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Journal of

Applied Ichthyology
J. Appl. Ichthyol. 28 (2012), 7581 Received: March 28, 2011
 2011 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin Accepted: August 25, 2011
ISSN 01758659 doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2011.01912.x

Diet and feeding habits of Economidichthys pygmaeus (Perciformes: Gobiidae)

in Lake Pamvotis, NW Greece
By Ch. Gkenas1, S. Malavasi2 and I. Leonardos1
Department of Biological Applications and Technology, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece; 2Department of Environmental
Sciences, Ca Foscari State University, Castello, Venezia, Italy

Summary Economidichthys pygmaeus is an endemic small-bodied,

The purpose of the study was to dene the diet composition, short-lived species restricted to northern and western Greece
feeding preferences, seasonal, size and sex related changes in (Miller, 2004). Specically, it is distributed in the Thyamis,
diet, feeding strategy and diel cycle of Economidichthys Louros, Arachthos and Achelloos rivers and in the Trichonis,
pygmaeus. Important features of the overall feeding patterns Lyssimachia, Ziros and Ozeros lakes. Recently it has been
of the goby include (i) feeding activity, (ii) bottom habits and recorded in Pamvotis Lake where it probably arrived from the
(iii) consumption of food items to identify the dietary breadth. rivers Louros and or Kalamas (Thyamis) (Leonardos et al.,
Stomach contents of 533 specimens, 13.4248.65 mm total 2008). The species appears to be extinct on Lefkas Island
length (TL), collected by hand net (2 mm mesh size) from (Economidis, 1991) and is protected under Greek law (No.
October 2006 to September 2007 were analyzed. The percent- 67 1981). Greeces updated edition of the Red Book of
age of 76 empty stomachs (14.26%) did not vary signicantly Endangered Species (2009) has evaluated its conservation
with season. The food composition suggested that the goby is a status, which is now assigned a least concerned species, i.e.
carnivorous sh. Prey items identied in the stomachs without facing any critical dangers (Economidis, 2009).
belonged to four major groups: Crustaceans, Insects, Mollusca Economidichthys pygmaeus is generally considered a benthic
and Plants. Copepods were the most important predator, feeding on benthic invertebrates and crustaceans
(%IRI = 57.51), especially in sh larger than 23 mm TL. (Daoulas et al., 1993) but little information is available
Chironomids (%IRI = 43.23) constituted the main prey for regarding its diet. The aim of the present study was to provide
sh <23 mm TL. Diet composition showed little seasonal the rst information on the feeding ecology of E. pygmaeus.
variation. Copepoda dominated the diet in autumn and winter Since sh feeding and prey availability vary temporally, the
(43.4%; 82.4%) and were replaced by Chironomidae larvae in sh diet needs to be described on a diel and seasonal basis
spring (39.7%) and summer (47.7%). During the reproductive (Carman et al., 2006). More specically, the objectives
season, large males show a narrow food spectrum as opposed addressed are to: (i) provide information on the diet of
to large females, reecting the dierent activity pattern E. pygmaeus, with special emphasis on seasonal and ontoge-
exhibited by males and females during the breeding season, netic dietary variation, as well as on its feeding strategy; (ii)
since the former supports parental care. According to the describe sex-related changes in the diet, particularly during the
modied Costello graphical method, specialist individuals breeding season; and (iii) examine seasonal diel variations in
form the goby population that feeds on two preferential prey the diet over a 24-h cycle.
types (e.g. Copepods, Chironomids). Nevertheless, they con-
sume some occasional prey (e.g. Cladocera, Insects, Gastro-
pods). The species foraged chiey at night and early morning, Materials and methods
during lower light intensity. The highest feeding activity Study area
recorded at night (02.00 hours) and during early morning Lake Pamvotis, NW Greece (3940234N, 2053248E) is a
(08.00 hours) could be related to the cryptic behaviour shallow Mediterranean lake with a mean depth of 4.5 m and
displayed by the species. maximum depth of 7.5 m. The lake occupies an area of
22.8 km2 and is approximately 470 m above sea level. An
ancient lake ecosystem, Lake Pamvotis is situated in a
Introduction topographically diverse landscape on the western ank of the
Among the Eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean gobioid shes, a Pindus mountain range (Tzedakis et al., 2002), and is of global
so-called sand goby group consisting of four phenetic genera signicance in terms of biodiversity (Krystufek and Reed,
has been recognized: Pomatoschistus (Gill, 1863), Knipowits- 2004). The native sh fauna of the lake consists of only four
chia (Iljin, 1927), Gobiusculus (Duncker, 1928), and Econom- species (Pelasgus epiroticus, Luciobarbus albanicus, Squalius
idichthys (Bianco et al., 1987). The West Balkan genus pamvoticus and Anguilla Anguilla). Up until now, twenty exotic
Economidichthys (Holly, 1929) comprises two endemic species: or translocated sh species, representing eight families, have
E. pygmaeus and E. trichonis. Both species have a dermal been introduced into Lake Pamvotis. Among them, the pelagic
perianal organ, unique among teleosts, which may represent a Rutilus panosi, benthic Silurus aristotelis, allogynogenetic
level of specialization higher than that of other teleosts Carassius gibelio, and littoral E. pygmaeus and Gambusia
(Bianco et al., 1987; Economidis and Miller, 1990; Miller, holbrooki have become established with viable and dense
1990). populations (Leonardos et al., 2008).

