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original article

A Genetic Basis for Functional

Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Lisa M. Caronia, B.A., Cecilia Martin, Ph.D., Corrine K. Welt, M.D.,
Gerasimos P. Sykiotis, M.D., Ph.D., Richard Quinton, M.D.,
Apisadaporn Thambundit, B.A., Magdalena Avbelj, M.D., Ph.D.,
Sadhana Dhruvakumar, M.Sc., Lacey Plummer, B.A., Virginia A. Hughes, M.Sc.,
Stephanie B. Seminara, M.D., Paul A. Boepple, M.D., Yisrael Sidis, Ph.D.,
William F. Crowley, Jr., M.D., Kathryn A. Martin, M.D., Janet E. Hall, M.D.,
and Nelly Pitteloud, M.D.


Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea is a reversible form of gonadotropin-releasing From the Harvard Center for Reproduc-
tive Endocrine Sciences and Reproductive
hormone (GnRH) deficiency commonly triggered by stressors such as excessive exer- Endocrine Unit and the Department of
cise, nutritional deficits, or psychological distress. Women vary in their susceptibility Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospi-
to inhibition of the reproductive axis by such stressors, but it is unknown whether tal both in Boston (L.M.C., C.M., C.K.W.,
G.P.S., A.T., M.A., S.D., L.P., V.A.H., S.B.S.,
this variability reflects a genetic predisposition to hypothalamic amenorrhea. We P.A.B., Y.S., W.F.C., K.A.M., J.E.H., N.P.);
hypothesized that mutations in genes involved in idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypo- the Department of Endocrinology, Royal
gonadism, a congenital form of GnRH deficiency, are associated with hypothalamic Victoria Infirmary, and the Institute for
Human Genetics, University of Newcastle
amenorrhea. upon Tyne both in Newcastle upon
Tyne, United Kingdom (R.Q.); and the En-
Methods docrine Division, Centre Hospitalier Uni-
We analyzed the coding sequence of genes associated with idiopathic hypogonado- versitaire Vaudois, University of Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland (Y.S., N.P.). Address
tropic hypogonadism in 55 women with hypothalamic amenorrhea and performed in reprint requests to Dr. Pitteloud at the
vitro studies of the identified mutations. Endocrine Division, Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire Vaudois, University of Laus-
Results anne, Rue du Bugnon 46, CH-1011 Laus-
anne, Switzerland, or at nelly.pitteloud@
Six heterozygous mutations were identified in 7 of the 55 patients with hypotha-
lamic amenorrhea: two variants in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 gene
FGFR1 (G260E and R756H), two in the prokineticin receptor 2 gene PROKR2 (R85H Ms. Caronia and Dr. Martin contributed
equally to this article.
and L173R), one in the GnRH receptor gene GNRHR (R262Q), and one in the Kall-
mann syndrome 1 sequence gene KAL1 (V371I). No mutations were found in a cohort N Engl J Med 2011;364:215-25.
of 422 controls with normal menstrual cycles. In vitro studies showed that FGFR1 Copyright 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society.

G260E, FGFR1 R756H, and PROKR2 R85H are loss-of-function mutations, as has been
previously shown for PROKR2 L173R and GNRHR R262Q.

Rare variants in genes associated with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
are found in women with hypothalamic amenorrhea, suggesting that these muta-
tions may contribute to the variable susceptibility of women to the functional
changes in GnRH secretion that characterize hypothalamic amenorrhea. Our ob-
servations provide evidence for the role of rare variants in common multifactorial
disease. (Funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development and others; number, NCT00494169.)

