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16, 1965 PER-osKAR PERssoN 3,169,381

Filed Apr-11 1s. 1964 8 Sheets-Sheet 1


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Per '0s/rar Persson

Feb. 16, 1965A PER-Osma Pr-:RssoN 3,169,38!

Filed April l5, 3.964 8 SheetsfSheet 2



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Feb. 16, 1965 PER-osKAR PERssoN 3,169,381
Filed April 13, 1964 8 Sheets-Sheet. 3

Per 'Uslar Persson

BY KARL (.1). Loccs

Feb. 16, 1965 PER-osKAR PERssQN 3,169,38
Filed April 13, 1964 8 Sheets-Sheet 4

Per -Os/rar Persson
KARL (UST-'Locus
Feb. 16, 1965 PER-osKAR PERssoN 3,159,331
Filed April 1s, 1964 s sheets-sheet. 5


Per-Os/mr Persson
Feb. 16, 1965 PER~osKAR PERssoN 3,159,381
Filed April 13, 1964 8 Sheets-Sheet 6


Feb. 16, 1965 PER~osKAR Pl-:RssoN 3,169,381

Filed April 1s, 1964 I e sheets-sheet 7

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Feb. 16, 1965 PER-osKAR PERssoN 3,169,381
Filed Apil 13, 1964 8 sheets-sheet s
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BY @ggf @CHS _ L

