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Recetas Internacionales


La Tielle es a Ste lo que la baguette es a Francia. A continuacin encontrar la receta de la tielle de Ste. Cuenta
la tradicin que fueron unos pescadores de Gaeta, al norte de Npoles, quienes trajeron a Ste esta receta de
empanada de pulpo. Adrienne Virduci fue la primera en producir y comercializar la tielle de Ste. Las familias
Dac y Cianni son las herederas y garantes de esta receta tradicional.



1kg de harina
1kg de pulpo
250 g de tomate concentrado
Ajo y perejil
1 hoja de laurel
1 pizca de guindilla
1 cebolla
1 vaso de vino blanco


- Masa: hacer una masa de pan sencilla con harina, agua y una pizca de levadura.
- Relleno: cocer el pulpo en un caldo de pescado.

Mientras tanto, dorar la cebolla cortada en juliana en una sartn y aadir el ajo, el perejil y el tomate concentrado.
Saltear brevemente, regar con el vino blanco y un poco de agua, salpimentar y dejar cocer 5 min.
Cuando el pulpo est cocido, limpiarlo en agua y cortarlo en trozos ms bien grandes.
Cuando la salsa se haya reducido un poco, aadir el pulpo, una hoja de laurel y un poco de pimienta. Dejar cocer
aproximadamente un cuarto de hora hasta obtener una consistencia lo suficientemente espesa como para rellenar
la tielle.
Extender la masa formando un gran rectngulo y cortar dos crculos de 30 cm de dimetro aproximadamente.
Colocar el primer trozo sobre un molde de 28 cm, disponer el relleno encima y colocar el segundo trozo a modo
de tapa, teniendo cuidado de sellar bien los bordes con un poco de agua.

La tielle se Ste tiene una forma tpica en el sellado de sus bordes: con un cuchillo, se practican cada 2 cm
incisiones de 2-3 cm en los bordes de ambos crculos y, a continuacin, se intercalan los flecos de masa
Untar la parte superior con un poco de aceite y hornear durante unos 15 min a 200C.
Sacar la tielle cuando tenga un bonito color amarillo anaranjado

Se puede agregar relleno de berenjena.

The real Tielle Stoise (tomato and octopus pie)

For those who have never heard of tielle, it is a food specialty from Ste, a small town by the mediterranean
coast in the Languedoc. The stoy goes that this recipe was imported by Italian immigrants from the Cianni
family more than 50 years ago. It is a delicious octopus pie. You will need to find these, which is not easy. The
best location is the daily growers market in Ste with the best local fishmongers. These dirty little beasts are
not very fun to cook but I promise you it is really worth it. Theses pies are aboslutely delicious and I remember
my brother and I being so excited each time my mummy bought some for a picnic on the beach. We used to call
them Sea pies The other essential ingredients are saffron, tomato, muscat de Frontignan (local sweet white
wine) and an olive oil bread dough (half way between a bread dough and a tart crust).

For one large pie of 24cm (6 persons). Time: 3 hours The day before: Put the octopus (1kg) in the freezer.
This will avoid them being chewy.

Oilive oil bread dough

Can be made using a bread machine.

400 g flour
70 ml lukewarm water
70 ml muscat de Frontignan (local sweet wine)
100 ml olive oil
1 egg yolk
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon tomato concentrate
4 g dry breead yeast (1 teaspoon) or 10 g fresh yeast (better taste)
8 g salt (2 teaspoons)
1 pinch of caster sugar

1. Blend 50 g of flour with the lukewarm water and the yeast. Leave on the side for half an hour, in a warm
place (20-25C).
2. Pour the rest of the flour in a large bowl. Make a hole in the center and all the ingredients. Blend gently,
starting from the center. Work the dough during 3 to 5 minutes. Depending on the flour quality, you
might need to ad 10 to 20 grams cold water.
3. Cover and leave to rise, covered with a humid towel. The dough should triple in size.

Octopus stuffing


1kg octopus, empty and clean (from your friendly and helpful fishmongers )
2 liters fish stock
1 onion
3 garlic cloves
1 pinch of saffron
1 teaspoon chilly (more or less according to taste)
If you like it spicy & hot A little bit of harissa paste
500g tomato sauce
2 tablespoons tomato concentrate
1 bouquet garni
1 glass of muscat de Frontignan
Olive oil


1. Put the octopus, still frozen, in the fish stock and cook for two hours. Take one glass of the stock and
keep on the side. Drain, then take of the skins of the octopus (not nice But the rest of the recipe is
much more fun !). Using some scissors, cut the octopus into small bits.
2. Dice the onion and fry in a saucepan. Add the tomato concentrate and sugar, fry for a few more minutes.
Add all the other ingredients (excluding the octopus) and the glass of fish stock. Leave to reduce for 15
to 20 minutes.
3. Take off the bouquet garni. Add the octpus. Leave to cool on the side.

Final steps
1. Preheat the oven (220C).
2. Take off the air in the dough by punching it. Cut into two pieces and roll each one thinly on some baking
3. Put one piece of dough in a tart mould. Using a fork, make some small holes in the dough to keep it
from rising while in the oven.
4. Pour the octopus sauce.
5. Cover with the othe piece of dough.
6. Using both fingers and a bit of cold water seal both pieces of dough.
7. Using a brush, add a bit of olive oil on the dough to allow the pie to golden while baking. Make some
holes with a fork.
8. Bake for half an hour.
9. Serve hot or cold, with some salad and a glass of chilled muscat de Frontignan

Tielle Stoise

A fishy taste of Ste!

