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Green cities, growing cities, just cities?: Urban planning and the ...

Campbell, Scott
American Planning Association. Journal of the American Planning Association; Summer 1996; 62, 3;
ProQuest Central
pg. 296

Green Cities,
Growing Cities,
Just Cities?
Urban Planning and the
Contradictions of Sustainable
Nothing inherent in the discipline
steers planners either toward environ- Scott Campbell
mental protection or toward eco-
nomic development-or toward a
third goal of planning: social equity.
Instead, planners work within the ten- n the coming years planners face tough decisions about where they
sion generated among these three fun-
damental aims, which, collectively, I
call the "planner's triangle," with sus-
tainable development located at its
center. This center cannot be reached
I stand on protecting the green city, promoting the economically grow-
ing city, and advocating social justice. Conflicts among these goals are
not superficial ones arising simply from personal preferences. Nor are
they merely conceptual, among the abstract notions of ecological, eco-
directly, but only approximately and
indirectly, through a sustained period nomic, and political logic, nor a temporary problem caused by the un-
of confronting and resolving the trian- timely confluence of environmental awareness and economic recession.
gle's conflicts. To do so, planners have Rather, these conflicts go to the historic core of planning, and are a leit-
to redefine sustainability, since its cur-
motif in the contemporary battles in both our cities and rural areas,
rent formulation romanticizes our sus-
tainable past and is too vaguely whether over solid waste incinerators or growth controls, the spotted
holistic. Planners would benefit both owls or nuclear power. And though sustainable development aspires to
from integrating social theory with en- offer an alluring, holistic way of evading these conflicts, they cannot be
vironmental thinking and from com-
bining their substantive skills with
shaken off so easily.
techniques for community conflict res- This paper uses a simple triangular model to understand the diver-
olution, to confront economic and en- gent priorities of planning. My argument is that although the differences
vironmental injustice. are partly due to misunderstandings arising from the disparate languages
Campbell IS an assistant professor of
of environmental, economic, and political thought, translating across dis-
urban planning and policy develop- ciplines alone is not enough to eliminate these genuine clashes of interest.
ment at Rutgers University, where he The socially constructed view of nature put forward here challenges the
teaches graduate courses in planning view of these conflicts as a classic battle of "man versus nature" or its
theory, research methods, environ-
mental economics, and regional current variation, "jobs versus the environment." The triangular model is
planning. then used to question whether sustainable development, the current ob-
ject of planning's fascination, is a useful model to guide planning prac-
journal of the American Planning tice. I argue that the current concept of sustainability, though a laudable
Association, Vol. 62, No.3, Summer
1996. ~American Planning holistic vision, is vulnerable to the same criticism of vague idealism made
Association, Chicago, IL. thirty years ago against comprehensive planning. In this case, the idealis-


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tic fascination often builds upon a romanticized view ners' efforts with downtown redevelopment, freeway
of pre-industrial, indigenous, sustainable cultures~ planning, public-private partnerships, enterprise
inspiring visions, but also of limited modern applica- zones, smokestack-chasing and other economic devel-
bility. Nevertheless, sustainability, if redefined and opment strategies don't easily add up to equity plan-
incorporated into a broader understanding of political ning. At best, the planner has taken an ambivalent
conflicts in industrial society, can become a powerful stance between the goals of economic growth and eco-
and useful organizing principle for planning. In fact, nomic justice.
the idea will be particularly effective if, instead of In short, the planner must reconcile not two, but
merely evoking a misty-eyed vision of a peaceful eco- at least three conflicting interests: to "grow" the econ-
topia, it acts as a lightening rod to focus conflicting omy, distribute this growth fairly, and in the process
economic, environmental, and social interests. The not degrade the ecosystem. To classify contemporary
more it stirs up conflict and sharpens the debate, the battles over environmental racism, pollution-
more effective the idea of sustainability will be in the producing jobs, growth control, etc., as simply clashes
long run. between economic growth and environmental protec-
The paper concludes by considering the implica- tion misses the third issue, of social justice. The "jobs
tions of this viewpoint for planning. The triangle versus environment" dichotomy (e.g., the spotted owl
shows not only the conflicts, but also the potential versus Pacific Northwest timber jobs) crudely collapses
complementarity of interests. The former are unavoid- under the "economy" banner the often differing inter-
able and require planners to act as mediators, but the ests of workers, corporations, community members,
latter area is where planners can be especially creative and the national public. The intent of this paper's title
in building coalitions between once-separated interest is to focus planning not only for "green cities and
groups, such as labor and environmentalists, or com- growing cities," but also for "just cities."
munity groups and business. To this end, planners In an ideal world, planners would strive to achieve
need to combine both their procedural and their sub- a balance of all three goals. In practice, however, pro-
stantive skills and thus become central players in the fessional and fiscal constraints drastically limit the lee-
battle over growth, the environment, and social way of most planners. Serving the broader public
justice. interest by holistically harmonizing growth, preserva-
tion, and equality remains the ideal; the reality of
The Planner's Triangle: Three practice restricts planners to serving the narrower in-
Priorities, Three Conflicts terests of their clients, that is, authorities and bureau-
The current environmental enthusiasm among cracies (Marcuse 1976), despite efforts to work outside
planners and planning schools might suggest their in- those limitations (Hoffman 1989). In the end, plan-
nate predisposition to protect the natural environ- ners usually represent one particular goal~planning
ment. Unfortunately, the opposite is more likely to be perhaps for increased property tax revenues, or more
true: our historic tendency has been to promote the open space preservation, or better housing for the
development of cities at the cost of natural destruc- poor~while neglecting the other two. Where each
tion: to build cities we have cleared forests, fouled riv- planner stands in the triangle depicted in figure 1 de-
ers and the air, leveled mountains. That is not the fines such professional bias. One may see illustrated
complete picture, since planners also have often come in the figure the gap between the call for integrative,
to the defense of nature, through the work of conser- sustainable development planning (the center of the
vationists, park planners, open space preservationists, triangle) and the current fragmentation of profes-
the Regional Planning Association of America, green- sional practice (the edges). This point is developed
belt planners, and modern environmental planners. later.
Yet along the economic-ecological spectrum, with
Robert Moses, and Dave Foreman (of Earth First!) The Points (Corners) of the Triangle: the
standing at either pole, the planner has no natural Economy, the Environment, and Equity
home, but can slide from one end of the spectrum to The three types of priorities lead to three perspec-
the other; moreover, the midpoint has no special tives on the city: The economic development planner
claims to legitimacy or fairness. sees the city as a location where production, consump-
Similarly, though planners often see themselves as tion, distribution, and innovation take place. The city
the defenders of the poor and of socio-economic is in competition with other cities for markets and for
equality, their actions over the profession's history new industries. Space is the economic space of high-
have often belied that self-image (Harvey 1985). Plan- ways, market areas, and commuter zones.