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

eproduction is an energetically Me thods
costly process for women, and defense
mechanisms have evolved that temporar- Study Participants
ily inhibit reproduction under adverse conditions. All participants provided written informed consent.
Stressors such as weight loss,1 excessive exercise,2
eating disorders,3 and psychological distress4 sup- Controls
press the hypothalamicpituitarygonadal axis Controls were 422 women from the greater Boston
by inhibiting hypothalamic pulsatile secretion of area, recruited by means of advertising, who had
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).5 This undergone normal puberty (menarche at 10 but
frequent cause of female infertility is diagnosed as <15 years), had had a normal menstrual cycle (27
functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, defined as to 32 days duration) for the previous 2 years, and
the absence of menses, low or normal gonadotro- had a body-mass index (BMI, the weight in kilo-
pin levels, and hypoestrogenemia without organic grams divided by the square of the height in me-
abnormality.6 Hypothalamic amenorrhea is asso- ters) between 18 and 35. No predisposing factors
ciated with a spectrum of abnormal GnRH-secre- for hypothalamic amenorrhea were reported for
tion patterns, and administration of exogenous 375 of the 422 women; the remaining 47 exercised
pulsatile GnRH can restore functionality of the for more than 5 hours per week, which is a pre-
hypothalamicpituitarygonadal axis.7 The exqui- disposing factor.
site sensitivity of the GnRH pulse generator to en-
ergy deficits is evidenced by the fact that serum Patients with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
levels of leptin, a signal of fat reserves, are often Hypothalamic amenorrhea was diagnosed in 55
low in patients with hypothalamic amenorrhea women presenting to the Massachusetts General
and that leptin replacement can restore GnRH Hospital or Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital with a
pulsatility.8-10 After the underlying stressors have history of secondary amenorrhea for 6 months or
been eliminated, normal reproductive function re- more, low or normal gonadotropin levels, low se-
sumes in most cases.11 Among both women and rum estradiol levels, and one or more predispos-
female nonhuman primates, sensitivity to the in- ing factors. These factors included excessive exer-
hibition of the hypothalamicpituitarygonadal cise (>5 hours per week),19 loss of more than 15%
axis by such stressors varies substantially.12,13 of body weight, and a subclinical eating disorder
However, it is unknown whether this susceptibil- as ascertained with the use of the Eating Attitudes
ity reflects a genetic predisposition to hypotha- Test.20 None of the patients met the diagnostic
lamic amenorrhea. criteria for anorexia nervosa at presentation.21
Much is known about the genetics of congeni- All 55 patients with hypothalamic amenorrhea
tal GnRH deficiency (idiopathic hypogonado- had completed puberty spontaneously. The mean
tropic hypogonadism), in contrast to hypotha- (SD) age at diagnosis was 22.46.1 years, and the
lamic amenorrhea. Idiopathic hypogonadotropic mean BMI was 19.42.2. The mean age at men-
hypogonadism is characterized by an absence of arche was 13.51.8 years, with 13 patients report-
puberty and by infertility, caused by defects in ing delayed menarche (age at onset, 15 years) at
the secretion of GnRH from the hypothalamus a time when no factors predisposing them to
or defects in the action of GnRH on the pitu- hypothalamic amenorrhea were present. Twenty-
itary.14,15 The disease is genetically heterogeneous, five patients reported exercising excessively, 20
with several associated loci that account for ap- had weight loss, and 28 had a subclinical eating
proximately 40% of cases.15 The involved genes disorder characterized by dietary restriction and
encode proteins essential for GnRH neuron devel- preoccupation with weight.20,21 Six patients had
opment and GnRH secretion and action.16-18 The a family history of delayed puberty, and 9 a fam-
variable expressivity of the clinical features of ily history of hypothalamic amenorrhea. The
GnRH deficiency most likely reflects the contri- mean serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH),
butions of multiple genetic defects or epigenetic follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and estra-
perturbations. We hypothesized that mutations diol in the group with hypothalamic amenor-
in genes involved in idiopathic hypogonadotropic rhea were 4.13.0 IU per liter, 6.73.3 IU per li-
hypogonadism confer susceptibility to the func- ter, and 3925 pg per milliliter (14392 pmol per
tional deficiency in GnRH secretion that charac- liter), respectively. All patients had normal results
terizes hypothalamic amenorrhea. on neuroimaging, and none had symptoms or

216 n engl j med 364;3 january 20, 2011

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Genetic Basis for Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

biochemical signs of the polycystic ovary syn- mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal-
drome (hirsutism, acne, hyperandrogenemia, or ing, respectively. Each assay was performed twice
an LH-to-FSH ratio >1). A subgroup of the pa- in triplicate. Four-parameter sigmoidal dose
tients underwent LH-secretion studies involving response curves were generated and analyzed
blood sampling every 10 minutes over a 24-hour with the use of Prism 4 statistical software
period.11,22 (GraphPad).