United States Patent Oiice lbdl
Patented Feb. 16, i965
FIG. 3 is a cut-away perspective view showing the feed
3,169,351 ing device;
FIG. 4 is a cut-away perspective View showing the
Per-@elisir Persson, Vihcn, Sweden, assigner to Frign particle discharging means;
scandia Ltd., London, England, a corporation of Great
Britain FIG. 5 is a cut-away perspective View showing the
rires are. is, rasa, ser. No. seared. entire device;
27 Claims. (Cl. 62-57) FIG. 6 is a sectional detail view showing a clamping
device for clamping a fluidizing vessel to the remaining
This is a continuation-impart of abandoned applica apparatus;
tion Serial No. 150,541, filed November 6, 1961, and FIG. 7 is a sectional detail view showing the clamp
of application Serial No. 243,864, led December l1, ing device open and the vessel being removed;
1962. FIG. S is a schematic vertical sectional View showing
The present invention relates to a fluidized freezer ap another embodiment of the apparatus;
paratus, and more particularly, to a fluidized .freezer FIG. 9 is a vertical sectional View of another embodi
useful in the rapid freezing of food particles while sus ment;
pended in a fluidized bed. FIG. 10 is a vertical sectional View of yet another em
In the past, food particles have been conveyed through bodiment and including a detailed View of a feeding
a freezing tunnel by some form of mechanical means, means;
such as a conveyor belt or an oscillator operating on an FIG. l1 is a plan view of the feeding means such as
inclined plate. These prior art systems, although com 20 used in the embodiment of FIG. 10;
monly in use, have many practical deficiencies. Such de FIG. 12 is a front elevation of the feeding means of
vices suifer from poor heat transfer due to the fact that FIG. 11;
the food particles remain in Contact with each other and FIG. 13 is a schematic vertical section of another em
with the mechanical conveying means for substantial peri bodiment taken below the level of the iuidized bed;
ods of time. The frozen food particles tend to stick FIG. 14 is a vertical longitudinal section of an em
together and require mechanical separation from the ag bodiment utilizing an internal working device;
glomerated frozen chunks; this results in a product which FIG. l5 is a section taken along line S-IS of FIG.
does not look uniformly frozen. These prior art struc 14;
tures require long shut-down periods and complex clean FIGS. 16 and 17 are partly broken away sectional views
ing operations to ensure necessary defrosting and clean 30 of different embodiments of a perforated bottom utilized
liness of the mechanical conveying means. The prior art in the present invention; and
devices usually necessitate the use of mechanical agitators FIGS. 18 and 19 are partial Vertical sections of other
or oscillators to prevent the food particles from sticking embodiments ofthe container bottom.
to the mechanical conveyor. Furthermore, the mechani The invention generally relates to a iluidized freezer
cal conveying devices take up a large amount of factory 35 for cooling and freezing solid food particles which are to
space and require high operating costs. form the uidized bed, such freezer comprising a con
It is therefore an object of this invention to provide a tainer having a perforated bottom through which cooled
new and improved method and apparatus for freezing air is adapted to flow in an upward direction for main
food particles. taining the uidized bed and which bottom is to form
It is another object of this invention to provide a food 40 the lower boundary for the solid particles in the fluid
freezer which works on the principle of fluidization. ized bed. Essentially characteristic of the invention is
It is another object of this invention to provide a sim that the elongate and preferably rectangular container has
pliiied apparatus which is economical to operate, easy to its one end provided with a continuously operating de
clean, which is compact, which is sanitary and which
use results in an improved product. 45 vice for supplying the solid particles and its other end
with an exit means for the solid particles so that cooling
It is another object to provide a food freezer which op of the solid particles can take place continuously. The
erates fast, and continuously to produce a uniformly freezer is particularly useful in the rapid freezing of food
frozen product. particles having generally uniform dimensions, i.e. small
It is another object to provide a food freezer which spheres or cubes, such as peas, corn, diced poultry and
does not require mechanical means to convey the food 50 berries. The fluidized freezer during operation contains
particles. a constant flowing iiuidized bed of food particles each
It is another object to provide a food freezer which individually enveloped by refrigerated gas.
does not require mechanical cluster breakers for the In the preferred embodiment, shown in FlGS. 1_7, the
freezing of generally spherical food particles. fluidized freezer apparatus broadly comprises a iiuidized
It is still another object to provide a food freezer which 55 product bed iti which is contained by an elongate and
operates essentially frost-free. preferably rectangular container or vessel 12, a particle
It is another object of the present invention to simul food feeding device 1d adjacent one end thereof, a product
taneously freeze and convey food particles solely by the removal device 16 at the other end of the container 12
action of refrigerated, ftuidizing gas. and attendant refri erated gas circulating fans 13 and
