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NIM : 131511133080


Nama : Diah Ayu Mustika
NIM : 131511133080
Mata Kuliah : English In Nursing 2
Judul Tugas : Resume Hyperthyroidism
Pertemuan Ke :
Tanggal mengumpulkan : 22 Desember 2016

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Surabaya, 22 Desember 2016

(Diah Ayu Mustika)


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Hyperthyroidism (excessive secretion of TH) is a highly preventable endocrine disorder.

Like most thyroid conditions, it is a disorder that predominantly affects women (in a female-to-male
ratio 4:1), especially women between ages 20 and 40 years.
Hypertiroidism constitutes a well-defined disease entity, commonly designated as Graves
disease at exophthalamic goiter. Its etiology is unknown, but the excessive output of thyroid
hormones is thought to be due to abnormal stimulation of the thyroid gland by circulating
immunoglobulins. Longacting thyroid stimulator (LATS) is found in significant concentration in
the serum of many of these patients and may be related to a defect in the patients immune
surveillance system. The disorder, which affects women five times more frequently than men and
peaks in incidence in the third and fourth decades, may appear after an emotional shock, stress, or
an infection, but the exact significance of these relationships is not understood.
The etiology of hyperthyroidism is the clinical picture arises due to excess thyroid hormone
(T4 or T3). Graves' disease is the most common form of hyperthyroidism with eye signs and
symptoms that accompany a toxic diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland (female: male = 5: 1)
with the antibody and sometimes myxoedema pretibia. Hyperthyroidism is an autoimmune disease
associated with thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin / TSI),
the TSH receptor sites on the thyroid follicular cell membrane. Looks thyroid growth
immunoglobulin ( thyroid growth immunoglobulin / TGI), which independently can determine the
size of the goiter. Immunoglobulin oftalmopatik against eye muscle basement membrane may be
causative and independent. There is a relationship with the human leukocyte antigens (human
leukocyte antigen / HLA) B8 and DR3. A toxic solitary nodules that rarely causes thyrotoxicosis.
There is a strong genetic factor. T4 consumed itself should not be overlooked as a possible cause of
hyperthyroidism, especially doctors and nurses. Excess iodine was persistent and clear in healthy
food and some cough medicine can lead to hyperthyroidism.
The cause of hyperthyroidism is typically Graves' disease, goiter toksika. In most Patients
with hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland size two until three times than normal, accompanied by
many folds hyperplasia and follicle cells into the follicle, so the number of Reviews These cells is
Increased by several times Compared with the enlargement of the gland. Also, each cell increases
the speed of Reviews their secretions several times at a speed of 5-15 times greater than normal.
The administering of anti-thyroid drugs designed to slow thyroid hormone production will
be the intial treatment and possible the only one needed. Beta-blocker medications that moderate
the activity of adrenaline in the body can help to alleviate sympstoms and may be combined with
anti-thyroid drugs.
Surgical procedures are required in some cases of hot nodules, to remove them or part of the
thyroid gland in multi-nodules are several. Thyroid removal surgery called thyroidecomy may
also be needed in cases of Graves disease that cannot be controlled by drug therapies or gland may
be ablated (destroyed) through administering radioactive iodine in a large enough to dose to kill-out
the entire gland.
The nursing diagnosis of hyperthyroidism are risk decreased cardiac output, fatigue,
deficient knowledge, and risk impaired tissue integrity.

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