Patients with Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Total Expression and Cell-SurfaceReceptor

Hypogonadism Expression
We evaluated 160 women with idiopathic hypogo- Total expression of wild-type and mutant FGFR1
nadotropic hypogonadism. All had absent or in- and PROKR2 transfected into COS-7 cells was de-
complete puberty as of 18 years of age, low or termined by means of Western blotting involving
normal serum gonadotropin levels, low serum es- whole-cell extracts, as previously described.29,30
tradiol levels, otherwise normal anterior pituitary The cell-surface expression of FGFR1 was quanti-
function, and normal results on neuroimaging. fied as previously described,30 and the cell-sur-
face expression of PROKR2 was also quantified,
Genetic Studies with the use of a 3xHA tag sequence fused with
Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral- the N-terminal end of PROKR2 to facilitate rec-
blood samples obtained from all participants. Ex- ognition by the antibody (Clone HA-7, Sigma).
onic and proximal intronic sequences (located at Antibody-binding assays were performed three
least 15 bp from the splice sites) of seven genes times in quadruplicate. Expression levels of mu-
implicated in the cause of idiopathic hypogonad- tant and wild-type receptors were compared by
otropic hypogonadism were determined in all means of Students two-tailed t-test.
samples from patients with hypothalamic amen-
orrhea: the Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence gene R e sult s
KAL1,23 the GnRH receptor gene GNRHR,24 the G
proteincoupled receptor 54 gene GPR54,25 the Heterozygous mutations in genes associated with
fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 gene FGFR1,26 idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
the fibroblast growth factor 8 gene FGF8,27 the (FGFR1, PROKR2, GNRHR, and KAL1) were identi-
prokineticin 2 gene PROK2,28 and the prokineticin fied in 7 of the 55 patients with hypothalamic
receptor 2 gene PROKR2.29 Sequence variations amenorrhea (13%; 95% confidence interval, 5 to
were found on both strands and were confirmed 24) (Fig. 1 and Table 1). All 7 patients were white,
in separate polymerase-chain-reaction assays. No as reported by study physicians. These genetic
rare sequence variants were found in a cohort of variants were absent among the controls (the 375
422 controls with normal menstrual cycles. women without risk factors for hypothalamic
amenorrhea and the 47 women who exercised >5
Functional Characterization of New FGFR1 hours per week). The variants alter amino acids
and PROKR2 Mutations that are highly conserved across species (Fig. 2C,
Gene-Reporter Assays 2D, and 2E) and cause considerable loss of func-
The FGFR1 G260E and R756H mutations and the tion,29,31,32 findings that are consistent with dis-
PROKR2 R85H mutation were introduced into ease-associated mutations.
previously described expression vectors by means FGFR1 mutants (G260E and R756H) in the li-
of a QuickChange XLII Kit (Stratagene)28,29 and gand domain and tyrosine kinase domain of the
were studied in L6 myoblasts and human embry- receptor, respectively, were found in Patients 1
onic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, respectively. The abil- and 2. The FGFR1 G260E and R756H mutants
ity to activate downstream signaling was com- showed expression levels similar to those of wild-
pared between the mutated receptor and its type FGFR1, both overall (Fig. 2F and 2G) and on
wild-type counterpart in transient transfection the cell surface (Fig. 2I and 2J). However, results
assays, as previously described.29,30 The osteocal- of a transcriptional assay show that the G260E
cin fibroblast growth factor (FGF) response ele- and R756H mutants result in loss of function, as
ment (OCFRE) reporter and the murine early demonstrated by a decrease in FGF-induced MAPK
growth response 1 (Egr-1) reporter served as indi- reporter activity (reflected by OCFRE activity)
cators of FGFR1-induced and PROKR2-induced (P<0.001) (Fig. 2L and 2M).

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3

FGFR1 G260E/+ FGFR1 R756H/+ PROKR2 R85H/+ +/+


Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6


PROKR2 +/+ L173R/+ +/+ GNRHR R262Q/+ GNRHR R262Q/+ +/+

PROKR2 L173R/+ +/+ L173R/+

Patient 7 HA
Delayed puberty
HA and delayed puberty
Lost pregnancy
KAL1 V371I/+ Mutation carrier

Figure 1. Pedigrees of the Seven Patients with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) Found to Have Mutations.
For each pedigree, the patient with the mutation is indicated by a red arrow. The mutated gene is indicated in bold to the left of the ped-
igree, and the allele status is given below the proband or affected family members, with plus signs indicating wild-type and G260E,
R756H, R85H, L173R, R262Q, and V371I indicating the amino acid mutations. Squares indicate male family members, circles female
family members, and diamonds offspring whose sex is not shown (with the numbers of persons given within the diamond).

