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Papen presented at che TEE congerenae ot Devezoprence dn Panes Sysden Procestion, London (0-12 Jane, 2989 HIGH SPEED OISFZRENCIAL PROTECTION POR LARGE GENERATORS 1. Fertora DSEA Relay Division, Yusterds, swEDmN Tatrodustion Sone special relaying problens are enccunte- red with large synchronous generetcrs be~ cause of the bigh d.c. time constant (7) of the armature. Taig Gay be dn the range 200-700 ns, depending on the machine rating. hen an asymmetrical fenlt occurs the high djcy tine coustaut increases the risk that tho faal= surseat becones folly offoct from the zero line for an appreciable time. In the énolosed computor etidy (Fag. 1) at 43 seen that the f11st 2070 crossing of the fault curren: oocure about 200 ma after the initial start of the Eault. During this tine interval, it ie quite likely that the current thensformers for the generator protective relays become Fully Satucatea by the duc, component of tha fault current. From full scale heavy CuRZeRt testing 6f difierertial relays it is weld known that the CT¥e nay saturate within i-?'ms and remain saturates until the pri- nary current passes through zero. Since a saturated CT hes hacically 2aco oatpat ent there 1s 9 risk that the tripping of & lazge machine can be approciably Gelayed. to avai Ws xe 38 Necessary to ase a differential relay that can operate within 1-2 ns, L.a. before the CT's start to saturate. Alternatively, the ciss of the Cia can bo increased, also air-caps can be ancluded, in order to extend the tine to saturation, However, by increasing the iron cross~sec~ tien of the (it's other mechanioal mounting problens arise. M1so, the secondary winding Fesistance becénes Larsen which affects the discriminating ability of the differential relay. 2, Bresent-day generator differential relay two basic types of relay achenes axe avai lable 1, The percentage differential relay which sneliden a rostralning osveait. 2, he plain bigh impedence differential relay vithout any’ form of restraining circuat. ‘The setting of the relay 42 in terms of voltace, eng. $0-200 V xns, which is determiied by the erodoct of ct secondary fault current (way rm: o¢ peat value) and the largest Loop rasiszance comprising pilct ware and €2 secondary winding resistance. For large machines this voltage setting mey be found to exceed the standard relay setting range. In both of these relay schemes the sbeed of operation nomelly varies betwen 19-30 ms, Hence, if oT csturation cours quickly, delayed tripping must be expected. A onenilliseond differential celay A generator differential relay has been developed in which the aasuriag relay ele~ ments operate within L ms after the occurrence of an internal short-cireuit. Tests show that instantaneous operation ie obtained even whan the fault currant eerzsepende to 100 timos the full load rating. also, when the CP's have been Prenagictized with a dic. current in the worst direction, immediate operasion is achieved ‘The relay is of the percentage restrained type and a typical schematic diagram is shom dn Fig. 2. ‘The main currant transformers are here assuned to have 5 A gecondasy saving. Autom connected auxiliary CP's with 2 ratio 5/2 A Bxe then used in ordar to bring dovn the current fed to the relay and alsa to Limit the maxinan transient voltage vhich can De Impozed on the relay. ho incoming and ontgoing currents Taz ard Ix3 respectively produce a restraint voltae Ug across @ resistor Rg. [0 pazailel with this is connected a diode D2 and a resistor Raj, which daring normal service takes the cbrzent Ina. When an internal, fault occurs the ourront Igg will find its vay through the differen eb Naroutt tee. Igy stags EE the generator is connestdd to the nezwork vhen Ehevaneernaa kault ocears, the currant Ty3 wilt be reversed and ir will also pass Ebroagh the differential circuit. fence, Tan = Tag + Tag ‘he @isforontial caveant te fed via an auxiliary CT (Tyg) to 4 full wave rectifier, 2 recistor gq aid a starting relay element 5p ip the ovont of an interaat fault the voltage Ugg obtained acrars gy vill be Yarger that the restraint voltage lg. Rance, the ‘corrent Em vill pass through the dicde Di ona make the Sg-relay operate, The operating principle for the de-relay oan be wziecen ast fgg + Ug = VOL py Ray a where Yas = (a Tar ~ Fry) Fas & Ys * na 3 * Ong * Tat wl = Foenara voltage drop of Dh Tp = Pisk up susrent of d,cvelay gg ~ Resistance of Ayrsetey ng = Turnsratie af Tyg ay inserting these values in equation (2) and also aneludieg the constants given by: R, ‘s s Rag FRE "a Fas FP ker, Lt Me Mae wo Rig Pye * PERT fal tg Fay PB?” AGH FR the eperating eyuation for the dg-vebsy Become a stuaight Line with she 'siope 8, ie. Ty. = S Tgp +E @ ‘this implies that ene gitrecential cuzrent aust execed 8 certain percentage (S) of the total Inconing currant pp plus a ccrtain fives amount (K) in order to cause opera~ thon of ag-relay. 