Ste is such an inspiring place. It is a large harbor with the most beautiful view on the Mediterranean. Even
though I have never been to Venice but I feel as though Ste has a Venice-like feeling with the canal flowing
through the town. It is the birthplace of many French artists such as Georges Brassens, Paul Valry, Jean Vilar,
Herv Di Rosa, Manitas De Plata, and Robert Combas. Yohann has a particular attachment to Georges Brassens
(a French singer) because he often listened to Brassens music with his family. Childhood memories are the
sweetest. Needless to say, Ste is a very special place with a singular atmosphere. There are countless fishermen
who bring fresh fish to the various seafood restaurants along the canal. If you are ever in southern France be
sure to visit!

We are really excited to share this recipe because it is une spcialit stoise (a specialty from Ste). Its called
a and is basically a kind of calamari stuffed-pie. We really hope you enjoy it. The tielle is supposed to be
round (you can make it in a large pie mold or in multiple small ones) but since our one and only pan is
rectangular ours is not round.

Serves 4-6 people



500-600 grams (17,5 oz -20 oz) of calamari (or octopus)

2 big tomatoes beefsteak tomatoes (or any tomatoes made for sauces)
A bunch of parsley
10 black olives
2 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons of olive oil


400g (14 oz) of whole-wheat flour (T80)

2 tablespoons of olive oil
11 grams (2.3 teaspoons) of yeast (or baking soda)
A pinch of salt
A pinch of brown sugar

For the dough:

Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix. Add the olive oil; mix until its homogeneous. Progressively add
water to the mixture until you obtain somewhat elastic dough. Put aside and let rest for an hour.

For the filling:

Remove the majority of the thin skin of the calamari (unless they are small). Then cut the calamari (or put it
through a food processor) into very small pieces (about 0.5 cm). Put them in a saucepan with a bit of olive oil.
The calamari will yield water; remove continuously the water until he two garlic cloves, then saut the garlic
and parsley in a saucepan in a bit of olive oil at medium heat. Chop the tomatoes into large cubes. Add the
tomatoes and finely chopped olives to the garlic mixture. Cook at high heat for two minutes. Add the calamari
and cook at low heat half-covered for half an hour.

Preheat your oven to 210C (410F)

In the meantime, spread half the dough and place it in your oiled mold (olive oil). Once the filling is cooked,
pour it into the mold (that has been previously lined with half of the dough). Spread the rest of the dough to
make a cover. Tuck the dough around the edges to seal the cover. Brush the top of the pie crust with 2
tablespoons of olive oil. Poke holes in the tielle with a fork to let the air out.

Bake the tielle at 210C for half an hour and let cool 15 minutes before eating.

And there you have it, a delicious Tielle! Bon apptit!

Cmo preparar masa para pizza sin harina Por Melissa Quiroz

Si quieres saber cmo preparar una pizza sin harina cambiando los carbohidratos y las grasas por fibra, sigue
leyendo. Te ensear a preparar una deliciosa base de pizza sin harina utilizando coliflor.

De ahora en adelante podrs disfrutar de una deliciosa pizza sin harina y sin culpabilidad. Esta receta de cmo
preparar masa para pizza con base de coliflor es muy sencilla y del gusto de chicos y grandes.

Papel de cocina o un trapo

Tazn profundo
Papel encerado
Aceite en aerosol


1 cabeza de coliflor molida

1 huevo
taza de queso parmesano rallado
2 cucharaditas de especias italianas (organo y albahaca)
2 cucharaditas de sal
2 cucharaditas de ajo en polvo
Pimienta al gusto


Precalienta el horno a 170C. Lava la cabeza de coliflor. Quita todas sus hojas y el tallo; necesitars nicamente
los arbolitos pequeos.

En un procesador de alimentos, muele toda la coliflor hasta que quede hecha polvo o lo que se le conoce como
consistencia de arroz.
Si no tienes procesador, tambin puedes hacerlo poco a poco en la licuadora o con un rallador de queso.

Una vez la coliflor est procesada, virtela en un tazn grande y calintala por 5 minutos en el microondas.

Para quitar el exceso de agua que se va a formar, vierte la mezcla entre dos hojas de papel de cocina y presiona
muy bien. Repite este procedimiento varias veces, hasta que el lquido se haya absorbido por completo.

Una vez seca la coliflor, mzclala en un tazn con el huevo, el queso parmesano, las hierbas, sal, ajo y pimienta
al gusto.

En una charola plana, coloca el papel encerado a la medida o aplica aceite en aerosol directamente en la charola.
Agrega la mezcla con una esptula expandindola hasta obtener la forma deseada. Hornea por 10 minutos.

Una vez lista la base, puedes agregar los ingredientes de tu eleccin y hornear por otros 5-10 minutos ms o
hasta que el queso se haya derretido. Para el topping, puedes agregar los ingredientes de tu eleccin. En esta
ocasin utilic aceitunas, pimientos y jamn, adems de salsa de tomate y queso mozzarella.
Si quieres conocer otra alternativa para no consumir harina, no te pierdas esta forma de aprender a hacer pan de

Como ves, es una receta muy fcil y prctica de hacer. Su versatilidad te permitir inventar deliciosas
combinaciones. Qu ingredientes le pondras a tu pizza de coliflor?

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