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the property /
conflict , development
profitable and fair" '
(sustainable deuelopment?)

--- ...~--
the resource

FIGURE 1. The triangle of conflicting goals for planning, and the three associated con-
flicts. Planners define themselves, implicidy, by where they stand on the triangle. The elu-
sive ideal of sustainable development leads one to the center.

The environmental planner sees the city as a con- Triangle Axis 1: The Property Conflict
sumer of resources and a producer of wastes. The city The three points on the triangle represent diver-
is in competition with nature for scarce resources and gent interests, and therefore lead to three fundamen-
land, and always poses a threat to nature. Space is the tal conflicts. The first conflict-between economic
ecological space of greenways, river basins, and ecolog- growth and equity-arises from competing claims on
ical niches. and uses of property, such as between management
The equity planner sees the city as a location of and labor, landlords and tenants, or gentrifying pro-
conflict over the distribution of resources, of services, fessionals and long-time residents. This growth-equity
and of opportunities. The competition is within the conflict is further complicated because each side not
city itself, among different social groups. Space is the only resists the other, but also needs the other for its
social space of communities, neighborhood organiza- own survival. The contradictory tendency for a capital-
tions, labor unions: the space of access and segre- ist, democratic society to define property (such as
gation. housing or land) as a private commodity, but at the
Certainly there are other important views of the same time to rely on government intervention (e.g.,
city, including the architectural, the psychological, zoning, or public housing for the working class) to en-
and the circulatory (transportation); and one could sure the beneficial social aspects of the same property,
conceivably construct a planner's rectangle, penta- is what Richard Foglesong (1986) calls the "property
gon, or more complex polygon. The triangular shape contradiction." This tension is generated as the private
itself is not propounded here as the underlying geo- sector simultaneously resists and needs social inter-
metric structure of the planner's world. Rather, it is vention, given the intrinsically contradictory nature of
useful for its conceptual simplicity. More important- property. Indeed, the essence of property in our soci-
ly, it emphasizes the point that a one-dimensional ety is the tense pulling between these two forces. The
"man versus environment" spectrum misses the so- conflict defines the boundary between private interest
cial conflicts in contemporary environmental dis- and the public good.
putes, such as loggers versus the Sierra Club, farmers
versus suburban developers, or fishermen versus Triangle Axis 2: The Resource Conflict
barge operators (Reisner 1987; Jacobs 1989; McPhee Just as the private sector both resists regulation of
1989; Tuason 1993).t property, yet needs it to keep the economy flowing, so


