship of virtue in contrast, is all about good argument because the premises support
the people involved. Here, your love is the conclusion.
THREE TYPES OF FRIENDSHIP: The doctrine of the directly primarily towards your friend and
golden mean is supported by Aristotles theory of By way of contrast, consider the following
only incidentally towards whatever utility argument:
friendship, Whereas Plato regarded justice as the or pleasure they may help you achieve.
highest good, Aristotle puts friendship above This is the highest or most valuable form of 1 Some geese are white.
justice, pointing out that those who are friends friendship because, while it does not
have no need of justice while those who are just 2 Some chickens are white.
exclude utility or pleasure, it inspires the
still need friends. individuals to be good. 3 Therefore some crows are white.
Each of the premises is true. Nevertheless, it is not similar way the sense is affected by what is coloured or The term pre-Socratic, meaning before
flavoured or sounding, but it is indifferent to what in each
a good argument because the premises do not Socrates, was popularized in 1903 by German
case the substance is; what alone matters is what quality it
support the conclusion. Even if some geese and has.
scholar Hermann Diels.
some chickens are white, there may not be any
Aristotle is a realist, because he affirms It is based on the fragments of text that
white crows. This is to say the inference is not
that the material world is real and knowable remain and the quotes of later historians and
deductively valid.
without transcendent Forms. His view is also philosophers, which were usually biased.
Not all syllogisms are deductively valid, however. sometimes called immanent realism, insofar as it Pre-Socratic Schools
Aristotle carefully laid them out and sorted them, asserts that the forms required for knowledge
discussing problematic inferences. By introducing reside within the objects we perceive rather than Milesian School
this sort of logical analysis, he set a rigorous in a transcendent realm.
standard for intellectual debate for ever after. Thales (624-546 B.C.), claimed the arche,
PLATO VS ARISTOTLE or he single element, was water. Thales
REALSIM determined what water could experience
Plato believed that concepts had a principles of change like evaporation and
The greatest debate between Plato and
universal form, an ideal form, which leads to his condensation, therefore allowing for it to be
Aristotle, which has become a central point of
idealistic philosophy. gaseous or solid.
controversy among philosophers ever since,
concerns the Forms. Aristotle believed that universal forms were Anaximander. The next major philosopher
not necessarily attached to each object or to come out of Miletus was Anaximander ( 610-
Plato argued that knowledge depends on
concept, and that each instance of an object or 546 B.C).UNLIKE Thales Anaximander claimed the
ideal exemplars existing beyond our world. If
a concept had to be analyzed on its own. This single element was actually an undefined,
there are no objective and universal Forms to
viewpoint leads to Aristotelian Empiricism. For unlimited, and indefinite substance, known as
judge our ideas against, then we are left with
Plato, thought experiments and reasoning would apeiron.
nothing but opinions.
be enough to "prove" a concept or establish the
qualities of an object, but Aristotle dismissed this Anaximenes. The last important pre-
Aristotle denies that Platos ideal
in favor of direct observation and experience. Socratic philosopher of the Milesian school was
exemplars exist. As an empiricist he refuses to
Anaximenes (585-528 B.C), who believed the
believe in anything that cant be experienced
PRE SOCRATIC. This was a philosophy of nature. single element was air.
firsthand. He brings Platos Forms down to earth
by asserting that they are really just the sensible Pre-Socratic philosophers questioned According to Anaximenes, air is
forms of things, which can be observed through where everything came from, what everything everywhere and has the ability to undergo
the five senses. was created from, how nature could be processes and become transformed into other
described mathematically, and how one could things, such as water, clouds, wind, fire, and even
By a sense is meant what has the power of
receiving into itself the sensible forms of things without the explain the existence of plurality in nature. Pre- the earth.
matter. This must be conceived of as taking place in the Socratic philosophers determined that there must
way in which a piece of wax takes on the impress of a be principles of change that are contained. The Pythagorean School Philosopher and
signet-ring without the iron or gold; we say that what mathematician Pythagoras (570-497 B.C),
produces the impression is a signet of bronze or gold, but its What does Pre-Socratic mean? perhaps most famous for the Pythagorean
particular metallic constitution makes no difference: in a
theorem named after him, believed that the Law gains its legitimacy through reason. AQUINAS FIVE PROOFS THAT SHOW THE
basis of all reality was mathematical relations The validity of law is based on its moral EXISTENCE OF GOD
and that mathematics governed everything content or justness.
1) The Argument of the Unmoved Mover
Cicero (106 43 BCE) Four kinds of Law
Anything that is in motion was put in motion by
Roman politician, lawyer and legal Eternal law comes from God and is something else that was in motion. And that
philosopher. unchanging. object is motion because it was put into motion
by another object that was in motion, and so on
Law is rooted a divine source; Jupiter. Natural law is eternal law that can be
and so forth.
known to humans.
Natural Law is universal and unchanging. Everything that is moved is moved by a mover,
Nature ensures the common good. Divine Positive law is the part of eternal therefore there is an unmoved mover from
law revealed through the scriptures. whom all motion proceeds, which is God.
Law is in the mind of wise and intelligent
men and they are the standard by which Human positive law is the laws made by 2) The Argument of the First Cause
justice and injustice are measured the state.
Every cause is the result of previous cause, and
(philosopher kings). The Order of Natural Law that previous cause is the result of another
If in the minds of wise and intelligent First Principle: Do good and avoid evil. previous cause.