It is another object of the present invention to simply, 60 refrieeration coils 2li.
easily, and very inexpensively freeze food particles, par In operation, pre-cooled unfrozen food particles are Con
ticularly those having relatively uniform dimensions in tinuously fed into the feeding device 14 which in turn
each direction. continuously feeds the food particles in individual spaced
Other objects and the nature and advantages of the in
65 relationship at a high rate into the fluidized bed 1d. While
stant invention will be apparent from the following de in the bed 1d the particles are frozen by refrigerated gas
scription taken in coniunction with the accompanying which is continuously recirculated through fans 1S and
drawings wherein: blown past coils 2d and into the bed 1li where each food
FIG. l is a diagrammatic illustration of the fluidized particle is randomly moved in relation to every other par
freezer and attendant apparatus; ticle by a constantly moving enveloping cushion of refrig
FIG. 2 is a cut-away perspective view of the apparatus 70
erated gas. The static head of food particles entering the
in operation; bed at the inlet end near feeder 14- causes the particles
3 .
to flow (just as a liquid would flow) to the'exit end of The operation of the feeding device 14 is shown sche
the bed 1? near the product removal device i6 where they matically in FIGS. 10-12. The slightly downwardly in
leave the bed as separate uniformly glazed and frozen clined plate 44 is actuated by a vibrator 45 to obtain the
particles - - - desired oscillation suchas shown in phantom in FIG. 12.
The vessel l2 is defined by end walls 2l, side walls 22 If desired, the plate 44 may be provided in longitudinal
anda bottom -wall 24. The side walls 225 and the bottom sections with only the discharge end being vibrated.
wall 24 contain perforations 26 through which refrigerated While the triangular shaped aps 46 atthe end of the
' gas is blown toY maintain the uidized bed. 3 ~ - . vibrating plate 44 are illustrated as being equal in size
Any gas which does not contaminate the food, such as and of a width tapering toward the free end thereof, such
vFreon orvair, may be used to freezeand fluidize the Vfood 10 flaps 46 may be of different shapesso as to be subjected
particles; air is preferred, however, vsince it permits at todi?erent oscillations.V Alternatively, the plate 44 may
tendants to work within the insulated freezer room 34 Vterminate ina single flap. If desired, the feeding device
`without an auxiliary oxygen supply. - 14 _may be formed of several juxtaposed plates which
During circulation of the refrigerating air, free water on may be oscillated diiferently. Also, the feeding devicemay
,the food particles is picked up by the circulating air. To 15 consist of a plurality of conveyorrbelts in side by side rela
prevent the accumulation of frost on the refrigeration coils Vtionship each of which may reach into the container l2
29 and in the Avessel 12 itself, glycol sprayers 28 are pro a different distance. Another feeding device may consist
vided to spray glycol solution into the air above the re of a single conveyor belt including some type of `spread
-frigerating coilsi this serves to remove water vapor from ing means arranged at the endthereof, such as a rotating
`the air and frost from the coils. _. The glycol solution falls irnpeller, compressed air nozzles, an oscillating guide plate,
into a glycol reservoir 32 after passing the coils 2t) and ,or a grid through which the particles are forced to bounce.
is then sent to aconcentrator to remove the water from The purpose in eachV type of feeding means is to spread
Vwhich it is returned to the sprayers for reuse'. 'the supplied >food particles'as much as possible. The pre
Lying directly beneath the perforatedbottornV 24 are -ferred feeding means is, however, that illustrated in
Y glycol eliminators 3@ which comprise inverted V-shaped 25 FIG. 3. Y Y
-screenV members which permit the air or gas to pass The discharge Vmeans i6, noting FIG. 4, comprises -a
through. After the refrigerated air passes by the glycol Weir-gate 48 over which the frozen particles may ilow
sprayer 28, it next passes through the eliminators 30 into the exit chute 50, like water over a darn. The weir
where glycol, which has been evaporated by and entrained 'gate is constructed toy be periodically opened from the
in the refrigerated air, is condensed on the eliminators 30 bottom by suitable means to permit a mass flow of parti- .
from which it then drops into the glycol reservoir 32. cles to escape. The Weir-gate 48 has an inner wall 52
The path of the fluidi-zing gas is shown diagrammatically VVand an outer, wall 54. The inner Wallis provided with
in FIG. 1 where itis seen that after leaving the fans 18, ._ Y' perforations Sd similar to the perforations 26 in the side
`the gas is blown upwardly past the refrigeration coils 20, walls and bottom to permit air to ilow through the per
the glycol sprayers 28, the glycol eliminators 39 and finally forations toV prevent the frozen food particles from stick
through the perforations 26 in the bottom and side walls ing to the inner wall 52. Some of the refrigerated air
'of the vessel l2 and into the vessel to there fluidize yand blowing up between the walls 22 and 38 flows through
freeze the particles contained therein. In the embodiment ` Y the apertures -located on either side of the Weir-gate
-of FIG. 9, a cooling battery 2d is provided between the 4S in the discharge end wall 2l of the vessel 12; the air