The PROKR2 mutant R85H identified in Patient Four of the seven reported a family history of hy-
3 is also a loss-of-function mutant, as evidenced by pothalamic amenorrhea or delayed puberty (Fig. 1
decreased overall and cell-surface expression and and Table 2). Among the seven patients, the age
decreased signaling activity as compared with at diagnosis ranged from 18 to 34 years (mean,
wild-type PROKR2 (P<0.001 for cell-surface ex- 24.46.2), and the BMI at diagnosis ranged from
pression and signaling activity) (Fig. 2H, 2K, 18 to 22 (mean, 19.41.9). Four of the seven pa-
and 2N).31 The PROKR2 L173R mutant seen in tients had attempted to conceive; three of the at-
Patient 4 and the GNRHR R262Q mutant in Pa- tempts were successful, with one patient conceiv-
tients 5 and 6 have previously been reported as ing without assisted reproductive treatment. Two
loss-of-function mutants (Table 2).29,31,32 Finally, of the seven patients continued to receive long-
characteristics of the KAL1 V371I mutant in Pa- term hormone-replacement therapy. The other
tient 7 could not be assessed (Table 2) owing to five discontinued hormonal therapy and had
the scarcity of in vitro functional assays available recovery of menses. A more detailed summary of
for KAL1. the seven patients is given in the Supplementary
All seven patients with hypothalamic amenor- Appendix (available with the full text of this ar-
rhea who had mutations had secondary amenor- ticle at
rhea for at least 6 months and at least one risk Our patients with hypothalamic amenorrhea
factor for hypothalamic amenorrhea (Table 2). who had the PROKR2 R85H or FGFR1 R756H mu-

218 n engl j med 364;3 january 20, 2011

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Genetic Basis for Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

Table 1. Frequency of Loss-of-Function Mutations in the Study Participants, According to Group.

Patients with Controls Controls

Patients with Idiopathic Who Were Who Were
Hypothalamic Hypogonadotropic Menstruating but Menstruating and
In Vitro Amenorrhea Hypogonadism Not Exercising Exercising >5 Hr/
Mutation Functionality* (N=55) (N=160) (N=375) Wk (N=47)
no. of participants
R756H Decreased 1 0 0 0
G260E Decreased 1 0 0 0
R85H Decreased 1 0 0 0
L173R Decreased 1 5 0 0
GNRHR R262Q Decreased 2 3 0 0
KAL1 V371I Not assessed 1 0 0 0

* The functional activity of the FGFR1 R756H and G260E mutants and the PROKR2 R85H mutant was assessed in this
study. The functional activity of PROKR2 L173R was evaluated by Cole and colleagues29 and Monnier and colleagues.31
The GNRHR R262Q mutant was studied by de Roux and colleagues.32

tation also had abnormal patterns of endogenous completed embryonic migration to the hypo-
GnRH-induced LH secretion (Fig. 3). thalamus, a suboptimal maturation of the GnRH
network during puberty, or a defective regulation
Discussion of GnRH secretion since both proteins are
expressed not only during development but also
We found genetic defects in several patients with in the adult hypothalamus.16,28 This would, in
hypothalamic amenorrhea. The affected genes turn, predispose persons to abnormal GnRH se-
play fundamental roles in GnRH ontogeny and cretion under the influence of factors that stress
function: GNRHR encodes the unique receptor that the reproductive system. FGFR1 and PROKR2 sig-
is activated by gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1 naling also modifies eating behavior in mice.38,39
(GnRH1) in the pituitary33; KAL1 and PROKR2 are Thus, we speculate that genetic defects in these
critical for the migration of GnRH-secreting neu- pathways may also contribute to the abnormal
rons34,35; and FGFR1 controls the fate specification, eating patterns seen in many patients with hypo-
migration, and survival of GnRH-secreting neu- thalamic amenorrhea.
rons.17 In humans, mutations in these genes un- We found that genes mutated in patients with
derlie severe congenital GnRH deficiency (idio- idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism also
pathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism).15 In are mutated in those with hypothalamic amenor-
fact, the GNRHR R262Q mutation and the PROKR2 rhea. This finding expands our understanding of
R85H and L173R mutations described here have the genetics of GnRH-deficiency disorders. Idio-
previously been associated with idiopathic hypo- pathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism was tra-
gonadotropic hypogonadism.29,31,32,36,37 ditionally considered a genetically determined,
Patients who had hypothalamic amenorrhea as congenital, and lifelong form of GnRH deficien-
well as the PROKR2 R85H or FGFR1 R756H muta- cy. However, as many as 10% of patients with
tion in our study were also shown to have abnor- idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism re-
mal patterns of endogenous GnRH-induced LH sume normal reproductive function after treat-
secretion, as previously described in women with ment is discontinued, even if they have genetic
hypothalamic amenorrhea.7 We speculate that defects.40 This reversal of idiopathic hypogonado-
decreased PROKR2 or FGFR1 signaling leads to tropic hypogonadism indicates the plasticity of
a partially compromised GnRH neuronal net- the GnRH network and its sensitivity to nonge-
work owing to a smaller-than-normal number netic factors. Conversely, idiopathic hypogonad-
of GnRH-producing cells that have successfully otropic hypogonadism occasionally is present in