men the law is in conflict with the laws of
Everything that is caused is caused by something
nature it should be disobeyed. For example preserving life, caring for else, therefore there must be an uncaused cause of
children, knowing the truth about God, not all caused things, which is God.
Civil disobedience should be used to force harming others, helping the poor and the sick,
the government to make laws that shunning ignorance, etc. 3) The Argument from Contingency
conform to natural law.
Second Principle: How to act based on the first Everything that exist needs to come from
St. Thomas Aquinas (1224 1274) principle. something that exist, and if it possible not to exist
then it wouldnt exist before, and wouldn't exist
Dominican Monk. For example the enforcement of the law, now.
Influenced by Aristotle and Christian making of laws, functioning of society.
There are contingent beings in the universe which
teachings. Unlike Aristotle, Aquinas did not believe that the may either exist or not exist and, as it is impossible
state leads people to their greatest potential. The state is for everything in the universe to be contingent(as
Natural Law and Rationalism are subordinate to the Catholic church who is in charge of something cannot come of nothing), so there must
consistent with Christian truth. moral matters on Earth. Therefore an unjust law does not be a necessary being whose existence is not
have any binding force. Such laws are an act of violence contingent on any other being, which is God.
Law must mirror a natural world order against the people of the state.
made known through reason and the 4. The Argument from Degree
Aquinas defines human law as the ordinance of
revelation of the prophets. Law has a reason for the common good, proclaimed publicly by a According to Aristotle, the greatest state
moral purpose. ruler who has care for the community. of being is when there is the greatest state of
There are various degrees of perfection which may morality in everyday human choices, a kind substances, mind and body. A mind is a
be found throughout the universe, so there must be
of Virtue Ethics. conscious or thinking being, that is, it
a pinnacle of perfection from which lesser degrees
of perfection derive, which is God. understands, wills, senses, and imagines. A body
Rene Descartes
is a being extended in length, width, and
5. The Teleological Argument breadth. Minds are indivisible, whereas bodies
The French philosopher Rene Descartes, b.
Mar. 31, 1596, d. Feb. 11, 1650, was one of the are infinitely divisible.
We observe unintelligent and inanimate
object in nature acting toward a purpose, even most important and influential thinkers in human The "I" of the "I think, therefore I am" is the
if this objects are not aware of this fact(such as history and is sometimes called the founder of mind and can exist without being extended, so
the food chain or the process of sensory organs. modern philosophy. Writing at the beginning of that it can in principle survive the death of the
Though unaware , these objects are clearly the scientific revolution, he made major body. Despite having different natures, Descartes
acting toward the contributions to both philosophy and thought that mind and body causally interact.
mathematics. His principal philosophical work,
Purpose according to specific plan. all natural
Meditations on First Philosophy, The human mind causes motions in the
bodies in the world (which are in themselves
unintelligent) act towards ends (which is
bodies by moving a small part of the brain.
First Modern Philosopher Motions in that same part of the brain produce
characteristic of intelligence), therefore there must
be an intelligent being that guides all natural
Fundamental theme in Descartes Philosophy is sensations and emotions. This problem of whether
bodies towards their ends, which is God. mental entities are different in nature from
AQUINAS ETHICS AND THE CARDINAL VALUES physical entities continues to be a primary
We discover inmate truth is through the power of
concern of philosophers and psychologists.
clear thinking = Rationalism
Aquinas defined the four cardinal virtues as
John Locke (1632 1704)
prudence The secret of Descartes success was
temperance doubt- the method of doubt. Descartes argues English Philosopher and Political Theorist
that if you want to discover true knowledge your
justice and
first must be to question absolutely everything All people have natural rights given to
that you ever believed. them by birth from God. The most
According to Aquinas, the goal of human fundamental rights are life, liberty and
COGITO ERGO SUM - I think therefore I am. property.
existence is union and eternal fellowship with
God. For those who have MEDIEVAL PERIOD Natural law states that no person should
experienced salvation and redemption through
FREEWIIL - ability to choose between two options deny these rights to another therefore the
Christ while living on earth, a beatific vision will be
in such a way that you are equally able to do main goal of the state is to preserve these
granted after death in which a person
either one. rights.
experiences perfect, unending
happiness through comprehending the Cartesian Philosophy In the state of nature, peoples passions
very essence of God. During life, an individual's often get the better of their reason which
will must be ordered toward right things (such as Descartes is known as the father of the leads to the oppression of the weak.
charity, peace and holiness), which requires mind-body problem. He claimed that human People enter into civil society to hand over
beings are composites of two kinds of authority to the state to preserve rights.
Locke recommends that if the ruler 2.) Liberty: all humans are entitled to do anything All people must obey the law at all times.
violates the natural rights of the people, they want so long as it doesn't conflict with To not follow the law would only lead the
the people are justified in rebelling and anyone elses natural rights. world into chaos.
replacing an unjust government with one
3.) Property: all humans are entitled to own all The weakness of natural law is that it
that will respect their rights.
they create or gain through gift or trade so long allows people to find their own meaning of
[A few of John Lockes works] as it doesn't conflict with anyone elses natural the law. This makes law ineffectual and
rights. legitimizes tyrants
HUMAN UNDERSTANDING R. M. Dworkin (1931 - ) More on Thomas Hobbes:

Famous work of John Locke. Political and Legal Philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) developed
the social contract theory of political
Deals with fundamental questions Law must possess a moral content. institutions, employing commitment to
regarding the mind, thought, language, and
Legal reasoning is interpretive as we try to some form of psychological egoism.
perception, and is broken up into four books.
make political and moral sense out of Hobbes rejected medieval scholastic
Locke argues that all humans universally difficult situations or cases. philosophy, preferring the new, modern,
accepted principles, and since there are no
Law has to have political integrity. Law scientific ways of thinking on the rise in
universally accepted principles( and if there
should be a union of widely held, coherent England and Europe.
were, they would not be the result of innate
knowledge), this cannot be true. political decisions that show a consistency Important concepts by Hobbes:
of moral choices and a shared vision of
For example, people differ in moral ideas, Determinism: Although many people claim to believe in it,
social justice. Law cannot focus on
so moral knowledge cannot be innate. free will is actually a difficult
individual wants and desires. notion to make sense of. The English philosopher Thomas
John Locke in his Essay Concerning Human Hobbes (1588-1679) was one of the first to point this out.
Positivist Law Philosophers Determinism is the view that everything has a cause-
Understanding (1690) restated the importance
even human choices, and so there is no such thing as free
of the experience of the senses! Thomas Hobbes (1588 1679) will. Determinists allow that everyone feel as though they
have free will. This is because we have a lot of contrary
and sets out the case that the human English Political Philosopher desires within us. When our desires are battling against each
mind at birth is a complete, but receptive, blank other, we pause, hovering, feeling as though we could
slate (tabula rasa) upon which experience The state of nature is a state of perpetual equally go either way. But, in fact, the strongest desire
always wins.
imprints knowledge. war where the strong prey on the weak. In
the state of nature life is solitary, poor, Compatibilism: Hobbes, denies that determinism destroys
What are Lockes NATURAL RIGHTS? nasty, brutish and short. human freedom. He argues that, although the casual
process through which our choices are made is not
1.) Life (and health): everyone is entitled to live In order to survive, people must give up compatible with free will, it is entirely compatible with
once they have been created (by God) their rights to the state. The sole purposes 'liberty'. Liberty, as he defines it, is the absence of all the
impediments to action that are not internal to the agent.
of law is to maintain order and strengthen Hobbes presents an analogy to illustrate his view.
government. Water is said to flow freely down the channel of a river when
there is nothing, such as a dam, in its way. It is not free to
move crosswise, because the banks are impediments. While to see why this mysterious, supernatural approach to The governed are superior to the governor
we may say that the water wants to flow over the banks, we government- which was the status quo throughout the
therefore abuses are kept in check by the
never say that it wants to flow up the channel. This is medieval period and beyond- badly needed to be
because it is in the nature of water to flow down and not up. replaced. So the work of Hobbes, Rousseau and other social fear of active resistance.
contract theorist was extremely important in the
State of Nature: Hobbes asserts without qualification that the development of the modern state. The mischief of a bad government are
state of nature is a state of war pitting every man against less than the mischief of anarchy.
every man . Although we may not always be actually
fighting, we would be living without voluntarily accept and Jeremy Bentham (1748 1832) and John Austin H.L.A Hart (1907 1992)
even welcome government, ugly as it may be, to lift us out
of this intolerable condition and make a more noble life
(1790 1859)
Law is made up of rules of general application
Legal Philosophers that are backed up by threats given by
Absolute Sovereign: In Hobbess view, the only kind of people that are generally obeyed.
government that can put an effective end to the war of all Utilitarianism the greatest good for the
against all is an absolute sovereign. To underscore just how Law can be defined by Primary Rules which
greatest number of people.
ugly and fearsome it needs to be, Hobbes called it the define what an individual can or cannot do
Leviathan in reference to a giant, biblical sea monster. The purpose of law is to maintain social and Secondary Rules that set out how primary
Although he is inclined to favour monarchy as the best form rules will be made valid and enforced.
of absolute sovereignty, he is open to any form of order and the social good. The function of
government that has complete authority. law is more important than its quality. Hart tries to prove that there can be a precise
Complete authority is established through the
set of rules to define human conduct. He does
powers of legislation, adjudication, enforcement, taxation, Law is separate from morality. Natural law
war-making and control of any official doctrine.(The last one recognize that law has an open texture or
and individual morality are too subjective
is included in order to prevent such problems as the there are limits to define human conduct.
Inquisition, in which the Catholic Church expected
to secure the happiness of the majority.
governments to allow it to imprison and punish those who His goal is to take to subjectivity (morality) out
contradicted its teaching- a vivid concern for seventeenth- Law requires: of law.
century intellectuals like Galileo, Descartes and Hobbes
1) The existence of an authoritative body
himself.)A government lacking or limited in any of its rightful
that is in the habit of being obeyed.
powers creates competing allegiances, which readily
become violent. 2) Legal pronouncements given to political Other Important Things Discussed by Sir:
Social Contract Theory: Hobbes was one of the first modern
-Pascals Wager
thinkers to propose that governments legitimate only when 3) There is an imposition of the duty to
the people willingly agree to subject themselves to it. We -Ontological Argument
make a covenant, or social contract, with one another to
give up our natural rights in exchange for peace. 4) There is enforcement through penalties.
This social contract theory stands in stark contrast to
divine right theory, according to which God gives royal Obedience to the law is demanded of all.
families the right to rule over a region regardless of how the
(Rule of Law)
people who are living there happen to feel about it. Its easy
Comparison Chart