blower 18 and the container l2. 40 then flows between the walls 52 and 54 of Weir-gate 48
It hasV been unexpectedly discovered that by providing and then out the perforations 56. ' `
a bypass area 36 near the entrance end of the uidized bed As previously stated, the vessel l2 >is removable from
where theiair is blown past an area substantially free of V'the remainder of the system to provide for simplified
'refrigeration coils, frost accumulation within the vessel cleaning with a minimum shut-down time. The vessel
can he greatly reduced. l2 -isattached to a support or-superstructure 59 through
~The vessel 12 of the fluidized bed remains entirely sta the clamping devices 4t) which act through L-bars 60
tionary during operation of the bed. No motion need be integrally united to the walls 3S of the vessel 12.- Along
imparted through the container in order to either convey the inner surface of the walls 33 projecting inwardly and
the particles or to keepY the particles separate during >extending the length of walls 3d are 'L-bars 62 which
freezing. ' - ' ' ' ` ' serve to supportrthe vessel 12 upon gaskets 64 of the
' FIG. 2 shows the preferred embodiment of the appara 'superstructure S9 whichin turn rest upon C-bearns 66
tus in cross-,section includingv the' air-directing baffles 42. of the superstructure 59. When itvis desired to clean
IIhe vessel l2 comprises a structure having a cross-section -the vessel 12, the clamps 4d 4are simply released as shown
generally shaped likean M and having outer walls 33, in FIG. 7, the vessel is raised o supports S4-'636 by
inner walls 22 having perforations 26 in their lower sec trolley'hoist's 7@ acting through hooks 72 on vessel l2.
tions and a bottom wall 24, also having perforations 26 Thedoor 74 to the insulated room 34 is opened and
extending therethrough. The vessel l2 is attached to the n . the trolley .hoists travel along the track '76 to a position
superstructure by clamps 40 to provide easy removability v `outside the insulated room where the vessel is then re
for cleaning as shown in FIGS. 2, 6 and 7. ' ' ' moved to a cleaning station (not shown). While the
All `the metal in the product circuit is preferably formed 60 vessel is being cleaned another' vessel may be placed'in
Aof stainless steel although plastic may also be used.V Plas V`'position thus minimizing theV shut-down time.V
tic has the advantages of- being easily molded and being In FIG. 5, the insulated room 34 is shownr contain
relatively non-adhesive to ice. A preferred plastic'is a Ving a'platform 78 and a door 80 which permit attendants
Dpolyester material. Since ice adheres so diicultly to poly to work therein. .
ester, the risk of bottom freezing and the adhering of ice 65 I In the embodiment illustratedA in FlG. 8, the walls 22'
_and food particles to the bottom 24 becomes insignificant of the container are inclined outwardly from the bot
when the bottom is formed of polyester. Moreover, such Y tom 24 so that the cross sectiono'f the container succes
plastic materials have no unfavorable effect on food stuffs, -sively increases upwardlyfThis construction will give
are easily worked and can withstand the cold. Y ' a favorable flow ratio of gas used under the proper con
Noting FIG. 3, it is seen that the continuously operat 70 ditions. ;
.ing feeder 14 comprises an oscillating plate 44 which eX As' previouslyindicated,- in'order to eliminate the risk
tends over the vessel l2 and terminates in a plurality of of the food particles freezing together into lumps, it is
triangular shaped iiaps 46. The flaps may ,be curved important that such' food particles be supplied 'to the con
downwardly as illustrated or may be straight. as shown in tainer in separated relationship.V In the embodiment of
FIG. 12. Y FIG..9, a supply device 14 is arranged, in connection
3,1@ aast
with the feeding of the particles into the container 12', to fan system 85 as is the/suction means gl, anda cyclone
spread such particles over the surface of the container so separator or other such means can be inserted into the
that they are delivered to the bed 10 in spaced apart rela line after the suction means 81 for collecting the un
tionship. If desired, the supply device or feeding means desired solid particles.
14 may be provided for this purpose with a distribu In the embodiment of FiG. 13, the space beneath the
tion mechanism 9 for the particles, consisting of a sieve perforated bottom of the freezer container, as viewed in
or like means so that the particles lare supplied to the the longitudinal direction of the container, is divided
container 12 in the form of an evenly distributed spat into sections 8d, 37 and dit which have controlled con
ter. nections for the refrigerated gas. Thus the container can
As previously indicated, the purpose of the perfora 10 be supplied With a. greater quantity of cooled gas at the
tions 26 in the side wall of the container is to eliminate supply end than at other points, since the newly supplied
the possibility of food particles from freezing to the side products require a greater quantity of air than the re
walls of the container and agglomerating into lumps. maining products. Such controlled feeding of refrigerated
When refrigerated air blows through the holes 26 there gas can be regulated in any manner as is desired to ob
is formed between the food particles and the side walls tain different patterns of cooling. The fans 90, $1 and