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1 D1 D2 D3 TM Tyrosine kinase domain 822

76 88
G260E R756H R85H
C G260 D R756 E R85
Puffer fish ILQA G LPAN Puffer fish VEDLD R CLAMT Puffer fish RYKKL R NLTNL

e 0E e 6 H e
ild yp 26 ild yp 75 ild yp 5H



I J K P<0.001
120 120 120

100 100 100

80 80 80

60 60 60

40 40 40

(% of wild type)
(% of wild type)
(% of wild type)

n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

20 20

The New England Journal of Medicine


Cell-Surface Antibody Binding

Cell-Surface Antibody Binding
Cell-Surface Antibody Binding

0 0 0
EV Wild-Type FGFR1 EV Wild-Type FGFR1 EV Wild-Type PROKR2
120 120 120

n engl j med 364;3 january 20, 2011

Wild-type FGFR1 Wild-type FGFR1 Wild-type PROKR2

Copyright 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

100 100 100
m e dic i n e

80 80 80
60 60 FGFR1 60 R85H
40 40 40

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(% of wild type)
(% of wild type)
(% of wild type)
Egr-1Luc Activity

OCFRE-Luc Activity
OCFRE-Luc Activity
20 20 20
0 0 0
0 1013 1012 1011 1010 109 108 0 1013 1012 1011 1010 109 108 0 109 108 107 106 105
FGF8 Level (M) FGF2 Level (M) PROK2 Level (M)
Genetic Basis for Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

