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Bristol Junior Chamber

Minutes Tuesday 6th June 2017 6pm JLL

Members Guests Gemma Alaway, Danielle Argent, Veronica Barbaro, Robert Barnes,
Andrew Beazer, Ria Bedford, Chris Bees, Hayla Blacknell, Cheryl Brady, Oliver Brown, Charles
Chami, John Clamp, Emma Custance Baker, Tom Dickinson, Roxine Foster, James Forward,
Alexandra Hammond, William Hammond, Rebecca Harries-Williams, Catherine Harris,
Michael Holder, Owen Jennings, Benjamin Kenny, Alastair Kimpton, Russell Landau, Robert
Nye, Carly ODwyer, Benjamin Pean, Alice Peacock, Jade Poole, Edward Porter, Rebecca
Purchase, Heather Rees, Edward Romaine, Harry Sedman, Andie Spragg, Nicole Spurling,
Daniel St.Quintin, Jennifer Stott, Megan Turnbull, Jonathan Williams, Ben Yarrow (42
members). Guests - Natalia Rodrguez Novs (Goram & Vincent), Ben Ponting (JLL), Daniel
Milford (JLL), Rose Gentle (JLL), Laura Jennings (Icon Films), Fran Palmer (Costain), Byron
Palmer (GVA), James Mohide (Ernst & Young), Chyrelle Wyatt (Tuffin Ferraby Taylor LLP),
Rich Collings (Product Ready Design), Holly Evans (TLT Solicitors) Total 11 Guests
Charlie Chami Welcome from President and introduce Deshni at Real Ideas
Deshni Real Ideas Organisation Exploring the relationship of Schools in
Charlie Chami Welcome from President and introduce Rob Law from Trunki.
Rob Law

Story Product designed and licensed, after a long slog and being turned down. Once
started up properly in 2006, started trading that Summer. Problem in July 2006,
terrorist threat and hand luggage banned. Once the hand-luggage ban was lifted,
Dragons Den episode feature despite being negative, was well received by the public
and national distribution was eventually secured. Now trading for 11 years 45 units
launched, 3million have been sold worldwide. Luggage and toy-stores, and baby stores
exporting to 90 countries. Consumers have spent $200m dollars and 3m website
Strategy All about belief, and all about the team. We believe travel is about new
experiences and learning, as a child. Creating more products child reigns, booster
seats; focusing on innovation. Sections of pack, explore, sleep, eat and play.
Copycats Only design case heard in the Supreme Court, invested 1 million in legal
fight but lost however, appeared in every newspaper and spun this in the best way;
sad day for design. 8 trademarks, 8 patents and 65 EU design registrations.
Reshoring 5 year guarantee, value message. Pass 26 international toy standards. We
can now fully colour our products inc. customisation.
Customisation Projects childs personalities onto the design.
What does the future hold? Who knows!
Issues with distributors, biggest challenge?
Do you know of any Trunki collectors?
What is your best experience to date?
No Trunki branded shop? The cost of airside working is prohibitive.
Design brand court case challenge Commercial flop for the other design company,
product design is so poor royalty for all copies of the catch.
As a product designer at heart, do you still find the time to do what you love?
Dragons Den Any contact? We had a follow up, and have bumped into others!
What is your ultimate brand partnership i.e. lego Virgin Galactic would be great!
Commercially would be really interesting, thought about Disney. Licenses Gruffalo
has been hugely successful for us. Were more about building our own brand.
How does branding/patenting work?
Any tips for getting the branding right? The thing we are learning is the power of
Facebook advertising, and to some extend Google you can really target a group on
What is your biggest weakness?
Brexit good or bad? Mainly bad! European law/legislation is a lot better.
Dragons Den Dont regret it.
Key people that have helped you Passionate team, when you are growing some people
are good but you may need to replace them if you grow and they cant. Most people
left to start up their own business, from learning on the job at Trunki.
How much day to day input do your investors have?
Parts to do their own repairs worthwhile!
Charlie Thank you for your presentation and time!
------- Move to general BJC meeting ---
Charlie Chami

BJC internship High quality work experience placements for 16-18 year olds; 3 days
in 3 different firms. Thank you to 8 firms who have offered a work-experience
placement so far.
Thank you for organising Spring Drinks.
Jack Callow Treasurer

Please settle invoices soonest!

Megan Turnbull Education & Skills

Asks & Offers We have a lot of skills and experience in the room, and what people
would like to learn still. Share via the bags tonight, or on email later. Doesnt have to
be work related! Tennis etc.
City Leadership Programme 3rd-14th July Mayors office helping people from
disadvantaged backgrounds get into leadership. Six month programme, 2 week
intense start couple of BJC members to chat to pupils, have dinner converse with
pupils spare an evening with pupils on this programme. The Mayor really
appreciates it!
Ben Pean Charity & Social Economy

BJC Bordeaux trip this weekend.

Global Social Economy Summit.
Ashley Sandeman Business & Enterprise

Networking breakfast ideas get in touch!

Emma Custance-Baker Social & Media

Website development if anyone has thoughts/feedback, web design/has contacts.

Dan St.Quintin Membership Secretary

Any guests please come speak to me about joining the BJC.

Heather Rees

Interested in BJC weekend away, get in touch!

Rob Barnes

Balloon Fiesta; interested? Please speak to us! Great sponsorship opportunity.

--Close up 20.00, heading to The Ram --

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