22 of the container a layer of air or cushions of air which 92 for the refrigerated air are connected to each container
prevent the particles from freezing to such side walls. section 8d, 87 and S8, respectively, the air being supplied
The size of the perforations 26 should be adapted to to the fans 90-92 by a main fan 13 common to the
the height thereof above the bottom 24 so that the correct other fans.
110W ratio is obtained, which is of particular importance 20 In certain cases the perforated bottom 24 should be
when the side walls 22 are provided with perforations designed in such a manner that the air ilowing there
26 all the way up to the upper surface of the uidized through is forced in a desired direction. Thus the holes
bed 10. 26 in the relatively thick bottom 24, shown in FIG. 16,
In the embodiment of FIGS. 14 and 15, the apparatus malte an angle to the horizontal plane. In the embodi
is equipped with a mechanical Working device S for the ment shown in FIG. 17, the perforated container bottom
particles within the container. Such a Working device 24 is very thin and refrigerated air is directed in the de
preferably includes U-shaped or like members 95 for sired direction by providing relatively large holes 26'
engaging the particles. An oscillating device 97 is pro beneath which are provided air directing bailles or vanes
vided to move the U-shaped members back and forth 27 to direct the refrigerated air in the desired direction.
within the stationary container. This device has its par Since the uidized freezer may be utilized for both
ticular use where the fluidization of larger, oblong arti glazing and freezing of food particles, it may be advan
cles is carried out. Oblong particles, such as stringbeans tageous to separate the freezing and glazing functions
or French fried potatoes, may have a tendency to freeze of the container. The amount of gas required for cooling
together and such a mechanical working device is useful will generally be greater than that required for the fluid
in preventing the formation of large frozen clumps. ization itself, and as a consequence, the cooling may in
In certain instances it may be desirable to increase the certain instances become unnecessarily expensive. To
height of the bed 19 from the supply end to the discharge make the cooling cheaper it may be desirable to provide
end thereof. This is most simply accomplished by in the vessel 12' with one or more cooling batteries (not
clining the perforated bottom 24 of the container in a shown) in a manner analogous to that of FIG. 13, Where
downward direction from the feeding end to the dis more than one fan is shown, so that the amount of air
charge end thereof such as shown in FlG. 9. The in required, Where cooling batteries are provided, is deter
clination may be proportional to the loss of heat of the
particles or to a desired increase in volume at the dis
mined by the fluidization only. However, it is desired
charge end. that cooling batteries not be placed Within the interior
FIG. 10 shows another embodiment for the discharge
of the container Where glazing takes place, since such
batteries may cause the peas to freeze together in lumps
end of the ftuidized freezer. Besides the primary product and against the batteries since the glazing requires cool
removable device 16 which serves as a darn over which
a certain level of frozen particles flow, the container 12
ing to the freezing point of water. After the glazing is
is provided with a secondary outlet 23 immediately above completed there is practically no risk that peas will freeze
the perforated bottom 24 of the container near the dis 50 together. Therefore, if a cooling battery Ztl is placed
charge end thereof. Through this outlet 23 the con within the container', it should be placed closest to the
outlet end of the container.
tainer can be emptied when it is desired to interrupt the
uidization. In addition, a given part of the liuidized The container 12 may be divided longitudinally into
solid particles can escape during iluidization through such two parts, the first of which is intended for glazing and
outlet 23, while the remainder of the solid heavy parti 55 the second for the freezing of peas. In this case, only the
cles leave by the overow outlet i6. in certain cases second part need be provided with internal cooling bat
all the particles, during continuous operation, may be teries. The portions may be separated by a partition or
like means serving as an overflow.
caused to leave the container through the outlet 23. The
outlet 23 may have a valve 21 which preferably is a It is of the utmost importance to the intended treatment,
sluice valve. This sluice valve 2l serves as a discharge 60 which primarily is the freezing of Wet particles such as
means for the solid particles, and the amount of dis peas, berries and like products, that all particles be held
charge is determined by the speed of the sluice valve 21. in relative motion, i.e. a complete tluidization is main
The speed thereof is adjustable and may, for example, tained, from the time the particles reach the bed at least
be made dependent on the supply speed of the continu up to the time they have been frozen on the surface, since
ously operating feeding means. this will avoid the freezing of the wet particles into lumps.
In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 16 and 17 the The continuous freezing of foods, such as peas and
fluidized freezer is of such a design that a calm uidizing berries, by means of the tluidization principle, involves a
