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Hierarchical Safety visit

Hrerarchical (Hsv)
Visit (HSV)
Checklist for iect / customer site

rt-' //a
Actimrequiredbythevisitleader I Areaof nb Yes I tto N/A
s emergency plan with roadmap (the route to designated hoipital for
;pecific injuries so even new person in site can understand that the victim
;hould be taken to which hospital by which route) displayed per corporate
\re KEC employees are aware ofthis process (emergency plan with
2 'oadmap)? Ask randomly to any KEC employee taking the reference of

Search or Ask for anV Emergency Plan ,isplayed Emerqencv Plan.

Emertency \re contractor's supervisors are aware of this process? Randmly ask to any
with Roadmap & Incident reporting
Preparedness Plan 3 :ontractor's superyisor or representative working in site.

s emergency contact numbers displayed in flow chan format as per

:orporate guidelines?
\re first aid kits are available & equipped with adeouate items?
are the copi6 of"emergency plan with road map', & Emergency contact
6 numbers" are available in first aid box at site area?

Have they beek dven any safety traing like work@height, First aid;
\sk to any contractor workmen 72
electrical, Manual handling etc? Ask them to hame a few?
rngaged an anyjob 13 Are thy aware of "Life After Accident" traininE?
14 Have ths oartkioated in " LAA" r
:heck with site operation team with All new people(KEC employees, sub contractods or visitor) receive safety
)vailability of records induction prior to start of work?
Are they abie to explain / distinguish of unsafe acts & unsafe conditions
(deviations) with example related to their jobs?

Are they aware of the process of reporting of unsafe acts / conditions?

Check with any KEC site team &
contractor's superyisor {Derriations) {re they able to produce the list of deviations reported in last one week ?

19 ,{ave all
the reported dryiations been closed?
:an they demonstrate any listed deviation which has been closed?

27 \re thev able to s@lair NearMiss?

\re they able to produce list of near miss reported in last one month?
contrator's superuisor (r{ear Missl 22

23 ,n lney demonstrate any closed deviations in last month?

Check to see if there are some peoplr
(KEC employee or contractor) Personal Proteclirr
lave all pcople worn the required ppE as Der their risk exoosures? {
aoy Stre I Equipment (PPE) lre PPE rom aaordingly?(Safety shes, helmet with chin strip, full body
them : 25
ramess with ddble lanyard and anqhored etc.)

26 )i(t @nfi
Visual ManaEement
\re safetyvisuals are adequatelv disDlaved around the site?
fY) d-/9i.
)rea 27
\re warning signs are appropriate and displayed at desired location?
28 s XEC EHS policy displayed and visible to all?

mte show the vatid driver license issued by the appropriate authorities?
luestion the driver Are drivers usinB seat belt?

sthere sore kind qlsegregation between pedestrian ways & vehicle road?
Vehicle & Road Satety s th!
signage sufficient and appropriate : speed limit, stop signs in
.ook at the traffic signage 32
ntersection, Darkine etc?

Search for any parked vehicle s itlobstructing any emergency exit, fire equipment, electricitv Danel. etc.
lincluding cranes). tehicle,wheels chocked ? Also for crane or fork lift are their parts in lower

s the s,te generallV clean and proper?


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