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-For a fixed amount of an ideal gas kept at a fixed temperature, pressure and volume are
inversely proportional. Or Boyle's law is a gas law stating that the pressure and volume of a gas
have an inverse relationship, when temperature is held constant.

Boyles law was first stated by Robert Boyle to describe the relationship between volume and
pressure for ideal gases. An ideal gas is a theoretical gas, where the individual gas molecules
have only mass, no volume and do not interact with each other except during collisions. In ideal
gases, the pressure varies inversely to changes in volume. For example, if the volume is
doubled, the pressure is halved. This is because when the volume increases, the ideal gas
molecules have more space to move and collide less with the walls of the contained, thereby
exerting a smaller pressure.


The relationship between pressure and volume as described by the law can also be expressed
as a formula, P1V1 = P2V2, where P1 and V1 are the initial pressure and initial volume, while
P2 and V2 are the final pressure and final volume, respectively.


1) One practical application of Boyle's law is drawing fluid into a syringe. Pulling back
on the plunger increases the interior volume of the syringe and reduces its
pressure. The fluid outside the syringe is sucked into the barrel until the interior
and exterior pressure are balanced.
2) n an aerosol can, the contents are mixed with a gas under pressure high enough
to render the gas into a liquid. When the nozzle is opened, however, this reduces
the pressure suddenly, allowing the gas to expand. As it does so, it forces its way
out of the nozzle, carrying the contents with it. The same effect occurs when a
pressurized soda can is opened, allowing pressurized carbon dioxide to form
bubbles in the beverage.
3) In an aerosol can the contents are mixed with a gas under pressure high enough
to render the gas into a liquid. When the nozzle is opened, however, this reduces
the pressure suddenly, allowing the gas to expand. As it does so, it forces its way
out of the nozzle, carrying the contents with it. The same effect occurs when a
pressurized soda can is opened, allowing pressurized carbon dioxide to form
bubbles in the beverage.

- also known as the law of volume is an experimental gas-law that describes how gases tend to
expand when heated. A modern statement of Charles's law is:
When the pressure on a sample of a dry gas is held constant, the Kelvin temperature and the
volume will be directly related.
The principle that the volume of a given mass of gas will increase as its temperature increases,
and will decrease asits temperature decreases, as long as its pressure remains constant.


-Charles' Law shows the relationship between the Temperature and Volume of a
gas. Temperature and volume have a direct relationship, so if the volume goes up
then the temperature goes up and if the temperature goes down then the volume
goes down (and vice versa)
The equation for Charles' is:

T1 = Initial Temperature (Kelvin - K)

V1 = Initial Volume (L or mL)
T2 = Final Temperature (Kelvin - K)
V2 = Final Volume (L or mL)
Note: Temperature must be in Kelvin for the equation to work. You calculate Kelvin
temperature by adding 273 to the Celsius temperature.
-Plug into the Charles' Law Equation


1) A hot air balloon is an application of Charles' Law. The fuel used heats the air inside the
balloon. Heating the air increases the speed of its gas particles in air, so they move
faster and spread out, according to kinetic molecular theory as described by the
University of California. This causes the gas inside the balloon to take up more space.
2) The speed of movement of the gas particles as well as their dispersal causes the air
inside the balloon to become less dense than the air surrounding it. As a result, the
balloon floats. In short, the hot air in the balloon rises because of its decreased density.
3) An application of Charles' Law is a floating hot air balloon. A torch heats the air inside
the balloon causing the air particles to move faster and disperse, making the air in the
balloon less dense than the surrounding air so that the balloon floats.

-This relationship between temperature and pressure is known as Gay-Lussacs law. It states that
if the volume of a container is held constant as the temperature of a gas increases, the pressure
inside the container will also increase.

-Gay-Lussacs Law can refer to several discoveries made by French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-
Lussac (17781850) and other scientists in the late 18th and early 19th centuries pertaining
to thermal expansion of gases and the relationship between temperature, volume, and
He is most often recognized for his law of volumes that established, that the volume of an
enclosed gas is directly proportional to its temperature, which he was the first to formulate (c.
1808). He is also sometimes credited, rightfully according to many modern scholars, with being
the first to publish convincing evidence that, in Gay-Lussacs words, "All gases have the same
mean thermal expansivity at constant pressure over the same range of temperature", or when
heated, a wide variety of gases respond in the same predictable way.