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76 Ch. Gkenas, S. Malavasi and I. Leonardos

Preliminary samplings show that the population of gobies is with a Neubauer counting chamber (Garcia-Berthou, 1999).
currently in a restricted shallow area at the Perama site Estimated wet volume was later transformed to biomass using
(3941678N; 02051285E). This site is in a well-preserved a conversion of 0.27 mg of dry weight mm3 (Lindegaard,
area, 7 4 m, with maximum depth of 1.5 m. The littoral zone 1992; Alcaraz and Garcia-Berthou, 2007). Fragments of
is characterized by dense aquatic vegetation (Myriophyllum organisms, such as the heads, were considered to be individ-
spicatum) and the common reed (Phragmites australis). The uals. Prey composition was identied to the lowest possible
reeds provide shelter against predators (Gotceitas and Colgan, systematic level.
1989; Savino and Stein, 1989) and act as goby spawning sites
(Daoulas et al., 1993). The substratum is mainly covered with
pebbles mixed with coarse sand. In addition to E. pygmaeus, Data analysis
two other sh species occur in the sampling site: Knipowitschia Prey items were identied and classied; those food items
caucassica Berg, G. holbrooki Girard, and a shrimp species representing <5% in frequency of occurrence were pooled
Atyaephyra desmarestii Millet. into families or orders. The seasonal feeding activity pattern
was derived from the seasonal variation of percentage of
empty guts following Caiola et al. (2001). The contribution of
Sampling each prey (dietary item) to the diet was estimated using three
Fish were collected monthly between October 2006 and simple indices [number percentage (%N), volume percentage
September 2007, using a hand net (2 mm mesh size) and (%V) and frequency of occurrence percentage (%FO)] dis-
preserved in 4% formaldeyde solution for later laboratory cussed and revised by Hyslop (1980) and Cortes (1997). The
analysis. Sampling was carried out during the morning index of relative importance (IRI) (Pinkas et al., 1971)
(09.00 hours) along the littoral zone in the study site. Each standardized to %IRI (Cortes, 1997), which combines the
survey consisted of thirty hauls at the sampling station in a values of the simple indices mentioned above, was also used as
total of 20 min. the best approach to gain an adequate description of the diet
In the same period, three water and sediment samples were (Hyslop, 1980) and allowed comparison between dietary items
collected monthly in the littoral zone of the sampling site using of the same species and between diets of dierent species
a P.V.C core of 130 cm height with a diameter of 10 cm to (Cortes, 1997).
analyze the food resources. The core penetrated 30 cm into the In order to analyze seasonal and intraspecic dierences in
sediment in a place where the water level reached about diet, the months were categorized into seasons (autumn =
100 cm. This manner ensured that sediment and water samples SeptNov; winter = DecFeb; spring = MarMay; sum-
maintained a constant volume (Caiola et al., 2001). The water mer = JunAug) and species were divided into three size-
was then separated from the sediment and ltered through a groups: small individuals (TL <23 mm), intermediate males
250 lm nylon sieve. A 500 ml aliquot of each sediment sample (IntM) females (IntF) (TL = 2330 mm) and large males
was ltered through a 500 lm steel sieve. The invertebrates (LM) females (LF) (TL > 30 mm).
retained in the net were collected and preserved in 4% The diet overlap among seasons and size groups was
formaldehyde, sorted in the laboratory into taxonomic cate- estimated
P using the Schoener (1970) similarity index: a = 1
gories (order or family level) and counted. The percentage of 0.5 |pijpik|, where pij is the proportion of resource
each taxonomic group was calculated based on the sum of all i consumed by group j (e.g. males) and pik is the proportion
invertebrates in the sample. of resource i consumed by group k (e.g. females). Volumetric
Feeding activity of E. pygmaeus was examined on a diel (V) diet measurements were used in the calculation of this
cycle in a seasonal pattern. Gobies were collected in May, index. Zero value indicates no overlap, while 1 represents
August and October 2007 and January 2008. On each complete overlap. The index value is generally considered
sampling occasion, specimens were collected at 6-h intervals biologically signicant when it exceeds 0.6 (Wallace, 1981).
over 24 h (08.00, 14.00, 20.00, 02.00 hours) with a hand net Prey diversity in the diet, which is a measure of trophic niche
(2 mm mesh size) at a depth of 0.51 m. Each collection lasted breadth (Scrimgeour and Winterbourn, 1987), P was calculated
about 30 min. Fish captured were immediately killed with an using the ShannonWeaver index (H): H = ) pi lnpi, where
overdose of MS-222, preserved in 4% formaldehyde and pi is the proportion of individuals of prey type i (Shannon and
transferred to the laboratory. Weaver, 1963). This index has adequate sensitivity for detect-
ing changes in species diversity and provides a general
indication of the relative magnitude of trophic specialization
Laboratory methods (Berg, 1979).
In the laboratory, specimens were measured to the nearest Following Lechowicz (1982), comparison between diet
0.1 mm using a digital caliper [total lengths (TL)]. All composition and resource availability was made using the
individuals were eviscerated, sexed (generally from external Vanderploeg and Scavia (1979) relativized electivity index
sexual dimorphism or by macroscopic examination of the (E*):
gonads), and weighed (total and eviscerated weight to the
nearest 0.1 mg using a digital balance). Contents of each Ei Wi  n1 Wi n1 1 ; whereWi ri pi1 ri pi1 1 ;
stomach were washed in a petri dish, where prey items were
identied, separated and counted. Measurements of length, ri is the relative (proportional) abundance of prey i in the diet,
width and depth were taken for each individual prey item using pi is the relative abundance of prey i in the environment and n
a dissecting stereoscope with an ocular micrometer. The is the number of prey types included in the analysis. This index
volume of food items was estimated by calculation of the ranges from +1 (positive selection) to )1 (negative selection);
volume of a geometric solid of similar size and shape (Bowen, values near zero indicate neutral selectivity. Although other
1983). The volume of uncountable categories (plant leaves) in electivity indices such as those of Ivlev or Strauss are in wider
the gut contents was estimated to the nearest 0.00025 mm3 use, they have several undesirable properties and that of
Diet of Economidichthys pygmaeus 77