Vzone is obtained adjacent the discharge end of the con number of specific problems not met in other fields of
tainer 12' so that light weight undesired particles collect application of the fluidization technique, such as roasting,
catalytic cracking or drying. This resides in the fact that
in said zone. Disposed above the calm zone is a suction 70
the particles iluidized in the present invention are of large
means S1 which is adapted to carry away such light
size, `.about 3/3 of an inch in diameter for peas, as com~
weight undesired particles. The container 12' is pro pared to sizes of the order of 50 to 5G() microns in other
vided with a blowing means 33 below the suction means types of fluidization processes. This results in an in
S1 and adapted to blow towards the suction means Si. homogeneous type of iluidization. In addition, freezing
Preferably the blowing means S3 is connected to the same of initially wet particles necessitates special measures to
prevent the particles from freezing together into lumps, individually frozen food particles from the fluidized bed
and to prevent ice formation on the bottom and sides at the other end thereof.Y v
The present apparatus has
` 'of the lluidization vessel. 5. The fluidized food freezer of claim 4 wherein the
proved Vsuccessful in obtaining the desired results set walls of said container are provided with perforations
forth above. , ' e Ul `near the bottom to permit the liow of refrigerated gas
It will be obvious to those skilled in the art that various through said wall perforations.
changes may be made without departing from the scope 6.'The iiuidized food freezer of claim- 4 wherein said
Vof the invention and therefore the invention is not limited means for forcing refrigerated gas comprisesV separate
to what is shown in the drawings and described in the elements to supply gas vunder different conditions along
`specification but only as indicated in the appended claims. 10 the length of the container.
What is claimed is: _ Y 7. The fluidized food freezer of claim 4 wherein said
1. A method of freezing solid food particles compris perforated bottom comprises means to impart direction
mg: Y of flow to the gas. '
(a) feeding the said particles into a container; 8. The fluidized food freezer of claim 4 wherein said
(b) creating a uidized bed of said particles solely'by container is partitioned into a glazing section and a freez
forcing refrigerated gas upwardly therethrough and . ing section. '
therearound to achieve discrete glazing and freezing 9. The liuidized food freezer of claim 4 wherein said
of said particles; ' > e ' feeding means comprises an oscillating plate having its
Y (c) providing a fluid head of iiuidized particles at one free end divided into several juxtaposed triangular shaped
vend of said container by further feeding more par flaps. .
ticles `at said one end to thereby achieve ilow of said 10. The iluidized food freezer of claim 9 wherein said
particles from said one end of said container to the oscillating plate is downwardly inclined.
other end thereof Vsimultaneously with the iiuidiza Y 1l. The iluidized food freezer of claim 4 wherein said
ation; and Y ` , f discharging means comprises an outlet near said perfor
(d) removing the then frozen particles from the con 25 ated bottom, said outlet comprising valve means. `
tainer. Y > 12. The fluidized food freezer of claim 4 wherein said
2. A method of freezing solid food particles compris perforated bottom inclines downwardly from said feed
mg: e ing means to said discharging means.
(a) introducing the solid food particles'into a feeding 13. A iluidized bed freezer for freezing individual solid
device; , 30 food particles which particles form the fluidized bed, said
(b) continuously feeding the solid food particles into liuidized bed freezer comprising; a longitudinally extend
a uidized bed in substantially spaced relationship, ing stationary container having side walls and a perforated
Said bed being bounded by a longitudinal container bottom, perforations extending partly up the side walls,
provided with a perforated bottom, the bed com said bottom forming the lower boundary for the solid
prising a fluidized mixture of individual food Vpar 35 food particles in the uidized bed, means for forcing
ticles in relative and rapid motion and refrigerated refrigerated air in an upward direction past the refrigera
gas, said continuous feeding providing a fluid head tion means and through said perforated bottom to main
tain a true uidized bed and simultaneously freeze and
of particles in said fluidized bed at the area of infeed;
(c) continuously blowing refrigerated gas upwardly at convey the food particles, said refrigeration means being
a high rate through said perforations thereby simul 40 located outside the container, said container having at
taneously uidizing, freezing and blowingthe in fone end feeding means comprising an oscillating plate
dividual food particles the length of the container, having its free end divided into juxtaposed` triangular
there being substantially no contact between the par shaped flaps, and at the other end means for discharg
ticles and the container; and ` ing the individually frozen food particles from the iluid
(d) removing the individually frozen solid food par 45 ized bed. '
ticles from the end of the container opposite the in- e 14. The fluidized food freezer of claim 4 wherein the
feed. e . ' walls of said container area inclined outwardly from the
3. Apparatus for discrete freezing of Solid'particles bottom. l