Historical Teleological Positivist

The historical school of jurisprudence

manifests the belief that history is the foundation of
the knowledge of contemporary era.

History is a record of past events. As man has

a past so does law. The importance of historical
school of jurisprudence cannot be overemphasized.
Apart from standing in opposition to the natural law
school, the historical school is unique for its emphasis
of the relevance of generations past to the present
and the future.
It deals with the general principles governing the origin and This school of thought thinks of the nature of A school of Jurisprudence whose advocates
development of law and also the development, evolution of the law in terms of the moral and rational nature of believe that the only legitimate sources of law are
the legal conceptions and principles found in the philosophy humankind. It understands the law as strictly those written rules, regulations, and principles that
of law. Therefore, it concerns with the historic evolution of connected with morality and naturality. Under this have been expressly enacted, adopted, or
the principles of law i.e. the past stages of the law.
It constitutes the general portion of legal history and as school of thought the law is ordained for the recognized by a government body, including
Salmond observes, bears the same relation to legal history at achievement of righteousness, justice, fairness, and administrative, executive, legislative, and judicial
tame as analytical jurisprudence bears to the systemic equity in the legal order. bodies.
exposition of the legal system.
The fundamental point of view presupposes Positivism sharply separates law and morality.
Historical jurisprudence provides answers of various
that a good legal order can be deduced from the
following questions:
natural law, thus making the law universally valid for -Issues of legal validity must be strictly separated
What was the source of a particular law
all peoples. from questions of morality.
Where form it was derived
What was its shape and scope in past
How and under what influences it came to
develop and
Through what stages of evolution it passed
to assume finally the shape in which it is final
In brief, historical jurisprudence deals with the study
of the evolution of fundamental principles and legal
conception in the early societies.

Two jurists who researched extensively in this area

Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Cicero, Gaius Gracchus,
Philosophers Friedrich Carl Von Savigny (1799-1861) and Sir Henry John Austin, Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Aquinas, Immanuel Kant
Maine (1822-1888)
Basic Tests: Greek Concept, founded upon:
1. Historical jurisprudence is marked by judges who - Socrates Absolute Justice: The first is no person is
consider history, tradition, and custom when intentionally bad or evil because of the knowledge of
justice. The second consideration that he emphasized is
deciding a legal dispute. that only the temperate person knows himself or herself
2. It views law as a legacy of the past and product and, thus, able to bring his other emotions under
of customs, traditions and beliefs prevalent in control.
different communities. - Platos Rational Justice: For Plato, human beings are
capable of discerning justice from injustice. And, for
3. It views law as a biological growth, an him, rational justice is sufficient to enable a person to
evolutionary phenomena and not an arbitrary, attain his or her moral nature and good faith, and to Command theory - asserts that there is a hierarchy
fanciful and artificial creation. keep his or her self-respect by doing good and of laws stemming from a political sovereign
4. Law is not an abstract set of rules imposed on shunning evil. illimitable (without limits or an end) and indivisible
Aristotles Particular Justice: He said that justice is sound
society but has deep root in social and
(unable to be divided or separated) and his
and sensible when, in light of events and
economic factors and the attitudes of its past circumstances, it is fair and equal. That a person cannot command is habitually obeyed by those whom he
and present members of the society. be unfairly or unequally treated even with his or her governs and that the element of sanction is closely
5. The essence of law is the acceptance, consent because consent cannot justify an unfair or linked and it is an integral part of his theory as
unequal treatment
regulation and observance by the members of sanctions are imposed upon the non-compliance
Roman Concept with the Sovereigns command.
the society. - The Roman jurisprudents subjected the nature of the
6. Law derives its legitimacy and authority from law to technical analysis and endorsed it with their Social Convention theory - legal validity is
standards that have withstood the test of time. practical genius for colonization. Roman jurisprudence sometimes a matter of the moral content of the
7. The law is grounded in a form of popular subjected it to technical analysis and endorsed it with norms, depending on the particular conventions
their authority and practical genius, unlike the Greeks
consciousness called the Volksgeist. concept of nature of law, which was only a that happen to prevail in any given community.
Principles 8. Law develops with society and dies with society. philosophical speculation.
9. Custom is the most important source of law. - Cicero: He said that the law must be based on the Sovereign: a determinate person or group
principle of utility or the interest of the ruler and not for who have supreme and absolute de
the interest of the governed because human king is facto power -- they are obeyed by all or
Stare Decisis: One role emerges through the legal governed naturally by utility. He introduced compulsion
doctrine of stare decisis, a key component in a as an element of law. most others but do not themselves similarly
common law system. It requires a court to consider - Gaius Gracchus: Gaius advanced the view that the obey anyone else. The laws in that society
and follow previous decided cases (precedents) rules established by the citizens to govern themselves are a subset of the sovereign's commands.
fall under the jus civile, while the rules common to all Commands: general orders that apply to
that sufficiently resemble an instant or current case. other persons based on the natural law are classified
As it is sometimes phrased, courts should treat like under the jus natural. classes of actions and people and that are
cases alike. Aquinian Concept backed up by threat of force or sanction.
- Aquanian concept of natural law is based on the General command: issued to an entire class
Volksgeist is a term connoting the productive notion of eternal law promulgated by a creator (God). of individuals which will stand at an
- Four types of law: ETERNAL, NATURAL, DIVINE, POSITIVE indefinite period of time until revoked by its
principle of a spiritual or psychic character
Kantian Concept issuer.
operating in different national entities and
- The morally important things are not a consequence
manifesting itself in various creations like language, but the choices made by man. Kant says that only one
folklore, mores, and legal order. thing is inherently good that is good will. The will is good
According to Savigny, the nature of any particular when it acts out of duty, not out of inclination. Rightness
system of law, was the reflection of the spirit of the people who is measured by doing your duty, acting with respect for
evolved it. This was later characterized as the volksgeist by the moral law, not just accomplishing things simply
Puchta, Savignys most devoted disciple. Savigny believed that because it makes you feel good or because you will
law is the product of the general consciousness of the people gain something from it. Man for Kant is not simply a
and a manifestation of their spirit. means to an end but an end in themselves.
- Concept of Law and Right; Pure Reason; Law and Moral.
Henry Maine. Maines deep knowledge of early - Categorical Imperative:
society resulted in his emphasis on mans deep Act only in such a way that you would want
your actions to become a universal law, applicable to
instincts, emotions and habits in historical
everyone in a similar situation.
development. According to Maine, law can be
understood as a late stage in a slow-evolving Act in such a way that you always treat
pattern of growth. He believes that there are three humanity (whether oneself or other), as both the means
of an action, but also as an end.
stages in legal development in early societies law
Act as though you were a law-making
as the personal commands and judgments of member (and also the king) of a hypothetical "kingdom
patriarchal ruler; law as custom upheld by of ends", and therefore only in such a way that would
judgements; and law as code. harmonize with such a kingdom if those laws were
binding on all others.