ment therapy, the genetic component of hypo-

Figure 2 (facing page). Loss-of-Function Mutations
in Patients with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea. thalamic amenorrhea predisposes one to, but is
Panels A and B show the structures of FGFR1 and not sufficient to cause, GnRH deficiency.
PROKR2, respectively, as well as the mutations of in- If hypothalamic amenorrhea has a genetic
terest. Panels C, D, and E show that the FGFR1 G260 basis partially in common with idiopathic hypo-
and R756 amino acids and the PROKR2 R85 amino gonadotropic hypogonadism, what are the fac-
acid are highly conserved across vertebrate species.
tors that ultimately generate these divergent
Panels F, G, and H show that the overall expression
levels of FGFR1 G260E and R756H were normal, clinical phenotypes? The total load of mutations
whereas PROKR2 R85H expression levels were de- in genes related to GnRH ontogeny and action
creased (P<0.01), as compared with wild-type levels. might be less in hypothalamic amenorrhea than
Heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90) was a positive control in idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
for gel loading. An empty vector (EV) was used as a
Patients with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypo-
negative control for protein expression. Panels I, J, and
K show that the receptor cell-surface expression levels gonadism frequently show homozygosity and
in COS-7 cells were similar to the wild-type levels for compound heterozygosity for mutations at the
both FGFR1 mutants but were significantly decreased disease-causing loci.25,32,36,42 Furthermore, di-
for PROKR2 R85H (P<0.001). Panels L, M, and N show genic inheritance of mutations associated with
that the FGFR1 G260E mutant has decreased fibro-
idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
blast growth factor 8 (FGF8)induced osteocalcin FGF
response element (OCFRE) activity as compared with (FGFR1 in combination with GNRHR, NELF [the
the wild type (P<0.001), that the FGFR1 R756H mutant gene encoding the nasal embryonic LH-releasing
has decreased FGF2-induced OCFRE activity as com- hormone factor], or PROKR2, or other digenic
pared with the wild type (P<0.001), and that the pairs) has been reported.30,36,37,43
PROKR2 R85H mutant has decreased PROK2-induced
All six mutations associated with hypotha-
early growth response 1 (Egr-1) activity as compared
with the wild type (P<0.001). D1, D2, and D3 denote lamic amenorrhea in our study were heterozygous.
the ligand-binding domains of FGFR1; Luc the lucifer- We speculate that such heterozygous mutations,
ase reporter vector; and TM the transmembrane do- while not sufficient to cause idiopathic hypogo-
main of FGFR1. T and I bars indicate standard errors nadotropic hypogonadism, could set a lower
of the means of two experiments performed in tripli-
threshold for functional inhibition of the hypo-
cate for the gene-reporter assays or the means of three
experiments performed in quadruplicate for the anti- thalamicpituitarygonadal axis under adverse
body-binding assays. hormonal, nutritional, or psychological conditions
and thereby lead to hypothalamic amenorrhea.
adult men (in which case it is called adult-onset Such a lower threshold for inhibition might also
idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism).41 confer a selective advantage to female carriers dur-
Some men with the disease who carry mutations ing famine, helping to balance survival against
in genes underlying idiopathic hypogonadotropic the metabolic needs of pregnancy. This explana-
hypogonadism27 have normal reproductive func- tion would be consistent with the presence of
tion before onset, suggesting that their GnRH mutations associated with idiopathic hypogo-
deficiency results from a combination of genetic nadotropic hypogonadism and hypothalamic
and environmental influences. amenorrhea in persons who do not have symp-
In contrast to idiopathic hypogonadotropic toms. The PROKR2 L173R mutation appears to be
hypogonadism, hypothalamic amenorrhea has an example: it has been reported in more than a
been traditionally viewed as a functional form of dozen patients with idiopathic hypogonadotropic
GnRH deficiency resulting from insufficient hypogonadism, mostly in the heterozygous state,
energy availability, psychological stress, or both. and in many of these cases was inherited from
Studies of humans and nonhuman primates have an asymptomatic parent.9,31,36,37
shown that stress can induce reproductive dys- To elucidate the genetics of hypothalamic
function, including amenorrhea, in many, al- amenorrhea more completely, it will be impor-
though not all, females with normal menstrual tant to undertake comprehensive sequencing of
cycles.12,13,19 Our findings may help to explain the genes associated with idiopathic hypogo-
the variable susceptibility of women to inhibi- nadotropic hypogonadism in larger cohorts of
tion of the hypothalamicpituitarygonadal axis. patients with hypothalamic amenorrhea. Twen-
Since patients with mutations resumed regular ty-five percent of women with hypothalamic
menses after discontinuing hormone-replace- amenorrhea in our study had a history of delayed

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Table 2. Results of Clinical and Genetic Studies in the Seven Patients with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea with Rare Variants in Genes Associated with Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic

Characteristic Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6 Patient 7

Clinical characteristics
Age (yr)
At menarche 16 13.5 15 12 14 16.5 15
At diagnosis of hypothalamic amenorrhea 19 28 26 18 34 18 28
BMI at diagnosis 18.5 17 19 18 22 22 19

Predisposing factors
Weight loss Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Subclinical eating disorder No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Excessive exercise No Yes No No No No Yes
Fertility status No attempt at Failed to conceive Conceived while Conceived with- No attempt at No attempt at Conceived while
conception while receiv- receiving pul- out therapy conception conception receiving go-
ing GnRH satile GnRH nadotropin
therapy therapy therapy
Recovery of menses NA Yes Yes Yes Yes NA Yes
Family history of hypothalamic amenorrhea No No Yes No No Yes Yes
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

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Genetic and functional characteristics

Gene and variant identified FGFR1 G260E FGFR1 R756H PROKR2 R85H PROKR2 L173R GNRHR R262Q GNRHR R262Q KAL1 V371I
Overall protein expression Similar to wild Similar to wild Decreased Decreased NA NA NA

n engl j med 364;3 january 20, 2011

type type

Copyright 2011 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

Cell-surface expression Similar to wild Similar to wild Decreased Decreased NA NA NA
m e dic i n e

type type
Signaling activity Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased NA

* GnRH denotes gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and NA not assessed.