such as peas, beans, berries, and the like, comprising in ` l5. The fluidized food freezer of claim 4 wherein said
combination; an elongated container for the particles to 50 lcontainer contains a mechanical agitating member to mix
be _frozen including bottom, side and Vend walls, at least the food particles within the fluidized bed. .
said bottom wall being perforated over substantially its 16. The fluidized food freezer of claim 4 wherein said
entire surface; means to feed the solid particles to said refrigeration means is located in the path of the gas sub
container at one end thereof; means for discharging the sequent to said means for forcing the refrigerated gas.
solid particles from said container at the other end there 55 17. The fluidized food freezer of claim 13 comprising
of; blowing vmeans for forcing a refrigerated gaseous means placed near the dischargel means for removing
medium at temperatures substantially below freezing up-V lightweight undesired particles.
wardly through said container at a suliicient velocity to 18. The fluidized food freezer in accordance with
Vcreate a true fluidized bed of the particles to be frozen; , claim 4 further comprising kmeans to remove said con
refrigeration means for cooling said gaseous medium; and 60 tainer from _said refrigeration means. _
means mounting said container in stationary relation/to - 19. The liuidized food freezer in accordance with claim
said refrigeration means. y _ Y e 4 wherein said perforated bottom is horizontal.
4. A liuidized bed freezer for freezing individual solid 20. The fluidized food freezer of claim 4 wherein said
food particles which particles form the fluidized bed, said refrigeration means comprises lheat transfer cooling coils
iluidized bed freezer comprising: a longitudinally extend 65 and a glycol sprayer positioned aboveV said cooling coils
ing container having a stationary mounted perforated to spray glycol on said coils to remove frost therefrom.
bottom, said bottom forming the lower boundary for the 21. TheV fluidized freezerrof claim 20 wherein a glycol
solid food particles in the fluidized bed; means for forcing ' eliminator is placed above said glycolV spray to remove
refrigerated gas in an upward direction through said per any entrained glycol from the refrigerated gas. .
forated bottom to' maintainV the fluidized bed land simul 70 22. The fluidized freezer of claim 21 wherein the cool
taneously freeze and convey the food particles, said means ing coils are spaced froman area adjacent said feeding
'comprising'the sole food conveying means; refrigeration means'to provide .an air by-pass. .
means located outside said container to effect refrigeration 23. The fluidized freezer Yof claim 9 wherein the Vtri
ofthe gas; means to feed the food particles to the uidized angular shapedf'aps on the feeding means are curved
bed Y at one end thereof; and means for discharging the 75 downwardly. ~ ~
24. The uidized freezer in accordance with claim 4 a perforated Weir-gate positioned adjacent the other end
wherein said means for discharging the individually frozen of said vessel to discharge individually frozen food par-v
food particles comprises a Weir-gate. ticles from the uidized bed.
25. The ulidized freezer in accordance with claim 24
wherein said Weir-gate comprises a perforated wall. References Cited by the Examiner
26. The fluidized freezer of claim 25 wherein said weir UNITED STATES PATENTS
gate is provided with means to open said Weir-gate at
2,175,680 10/39 Bedford ______________ __ 62-64
its bottom and permit the product to escape at the result
2,223 ,972 12/40 Sterling ______________ __ 62-57
ing space.
2,300,229 10/ 42 Knowles ____________ _ _ 62-378
27. A fluidized bed freezer for freezing individual solid 10
2,343,767 3/44 Getz ______________ __ 62--380 X
food particles which particles form the lluidized bed, said 2,3 85, 140 9/ 45 Knowles _____________ __ 62-63
fluidized bed freezer comprising a removable longitudi
nally extending stationary vessel having perforated side 2,402,921 6/ 46 Sharpe ____________ __ 62--3 80 X
2,519,148 8/50 McShea ______________ __ 62--63
walls and a substantially horizontal perforated bottom,
2,568,891 9/51 Kals _______________ __ 62--282
said bottom forming the lower boundary for the solid food 15
2,686,407 8/ 5 4 Zellner ______________ _ _ 62-282
particles in the fluidized bed, means for forcing refriger
2,824,723 2/58 Turney ____________ __ 165-109
ated gas in an upward direction through said perforated
2,923,138 2/60 Rollins ______________ __ 62--282
bottom and Walls to maintain the iuidized bed and simul
taneously freeze and convey the food particles, heat trans 3,035,918 5/62 Sorgenti ____________ __ 99-100
fer cooling coils located outside of said vessel and in 20 FOREIGN PATENTS
the path of said gas to eiect refrigeration of the gas, a
glycol spray positioned above said cooling coils to spray 8, 081 1906 Great Britain.
glycol on said coils to remove frost therefrom, a glycol 8 84,346 12/61 Great Britain.
eliminator positioned in the path of the refrigerated gas 888,649 1/ 62 Great Britain.
between said glycol spray and said perforated bottom to 25
remove entrained glycol from the refrigerated gas, food OTHER REFERENCES
particle feeding means positioned adjacent one end of German printed application No. 1,113,862, 9/61.
said vessel to continuously feed food particles to the fluid
ized hed in substantially spaced apart relationship, and EDWARD I. MICHAEL, Primary Examiner.

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