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too is society in conflict about its priorities for natural of the exploited resource, be it human labor or nature,
resources. Business resists the regulation of its exploi- so that the resource will continue to deliver in the fu-
tation of nature, but at the same time needs regulation ture. In both cases, how much is "enough" is also con-
to conserve those resources for present and future de- tested.
mands. This can be called the "resource conflict." The
conceptual essence of natural resources is therefore Triangle Axis 3: The Development Conflict
the tension between their economic utility in indus- The third axis on the triangle is the most elusive:
trial society and their ecological utility in the natural the "development conflict," lying between the poles of
environment. This conflict defines the boundary be- social equity and environmental preservation. If the
tween the developed city and the undeveloped wilder- property conflict is characterized by the economys
ness, which is symbolized by the "city limits." The ambivalent interest in providing at least a subsistence
boundary is not fixed; it is a dynamic and contested existence for working people, and the resource conflict
boundary between mutually dependent forces. by the economy's ambivalent interest in providing sus-
Is there a single, universal economic-ecological tainable conditions for the natural environment, the
conflict underlying all such disputes faced by plan- development conflict stems from the difficulty of do-
ners? I searched for this essential, Platonic notion, but ing both at once. Environment-equity disputes are
the diversity of examples-water politics in California, coming to the fore to join the older dispute about eco-
timber versus the spotted owl in the Pacific North- nomic growth versus equity (Paehlke 1994, 349-50).
west, tropical deforestation in Brazil, park planning in This may be the most challenging conundrum of sus-
the Adirondacks, greenbelt planning in Britain, to tainable development: how to increase social equity
name a few-suggests otherwise. Perhaps there is an and protect the environment simultaneously, whether
Ur-Konflikt) rooted in the fundamental struggle be- in a steady-state economy (Daly 1991) or not. How
tween human civilization and the threatening wilder- could those at the bottom of society find greater eco-
ness around us, and expressed variously over the nomic opportunity if environmental protection man-
centuries. However, the decision must be left to an- dates diminished economic growth? On a global scale,
thropologists as to whether the essence of the spotted efforts to protect the environment might lead to
owl controversy can be traced back to Neolithic times. slowed economic growth in many countries, exacerbat-
A meta-theory tying all these multifarious conflicts to ing the inequalities between rich and poor nations. In
an essential battle of "human versus nature" (and, effect, the developed nations would be asking the
once tools and weapons were developed and nature poorer nations to forgo rapid development to save the
was controlled, "human versus human")-that invites world from the greenhouse effect and other global
skepticism. In this discussion, the triangle is used sim- emergencies.
ply as a template to recognize and organize the com- This development conflict also happens at the lo-
mon themes; to examine actual conflicts, individual cal level, as in resource-dependent communities,
case studies are used. 2 which commonly find themselves at the bottom of the
The economic-ecological conflict has several in- economy's hierarchy of labor. Miners, lumberjacks,
structive parallels with the growth-equity conflict. In and mill workers see a grim link between environmen-
the property conflict, industrialists must curb their tal preservation and poverty, and commonly mistrust
profit-increasing tendency to reduce wages, in order to environmentalists as elitists. Poor urban communities
provide labor with enough wages to feed, house, and are often forced to make the no-win choice between
otherwise "reproduce" itself-that is, the subsistence economic survival and environmental quality, as when
wage. In the resource conflict, the industrialists must the only economic opportunities are offered by incin-
curb their profit-increasing tendency to increase tim- erators, toxic waste sites, landfills, and other noxious
ber yields, so as to ensure that enough of the forest land uses that most neighborhoods can afford to op-
remains to "reproduce" itself (Clawson 1975; Beltzer pose and do without (Bryant and Mohai 1992; Bullard
and Kroll1986; Lee, Field, and Burch 1990). This prac- 1990, 1993). If, as some argue, environmental protec-
tice is called "sustained yield," though timber compa- tion is a luxury of the wealthy, then environmental
nies and environmentalists disagree about how far the racism lies at the heart of the development conflict.
forest can be exploited and still be "sustainable." (Of Economic segregation leads to environmental segrega-
course, other factors also affect wages, such as supply tion: the former occurs in the transformation of natu-
and demand, skill level, and discrimination, just as ral resources into consumer products; the latter occurs
lumber demand, labor prices, transportation costs, as the spoils of production are returned to nature. In-
tariffs, and other factors affect how much timber is equitable development takes place at all stages of the
harvested.) In both cases, industry must leave enough materials cycle.


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Consider this conflict from the vantage of equity Wilson 1992; Ross 1994). This is also the purpose of
planning. Norman Krumholz, as the planning director the triangle figure presented here: to integrate the en-
in Cleveland, faced the choice of either building re- vironmentalist's and social theorist's world views. On
gional rail lines or improving local bus lines (Krum- one side, an essentialist view of environmental con-
holz et al. 1982). Regional rail lines would encourage flicts ("man versus nature") emphasizes the resource
the suburban middle class to switch from cars to mass conflict. On another side, a historical materialist view
transit; better local bus service would help the inner- of social conflicts (e.g., capital versus labor) empha-
city poor by reducing their travel and waiting time. sizes the property conflict. By simultaneously consid-
One implication of this choice was the tension be- ering both perspectives, one can see more clearly the
tween reducing pollution and making transportation social dimension of environmental conflicts, that is,
access more equitable, an example of how bias toward the development conflict. Such a synthesis is not easy:
social inequity may be embedded in seemingly objec- it requires accepting the social construction of nature
tive transit proposals. but avoiding the materialistic pitfall of arrogantly de
nying any aspects of nature beyond the labor theory
Implications of the Planner's of value.
Triangle Model Environmental conflict should not, therefore, be
seen as simply one group representing the interests of
Conflict and Complementarity in the Triangle nature and another group attacking nature (though it:
Though I use the image of the triangle to empha- often appears that way).' Who is to say that the lum
size the strong conflicts among economic growth, en- berjack, who spends all his or her days among trees
vironmental protection, and social justice, no point (and whose livelihood depends on those trees), is any
can exist alone. The nature of the three axial conflicts less close to nature than the environmentalist taking
is mutual dependence based not only on opposition, a weekend walk through the woods? Is the lumberjack
but also on collaboration. able to cut down trees only because s/he is "alienated"
Consider the argument that the best way to dis- from the "true" spirit of nature-the spirit that the
tribute wealth more fairly (i.e., to resolve the property hiker enjoys? In the absence of a forest mythology, nei
conflict) is to increase the size of the economy, so that ther the tree cutter nor the tree hugger-nor the third
society will have more to redistribute. Similarly, we party, the owner/lessee of the forest-can claim an in-
can argue that the best way to improve environmental nate kinship to a tree. This is not to be an apologist
quality (i.e., to resolve the resource conflict) is to ex- for clear-cutting, but rather to say that the merits of
pand the economy, thereby having more money with cutting versus preserving trees cannot be decided ac
which to buy environmental protection. The former is cording to which persons or groups have the "truest"
trickle-down economics; can we call the latter "trickle- relationship to nature.
down environmentalism"? One sees this logic in the The crucial point is that all three groups have an
conclusion of the Brundtland Report: "If large parts interactive relationship with nature: the differences lie
of the developing world are to avert economic, social, in their conflicting conceptions of nature, their con-
and environmental catastrophes, it is essential that flicting uses of nature, and how they incorporate na-
global economic growth be revitalized" (World Com- ture into their systems of values (be they community,
mission on Environment and Development 1987). economic, or spiritual values). This clash of human
However, only if such economic growth is more fairly values reveals how much the ostensibly separate do-
distributed will the poor be able to restore and protect mains of community development and environmental
their environment, whose devastation so immediately protection overlap, and suggests that planners should
degrades their quality of life. In other words, the de- do better in combining social and environmental mod-
velopment conflict can be resolved only if the property els. One sees this clash of values in many environmen-
conflict is resolved as well. Therefore, the challenge for tal battles: between the interests of urban residents
planners is to deal with the conflicts between compet- and those of subsidized irrigation farmers in Califor-
ing interests by discovering and implementing com- nia water politics; between beach homeowners and
plementary uses. coastal managers trying to control erosion; between
rich and poor neighborhoods, in the siting of incinera-
The Triangle's Origins in a Social View of Nature tors; between farmers and environmentalists, in re-
One of the more fruitful aspects of recent interdis- strictions by open space zoning. Even then-President
ciplinary thought may be its linking the traditionally George Bush weighed into such disputes during his
separate intellectual traditions of critical social theory 1992 campaign when he commented to a group oflog-
and environmental science/policy (e.g., Smith 1990; gers that finally people should be valued more than