Vanderploeg and Scavia (1979) is the single best electivity Table 1

index (Lechowicz, 1982). Diet composition of 533 E. pygmaeus (%FO, percentage frequency of
occurrence; %N, percentage numerical abundance; %M, percentage
To determine the feeding strategy along the annual cycle volumetric composition; % IRI, index of relative importance on a
studied, the modied Costello graphical method (Amundsen percent basis (%IRI)
et al., 1996) was used where the prey-specic abundance (Pi),
dened as the percentage a prey taxon comprises in only those Prey category %FO %N %V %IRI
predators in which the actual prey occurs, is plotted against the
frequency of occurrence (Fi) on a two-dimensional graph. Copepoda 64.8 50.3 19.7 57.4
Information on prey importance and feeding strategy of the Daphnia sp. 12.5 6.6 9.4 2.5
predator can be obtained by examining the distribution of Bosmina longirostris 2.0 0.5 0.1 0.1
points along the diagonals and the axes of the diagram Alona rectangula 23.9 8.0 0.8 2.7
Chydorus sphaericus 4.6 0.9 0.2 0.1
(Amundsen et al., 1996; Caiola et al., 2001). Ostracoda 9.0 2.4 0.8 0.4
Diel feeding activity was assessed by comparing the volume Insects
data of prey categories for all gobies. Because the ANOVA Chironomidae larvae 56.7 17.9 22.4 29.0
assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variance were Diptera pupae 6.2 1.1 13.7 2.7
not met, seasonal and diel dierences in the volume of stomach Ephemeroptera larvae 3.4 0.5 6.8 0.7
Hymenoptera larvae 1.7 0.1 2.1 0.1
contents were tested with the non-parametric KruskalWallis Other insects (n.i) 2.1 0.2 1.4 0.1
test. MannWhitney U-tests with a Bonferroni adjustment Mollusca
were used to examine all pair-wise comparisons for signicant Sphaeriidae 2.4 0.5 6.2 0.2
dierences. A chi-square test was also applied to determine Planorbidae 3.2 0.7 15.4 0.7
Plant materials 26.7 8.9 0.2 3.0
whether the percentage of empty guts was signicantly
Unidentied 9.6 1.6 0.8 0.3
dierent between time intervals. All data analyses were
performed with SPSS 19 for Mac OS. n.i., non-identied material.

Copepoda dominated the diet in autumn and winter (43.4

82.4%, respectively) and were replaced by Chironomidae
Seasonal variation in feeding activity larvae in spring (39.7%) and summer (47.7%). In spring and
The seasonal variation in the percentage of empty alimentary summer, there was an increase in the importance of Cladocera
tracks did not reect any marked discontinuity in E. pygmaeus (24.8 and 19.8%, respectively). Apart from those mentioned in
feeding activity. In Lake Pamvotis, the seasonal percentages of the seasonal diet analysis, aquatic insects increased in impor-
empty alimentary tracks were 10.3% in autumn, 10% in tance in spring (8.9%) and summer (3.9%). Plant materials
winter, 15.7% in spring and 20.2% in summer (G-test = 7.71, and Mollusca were sporadically important in autumn (7.7%)
d.f. = 3, P = 0.052). and spring (3.9%).
Gobies showed a narrow diet breadth for prey utilization as