4, Typics] relay settings and operating Bagg = 3-40 ohms, Ry = 7.54 ohne Raggy = 128 ohms, 5 = 0.2) ng = 10 Rap = 20 obins, Tg 2 0.02 8 Tarcany™ Ort Be Setting of Sy-belar WD1 = 0.8 Volt, K = 0,086 & Tganin = 9-06 Ar Vago” 80% 3£ an internal foult occurs dusing cho sterting up pexied of the ganeratar, L.c. hetore the mechan 1s connected to che network, the minima operating current is given by approsinately: 1, 0.06 a fa? Toa * Tein vhich corresponds to 3 per cont of the main ef current rating. Also, the output voltage from the auxiliary er required 20 cause thls operetion 1= gulte lov, only §0V, sbich permits the auxiliary en's to have a lew knee-point voltage, 2.9. 100 V, However, since the standard tyse of aurillary eT edsily can provide 300 V, this Daina ie nounally colectad ae the knee-paine yeltage. The voltage requirements for the main Cr s are therefore aise guste low. With an ausiliazy current ratio of 2.5 the normally Fequiced main ef knee-point voleage as only 3oa/2.5 = 120 WV. in practice the available knas—point vel= sages of the main CT's are much higher, e.g. 500-000 V, which inproves the security fox reliable operation on internal faults. Too high transient veLtages, which aay be dangerous to the insulation, axe thea Limi fed by saturation of the ausliary CT's. S. ‘Theough-foult stability When heavy through fauite coour, due to externak snore-circulte, che Gifferentia? protection must renain stable even if one of Ehe outgoing CT's, e.g Tx, saturates completely wheres the other (Tq) maintain correct ratic, The ovtgaing current Ty3 (se Fig. 2) will then pass through the auciliary G9" [ne and the resistance yo, which may be regarded to dnciude the winding resistance of the ain CY aud auxiliary CT plus pitot= whee loop=resistence he protection san be vegarded to remain Stable when the constant tern K in equation (2) ie cero, because the current Tp to the dpreslay mise then also be zero. The sEapility equation ar therefore given by: Ty) 78 Teg a From the general equation: 8 +e og Fan Fn it follove thats Ty, = fp 7 tg, = b> 8) Tyg a in Fig. 3 it is indicated thet the total Aiffsrontial ciroust resistance is Rag and tho resistance seea towards the Tyx circuit io Rix. ay neglecting the smell voltage Qrop Across Rg/2 it is seer thaty 8 Ugg Rap = (2-8) Typ Fox Bree Bag = Rap (5) USO, Ky = (yg)? 5, 6) ‘ux = hen?” Fae ere, By = Ratio Of Sy, Inserting $50.2) Rap = $00 ohms and my = 26 gy = Sef 800 = 425 ohne ADI Ryg = Reig! Oye)? ‘Thus, Lf the main OP (Rt saturates completely daring an external fault condi- ton and if the total secondary loop- Fegistance 1s 20 ohms, of Less, the Alzterontial relay can be juarintesd o revain stable, Irrespective of the magnitudes Of the faite cusrent and the d-c+ component « ‘The tetal 17a-loss of the autiliary cr is about 18 and the rasistance peferred. co the 5 A-side is cherefore 18/5! = 0.7 ons. For a typical piles wire of 250 a loop, thé Hopistance may ba about 1 shm. Hence the main CE minding resistance is pormitted to Beas hagh as 18 ols. For very large main CB's, e.g. 4 900/53 Ay we have experienced winding resistances of Bbout 10 obag+ Tn practice, therefore, ample Fafety margin will be available heavy curvent testing A Large nuwber of tests lave Deen carried ‘out in order to check the operation and Stability features of the felay. of particular interest bas been th confinme Elon that, in the case of an interaal fault, the relay always operates on the fixst eurrent pulse, whith occwrs prior £0 Seturation, The speal of operation of the Se and dyevolay elenonts have thon hoon, proved to"be less chan 1 ms. Algo, with the most severe through fault. Qurréits, the relay has alvays remained fully stable. The Fault currents have been varied frem fated valus t0 2) tines the Taking, with the maxim first peak value Sorrespending te 2.58 x 20 T, = 51 times Ghe ene cating. Theas wagnitudes of through faalte are about § tives larger than what en be expected in practice. he dic. time constant of che test cirouit hae beer only