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Peace through overwhelming firepower Executive level protection

Invoke to improve your attack with AGA weapons, or Invoke to impress business contacts. Compel when
simply to impress someone with the sight of your dealing with NPCs who sneer at the corporate lifestyle.
rearms. Compel to declare that the weapon inflicts
collateral damage.
+BLACK KNIGHT INDUSTRIES Heavy armor, deadly defense
Innovation squared Invoke when using Marsworks vehicles in a combat
situation. Since these are obviously military vehicles,
Invoke when its important to project a professional, compel to declare that they draw unwanted attention
competent image. Black Knight equipment is durable, when used in a non-combat area.
but heavy, and you can compel this tag in situations
where the equipments weight would cause a problem.
+BOMBS ON BROADWAY Dont just be a dick, be a Private Dick
Bulletproof elegance Invoke to improve reactions from NPCs who
appreciate the noir style. Compel to have NPCs decide
Invoke to demonstrate that youre trendy, attractive, that this equipment looks obsolete or just silly.
and successful. Compel to draw unwanted attention
from enthusiastic fans or annoying paparazzi.
+CHERRY AUTOMOTIVE Eective law enforcement at competitive prices
Want to impress? Put a cherry on top Invoke when using your authority to persuade or
intimidate someone into obeying your instructions.
Invoke to declare that a Cherry Auto- motive vehicle Compel to draw fire from NPCs who dislike police, or
has an unusual luxury item, such as a cigar cutter, a to draw unwanted attention from civilians who need
personal grooming kit, or a hundred-year-old bottle of your help.
scotch in a sealed cryogenic cylinder. Compel to
artificially increase purchase and repair costs, since
dealers and technicians will assume the customer can +SENTINEL ROCK CORPORATION
a ord it.
Rock n roll gyroscopically
+COMBAT ENGINEERING SYSTEMS (CES) Sentinel Rock weapons are unusual, and you can
invoke this manufacturer tag the first time you use
When it absolutely, positively needs to be their equipment in a scene, to show that youve
destroyed by nine A.M. caught your opponents by surprise. Compel to declare
that the equipments owner has a difficult time finding
spare parts or more ammunition, due to the
Invoke to improve either the power or the precision of
equipments exotic nature.
an explosion. Compel to declare that the explosion is
more powerful than desired.
Perfection, quantified
Invoke to gain the respect of fellow martial artists or
anyone who appreciates traditional Japanese culture.
Compel to cause NPCs to dismiss the owner of the
equipment as a poser or a hope- less throwback.

Modern protection for your modern lifestyle
You can invoke the Street Chic tag to find one of their
weapons in nearly every urban location. Due to poor
safety standards, compel to declare that a Street Chic
weapon is defective.

Brining style to the streets
Invoke to gain trust and support from ganglanders.
Compel to inspire fear or hostility from anyone else.

We bring quality goods to the wastelands so you
dont have to
Invoke to improve the equipments performance in di
cult environments such as sandstorms and swamps.
Compel to create complications when the equipment
marks the owner as an outsider and a stranger to
urban society.

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