a result of their specialization in Copepods and Chironomids
Overall diet composition (Table 3). In winter, a higher number of prey items was
In total, 533 E. pygmaeus stomachs were examined of which observed, primarily due to the dominance of Copepods. The
14.26% (n = 76) were empty. Analysis of stomach contents spring samples had the highest prey diversity values
identied 14 prey categories belonging to four major groups: (H = 0.56) while the summer samples had the lowest
Plants, Crustaceans (Copepods, Cladocerans, Ostracoda), (H = 0.44). No prey item was absent during the year cycle.
Insects (Chrironomidae larvae, Diptera pupae, Ephemeroptera Niche overlap results in Table 4 showed that E. pygmaeus did
larvae, Hymenoptera larvae), and Mollusca represented not consume the same prey type in all seasons. The lowest
by Gastropoda (Planorbidae) and Bivalvia (Sphaeriidae) value was observed between autumnspring (a = 0.47) and
(Table 1). Copepoda were the principal component of the diet the highest value between autumnsummer (a = 0.76).
present in 64.8% of the sh, comprising 50.3% of the diet by
number, 19.7% by volume and 57.4% by IRI. Chironomidae
larvae were the second most common prey item (56.7% F) and Intraspecic variation in diet composition and feeding pattern
accounted for 17.9% by number, 22.4% by volume and 29% The diet of small gobies was based on Chironomidae larvae
by IRI. When percentage by volume (V) was considered, (43.2%), followed by Cladocera (29.1%), Copepoda (22.5%)
Insects (Chironomidae larvae 22.4%; Diptera pupae 13.7%; and, of lesser importance, aquatic insects (4.4%). The inter-
Ephemeropteran larvae 6.8%) were the most important prey mediate males fed mainly on Copepods (60.9%), followed in
categories, followed by Copepoda 19.7%, and Mollusca importance by Chironomids (22.8%), Cladocera (5.5%) and
(Planorbidae 15.4%; Sphaeriidae 6.2%). Some littoral aquatic insects (5.1%). The diet of intermediate females was
Cladocerans, particularly Daphnia sp. and Alona rectangula very similar to that of the preceding ones. In both large male
were slightly more common (12.5% F; 23.9% F) but less and large female individuals, Copepoda was the dominant and
important in terms of number (6.6%; 8%), volume (9.4%; most consumed prey (55.8 and 50.6%, respectively). Chiro-
0.8%) and IRI (2.5%; 2.7%). nomidae larvae consumption was more important in large
females (26.5%) than in large males (17.9%). Cladocera
consumption was similar in both groups. Moreover, the
Seasonal variation in diet composition and feeding pattern importance of aquatic insects and Mollusca appeared rela-
The importance of major prey in the four seasons was similar tively higher in relation to small size-classes (Table 2). The
to the pattern in the total sample (Table 1). The IRI (%) of the importance of plant materials in the examined stomach
dierent food items throughout the year are shown in Table 2. contents increased considerably in large males (8.8%).
78 Ch. Gkenas, S. Malavasi and I. Leonardos

