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Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23 (4): 729-734, 2015

ISSN 1990-9233
IDOSI Publications, 2015
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2015.23.04.22166

Tracking of Number Plate Symbols Using Dynamic

Image Processing and Genetic Algorithm
Dhandapani Samiappan and 2K. Subathra

Department of ECE, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India
Applied Electronics, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India

Abstract: This design is proposed for locating number plate (NP) text and symbols by genetic algorithm (GA)
and image processing method. In this research the color image is converted into binary by means of adaptive
threshold method which is applied in overcoming dynamic changes of illumination condition. Pixel connectivity
in candidate object inside the unknown image is detected by connected component analysis technique (CCAT).
Geometric relationship matrix is defined for adaptability of number plate layout in same or different countries.
Then the speed of the system is improved based on sorting by using two crossover techniques. The fitness
value function is reached by CCAT problems which is applied to dirt occluded or broken bodies that is
minimized by modifying genetic algorithm by comparing it with Partial matching of symbols. MATLAB software
is mainly used for implementing the image samples which is experimented for the distinction of the proposed
system. Here mainly the shape, color, NP location are detected successfully by distorted plate images.

Key words: Genetic algorithm (GA) Image processing Number plate location Road vehicle identification
Sorting crossover

INTRODUCTION symbols not to detect NP. Another group of researchers

differentiate between text and other image types by
A wide and new computational and evolutionary manipulating the problem from texture perspective
algorithm (Genetic algorithm) and image processing [9, 10]. GA mainly will have high computational needs
technique is applied by means of locating number plate and the research at different constraints to minimize
(NP) symbols and identification using camera surveillance the search space. From here a simple optical character
and automatic vehicle identification system [1]. Each and recognition algorithm has an easy task of converting
every country will have different shapes, color, fonts in these number plate characters to letters, symbols and
number plate (NP) .The selected features will be based on numbers. Pressumbly this algorithm would be used
different developing countries that belongs to detection for law enforcement purposes. Many number plates
of algorithm itself and specific plates built fixed colors. are taken as photo and these samples are tested by
Color based system will have different colors and fonts. using GA. The texture perspective to differentiate
Rectangular shape is developed by edge based between text and other image type problems are
technique [2]. Research in [3] and [4] was based on the manipulated by another group of researchers. The
intensity distribution in the plates area with respect to segmentation technique was their intensive computation
its neighborhood where the plate is considered demands and are sensitive to the text styles, bumper
maximally stable extremal region. Many researchers sticker or model identification. Detection of Number plate
have combined different features in their systems the text is compared with similar pattern based on GRM.
applied detection algorithms ranged from window-based Sensitivity to the presence of more identification of
statistical matching methods to highly intelligent-based number plate text above or below the vehicle that can
techniques that used neural networks [5, 6] or fuzzy disturb the texture histogram is the main drawback of the
logic [7]. GA was used in [8] to recognize the NP system.

Corresponding Author: Dhandapani Samiappan, Department of ECE, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India.
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 23 (4): 729-734, 2015

orientation, shadows and camera position. GA phase

is prepared by using a fitness formulation in the
genetic algorithm. Image processing finally leads to GA
In section II overview of system is explained with
applied algorithm. Image processing phase where number
plate overall color change is depicted in section III.
GA in section IV and results and future work
discussions are carried out in section V.

System Overview: This proposed system composed

of two phases: image processing phase and GA phase.
This phase is mainly composed of many stages where the
binary image finally processed and moves inside the GA
phase. The input GRM mainly depends on GA which
selects the optimum number plate symbol location.
This flowchart depicted in Fig. 1 is the overall system
Flowchart on number plate symbols that produces image
into GA phase.
Fig. 1: Overall system flowchart for tracking of NP
symbols Image Processing Phase: In this phase the sequence of
image is extracted by 2-D objects which constitutes the
number plate (NP) symbols. This system begins with color
image of the identified number plate.