Stages of Legal Development

Advantages [none provided]
Criticism of volkgeist: First, the volksgeist is
perceived by many as fictional, incapable of proof, SUMMARY PROVIDED BY SIR:
and of little value in jurisprudential analysis.
Although Savignys nationalistic veil might have Aristotles concept of Justice (Particular justice)
endeared him to like minds, his definition or - Emphasis on peoples particular role. Justice
description of the volksgeist the nucleus of his is attained when everyone
proposition as resembling a spiritual communion
of people living together, using a common Ciceros Concept of Justice
language and acting a communal conscience - The integration of Prudence in the
was neither here nor there. consideration of justice
- Prioritizing ones own self rather than others
Second, Savigny overestimated or overrated the
potency of custom. It is true that custom, being a Socrates (Absolute Justice)
mirror of accepted usage, has a role to play in - Emphasis on Good faith
cementing sections of the country together. But the - Emphasis on knowing ones self
utility of custom is limited in the face of societal
complexities, the challenge of development, etc. Platos Concept of Justice (Rational Justice)
Comparison Chart

Functional Realist Policy

Law is a tool for the "balancing of interests" in

It is a tool of "social control" or "social Legal realists were especially concerned with
engineering" "law in action" rather than with "law in books,
In a sense, it adheres to the tenets of "pragmatic with what lawyers and judges in fact do in the
The policy science school of jurisprudence was
ethics" or "ethical relativism" as it aims to serve course of their practice of the law rather than
proposed by two Yale University professors during
Definition the interests of society with the least friction what some legal theorist may say he thinks the
the Second World War
law is like.
Also called: It rejects the notion of natural law and the
1) Theory of Sociological Jurisprudence imperative models of the law
2) Sociology of Law" or
3) Social Science School of Law"

HAROLD LASSWELL: Renowned political scientist,

instrumental in the creation of three
interdisciplinary fields: communications and
public opinion, political psychology, and policy
Roscoe Pound, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr, John
Philosophers Roscoe Pound sciences
Chapman Gray, Karl N. Llewellyn, Jerome Frank
MYRES MCDOUGAL: Renowned authority on
international law

The question: "Will this law work?" The main characteristic features of realist Policy
The "operation and effects" of law in relation jurisprudence are as follows: settled guidance, strategy or program
to the interests of society There can be no certainty about law; adopted by the legal order
The interests of society as the source of Society changes faster than law; Policy Science
law They do not support formal, logical and discipline concerned with the formation,
The AIM of this school of thought is to identify conceptual approach to law; clarification, and realization concerned
the different interests in the society so that They lay greater stress on psychological with the social values
they may be balanced with each other approach to the proper understanding of Policy science regards the view that there are
Its Main Guidepost is the greatest good for law; no moral principles that consciously precede
the greatest number or Social Realists are opposed to the value of legal the law as dangerous, leading in fact to ruinous
Utilitarianism" terminology; and destructive conflicts
Roscoe Pound: Strove to link law and society Doctrine of Precedent It emphasized the integration of interdisciplinary
through his "sociological jurisprudence" and Legal realists take issue with the doctrine of studies (social sciences) into law and to the
to improve the administration of the judicial precedent, the idea that a court's decision development of legal policy grounded in the
system. He argued that the law is not static in one case can serve as a guide to future political and moral values of Western liberal
and must adapt to the needs of society cases that are similar in relevant ways. democracies freedom, toleration, and
Pound placed his sociological Realists emphasize the indeterminacy and equality and that applied universally
jurisprudence in opposition to what he looseness of the use of precedent by It underscores the need for the eventual
termed "mechanical jurisprudence" pointing out that a ruling in one case never identification of basic social values in the legal
Pounds primary concern therefore was bind a decision maker in any future case. orders of all societies
to advance a more unified approach The end result of the policy science approach is
blending the methodological and Realistic Jurisprudence the survival of humanity through the universal
normative precepts Realists endeavor to come up with a realistic identification and recognition of the social
(rather than abstract or theoretical) values
Three Kinds of Interests: understanding of the nature and operation These social values are power, knowledge,
1) Individual claims or demands or desires of law. respect, income, safety and health, liberty, and
involved immediately in the individual life Legal realists favor an empirical approach to equality
and asserted in title of that life; asserted for understanding the law, preferring practical These social values embrace the whole of our
the titles of indivudual life studies of how the legal system actually present-day democratic preferences for a
2) Public claims or demands or desires operates, and what judges actually do, peaceful world corresponding as they do to
involved in life in a politically organized rather than more philosophical musings actual desires of the people
society and are asserted in title of that about, the relationship between law and It considers these social values as instrumental in
organization; asserted for or in the title of justice. the creation, clarification, and implementation
politically organized society Bad Man Theory of other human desires
3) Social distinct and vital set of interests Bad men, Holmes argued in his speech "The Reaction to apathy towards social values
whereby they were described as claims or Path of the Law", care little for ethics or lofty The apathy towards social values, to
demands or desires involved in the social life conceptions of natural law; instead they some extent, explains the tendency of
in civilized society and asserted in that title care simply about staying out of jail and governments to view the rights of human
of life avoiding the payment of damages. In beings as hindrances to the exercise of
Holmes's mind, therefore, it was most useful governmental powers
to define "the law" as a prediction of what Movement away from ontological jurisprudence
will bring punishment or other consequences Ontological concepts of the nature
from a court. of law are of no help in the reduction of
Grays core argument national, regional and global tensions. This
Decisions made by courts do not only affect juristic school believes that both judicial legal
the parties appearing before them but also realism and positivism are incapable of solving
the legal rights and duties of others. the needs and requirements of present day of
Courts have the final say. systems of public order
Karl N. Llewellyn (LAW-JOBS THEORY) Emphasis on human rights
1. What are the Jobs to be done? Policy science approach is likewise a
2. Prevent disruptive conflicts within the movement away from slogans, doctrines and
community. structures of despotism (dictatorship) towards
3. Resolve disputes between members of the the symbols and practices of a free society. This
community. juristic school emphasizes right to life, liberty,
4. Accommodate changes in the circumstances equality, property, education, security, and the
of the community and its members. free exercise of the mind
5. Recognize the authority structure of the Movement for the universal recognition of social
community values
6. Establish procedural rules for performing other Policy science seeks the universal
tasks. identification of the social values, their
FATHER SYMBOL THEORY promotion, recognition and enjoyment by all
Frank suggested that the quest for certainty in persons everywhere, underscores the need for
law is in effect a search for a father-symbol to the eventual identification of basic social values
provide an aura of security, and although he in the legal orders of all societies
attributed great prominence to this factor.
The child puts his trust in the power and wisdom
of his father to provide an atmosphere of