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spotted owls (his own take on the interspecies equity arguments against it are inevitably attached to the
issue). Inequity and the imbalance of political power strawman image of a greedy, myopic industrialist.
are often 1ssues at the heart of economic- Who would now dare to speak up in opposition? Two
environmental conflicts. interpretations of the bandwagon for sustainable de-
Recognition that the terrain of nature is contested velopment suggest themselves. The pessim1st1c
need not, however, cast us adrift on a sea of socially- thought is that sustainable development has been
constructed relativism where "nature" appears as an stripped of its transformative power and reduced to
arbitrary idea of no substance (Bird 1987; Soja 1989). its lowest common denominator. After all, if both the
Rather, we are made to rethink the idea and to see World Bank and radical ecologists now believe in sus-
the appreciation of nature as an historically evolved tainability, the concept can have no teeth: it is so mal-
sensibility. I suspect that radical environmentalists leable as to mean many things to many people without
would criticize this perspective as anthropocentric en- requiring commitment to any specific policies. Actions
vironmentalism, and argue instead for an ecocentric speak louder than words, and though all endorse sus-
world view that puts the Earth first (Sessions 1992; tainability, few will actually practice it. Furthermore,
Parton 1993). It is true that an anthropocentric view, any concept fully endorsed by all parties must surely
if distorted, can lead to an arrogant optimism about be bypassing the heart of the conflict. Set a goal far
civilization's ability to reprogram nature through enough into the future, and even conflicting interests
technologies ranging from huge hydroelectric and nu- will seem to converge along parallel lines. The concept
clear plants down to genetic engineering. A rigid belief certainly appears to violate the Karl Popper's require-
in the anthropocentric labor theory of value, Marxist ment that propositions be falsifiable, for to reject sus-
or otherwise, can produce a modern-day Narcissus as tainability is to embrace nonsustainability-and who
a social-constructionist who sees nature as merely re- dares to sketch that future? (Ironically, the nonsus-
flecting the beauty of the human aesthetic and the tainable scenario is the easiest to define: merely the
value of human labor. In this light, a tree is devoid of extrapolation of our current way of life.)
value until it either becomes part of a scenic area or is Yet there is also an optimistic interpretation of the
transformed into lumber. On the other hand, even as broad embrace given sustainability: the idea has be-
radical, ecocentric environmentalists claim to see "true come hegemonic, an accepted meta-narrative, a given.
nature" beyond the city limits, they are blind to how It has shifted from being a variable to being the pa-
their own world view and their definition of nature rameter of the debate, almost certain to be integrated
itself are shaped by their socialization. The choice be- into any future scenario of development. We should
tween an anthropocentric or an ecocentric world view therefore neither be surprised that no definition has
is a false one. We are all unavoidably anthropocentric; been agreed upon, nor fear that this reveals a funda-
the question is which anthropomorphic values and mental flaw in the concept. In the battle of big public
priorities we will apply to the natural and the social ideas, sustainability has won: the task of the coming
world around us. years is simply to work out the details, and to narrow
the gap between its theory and practice.

Sustainable Development: Reaching Is Sustainable Development a Useful Concept?

the Elusive Center of the Triangle Some environmentalists argue that if sustainable
If the three corners of the triangle represent key development is necessary, it therefore must be pos-
goals in planning, and the three axes represent the sible. Perhaps so, but if you are stranded at the bottom
three resulting conflicts, then I will define the center of a deep well, a ladder may be impossible even though
of the triangle as representing sustainable develop- necessary. The answer espoused may be as much an
ment: the balance of these three goals. Getting to the ideological as a scientific choice, depending on
center, however, will not be so easy. It is one thing to whether one's loyalty is to Malthus or Daly. The more
locate sustainability in the abstract, but quite another practical question is whether sustainability is a useful
to reorganize society to get there. concept for planners. The answer here is mixed. The
At first glance, the widespread advocacy of sustain- goal may be too far away and holistic to be opera-
able development is astonishing, given its revolution- tional: that is, it may not easily break down into con-
ary implications for daily life (World Commission crete, short-term steps. We also might be able to define
1987; Daly and Cobb 1989; Rees 1989; World Bank sustainability yet be unable ever to actually measure it
1989; Goodland 1990; Barrett and Bohlen 1991; Kor- or even know, one day in the future, that we had
ten 1991; Vander Ryn and Calthorpe 1991). It is get- achieved it. An old eastern proverb identifies the west-
ting hard to refrain from sustainable development; ern confusion of believing that to name something is


