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Brett Hansen

Lab 8

Please note that I lack admin privleges on this network and thus used the trace
which was provided.

1. What is the 48-bit Ethernet address of your computer?

Frame 7: 62 bytes on wire (496 bits), 62 bytes captured (496 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: AmbitMic_a9:3d:68 (00:d0:59:a9:3d:68), Dst: LinksysG_da:af:73 (00:06:25:da:af:73)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 1058 (1058), Dst Port: 80 (80), Seq: 0, Len: 0
The 48 bit Ethernet address of the source is 00:d0:59:a9:3d:68 (blue).
2. What is the 48-bit destination address in the Ethernet frame? Is this the Ethernet
address of (Hint: the answer is no). What device has this as its
Ethernet address? [Note: this is an important question, and one that students
sometimes get wrong. Re-read pages 468-469 in the text and make sure you
understand the answer here.]
The 48-bit Ethernet address of the destination is 00:06:25:da:af:73 (blue). This is
not the address of It is actually the Ethernet address of the
Linksys router which is the end point of the subnet to get out into the wide world
of the internet.

3. Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field. What upper layer
protocol does this correspond to?
The hex calue for the type field is 0x0800 which corresponds to the IPv4 protocol.

4. How many bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame does the ASCII G in
GET appear in the Ethernet frame?

The G in get appears at the 55th byte of the Ethernet frame.


Frame 12: 1514 bytes on wire (12112 bits), 1514 bytes captured (12112 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: LinksysG_da:af:73 (00:06:25:da:af:73), Dst: AmbitMic_a9:3d:68 (00:d0:59:a9:3d:68)
Destination: AmbitMic_a9:3d:68 (00:d0:59:a9:3d:68)
Source: LinksysG_da:af:73 (00:06:25:da:af:73)
Type: IPv4 (0x0800)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 80 (80), Dst Port: 1058 (1058), Seq: 1, Ack: 633, Len: 1460
Source Port: 80
Destination Port: 1058
[Stream index: 1]
[TCP Segment Len: 1460]
Sequence number: 1 (relative sequence number)
[Next sequence number: 1461 (relative sequence number)]
Acknowledgment number: 633 (relative ack number)
Header Length: 20 bytes
Flags: 0x010 (ACK)
Window size value: 6952
[Calculated window size: 6952]
[Window size scaling factor: -2 (no window scaling used)]
Checksum: 0x5ed0 [validation disabled]
Urgent pointer: 0
[SEQ/ACK analysis]
TCP segment data (1460 bytes)

5. What is the value of the Ethernet source address? Is this the address of your
computer, or of (Hint: the answer is no). What device has this
as its Ethernet address?
The value of the Ethernet src address is 00:06:25:da:af:73 which is neither the
umass address or the local PC. It is the Linksys router that is the endpoint of the
local subnet. (blue)

6. What is the destination address in the Ethernet frame? Is this the Ethernet address
of your computer?
The value of the Ethernet destination address is 00:d0:59:a9:3d:68 which
corresponds to our computer (in theory) (green).

7. Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Frame type field. What upper layer
protocol does this correspond to?
The hex value of the frame type field is 0x0800 which corresponds to the IPv4
protocol (fuchsia).

8. How many bytes from the very start of the Ethernet frame does the ASCII O in
OK (i.e., the HTTP response code) appear in the Ethernet frame?
It appears 57 bytes into the packet.


9. Write down the contents of your computers ARP cache. What is the meaning of
each column value?
The arp cache has 3 columns: Internet Address (IP address), Physical Address
(MAC address) and type (dynamic or static).