Table 2
Seasonal and Intraspecic diet composition of E. pygmaeus based on %IRI values of major prey groups (n, number of digestive tracks;
Chironomidae (l.), Chironomidae larvae; IntM IntF, Intermediate males Intermediate females; LM LF, Large males Large females)

Season Size class of sh

Small IntM IntF LM LF

Autumn Winter Spring Summer (<23 mm) (2330 mm) (2330 mm) (>30 mm) (>30 mm)
Prey category n = 145 n = 131 n = 134 n = 123 n = 103 n = 113 n = 134 n = 82 n = 101

Copepoda 43.4 82.4 20.6 25.3 22.5 60.9 55.6 55.8 50.6
Cladocera 4.6 4.6 24.8 19.8 29.1 5.5 6.7 8.3 11.5
Chironomidae (l.) 42.6 8.1 39.7 47.7 43.2 22.8 34.5 17.9 26.5
Aquatic Insects 0.9 1.3 8.9 3.9 4.4 5.0 0.1 6.5 4.8
Ostracoda 0.1 0.3 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.6
Mollusca 0.2 1.6 3.9 0.5 0.1 1.1 0.1 2.4 4.4
Plants 7.7 1.7 0.7 1.9 0.3 3.6 2.2 8.8 1.5
Unidentied 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2