Gay-Lussac's Law shows the relationship between the Temperature and

Pressure of a gas. At a fixed volume, the temperature and pressure of a gas are
directly proportional to each other. Since temperature and pressure have a
direct relationship, if the pressure goes up then the temperature goes up and if
the temperature goes down then the pressure goes down (and vice versa)
The equation for Gay-Lussac's Law is:

T1 = Initial Temperature (Kelvin - K)

P1 = Initial Pressure (atm or mmHg)
T2 = Final Temperature (Kelvin - K)
P2 = Final Pressure (atm or mmHg)

1) Firing a bullet. When gunpowder burns, it creates a large amount of superheated
gas. The high pressure of the hot gas behind the bullet forces it out of the barrel of the
2) Heating a closed aerosol can. The increased pressure may cause the container to
explode. You don't toss an "empty" can of hair spray into the fire.
3) A burning automobile tire. The heat from the burning rubber will cause the air
pressure in the tire to increase. This can cause the weakened tire wall to explode.

-is the relation which states that at the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes
of all gases contain the same number of molecules.

-Avogadro's law states that, "equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and
pressure, have the same number of molecules".

-Avogadro's Law is the relation which states that at the same temperature and pressure,
equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecules. The law was
described by Italian chemist and physicist Amedeo Avogrado in 1811.


Let V1 and n1 be a volume-amount pair of data at the start of an experiment. If the

amount is changed to a new value called n2, then the volume will change to V2.

We know this: V1 n1 = k

And we know this: V2 n2 = k

Since k = k, we can conclude that V1 n1 = V2 n2.

This equation of V1 n1 = V2 n2 will be very helpful in solving Avogadro's Law

problems. Here is the Law done up in fractional form:


1) A balloon filled with helium weighs much less than an identical balloon filled with
air. Both balloons contain the same number of molecules. Helium atoms have
lower mass than either oxygen molecules or nitrogen molecules in air, so the
helium balloon is lighter.

2) As you blow up a basketball, you are forcing more gas molecules into it. The
more molecules, the greater the volume. The basketball inflates.

3) A flat tire takes up less space than an inflated tire, because it contains less air.

-The combined gas law is a gas law that combines Charles law, Boyles law and Gay-Lussacs
law.There is no official founder for this law; it is merely an amalgamation of the three
previously discovered laws. These laws each relate one thermodynamic variable to another
mathematically while holding everything else constant. Charles's law states that volume and
temperature are directly proportional to each other as long as pressure is held constant. Boyle's
law asserts that pressure and volume are inversely proportional to each other at fixed
temperature. Finally, Gay-Lussac's law introduces a direct proportionality between temperature
and pressure as long as it is at a constant volume. The inter-dependence of these variables is
The ratio between the pressure-volume product and the temperature of a
system remains constant.
Let's take a look at the formula for the combined gas law. Here, PV / T = k shows how pressure,
volume and temperature relate to each other, where k is a constant number.

1) The combined gas law combines the principles of both Boyle's law, Charles' law and
Gay-Lussac's gas law into a single law that states the ratio of the product of pressure
and volume to temperature remains fixed for a given amount of a gas.
2) In the automobile tire, the amount of gas remains constant, yet driving down the road
increases the temperature of the tire and the gas inside, thus pressure increases. In
addition, the tire has some elasticity, so volume increases slightly. Tire manufacturers
take these factors into account as they determine the maximum cold inflation
temperature for each tire.
3) The combined gas law is also important to divers. The container in the case of the diver
is the human lung. While under water, the pressure is much greater than in the air. Every
foot deeper the diver moves in the water, the greater the pressure becomes. If a diver
with full lungs suddenly ascends from the water on a warm day, both temperature and
pressure decrease and the volume of the air in the lungs increase rapidly. The diver
must exhale the air from the lungs as he ascends to prevent damage due to these

-An ideal gas can be characterized by three state variables: absolute

pressure (P), volume (V), and absolute temperature (T). The relationship
between them may be deduced from kinetic theory and is called the. n =
number of moles. R = universal gas constant = 8.3145 J/mol K.
A physical law describing the relationship of the measurable properties of an ideal gas,
where P (pressure) V(volume) = n (number of moles) R (the gas constant) T (tem
perature in Kelvin). It is derived from a combination ofthe gas laws of Boyle, Charles, an
d Avogadro. Also called universal gas law.

Ideal Gas Law Equations Calculator
Science Physics Chemistry Formulas

Universal Gas Constant:

Solving for pressure:

1) The ideal gas laws give the relationships between pressure, temperature and
volume for any mix of ideal gases. Unfortunately, only the noble gases such as
helium and neon are actually close to ideal, but the ideal gas law is still a close
enough approximation for many purposes.
2) In any environment where the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide
is likely to be insufficient for the number of people inside, some type of ventilation
must be installed. This ventilation must be lesser or greater depending on the
number of people and their level of activity. In sealed environments such as an
airplane at cruising altitude, air must be pumped in at a greater pressure than the
outside pressure. The ideal gas laws, combined with information about the
average pressure and percent of oxygen in the air, tell how much oxygen needs
to be brought in to keep the air fresh and sufficiently oxygenated.
3) In any closed environment with many people inside, the amount of air that gets
through the walls may be insufficient. The amount of oxygen in a given volume is
determined by this law.

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