Law is experience developed by reason and

applied continually by further experience.
Advantages [none provided]
-Roscoe Pound

Social Engineering
By using this term, Roscoe Pound compared
society to a machine ignoring its dynamic and non-
mechanistic nature.
Jural Postulates 1) Overestimation of Judges Functions
They fail to establish any framework of The critics allege that the exponents of realist
reference with which to evaluate various interests school have completely overlooked the
since they themselves are not static. importance of rules and legal principles and
Re: Interests treated law as an assemblage of unconnected
There are certain competing interests which court decisions.
can never be balanced or reconciled. (e.g. 2) Neglect of the other functions of law
interests of labor and capital ) Another criticism so often advanced against
A society constantly develops & changes realists is that they seem to have totally
Criticisms and the pressure behind interests change neglected that part of law which never comes
too. What is an individual interest & what is a social before the court.
interest is itself a matter of changing political 3) Case law is made in haste and in limited
conceptions. The value or importance to be purview
allotted to each interest cant be predetermined & They have to rely on the evidence and
the recognition of a new interest is a matter of arguments presented to them in court, and do
policy. not have access to wider evidence such as
statistical data, economic forecasts, public
Maine: opinion, survey etc.
Maine is criticized for oversimplifying the 4) Confinement to U.S. setting
nature and structure of early society for the
following reasons:
Early society does not show an invariable
pattern of movement from the three-stage
development of law from personal commands
and judgments of patriarchal rulers through law as
custom upheld by judgments to law as code.
The so-called rigidity of the law has
repeatedly be challenged by contemporary
anthropologists who are of the opinion that primitive
peoples were adaptable and their laws flexible.
Conclusion: Although Maine lived up to his
historical commitment, he overlooked the dynamics
that have characterized societies across ages.
Additional Notes Static and Progressive Societies Summary:
Other notes/insights [Those that do not fit the Maine further propounded that for the (a) The concept of received law is anathema;
categories in the table] purpose of the development of law, society can
(b) Law is inferior to the custom of the people.
be categorized into two: static and progressive
HISTORICAL SCHOOL OF JURISPRUDENCE Therefore, custom of the people must be their
Three Legal Stages of Development
Static or stationary societies did not move
(c)Law personifies the people, and signifies a
In the first stage, absolute rulers beyond the concept of code-based law. In this
paradigm of their values;
dominated. It was the age of the divine rights of society, reference to the code answered all legal
Kings, where the king could do no wrong. System questions. According to Maine, members of the (d) There is no universal law. The universality of
of ruler ship was absolute and draconian. There society were lulled into the belief in the certitude law is limited by geography and culture;
were no principles governing governance; only of code and were, therefore, unwilling to reform
the law. (e) Law is not static. It is amenable to
the whim and caprice of the king reigned. Recall
development; and
Austins commander, who was above the law, On the other hand, progressive societies
and whose commands must be obeyed by were to be found in Western Europe. These (f) There is no law giver. Law comes from the
inferiors people.
societies were dynamic and amenable to legal
The second stage is heralded by the reform. They brought about the development TELEOLOGICAL SCHOOL OF JURISPRUDENCE
decline of the power and might of patriarchal and expression of legal institutions.
rulers (i.e. a small group of people having control
In the development of law in progressive
of a country or organisation). In their place, the societies, Maine identified the characteristic use Natural Law, as defined by Plato and
oligarchies of political and military rulers of three agencies legal fictions, equity and Aristotle, is a discipline to which human conduct
emerged. The oligarchies claimed monopoly of legislation. Legal fictions are mere suppositions and relations must conform in order to realize
control over the institutions of law. Notably, aimed at achieving justice by overcoming the both the individual and the common good.
Ghana could be said to have experienced this rigidities of the formal law.
under military regimes where rulers of the period It is also defined as the universal discipline
manipulated the legal system through decrees According to Maine, legal fictions helps to of virtue in the exercise of their rights, in the
and edicts. Maine maintains that the judgments
ameliorate the harshness of the law. A classical example he performance of their obligations, in the
gave was the institution of the Roman fiction of adoption. observance of rules, and the preservation of
of the oligarchies evolved or solidified into the He called equity a secondary system of law. It claimed a
basis of customs. But the customs are largely order and unity.
superior sanctity inherent in its principles which exist side by
unwritten, giving interpreters the opportunity to side with the law. In many cases, it could displace the law.
enjoy a monopoly of explanation. Legislation represents the final development of the law. It is
an institution through which various laws in the society are Human understanding of the law, and the
In the third stage, which represents the reduced into writing or codes.
concept of ethics and morality vary thought out
breaking of the monopoly of explanation, the time. The weakness of one concept paves
codification characterizes the legal system. the way to the birth of another concept. Proper
understanding of the strengths and weaknesses
of one concept over the can be used to Thomas Aquinas Immanuel Kant