Table 3 benthic prey such as Gastropoda (Planorbidae). Intermediate

Dietary breadth of E. pygmaeus expressed in terms of the Shannon females had dierent diets compared to intermediate males
Wiener index (H) and number of prey items in stomachs of specimens,
classied according to sampling season and size group (n, number of (a = 0.51), large males (a = 0.48) and large females
digestive tracks; IntM IntF, Intermediate males Intermediate fe- (a = 0.48). The frequent utilization of bigger prey items (e.g.
males; LM LF, Large males Large females) Daphniidae), hard-bodied insects and avoidance of very small
littoral crustaceans (A. rectangula, Chydorus sphaericus) by
Number of intermediate males and large gobies accounted for the dier-
Season n prey items H
ence. Food niche overlap was slightly lower between interme-
Autumn 145 785 0.52 diate and large females (a = 0.58).
Winter 131 1249 0.45
Spring 134 671 0.56
Summer 123 491 0.44 Prey selection
Size class of sh
Small (<23 mm) 103 421 0.43 To study prey preferences of E. pygmaeus, E* value was
IntM (2330 mm) 113 509 0.49 calculated to assess the attraction (positive values), the
LM (>30 mm) 82 719 0.53 avoidance, or the inaccessibility of prey (negative values) in
IntF (2330 mm) 134 764 0.49
comparison to prey abundance in the eld (Fig. 1). The high
LF (>30 mm) 101 783 0.57
E* values of Copepoda (0.95) and Chironomids (0.88)
indicated a strong preferential prey selection. Positive E*
Animal diet breadth for juveniles and intermediate size- values were found for C. sphaericus (0.64), A. rectangula
groups tended to be narrower than in the larger size groups (0.47), Planorbidae (0.47) and Diptera pupae (0.4). In contrast,
(Table 3). Large males (H = 0.53) and large females a negative E* was found for B. longirostris ()0.53) and
(H = 0.57) showed high diversity index values. The dietary Sphaeriidae ()0.36), indicating avoidance. Furthermore,
overlap varied consistently with the dierences in food choice gobies showed a neutral selection for Daphnia sp. (0.15),
recorded between length classes (Table 4). A signicant niche Plants (0.1), and Hymenoptera larvae (0.05).
overlap was noted between juveniles and intermediate males
(a = 0.66) and with intermediate females (a = 0.66), respec-
Feeding strategy
tively. The diet of large males and large females showed highly
signicant overlap (a = 0.9), consisting mostly of Copepods The relationship between prey specic abundance and fre-
and Chironomidae larvae and to a lesser extent of other quency of occurrence suggested some feeding variation. The
pelagic zooplankton dominated by Cladocera and littoral diagram of the modied Costello graphical method revealed

Table 4
Food overlap coecients (Schoeners index) of diet between seasons and size classes, E. pygmaeus (n, number of digestive tracks; IntM IntF,
Intermediate males Intermediate females; LM LF, Large males Large females)

Season n Autumn Winter Spring Summer

Autumn 145 0.57 0.47 0.76*

Winter 131 0.65* 0.49
Spring 134 0.52
Summer 123
Size class of sh Small (<23 mm) IntM (2330 mm) LM (>30 mm) IntF (2330 mm) LF (>30 mm)

Small (<23 mm) 103 0.66* 0.58 0.66* 0.59

IntM (2330 mm) 113 0.69* 0.51 0.74*
LM (>30 mm) 82 0.48 0.9*
IntF (2330 mm) 134 0.48
LF (>30 mm) 101

*signicant similarity for values of C 0.60

Diet of Economidichthys pygmaeus 79

1 20.00 hours (30%) than in the other time intervals

0.8 (08.00 = 14%, 14.00 = 23%, 02.00 = 12%) (v2 = 13.81,
d.f. = 3, P < 0.001). KruskalWallis tests indicated that total
volume varied signicantly between seasons (KruskalWallis
0.4 ANOVA, n = 317, P < 0.001) and throughout the day (Krus-
0.2 kalWallis ANOVA, n = 317, P < 0.001) (all data pooled).
0 MannWhitney pairwise comparisons, with a Bonferroni
adjustment for an overall condence level of 0.05, indicated
that the prey volume in goby stomachs was greater at night
0.4 than during the day (Fig. 3). Variations always occurred
0.6 between the intervals, with early morning samples having
signicantly higher values than those during daytime (Mann
Whitney U-test, n = 154, P < 0.05) and evening (Mann
Whitney U-test, n = 160, P < 0.05). Prey volume in night
Plant materials

Daphnia sp.

B. longirostris

A. rectangula

C. sphaericus



Chironom. (l.)

Diptera (p.)

Ephem. (l.)

Hymen. (1.)