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to know it. That may be the danger in automatically down too many trees or ruined the soil, they would
embracing sustainable development: a facile confi- die out. Modern society has the options presented by
dence that by adding the term "sustainable" to all our trade, long-term storage, and synthetic replacements;
existing planning documents and tools (sustainable if we clear-cut a field, we have subsequent options that
zoning, sustainable economic development, sustain- our ancestors didn't. In this situation, we must volun-
able transportation planning), we are doing sustainable tarily choose sustainable practices, since there is no
planning. Conversely, one can do much beneficial envi- immediate survival or market imperative to do so.
ronmental work without ever devoting explicit atten- Although the long-term effects of a nonsustainable
tion to the concept of sustainability. economy are certainly dangerous, the feedback mecha-
Yet sustainability can be a helpful concept in that nisms are too long-term to prod us in the right di-
it posits the long-term planning goal of a social- rection.
environmental system in balance. It is a unifying con- Why do we often romanticize the sustainable
cept, enormously appealing to the imagination, that past? Some are attracted to the powerful spiritual link
brings together many different environmental con- between humans and nature that has since been lost.
cerns under one overarching value. It defines a set of Such romanticists tend, however, to overlook the
social priorities and articulates how society values the more harsh and unforgiving aspects ofbeing so depen-
economy, the environment, and equity (Paehlke 1994, dent on the land. Two hundred years ago, Friedrich
360). In theory, it allows us not only to calculate Schiller (1965, 28) noted the tendency of utopian
whether we have attained sustainability, but also to thinkers to take their dream for the future and posit
determine how far away we are. (Actual measurement, it as their past, thus giving it legitimacy as a cyclical
though, is another, harder task.) Clearly, it can be ar- return to the past. 4 This habit is not unique to ecotop-
gued that, though initially flawed and vague, the con- ians (Kumar 1991); some religious fundamentalists
cept can be transformed and refined to be of use to also justify their utopian urgency by drawing on the
planners. myth of a paradise lost. Though Marxists don't glorify
the past in the same way, they, too, manage to antici-
History, Equity, and Sustainable Development pate a static system of balance and harmony, which
One obstacle to an accurate, working definition of nonetheless will require a cataclysmic, revolutionary
sustainability may well be the historical perspective social transformation to reach. All three ideologies
that sees the practice as pre-existing, either in our past posit some basic flaw in society-be it western materi-
or as a Platonic concept. I believe instead that our sus- alism, original sin, or capitalism-whose identification
tainable future does not yet exist, either in reality or and cure will free us from conflict. Each ideology sees
even in strategy. We do not yet know what it will look a fundamental alienation as the danger to overcome:
like; it is being socially constructed through a sus- alienation from nature, from god, or from work. Each
tained period of conflict negotiation and resolution. group is so critical of existing society that it would
This is a process of innovation, not of discovery and seem a wonder we have made it this far; but this per-
converting the nonbelievers. sistence of human society despite the dire prognoses
This point brings us to the practice of looking for of utopians tells us something.
sustainable development in pre-industrial and non- What is the fallout from such historical thinking?
western cultures (a common though not universal By neglecting the powerful momentum of modern in-
practice). Searching for our future in our indigenous dustrial and postindustrial society, it both points us
past is instructive at both the philosophical and the in the wrong direction and makes it easier to margin-
practical level (Turner 1983; Duerr 1985). Yet it is also alize the proponents of sustainable development. It
problematical, tapping into a myth that our salvation also carries an anti-urban sentiment that tends to ne-
lies in the pre-industrial sustainable culture. The in- glect both the centrality and the plight of megacities.
ternational division oflabor and trade, the movement Modern humans are unique among species in their
of most people away from agriculture into cities, and propensity to deal with nature's threats, not only
exponential population growth lead us irrevocably through flight and burrowing and biological adapta-
down a unidirectional, not a circular path: the trans- tion, nor simply through spiritual understanding, but
formation of pre-industrial, indigenous settlements also through massive population growth, complex so-
into mass urban society is irreversible. Our modern cial division of labor, and the fundamental, external
path to sustainability lies forward, not behind us. transformation of their once-natural environment
The key difference between those indigenous, sus- (the building of cities). Certainly the fixation on
tainable communities and ours is that they had no growth, industry, and competition has degraded the
choice but to be sustainable. Bluntly stated, if they cut environment. Yet one cannot undo urban-industrial