Frame 1: 42 bytes on wire (336 bits), 42 bytes captured (336 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: AmbitMic_a9:3d:68 (00:d0:59:a9:3d:68), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
Destination: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
Source: AmbitMic_a9:3d:68 (00:d0:59:a9:3d:68)
Type: ARP (0x0806)
Address Resolution Protocol (request)
Hardware type: Ethernet (1)
Protocol type: IPv4 (0x0800)
Hardware size: 6
Protocol size: 4
Opcode: request (1)
Sender MAC address: AmbitMic_a9:3d:68 (00:d0:59:a9:3d:68)
Sender IP address:
Target MAC address: 00:00:00_00:00:00 (00:00:00:00:00:00)
Target IP address:
10. What are the hexadecimal values for the source and destination addresses in the
Ethernet frame containing the ARP request message?
The source is 00:d0:59:a9:3d:68 (fuchsia) and the destination is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

11. Give the hexadecimal value for the two-byte Ethernet Frame type field. What
upper layer protocol does this correspond to?
The hex code is 0x0806 which corresponds to ARP (green).

12. Download the ARP specification from

notes/std/std37.txt. A readable, detailed discussion of
ARP is also at
a) How many bytes from the very beginning of the Ethernet frame does the
ARP opcode field begin?
It starts at 20 bytes in (green).
b) What is the value of the opcode field within the ARP-payload part of the
Ethernet frame in which an ARP request is made?
The opcode value is 0x0001 which corresponds to a request (green).
c) Does the ARP message contain the IP address of the sender?
Yes it does(green)
d) Where in the ARP request does the question appear the Ethernet
address of the machine whose corresponding IP address is being queried?
It appears in the target MAC field as there is no MAC address of 0 at the
end of the IP being queried.

Frame 2: 60 bytes on wire (480 bits), 60 bytes captured (480 bits)

Ethernet II, Src: LinksysG_da:af:73 (00:06:25:da:af:73), Dst: AmbitMic_a9:3d:68 (00:d0:59:a9:3d:68)
Destination: AmbitMic_a9:3d:68 (00:d0:59:a9:3d:68)
Source: LinksysG_da:af:73 (00:06:25:da:af:73)
Type: ARP (0x0806)
Padding: 000000000000000000000000000000000000
Address Resolution Protocol (reply)
Hardware type: Ethernet (1)
Protocol type: IPv4 (0x0800)
Hardware size: 6
Protocol size: 4
Opcode: reply (2)
Sender MAC address: LinksysG_da:af:73 (00:06:25:da:af:73)
Sender IP address:
Target MAC address: AmbitMic_a9:3d:68 (00:d0:59:a9:3d:68)
Target IP address:
13. Now find the ARP reply that was sent in response to the ARP request.
a) How many bytes from the very beginning of the Ethernet frame does the
ARP opcode field begin?
It begins 20 bytes in (green).
b) What is the value of the opcode field within the ARP-payload part of the
Ethernet frame in which an ARP response is made?
The opcode value is 0x0002 which corresponds to an ARP reply code.
c) Where in the ARP message does the answer to the earlier ARP request
appear the IP address of the machine having the Ethernet address whose
corresponding IP address is being queried?
14. What are the hexadecimal values for the source and destination addresses in the
Ethernet frame containing the ARP reply message?
The destination is 00:d0:59:a9:3d:68 while the src is 00:06:25:da:af:73 (both
highlighted in blue).

15. Open the ethernet-ethereal-trace-1 trace file in

labs/ The first and second ARP packets in this trace
correspond to an ARP request sent by the computer running Wireshark, and the
ARP reply sent to the computer running Wireshark by the computer with the ARP-
requested Ethernet address. But there is yet another computer on this network, as
indicated by packet 6 another ARP request. Why is there no ARP reply (sent in
response to the ARP request in packet 6) in the packet trace?

There is no reply because the second ARP broadcast wasnt ours. The reply was
sent to the broadcaster, in this case isnt us.

Extra Credit

EX-1. The arp command:

arp -s InetAddr EtherAddr

allows you to manually add an entry to the ARP cache that resolves the IP address
InetAddr to the physical address EtherAddr. What would happen if, when you
manually added an entry, you entered the correct IP address, but the wrong
Ethernet address for that remote interface?

If we were to purposely poison our ARP cache with a bad value we would simply
be unable to get access.

EX-2. What is the default amount of time that an entry remains in your ARP cache
before being removed. You can determine this empirically (by monitoring the
cache contents) or by looking this up in your operation system documentation.
Indicate how/where you determined this value.

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