samples was signicantly heavier than those in the daytime
(MannWhitney U-test, n = 157, P < 0.05) and evening
(MannWhitney U-test, n = 163, P < 0.05). Early morn-
ing night samples (MannWhitney U-test, n = 163,
Fig. 1. Vanderploegs prey selectivity for various food components P > 0.05) and daytime evening samples had similar prey
found in E. pygmaeus guts. Positive values = prey selection, negative volume values (MannWhitney U-test, n = 154, P > 0.05).
values = prey avoidance. Non-selective feeding = zero values. Chi-
ronom. (l.), Chironomidae larvae; Diptera (p.), Diptera pupae; Ephem.
(l.), Ephemeroptera larvae; Hymen. (l.), Hymenoptera larvae
two groups (Fig. 2). The rst group was represented mostly by The feeding pattern of the E. pygmaeus population is charac-
Copepoda followed by Chironomidae larvae, indicating that terized by consumption of Copepods associated with Clado-
there is some specialization toward one prey (Copepoda), as it cera, insect larvae and pupae, Mollusca and Plant materials.
is the only prey point positioned in the upper right part of the Copepoda was the most common prey in terms of abundance
graph. Copepods showed a higher abundance and occurrence and occurrence. However, aquatic insects (mostly Diptera
than the other prey items, being consumed by more than 60% pupae) and Chironomidae larvae were the dominant prey in
of shes, and constituting a dominant prey item. The second terms of weight. Benthic prey items found in the diet showed a
group found in the lower left part constituted most of the prey tendency of gobies to predate at the bottom, but not always,
items (e.g. A. rectangula, Daphnia sp. Ostracoda, Planorbidae,
Diptera pupae), indicating that these are rare or less frequent
prey (low frequency and abundance) and only consumed (a)
occasionally (generalistic feeding strategy).

Diel feeding pattern

The chi-square test revealed signicant dierences in the
percentage of empty guts between the time intervals. The
percentage of empty guts was signicantly higher at





Chironom. l.

Daph. sp. A. rectangula

Ostrac. Plants
B. longirostris
C. sphaericus
10 Diptera p.
Ephem. l.
O. insects
Hymen. l.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 2. Relationship among prey specic abundance (%Pi) and

frequency of occurrence (%FO) of food categories in E. pygmaeus
diet. Plots based on modied Costello graphical method (Amundsen
et al., 1996). (Copep., Copepoda, Chironom. l., Chironomidae larvae,
Daph. sp., Daphnia species, A. rectangula, Alona rectangula; Ostrac.,
Ostracoda; Planorb., Planorbidae; B. Longirostris, Bosmina longiros-
tris; Sphaer., Sphaeriidae; C. Sphaericus, Chydorus sphaericus; Diptera
p., Diptera pupae; Ephem. l., Ephemeroptera larvae; Hymen. l., Fig. 3. Mean total volume of food in goby stomachs. (a) Seasonal
Hymenoptera larvae; O. insects, Other insects) variation, (b) Diel variation at 6-h intervals. Error bars, SE
80 Ch. Gkenas, S. Malavasi and I. Leonardos