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society. Rather, one must continue to innovate remain essentially abstractions, however, since no one
through to the other side of industrialization, to reach from the future or from other species can speak up
a more sustainable economy. for their "fair share" of resources. Selfless advocates (or
The cyclical historical view of some environmen- selfish ventriloquists) "speak for them."
talists also hinders a critical understanding of equity, This expansion of socio-spatial equity to include
since that view attributes to the environment a natural future generations and other species not only makes
state of equality rudely upset by modern society. Yet the concept more complex; it also creates the possibil-
nature is inherently neither equal nor unequal, and at ity for contradictions among the different calls for
times can be downright brutal. The human observer "fairness." Slowing worldwide industrial expansion
projects a sense of social equity onto nature, through may preserve more of the world's resources for the fu-
a confusion, noted by Schiller, of the idealized future ture (thereby increasing intergenerational equity), but
with myths about our natural past. To gain a sense it may also undermine the efforts of the underdevel-
of historical legitimacy, we project our socially oped world to approach the living standards of the
constructed sense of equality onto the past, creating west (thereby lowering international equity). Battles
revisionist history in which nature is fair and over Native American fishing practices, the spotted
compassionate. Society's path to equality is perceived owl, and restrictive farmland preservation each thrust
not as an uncertain progress from barbarism to justice, together several divergent notions of "fairness." It is
but rather as a return to an original state of harmony through resolving the three sorts of conflicts on the
as laid out in nature. In this thinking, belief in an eco- planner's triangle that society iteratively forms its
logical balance and a social balance, entwined in the definition of what is fair.
pre-industrial world, conjures up an eco-Garden of
Eden "lost" by modern society. 5 The Path Towards Sustainable Development
It will be more useful to let go of this mythic belief There are two final aspects of the fuzzy definition
in our involuntary diaspora from a pre-industrial, eco- of sustainability: its path and its outcome. The basic
topian Eden. 6 The conflation of ecological diasporas premise of sustainable development is one that, like
and utopias constrains our search for creative, urban the long-term goal of a balanced U.S. budget, is hard
solutions to social-environmental conflict. By relin- not to like. As with eliminating the national debt,
quishing such mythic beliefs, we will understand that however, two troubling questions about sustainable
notions of equity were not lying patiently in wait in development remain: How are you going to get there?
nature, to be first discovered by indigenous peoples, Once you get there, \vhat are the negative conse-
then lost by colonialists, and finally rediscovered by quences? Planners don't yet have adequate answers to
modern society in the late twentieth century. This is these two questions; that is, as yet they have no con-
certainly not to say that nature can teach us nothing. crete strategies to achieve sustainable development,
The laws of nature are not the same thing, however, nor do they know how to counter the political resis-
as natural law, nor does ecological equilibrium neces- tance to it.
sarily generate normative principles of equity. Though On the path towards a sustainable future, the steps
we turn to nature to understand the context, dynam- are often too vague, as with sweeping calls for a "spiri-
ics, and effects of the economic-environmental con- tual transformation" as the prerequisite for environ-
flict, we must turn to social norms to decide what mental transformation. Sometimes the call for
balance is fair and just. sustainable development seems to serve as a vehicle
How, then, do we define what is fair? I propose for sermonizing about the moral and spiritual corrup-
viewing social justice as the striving towards a more tion of the industrial world (undeniable). Who would
equal distribution of resources among social groups not want to believe in a holistic blending of economic
across the space of cities and of nations-a definition and ecological values in each of our planners, who
of"fair" distribution. It should be noted that societies would then go out into the world and, on each project,
view themselves as "fair" if the procedures of allocation internally and seamlessly merge the interests of jobs
treat people equally, even if the substantive outcome is and nature, as well as of social justice? That is, the call
unbalanced. (One would hope that equal treatment is to planners would be to stand at every moment at the
but the first step towards narrowing material inequal- center of the triangle.
ity.) The environmental movement expands the space But this aim is too reminiscent of our naive belief
for this "equity" in two ways: (1) intergenerationally during the 1950s and 1960s in comprehensive plan-
(present versus future generations) and (2) across spe- ning for a single "public interest," before the incre-
cies (as in animal rights, deep ecology, and legal stand- mentalists and advocacy planners pulled the rug out
ing for trees). The two added dimensions of equity from under us (Lindblom 1959; Altshuler 1965; Da-


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vidoff 1965; Fainstein and Fainstein 1971). I suspect steady-state economics nor the nature of th, opposl-
that planners' criticisms of the sustainable develop- tion to sustainable development.
ment movement in the coming years will parallel the
critique of comprehensive planning 30 years ago: The Rethinking/Redefining Sustainable Developm ~nt
incrementalists will argue that one cannot achieve a Despite the shortcomings in the current form. 'la-
sustainable society in a single grand leap, for it re- tion of sustainable development, the concept reta1 1s
quires too much social and ecological information and integrity and enormous potential. It simply needs t,
is too risky. The advocacy planners will argue that no be redefined and made more precise. First, one should
common social interest in sustainable development avoid a dichotomous, black-and-white view of sus-
exists, and that bureaucratic planners will invariably tainability. We should think of American society not
create a sustainable development scheme that neglects as a corrupt, wholly unsustainable one that has to be
the interests both of the poor and of nature. To both made pure and wholly sustainable, but rather as a hy-
groups of critics, the prospect of integrating eco- brid of both sorts of practices. Our purpose, then,
nomic, environmental and equity interests will seem should be to move further towards sustainable prac-
forced and artificial. States will require communities tices in an evolutionary progression.
to prepare "Sustainable Development Master Plans," Second, we should broaden the idea of "sus-
which will prove to be glib wish lists of goals and sus- tainability." If "crisis" is defined as the inability of a
piciously vague implementation steps. To achieve con- system to reproduce itself, then sustainability is the
sensus for the plan, language will be reduced to the opposite: the long-term ability of a system to repro-
lowest common denominator, and the pleasing plans duce. This criterion applies not only to natural ecosys-
will gather dust. tems, but to economic and political systems as well.
An alternative is to let holistic sustainable devel- By this definition, western society already does much
opment be a long-range goal; it is a worthy one, for to sustain itself: economic policy and corporate strate-
planners do need a vision of a more sustainable urban gies (e.g., investment, training, monetary policy) strive
society. But during the coming years, planners will to reproduce the macro- and micro-economies. Simi-
confront deep-seated conflicts among economic, social larly, governments, parties, labor unions, and other
and environmental interests that cannot be wished political agents strive to reproduce their institutions
away through admittedly appealing images of a com- and interests. Society's shortcoming is that as it strives
munity in harmony with nature. One is no more likely to sustain its political and economic systems, it often
to abolish the economic-environmental conflict com- neglects to sustain the ecological system. The goal for
pletely by achieving sustainable bliss than one is to planning is therefore a broader agenda: to sustain, si-
eliminate completely the boundaries between the city multaneously and in balance, these three sometimes
and the wilderness, between the public and private competing, sometimes complementary systems. 8
spheres, between the haves and have-nots. Neverthe- Third, it will be helpful to distinguish initially be-
less, one can diffuse the conflict, and find ways to avert tween two levels of sustainability: specific versus gen-
its more destructive fall-out. eral (or local versus global). One might fairly easily
My concern about the ramifications of a sustainable imagine and achieve sustainability in a single sector
future is one that is often expressed: steady-state, no- and/or locality, for example, converting a Pacific
growth economics would be likely to relegate much of Northwest community to sustained-yield timber prac-
the developing world-and the poor within the indus- tices. Recycling, solar power, cogeneration, and conser-
trialized world-to a state of persistent poverty. The vation can lower consumption of nonsustainable
advocates of sustainable development rightly reject as resources. To achieve complete sustainability across all
flawed the premise of conventional economics that sectors and/or all places, however, requires such com-
only a growth economy can achieve social redistribu- plex restructuring and redistribution that the only
tion. And growth economics has, indeed, also exacer- feasible path to global sustainability is likely to be a
bated the environment's degradation. However, it is long, incremental accumulation of local and industry-
wishful thinking to assume that a sustainable econ- specific advances.
omy will automatically ensure a socially just distribu- What this incremental, iterative approach means
tion of resources. 7 The vision of no-growth (commonly is that planners will find their vision of a sustainable
though not universally assumed to characterize sus- city developed best at the conclusion of contested ne-
tainable development) raises powerful fears, and plan- gotiations over land use, transportation, housing, and
ners should be savvy to such fears. Otherwise, they economic development policies, not as the premise for
will understand neither the potential dangers of beginning the effort. To first spend years in the her-