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The body-mass index (BMI) is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
Protein expression in Patients 5 and 6 was not assessed because of the loss-of-function nature of the mutations; and protein expression and signaling activity in Patient 7 were not
assessed owing to the scarcity of in vitro functional assays for KAL1.
For Patient 4, overall protein expression, cell-surface-receptor expression, and transcriptional level are based on the studies by Cole and colleagues29 and Monnier and colleagues.31
For Patients 5 and 6, transcriptional level is based on the study by de Roux and colleagues.32
Genetic Basis for Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

A Wild Type

LH (IU/liter) 20



8:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 0:00 4:00 8:00
Clock Time (hr)


LH, 1.0 IU/liter; FSH, 4.2 IU/liter;
20 estradiol, 54 pg/ml
LH (IU/liter)


8:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 0:00 4:00 8:00
Clock Time (hr)


LH, 4.3 IU/liter; FSH, 9.4 IU/liter;
20 estradiol, 47 pg/ml
LH (IU/liter)

15 Nighttime
10 Pulses

8:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 0:00 4:00 8:00
Clock Time (hr)

Figure 3. Patterns of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Secretion over a 24-Hour Period, According to Mutation Status.
The pattern of LH secretion induced by endogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the early follicular phase of
the menstrual cycle is shown as a normal, pulsatile pattern in a healthy woman (Panel A), as apulsatile in a patient
with hypothalamic amenorrhea and the FGFR1 R756H mutation (Panel B), and as both apulsatile and pulsatile with
increasing amplitude during the night in a patient with the PROKR2 R85H mutation (Panel C). Arrowheads indicate
peaks in secretion (of which there are none in the apulsatile pattern in Panel B). Mean levels of LH, follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH), and estradiol are listed for the two patients. To convert values for estradiol to picomoles per liter,
multiply by 3.671.

puberty, which is frequently seen in family contribute to hypothalamic amenorrhea. The

members of patients with idiopathic hypogo- genetic susceptibility to anorexia or bulimia
nadotropic hypogonadism. It may be worthwhile nervosa has been investigated in several associa-
to investigate whether rare variants in genes tion studies that examined candidate genes such
underlying idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypo- as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neuro-
gonadism or hypothalamic amenorrhea also trophic tyrosine kinase receptor types 2 and 3,
contribute to delayed puberty. serotonin, leptin, and hypocretin.44,45 Unlike our
Genetic defects within pathways controlling study, which sought rare genetic variants, the
appetite or stress-response systems might also prior studies focused on common DNA polymor-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

phisms. The results have been largely inconclu- heritance of hypothalamic amenorrhea or idio-
sive, most likely owing to small sample sizes, pathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Further
heterogeneity in race and ethnic group, and elucidation of the genetic basis of hypothalamic
variation in diagnostic criteria. It might prove amenorrhea and delineation of the relationship
more fruitful to investigate whether rare variants among genotype, environment, and phenotype
in genes associated with the response to stress are needed.
and starvation also contribute to susceptibility Supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute
to hypothalamic amenorrhea. of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) of the Na-
In conclusion, we demonstrated that patients tional Institutes of Health (NIH) (through cooperative agree-
ment 5U54HD028138 as part of the Specialized Cooperative
with hypothalamic amenorrhea have mutations Centers Program in Reproduction and Infertility Research and
in genes regulating GnRH ontogeny and action. NICHD-NIH grants 1R01HD056264, 5R01HD015788, and
Given the limited size of the cohort with hypo- 5R01HD42708), by the National Center for Research Resources
(grants 1 UL1 RR025758-01 and M01-RR-01066 to the Harvard
thalamic amenorrhea, we would not recommend Clinical and Translational Science Center), the Newcastle Uni-
that women with hypothalamic amenorrhea be versity Teaching Hospitals Special Trustees, and the Pew Latin
routinely screened for mutations at loci known American Fellows Program in the Biomedical Sciences (grant
to Dr. Martin).
to underlie idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypo- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
gonadism, except in cases of clear familial in- the full text of this article at

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