overcome current ethical problems and to
God imprinted this eternal law to the 3 MAIN WORKS OF KANT ON MORAL PHILOSOPHY
initiate fruitful developments in ethical reasoning
nature or essence of man. Man acts according
and decision-making. 1. Critique of Pure Reason
to nature. God also endowed man with free will
The teleological school of thought was and reason. The concept of proper acts and 2. "Critique of Practical Reason
developed and refined throughout the course of purpose of man is derived from the law that is
time. The first one to deal on the study of the written into his nature. Man must exercise his 3. Critique of the Faculty of Judgment
nature of law are the Greeks. The Greek concept natural reason to discover what is best for him in Concept of Law and Right
of the study of the nature of law is greatly shaped order to achieve the end to which their nature
by 3 Greek philosophers: Plato, Socrates and inclines. According to Kant, the concept of law
Aristotle. and right is something derived exclusively from
Man through his reason and free will pure reason. Precepts of the natural law are not
Gaius Gracchus (121 BC) participate in the eternal law of God. He uses his prompted by sense-experience but by the
knowledge of the eternal law and his purpose ethical attitude to do what is right and avoid
In his Institutes, Gaius advanced the view
based on that laws to discern what is good and what is wrong with the use of the unique faculties
that the rules established by the citizens to
evil. To do what is good and refrain what is evil. of human consciousness, namely: thinking,
govern themselves fall under the jus civile, while
the rules common to all other persons based on Four Types of Law. Aquinas introduced the Four volition and judgment.
the natural law are classified under the jus Types of Law, which includes: Based on the categorical imperative, for
natural. This view is evident in his work, the an action to be permissible, it must be possible to
ETERNAL: Direct Word of God, governs all
Institutes. For him, those that are in derogation of apply it to all people without a contradiction
the precepts of the natural law are not laws at occurring.
all. If such laws exist it is because the sanctions NATURAL: human adherence to eternal
attached to them, not because they are laws. law, discovered by reason When you already found out an action
They do not contribute to the maintenance and that is proper to act on the concept of perfect
preservation of lawness. On the contrary, they DIVINE: the law as defined in the Scriptures and imperfect duties arises. The perfect duty
are conducive to lawlessness. always holds true in every race, every time, every
POSITIVE: made by man/ government and
place. Imperfect duty are those that are good
In identifying this aberration in the legal order, it relies on the government for its power.
but can be made flexible and applied in
Gaius advocated for a continuing process of Moreover, Aquinas emphasized the four particular time and place.
removing such unnatural laws. His idea was that cardinal virtues essential in man, which includes:
law must be reexamined by the lawmaking body Critique of Pure Reason
Prudence, Temperance, Justice and Fortitude.
everyone in a while. This process would, then, Kant started with the traditional distinction
provide the means for legal cleansing whereby between "truths of reason and "truths of fact.
any abnormality or irregularity in the legal order He added to this two other concepts: a priori
could be adjusted to comply with the end and knowledge (Rationalism) and a posteriori
purpose of the law.
knowledge (Empiricism). Kant maintained that any meaning at all, people must have some The justifications for punishment typically
the two can be combined element of free will. take five forms, such as retributive, deterrence,
preventive; rehabilitative, and restitutionary.
Law and right as such "are the sum total of Kant focuses on the rightness or wrongness
those conditions by which the free moral will of of the actions themselves, as opposed to the According to the deterrence justification,
one person can be reconciled with the free rightness or wrongness of the consequences of punishment of a wrongdoer is justified by the
moral will of another person according to a those actions or the character of the actor, and socially beneficial effects that it has on other
universal law of moral freedom." holds that ethical rules bind people to an ethical persons. On this view, punishment deters
duty. wrongdoing by persons who would otherwise
Concept of Law and Moral
commit wrongful acts. The problem with the
2. Act in such a way that you always treat
Law and morals have certain duties in deterrence theory is that it justifies punishment of
humanity (whether oneself or other), as both the
common, but not the manner in which these one person on the strength of the effects that it
means of an action, but also as an end.
duties are compelling. Legality" and "morality" has on other persons.
have to be distinguished. Hypothetical imperatives apply to someone who
It can never be right to manipulate, abuse
wishes to attain certain ends. For example:
Moral duties turns all legal duties into moral or lie to individuals, even in the interests of others
duties, or to be more exact, into indirect ethical If I wish to quench my thirst, I must drink or even the perceived greater good.
duties." something.
He asserted that each person is his own
THEORY OF CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE If I wish to pass this exam, I must study. moral agent, and we should only be responsible
for our own actions, not those of others.
Immanuel Kant introduced modern A categorical imperative, on the other hand,
deontological ethics in the late 18th Century, denotes an absolute, unconditional requirement 3. Act as though you were a law-making
with his theory of the Categorical Imperative. that must be obeyed in all circumstances and is member (and also the king) of a hypothetical
justified as an end in itself. It is best known in its "kingdom of ends", and therefore only in such a