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metic isolation of univet ~1t1es and environmental design and other mitigation measures (Crowfoot and
groups, perfecting the theo~ v of sustainable develop- Wondolleck 1990, 32-52).
ment, before testing it in coL 'munity development is However, conflict resolution is no panacea. Some-
backwards. That approach sees sustainable develop- times conflicting demands express fundamental con-
ment as an ideal society outside the conflicts of the flicts of interest. The either-or nature of the
planner's triangle, or as the tranquil "eye of the hurri- technology or ecology may preclude a win-win out-
cane" at the triangle's center. As with the ideal compre- come, as in an aU-or-nothing dispute over a proposed
hensive plan, it is presumed that the objective, hydroelectric project (Reisner 1987)-you either build
technocratic merits of a perfected sustainable develop- it or you don't. An overwhelming imbalance of power
ment scheme will ensure society's acceptance. But one between the opposing groups also can thwart resolu-
cannot reach the sustainable center of the planner's tion (Crowfoot and Wondolleck 1990, 4). A powerful
triangle in a single, holistic leap to a pre-ordained party can simply refuse to participate. It is also hard
balance. to negotiate a comprehensive resolution for a large
number of parties.
Planners are likely to have the best success in using
The Task Ahead for Planners: conflict resolution when there is a specific, concise dis-
Seeking Sustainable Development pute (rather than an amorphous ideological clash); all
within the Triangle of Planning interested parties agree to participate (and don't by-
Conflicts pass the process through the courts); each party feels
The role of planners is therefore to engage the cur- on equal ground; there are a variety of possible com-
rent challenge of sustainable development with a dual, promises and innovative solutions; both parties prefer
interactive strategy: (1) to manage and resolve conflict; a solution to an impasse; and a skilled third-party ne-
and (2) to promote creative technical, architectural, gotiator facilitates. The best resolution strategies seem
and institutional solutions. Planners must both nego- to include two areas of compromise and balance: the
tiate the procedures of the conflict and promote a sub- procedural (each party is represented and willing to
stantive vision of sustainable development. compromise); and the substantive (the solution is a
compromise, such as multiple land uses or a reduced
development density).
Procedural Paths to Sustainable Development:
Conflict Negotiation Procedural Paths to Sustainable Development:
In negotiation and conflict resolution (Bingham Redefining the Language of the Conflict
1986; Susskind and Cruikshank 1987; Crowfoot and A second strategy is to bridge the chasms between
Wondolleck 1990), rather than pricing externalities, the languages of economics, environmentalism, and
common ground is established at the negotiation ta- social justice. Linguistic differences, which reflect sep-
ble, where the conflicting economic, social, and envi- arate value hierarchies, are a major obstacle to com-
ronmental interests can be brought together. The mon solutions. All too often, the economists speak of
potential rewards are numerous: not only an outcome incentives and marginal rates, the ecologists speak of
that balances all parties, but avoidance of heavy legal carrying capacity and biodiversity, the advocate plan-
costs and long-lasting animosity. Negotiated conflict ners speak of housing rights, empowerment, and dis-
resolution can also lead to a better understanding of crimination, and each side accuses the others of being
one's opponent's interests and values, and even of "out of touch" (Campbell 1992).
one's own interests. The very process oflengthy nego- The planner therefore needs to act as a translator,
tiation can be a powerful tool to mobilize community assisting each group to understand the priorities and
involvement around social and environmental issues. reasoning of the others. Economic, ecological and so-
The greatest promise, of course, is a win-win outcome: cial thought may at a certain level be incommensura-
finding innovative solutions that would not have come ble, yet a level may still be found where all three may
out of traditional, adversarial confrontation. Through be brought together. To offer an analogy, a Kenyan
skillfully led, back-and-forth discussion, the parties Gikuyu text cannot be fully converted into English
can separate their initial, clashing substantive de- without losing something in translation; a good
mands from their underlying interests, which may be translation, nevertheless, is the best possible way to
more compatible. For example, environmentalists and bridge two systems of expression that will never be
the timber industry could solve their initial dispute one, and it is preferable to incomprehension.
over building a logging road, through alternative road The danger of translation is that one language will