about 60 ms. h delay in the primary currant 2aro crossing las therefore Ret bean obtained. However, cospencation fox this kas been ade by che inereased nagni~ tide Of fault current and also by pre magnetizing the CT's with a d.c, current to cause maxima remanent flue in the worst Girestien. ‘The ratio of the main cr's have been 1000/8 A. keley convents have bash Fooorded in Fig. 5. It is seen that the incoming and oxtgoing Gurrents ere basically eval for avout 3isime. A stort current~oulse is then obtained in the differential chroukt and the blocking current Ing 1 reduced bemporarily, Also, tha Gatour valtage (x3), aorees the yg audliary CR ineveases t0°4 Short peak value of about 3100 Vv. The mechanden producing these effects can De explained as fellows: al The asin CT Ty starts to saturate at say 2.0 me and the resiatanes Ra is raflected te the relay side of Tyg, where ie do sean to be Sncranged by the cquare of the auxiliary Cr ratio (mo)? Rez = es ots. bl At say 3.S7n9 Ty a8 fully saturaces ana the Olteoing cufrent Ixy fs about 24 4, Hence U3 = 24x 125 = 3000 7, ce] Inmediatoly thereafter the Tyx auxtliacy Gr starts be zetumats. The rostesanos of the Ty windieg is only a fey ohms and Ux3 tirerore drops practically to zero. | The maximun theough-going relay current during the first halg-cvele 4s abort 39°A peak, occuring at about 4.6 m3. The veltage 033 required to drive this gurrent, is only about 200 V [say 40.8 x S oun)”, thie voltage i9 lee than tho. knee-point voltage. However, even the Ty + fy O2'S become sacuzated by the Alc. cofponent snd the input currant Trg therefore arepe to exo, st about 6 mis. e) When the primary current passes throug zero, the flux iq all tho CP's changoe dixection, an enf is then produced and the wnole mecharian 49 repeated again. The seme applicd basically for every halz cyele throughout the test. The various currents cbtainel in the case of Sloe epply te Us figure, However, tha main Gifterences are: a} the currents 1g; and Igy, which cause relay operatios, start "to rise innadiately at the occurrence of the Fiule aad also, at each subsequent 2er0 erossing of the primary current. b) Initially Eng 2 Igy and Ty = 6 kot after Lid me the yy audlitary &r savurates aad a stabilising currert pz is obtained, 4.8. 7p, Increases ©} Before saturation occurs the naxtimn Parvent fod to tha dq-ralay heacmen Aboot 190 ma, which my be compared to the actual pick-up cuzvent of 30 oA, The speed of operation of the $5 + dy relay eleneut is Less thar 1 mss Als6, during the subsequent relay eentact. Dperations the taprtrece shows 2 slightly larger GbFlection, which indicates operation of the’ auxiliary asal-in relay, conemsion By using a bigh speed differential relay for the protection of larse aeneratoxs several advantages are obtained. the current trans~ fornars tay be of standard design with a continuous core (ehass TPE), i.e. no air gape need be inaluded to provide anet- Femanence or a linearised characteristic. blso, the 1ron core cross=sectien May Be ULES snaLL because the kueenpoint voltage Reed not be larger than about 120 V rms. With these moderate requirenonts the tested Ealay ie capable of always opersting prior ‘© OF saturation on duternal faults and te Henada fully stable ou external faults. oa at Tine to eT Elgure 1 Delayed zero crossing of Rephase fact current, Thres-phasa short-eizoult with machine data: 480 WR, XZ = 0,2) Ktq = 0.22) Ky = 2.07 330 me ful ‘i sol | | a wo aye ce or ia ene t] [2 ae I. | ¥ weit : ee Saer- fore ot Be 1 sash | \ Tgy Tyg, = Main CF snd suciLiary er ¢ yg, = Maine and ausiliary CR ratios ag = Starting relay and alftarential relay elements Tyq = Auxiliary Cr in differential cireust (atte by = 10) Rags Ry/2 and Ry), = Comparator circuit and va *s all” atrrerentiat cizcutt setting resistors Figue 2 typical schematic duagram of high spec generator aitterential relay. Ms Figure 3 Simplified relay cireuit diagran vepwesenting theough Eault and fully saturated outgoing main Ch (Ty) vith a total reelected resistence Ry. Figure 4 Test circuit used for zeereiag (gp) Les Operating speed of Sp + dy and ang2ilary geni=an relay. oo =P AR Figare § ruternel fault (ese. 18) with permissible main CP cesondaxy loop-ractazanes Kya = 20 ous. fo operation has occurred. Gey gg Ione Figure 6 intemal fault (osc. 23). The Sp + Gy felays operate vithin 0,6 as, The gigiliery seainin relay opsrates 2.8 ae ater 1K 646-000 &

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