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Forming the past tense of to be.

Affirmative and negative sentence Interrogative sentence

I was I
He was not Was he
She wasnt at home she at home
It in hospital yesterday. it in hospital yesterday.
You were on holiday last week. you on holiday last week.
We were not in London Were we in London
The werent they

Task 1 - Complete the sentences with the Past Tense of to be.

En otro prctico
w ere
1) We in Australia.
2) We werent in Ausralia.
3) Were we in Australia?
2) She in the classroom.
3) It my birthday last week.
4) The man in the train.
5) It an apple.
6) You in a bookshop.
7) It a doll.
8) I a good pupil.
9) What this?
10) It a French lesson.
11) London a beautiful city.
12) He my brother.
13) I in London today.
14) We on holiday.
15) The doctors here.

Task 2 - Rewrite the sentences into the Simple Past Tense. Then write a
negative sentence. Use the short forms. Look at the example below.
e.g. I am at home. I was at home. I wasnt at home.

He w as my friend He w asnt my fried

1) He is my friend. . .

I w as a ma I w ast a man
2) I am a man. . .

It w as an umbrella It w asnt an umbrella

3) It is an umbrella. . .

That w as a bird That w asn't a bird

4) That is a bird. . .
These w ere your pens and penci
5) These are your pens and pencils.
These w erent your pens and pencil
. .

They w ere happy peop

6) They are happy people. .
They w eren't happy people

This w as a kitchen Tis w asnt a kitchen

7) This is a kitchen. . .

8) Those are two bags, a ruler and a rubber.

Those w ere tw o bags, a ruler and a rubbe
Those werent two bags, a ruler and a rubber

we were in w e w erent in
9) We are in. . .
You w ere my brothe You w erent my brother
10) You are my brother. . .

Task 3 - Rewrite the sentences into the Simple Past. Then write an
interrogative sentence. Look at the example below.

e.g. Mr Smith is at home. Mr Smith was at home. Was Mr

Smith at home?

I w as a goo w as i a goo
1) I am a good teacher. . ?

Mickey w as strong and brav

2) Mickey is strong and brave. .
Was Mickey strong and brav
My name w as Sus Was my name Sus
3) My name is Susan. . ?

Peter w as a boy Was peter a boy

4) Peter is a boy. . ?

She w as a young w om
5) She is a young woman. .
Was she a young w om

These w ere Were These

6) These are my comics. . ?
This w as a family Was this a family
7) This is a family. . ?

This pen w as blue Was this pen blue

8) This pen is blue. . ?

We w ere from Australia

9) We are from Australia. .
Were w e from Australia

You w ere a stupid girl

10) You are a stupid girl. .
Were you a stupid girl

Task 4 - Change the following sentences into interrogative then give short
answers according to the sign. Look at the examples.
e.g. Mr Smith was at home. Was Mr Smith at home?
Yes, he was.

Tim and Peter were in the library. Were Tim and Peter
in the library? No, they werent.

? .
Was i in the garden No i w asnt
1) I was in the garden.

2) Mum was ill last week.

? .
yes she w as

Was mum ill last week?

3) They were on holiday in May.
No they werent
? .
Were they on holiday in May?

4) You were tired yesterday.

No i w as't
? .
Were you tired yesterday?

5) We were in the park at 5 oclock yesterday.

yes w e w ere
? .
Were we in the park at 5 oclock yesterday?
6) Jack was too fat two years ago.
yes he w as
? .
Was Jack too fat two years ago?

7) The Lees were in the zoo the day before yesterday.

Were the Lees in the zoo the day before yesterday? No they werent

8) I was always hungry.

? . Was I always hungry? Yes I was.
9) Kim and Greg were married . ?
. Were Kim and Greg married? No they werent

10) Frank Sinatra was a famous actor.

? .
Was Frank Sinatra a famous actor? Yes he was.

Task 5 Collect and write down the adverbs of time one after the other
in Task 5.


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