Color to Grayscale Conversion: The input image is the

color image where RGB is converted into grayscale (Gs)
by eliminating hue and saturation and retains luminance.
Fig. 2: Raw color image of Number Plate
Gs = 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B (1)

Gray to Binary Image Conversion: Converting the

converted grayscale image is converted into binary by
means of adaptive threshold, which uses neighborhood
gray levels to classify pixels as foreground or background
.This results in a high accuracy rate in different
Fig. 3: Grayscale image of Number plate. illumination condition.

Morphological Operation: Next a morphological operation

is applied for removing noisy region by means of dilation
and erosion operation .first the dilation followed by
erosion is the closing operation used for filling noisy
holes inside candidate object. Next erosion followed by
Fig. 4: Morphological closing using 3-pixel disk-elements dilation is applied for removing thinner object than
to reduce noise. number plate (NP) symbols.
Three pixel disk element is used for closing
Finally a new technique is introduced in number plate operation in our system that fills the spaces where the
detection technique where the number plate information symbols in the number plate is broken. In some countries
internal color, shape or color distortion based on number plate experiment is carried out by light gray
capturing conditions such as poor lightening, watermark for authentication process.

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 23 (4): 729-734, 2015

Wmin = Wobj = Wmax and Hmin = Hobj = Hmax (2)

where Hmin and Wmin are the values below which a

symbol cannot be recognized (8 pixels for example) and
Wmax can be set to the image width divided by the
number of symbols in the license number. Hmax is
calculated as Wmax divided by the aspect ratio of the
(a) used font.

Genetic Algorithm Phase: This phase is mainly

helpful to resolve compound 2-D object detection problem
will be in developed which indicates chromosome
encoding, population setup, selection method, Mutation,
crossover finally fitness and parameter setting is
(b) evaluated.
Fig. 5: Connected component analysis of processed
binary image. Chromosome Encoding: The constituting objects which
are accomplished in encoding the compound objects such
as detection in number plate symbols are encoded here.
After the detection of number plate in image processing,
Next step is to identify numbers and text which is included
as minimum.
For example we take Seven gene in number plate as
example it contains four numbers and three English letters.
Fig. 6: Binary image after applying size filtering (M=64) It contains seven genes in a chromosome are much
helpful in detecting the NP numbers. For the output of M
objects from size filtering stage encodes a scheme
selected where each gene i is assigned an integer j.

Bounding the object by upper left coordinates (X, Y)

Fig. 7: Seven genes in a chromosome representing of the rectangle
number plate. The rectangle is bounded by the height (H) and
width (W) of the bounding object.

Fitness Function: Between these prototype chromosome

and the current chromosome is the proposed fitness
selected as the inverse of the calculated objective
distance. Parameter adaptation and geometrical
relationship between the object inside the compound
Fig. 8: Layout of two objects, 01 and 02. object are represented.

Connected Component Analysis (CCA) and Object Compound Object Representation: Two types of
Extraction: A Connected component analysis then relationship is found that follows:
extracts objects from the processed binary image based
on pixel connectivity. Position relationship: X and Y are the relative
The output is array of N objects. distances between the bounding boxes of two object.
Size relationship: height and widths are the relative
Size Filtering Stage: Size filtering is applied because differences in their bounding boxes
objects that are extracted from CCA stage are filtered on
the basis on widths Wobj and Hobj where the NP dimension 01 and 02 are the objects where two relationships are
lie between the thresholds. found that follows:

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 23 (4): 729-734, 2015

AS1 = W1 / H1 (7)

In one relationship different values are placed in a

matrix is geometrical relationship matrix (GRM). General
formula to represent compound object is 4(L-1)
relationship. We represent 7 genes in Saudi number plate
so (L=7). Totally 4 digits and 3 letters represent the
Fig. 9: Rectangular bounding represent symbols in Saudi license number as
number plate.
(4(L-1)+1) (8)

Objective Distance (OD) and Fitness Formulation:

Five distance values are calculated by the distance
between the prototype chromosome p,
Corresponding GRM and chromosome k. Global
objective distance function ODK,,p combines five OD
between chromosome k and prototype chromosome p is
Fig. 10: a) Substitution operator b) swap operator performed by

ODK,P = wx RXK,P+ wy RYK,P +wh RHK,P +

ww RWK,P + was ASK,P

The maximized function is fitness function where

global objective distance is related to fitness of
chromosome K(Fitk ) function as follows:

Fitk = -Odk,p (10)

Adaptation of NP Detection Problem: Almost all NPs

detects the NP number in he following form
Fig. 11: Proposed Crossover steps
ODK,P = RXK,P + 4 RY K,P+ 4 RHK,P (11)
Position relationship is found by:
During Production of new generation selection of
RX 2,1 = X2 - X1 / H1 (3) weighing parameters affects and guides the genetic
search space and hence affects both speed and accuracy
RY 2,1 = Y2 - Y1 / H1 (4) of the system
By substituting from (11) into (10) fitness of the
Size relationship is found by: chromosome as follows

RH 2,1 = H2 - H1 /H1 (5) Fitk = RXK,P - 4 RY K,P - 4 RHK,P (12)

RW2,1 = W 2- W1 /H1 (6) Selection Method: Selection of offspring in the new

generation is adopted by stochastic universal sampling
These representations will mainly preserves the GRM (SUS ) method. Percentage of individual to be selected by
between the rectangle bounding the objects and they are number of equally spaced pointers over the line. Mutation
not known in the case of unknown plate. So the aspect and Crossover operator is selected by means of 90% of
ratio for fixed width fonts as follows population size.

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 23 (4): 729-734, 2015

and GA. The results were encouraging and in the

genetic algorithm number plate is worked with 7 genes
including number and text. Whereas in Tamilnadu number
plate it has 9 to 10 characters or genes (TN 09 A-1156).
The system proved to be invariant to object distance
(a) (scaling), insensitive with respect to perspective
distortion within a reasonable angle interval and
immutable, to a large extent, to the presence of other types
of images in vehicle background. A very important
achievement is overcoming most of the problems arising
in techniques based on CCAT by allowing the GA to skip
gradually and randomly one or more symbols to reach to
an acceptable value of the objective distance. This
algorithm works quite well. Their algorithm has a sublinear
(b) algorithmic complexity.
Fig. 12: a) Image with objective distance and back clutter Finally, it shows around a hundred instances of
angle b) OD convergence graph for applying their algorithm. Even with highly-variable
corresponding image. lighting and positional conditions, as well as highly-
variable license plate designs, their algorithm works very
Mutation Operator: Some aspects of genetic material is consistently and in a reasonable amount of computational
needed for mutation to remove successive less fit time.
members. In chromosome GA ensures new part of search In future, by using ANFIS (adaptive neuro fuzzy
space reaches mating pool variety. inference system) will detects the number plate location
Interchanging of two mutation operators are used and the characters present in the number plate.
substitution and swap operator.
Substitution operator objects : Chromosome is
selected from M available objects and the Geometric relationship matrix is defined for
corresponding allele is changed by new random adaptability of number plate layout in same or different
object. countries. Then the speed of the system is improved
Swap operator objects : Two genes are randomly based on sorting by using two crossover techniques.
selected and swapped by reciprocal of exchanged The fitness value function is reached by CCAT problems
mutation. Fitness is improved in the way of which is applied to dirt occluded or broken bodies that is
reordering of the internal objects by the operator and minimized by modifying genetic algorithm by comparing
has the advantage of mutated chromosome. it with Partial matching of symbols. MATLAB software is
mainly used for implementing the image samples which is
Crossover Operator: Many crossover are present by it experimented for the distinction of the proposed system.
can be used so the alternate method in case of NP is the Here mainly the shape, color, NP location are detected
genetic search space in placing X and Y positions. successfully by distorted plate images.
Objective Distance (OD) Calculated Using Crossover

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