because one of the major prey (Copepoda) was found in the suggest that nest sites were not a limiting factor in this lake. In
nectonic organisms. Hence, it appears that E. pygmaeus was spite of diet and prey breadth variations, small to intermediate
not feeding exclusively on benthic prey but also on organisms size gobies and large males and females exploited essentially
from the water column. Although the prey composition of the same prey base, showing consistently high overlapping. On
P. microps (Salgado et al., 2004; Leitao et al., 2006), P. min- the other hand, the low diet overlap between intermediate
utus (Hamerlynck and Cattrijsse, 1994), Knipowitschia cauca- females intermediate males to adult gobies could represent an
sica (Kevrekidis et al., 1990) and P. bonelli (Bo et al., 2010) intraspecic segregation in the dierential consumption of the
includes polychaete radioles, mysids, small shrimps, amphi- same prey items due to the dierent dimensions reached by
pods and aquatic insects apart from small crustaceans and medium size female gobies.
bivalves, E. pygmaeus has been reported to feed predominantly Electivity depended on prey availability and sh size.
on crustaceans and benthic invertebrates (Daoulas et al., Overall, smaller sh selected smaller prey such as littoral
1993), which was conrmed by the results of this study. Cladocerans (C. sphaericus and A. rectangula), while larger
In all seasons, the proportion of empty stomachs showed a sh showed a greater preference for diverse larger prey
lack of signicant dierences in feeding activity. The fact that (Insects, Gastropods). Such a diet may be protable in terms
gobies maintained the same feeding activity in Lake Pamvotis of trade-os between item size, body hardness and ease of
may be due to the stable climatic conditions throughout the catching. The high E values for some food categories, such as
year (Kagalou et al., 2006; Ch. Gkenas, personal observa- Copepods and Chironomidae larvae, suggested the importance
tions). Thus, gobies were able to exploit the available food of these food items as a food resource. The negative E values
resources in order to satisfy their annual metabolic needs. Sand for Bivalvia (Sphaeriidae) could be explained by the fact that
gobies are considered opportunistic carnivores, feeding on gobies with no specialized jaws usually avoid Bivalves (Zander,
organisms selected on the basis of their availability (Pihl, 1979).
1985). Hence, the changes in the seasonal variation observed in On analysing the diet composition, one can easily conclude
the consumption of some food types by E. pygmaeus may that E. pygmaeus has a homogeneous diet strategy and a
suggest that diet reected prey availability. Examples are the narrow niche width. The modied Costello method revealed a
consumption of Chironomids in summer and higher abun- focus on two preferential prey types following a generalist
dance of Copepods observed in the winter diet of the goby, feeding strategy with an adaptation to seasonal prey avail-
when densities of this prey type are higher (Kagalou et al., ability. At the study area, this predator specialized in Cope-
2006; Antonopoulos et al., 2008). The observed greater dietary pods and Chironomids, with other prey taken only
diversity in spring could be attributed to the possible decrease occasionally.
in availability of particular prey during this season, which The results revealed a clear distinction between seasonal
would have forced E. pygmaeus to forage on other food types changes of feeding activity, since diet shifts of E. pygmaeus
(Chironomids, Cladocerans, aquatic insects) that might have can be interpreted as a reaction to changing food availability.
been readily available. Furthermore, the prey food diversity Also, stomach contents of gobies indicated a distinct 24-h
was at its highest in spring, probably in an eort to rhythm of feeding. E. pygmaeus appeared to forage chiey at
compensate the increase energy demands of the reproductive night and early morning at times of lower light intensity. The
period. latter conrmed the lowest empty stomachs of gobies during
The ontogenetic switch in feeding habits is a general the night and early morning hours. This feeding behaviour
phenomenon among sh as a result of increasing body size. could be a fright response to sudden switches between light
This occurs due to a shift from a diet of mostly small soft- and darkness because gobies display a cryptic behaviour
shelled prey, such as microcrustaceans, Chironomidae larvae, burrowing into sediment and exhibiting sit and wait hunting
to a more diverse adult diet which also includes larger prey, (Miller, 2004). In similar diel studies, P. microps and P. min-
such as Gastropods (Planorbidae), large Cladocerans and utus were more active during the day, with peaks in activity
aquatic insects (mostly Diptera pupae and Ephemeroptera occurring mainly at dawn to sunrise, and to a lesser extent in
larvae). The wider dietary diversity in larger gobies, as the afternoon (del Norte-Campos and Temming, 1994).
expressed by the ShannonWiener index, could reect the In conclusion, this paper contributes a rst insight into the
ability of large specimens to utilize a wider range of habitat diet and feeding strategy of E. pygmaeus, whose diet in Lake
resources, both in the trophic dimension (diet composition), Pamvotis consists of various benthic macroinvertebrates and
due to their increased morphological adaptations, as well as in crustaceans. E. pygmaeus has a specialized zooplanktivorous
the spatial dimension (distribution), due to their greater diet (especially Copepods) in all size classes and seasons. This
mobility and hence dispersal rate (Vassilopoulou, 2006). Large species feeds chiey at night and early morning, during the
males exhibited a narrower food niche than large females. This lower light intensity. Feeding intensity along the diurnal cycle
may be due to the fact that males were probably limited to the probably corresponds to the cryptic behaviour displayed by
food available around the nest since they display territorial the species.
behaviour and provide parental care for the eggs in the
breeding season (Daoulas et al., 1993; Gkenas et al., 2010).
Females apparently behave as food maximisers, feeding on a Acknowledgement
high number of benthic prey categories such as Chironomids, The authors are grateful to Callie Kalogerson for the linguistic
Gastropods and Cladocerans. A similar change in the energy improvement of the manuscript.
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