The concept of this theory elaborates on way that would harmonize with such a kingdom if
first formulation: Act only according to that
the capacity that underlies deciding what is those laws were binding on all others.
maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will
moral is called pure practical reason, which is
that it should become a universal law.
contrasted with pure reason (the capacity to The third way requires the following steps:
know without having been shown) and mere A categorical imperative would denote
TEST ONE. Before you act, consider the maxim or
practical reason (which allows us to interact with an absolute, unconditional requirement that
principle on which you are acting. If, once
the world in experience). exerts its authority in all circumstances, both
generalized, it no longer makes any sense
required and justified as an end in itself.
1. Act only in such a way that you would want because it contradicts itself, then it is wrong to
your actions to become a universal law, He considered it an unconditional use that maxim as a basis for action.
applicable to everyone in a similar situation. obligation, regardless of our will or desires, and
TEST TWO Generalize that principle (aka
regardless of any consequences which might
Kant started by observing that it is an Reversibility). If the generalized version makes
arise from the action.
observable empirical fact that people have sense, then ask whether you would choose to live
moral and ethical views and, for them to have Illustration:
in a world where it was followed by everyone. If According to positivism, law is a matter of covenants and such power there is
not, do not act on that maxim. what has been posited (ordered, decided, none before the creation of the
practiced, tolerated ) commonwealth.
History John Austin on the other hand, adopted
Kant's example of the Bad Samaritan
some ideas of Thomas Hobbes in his legal
(Using Tests One and Two). Legal positivism has ancient roots.
philosophy about the nature of law.
The Maxim: I may refuse to help another Christians believe that the Ten Additionally, he was known individually for
person in distress who cannot pay me even Commandments have sacred and pre- his dogma of legal positivism which
though I could do so at little cost to myself. eminent value in part because they were states that:
inscribed in stone by God, and delivered The existence of law is one thing; its merit or demerit
Generalized: Anyone may refuse to help
to Moses on Mount Sinai. is another. Whether it be or be not is one enquiry; whether it
another person in distress who cannot pay her
be or be not conformable to an assumed standard, is a
even though it would cost her little to help. When the ancient Greeks intended for a different enquiry. A law, which actually exists, is a law,
new law to have permanent validity, they though we happen to dislike it, or though it vary from the
Can it be conceived? Yes. text, by which we regulate our approbation and
inscribed it on stone or wood and
Could you will this to be a universal law? displayed it in a public place for all to see.
Probably not, because you might find yourself in Austin defined law by saying that it is the
In classical Rome, Emperor Justinian (483-
a situation of extreme need and nobody else command of the sovereign
565 A.D.) developed an elaborate system
would help you.
of law that was contained in a detailed Commands involve an expressed wish
Result: You cannot act on the "Bad and voluminous written code. that something be done, and an evil to be
Samaritan" maxim. imposed if that wish is not complied with.
Prior to the American Revolution, English
POSITIVIST SCHOOL OF JURISPRUDENCE political thinkers John Austin and Thomas Rules are general commands (applying
Hobbes articulated the command theory generally to a class), as contrasted with specific
Legal positivism is the legal philosophy of law, which stood for the proposition that or individual commands (drink wine today or
which argues that any and all laws are nothing the only legal authorities that courts should John Major must drink wine).
more and nothing less than simply the expression recognize are the commands of the
of the will of whatever authority created them. sovereign, because only the sovereign is Positive law consists of those commands
entrusted with the power to enforce its laid down by a sovereign (or its agents), to be
It is a view that law is a social construction.
commands with military and police force. contrasted to other law-givers, like God's general
The English jurist John Austin (1790-1859) commands, and the general commands of an
formulated it thus: Thomas Hobbes argued that it is employer to an employee.
improbable for any statute to be unjust.
The existence of law is one thing; its merit and
According to him, before the names of The sovereign is defined as a person (or
demerit another. Whether it be or be not is one enquiry; determinate body of persons) who
whether it be or be not conformable to an assumed just and unjust can take place, there must
standard, is a different enquiry. be some coercive power to compel men receives habitual obedience from the bulk
equally to the performance of their of the population, but who does not
habitually obey any other (earthly) person
or institution.

Austin thought that all independent

political societies, by their nature, have a

Types of Positivism

Broad positivism

Narrow positivism

Types of Narrow Positivism:



Other Forms of Positivism:

Soft Positivism - no principle is legally

binding unless it is incorporated into a law.

Hard positivism - the mixture of law and

moral concepts would make it disputable.



**These Topics were Discussed in the Table**

International Humanitarian Law

Group 6 History of the Law of Armed Conflict

Group 5 Framework of the Law of Armed

Conflict Legal Basis for the Use of Force

Group 4 Wounded and Sick in the Field

Prisoners of War

Group 3 LOAC Protections for Civilians

Occupation and Post- Conflict Governance

Group 2 Means and Methods of Warfare

Group 1 War Crimes and Command


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