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Amatol 50/50 0.91

Tetryl 1.25
RDX 1.6
Torpex 1.30
Comp. B 1.33
Amatol 80/20 1.10
Tritonal 1.05
Melinite 1.20
Lyddite 1.20
Cheddite 1.20
Shimose 1.20
TNT 1 band (one 1" yellow band was applied nose and tail)
Amatol 1 band (one 1" yellow band was applied nose and tail)
CompB 2 bands (two 1" yellow bands were applied nose and tail)
Black lettering "Comp B" was applied within one nose and tail band.
Tritonal 3 bands (three bands were applied nose and tail, one 1/2" yellow
band between two 1" yellow bands)
Black lettering "Tritonal" was applied within one of the 1" bands
nose and tail.
these are the official markings and came in during 1937
Pale Green... round largest diameter of bomb...filled with Amatol or TNT
Red...round the nose...means that the bomb has been filled
White...above red band...Semi Armour piercing SAP
White...either side of red band...armour piercing AP
RDX blue
Torpex light blue
AP bomb white band on either side of the red "filled' band
SAP bomb single white band immediately in front of the red "filled' band
HE 1/2" bright Red band at nose
SAP 1/2" White band above Red band
AP 1/2" bright Red band each side of Red band
Lettering is White or Light Grey for live bombs, Black or Dark blue for Depth Ch
arges and Torpedoes.
2000LB MKII/III: dark green overall with 2 inch wide light green band 16inches f
rom nose and a 1/2 inch wide red band 6 inches from nose
4000LB MKII: as above but light green band is 2 feet from nose and red band is 8
inches from nose
4000LB MKIII/IV: as above with blue band added to indicate American supplied
8000LB MKI/II: as above but bands on both sections of bomb, red band 1 inch wide
12000LB MKII: as above'
BAR 10/90 or fractions...below green band in 3 places...filled with Baratol
Trotyl...on green band in 3 places...filled with Trotyl
80/20 or fraction...below green band in 3 places...bomb filled with Amatol/TNT m
G.P 500lb...between red and green band (but more often between green band and ta
il)...type of munition
Mk.I (II, III etc)...mark of bomb
S, T, W or other initial...tademark for name of firm or filling station
11/19/38 or other of filling
12345...or oither 5 digit number...lot number of filling
Prior to WWII there existed an old and new system for marking ordnance laid down in
AP 1243. The old system was as follows:
All service bombs painted yellow with a red band around the nose denoting that t
he bomb is filled.
A plain green band with no fraction or other marks indicated an 80/20 Amatol fil
A plain green band with a fraction below indicated an Amatol filling of that fra
A plain green band with the word Trotyl stencilled on the green band in three plac
es indicated a TNT filling.
This system applies to all stocks filled prior to January 1928.
A new system was introduced for uniformity between Admiralty and War Office prod
All H.E. bombs (Amatol, TNT or Baratol) were painted yellow overall and marked a
s follows:
A red band around the nose denoted the bomb was filled.
A green band around largest diameter of the bomb denoted filled with Amatol or T
A white band above the red denoted the bomb was S.A.P.
A white band either side of the red denoted the bomb was A.P.
Stencilling was also applied.
Bar 10/90 or other fraction below the green band in three places denoted the bom
b was filled with Baratol.
The word Trotyl on the green band in three places denoted the bomb was filled wi
th TNT.
80/20 or other fraction below the green band denoted the bomb was filled with Am
G.P. 120lb or other nomenclature round the body between the red and green bands
denoted the nomenclature of the bomb.
I or other numeral around the body between the red and green bands denoted the M
ark of bomb.
W or other initial or trademark around the bomb between the red and green bands
denoted the name of the firm or filling station.
25/2/27 or other date around the body between the red and green bands denoted th
e date of filling.
1234 or other number around the bomb between the red and green bands denoted Lot
. No.of filling.
118lb or other weight around the bomb between the red and green bands denoted th
e actual weight of the bomb complete with vanes but without components.

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