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My Teaching Philosophy

As a student with a little bit of teaching experience, I have strong thoughts on how

education should be. In my opinion, schools, especially public schools, dont receive the credit

that they truly deserve. Schools can be an excellent breeding ground of unique ideas and critical

thinkers, but often teachers and students arent given an opportunity to express themselves in

ways that truly matter. Firstly, teaching should be unbiased. Educators and administration

shouldnt enforcing a single mind set. Through personal experiences and research, students are

forced in a mold that doesn't fix every unique mind. Be it through dress codes, grading and

testing, or the information intentionally withheld from students like in the case of sex education.

Its also important to teach what students don't get taught at home. Things like tolerance and

empathy are things that often go missing in the classroom. During my internship, I witnessed

bullying and uncooperative parents. Since I worked in an inclusion class, the main targets of

bullying would be my special needs students. When the bullies got caught, there were no

follow-up repercussions by faulty or parents to make sure that the bullying behavior stopped and

the student learned exactly why their actions were wrong. If schools could dedicated a few day to

learning about tolerance, I'm sure these kinds of situations could be avoided.

Teaching needs to be much more than academics. Especially in the U.S. where schools can be so

diverse, its imperative that education be inclusive and unbiased. If students are only learning

from a point of view that doesnt represent them, theyll grow up thinking they dont belong.

Good teachers understand this, and they are willing to find ways to teach more inclusively. How

are we supposed to raise strong future leaders if the school system inherently tears students down

from Day 1.
Overall, learning is an experience. Teachers are there to facilitate that experience and make the

cogs inside each students mind then. Learning is about making mistakes and asking questions to

understand those mistakes.

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