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dominate the debate and thus define the terms of the translation has its limits. Linguistic differences often
solution. It is essential to exert equal effort to translate represent real, intractable differences in values. An en-
in each direction, to prevent one linguistic culture vironmental dispute may arise not from a misunder-
from dominating the other (as English has done in standing alone; both sides may clearly understand that
neocolonial Africa). Another lesson from the neocolo- their vested interests fundamentally clash, no matter
nial linguistic experience is that it is crucial for each how expressed. At this point, translation must give
social group to express itself in its own language be- way to other strategies. The difficulties are exacerbated
fore any translation. The challenge for planners is to when one party has greater power, and so shapes the
write the best translations among the languages of the language of the debate as well as prevailing in its out-
economic, the ecological, and the social views, and to come. In short, translation, like conflict negotiation.
avoid a quasi-colonial dominance by the economic lin- reveals both the promises and the limitations of com
gua franca) by creating equal two-way translations. 9 munication-based conflict resolution.
For example, planners need better tools to under-
stand their cities and regions not just as economic sys- Other Procedural Paths
tems, or static inventories of natural resources, but Two other, more traditional approaches deserve
also as environmental systems that are part of regional mention. One is political pluralism: let the political
and global networks trading goods, information, re- arena decide conflicts, either directly (e.g., a referen
sources and pollution. At the conceptual level, dum on an open space bond act, or a California state
translating the economic vocabulary of global cities, proposition on nuclear power), or indirectly (e.g., elec
the spatial division of labor, regional restructuring, tions decided on the basis of candidates' environmen
and technoburbsjedge cities into environmental lan- tal records and promised legislation). The key
guage would be a worthy start; at the same time, of elements here, political debate and ultimately the vote,
course, the vocabulary of biodiversity, landscape link- allow much wider participation in the decision than
ages, and carrying capacity should be translated to be negotiation does. However, a binary vote cannot as
understandable by economic interests. easily handle complex issues, address specific land-use
This bilingual translation should extend to the conflicts, or develop subtle, creative solutions. Choos-
empirical level. I envision extending the concept of the ing the general political process as a strategy for decid-
"trade balance" to include an "environmental balance," ing conflict also takes the process largely our of the
which covers not just commodities, but also natural hands of planners.
resources and pollution. Planners should improve The other traditional strategy is to develop mar-
their data collection and integration to support the ket mechanisms to link economic and environmental
environmental trade balance. They should apply priorities. Prices are made the commonality that brid-
economic-ecological bilingualism not only to the con- ges the gap between the otherwise noncommensura.-
tent of data, but also to the spatial framework of the bles of trees and timber, open space and real estate.
data, by rethinking the geographic boundaries of plan- The market place is chosen as the arena where society
ning and analysis. Bioregionalists advocate having the balances its competing values. This economistic ap-
spatial scale for planning reflect the scale of natural proach to the environment reduces pollution to what
phenomena (e.g., the extent of a river basin, vegetation the economist Edwin Mills (1978, 15) called "a prob-
zones, or the dispersion range of metropolitan air pol- lem in resource allocation." This approach can decide
lution); economic planners call for a spatial scale to conflicts along the economic-environmental axis (the
match the social phenomena (e.g., highway networks, resource conflict), but often neglects equity. However,
municipal boundaries, labor market areas, new indus- the market does seem to be dealing better with envi-
trial districts). The solution is to integrate these two ronmental externalities than it did ten or twenty years
scales and overlay the economic and ecological geogra- ago. Internalizing externalities, at the least, raises the
phies of planning. The current merging of environ- issues of social justice and equity: e.g., who will pay
mental Raster (grid-based) and infrastructural vector- for cleaning up abandoned industrial sites or compen-
based data in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) sate for the loss of fishing revenues due to oil spills.
recognizes the need for multiple layers of planning The recent establishment of a pollution credit market
boundaries (Wiggins 1993). in the South Coast Air Quality Management District,
Translation can thus be a powerful planner's skill, for example, is a step in the right direction-despite
and interdisciplinary planning education already pro- criticism that the pollution credits were initially given
vides some multilingualism. Moreover, the idea of sus- away for free (Robinson 1993).
tainability lends itself nicely to the meeting on The role of the planner in all four of these ap-
common ground of competing value systems. Yet proaches is to arrange the procedures for making deci-


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sions, not to set the substance of the actual outcomes. architectural problems. As a result, ostensible solu-
In some cases, the overall structure for decision- tions may be merely symbols of ecological-economic
making already exists (the market and the political balance, without actually solving the conflict.
system). In other cases, however, the planner must Nevertheless, land-use planning arguably remains
help shape that structure (a mediation forum; a com- the most powerful tool available to planners, who
mon language), which, done successfully, gives the should not worry too much if it does not manage all
process credibility. The actual environmental out- problems. The trick in resolving environmental con-
comes nevertheless remain unknowable: you don't flicts through land-use planning is to reconcile the
know in advance if the environment will actually be conflicting territorial logics of human and of natural
improved. For example, environmentalists and devel- habitats. Standard real estate development reduces
opers heralded the Coachella Valley Fringe-Toed Liz- open space to fragmented, static, green islands-ex-
ard Habitat Conservation Plan as a model process to actly what the landscape ecologists deplore as unable
balance the interests '?f development and conserva- to preserve biodiversity. Wildlife roam and migrate,
tion; yet the actual outcome may not adequately pro- and require large expanses of connected landscape
tect the endangered lizard (Beatley 1992, 15-16). (Hudson 1991). So both the ecological and the eco-
Similarly, although the New Jersey State Development nomic systems require the interconnectivity of a criti-
Plan was praised for its innovative cross-acceptance cal mass of land to be sustainable. Though we live in
procedure, the plan itself arguably has not altered the a three-dimensional world, land is a limited resource
state's urban sprawl. with essentially two dimensions (always excepting air
The final issue that arises is whether the planner and burrowing/mining spaces). The requirement of
should play the role of neutral moderator, or of advo- land's spatial interconnectivity is thus hard to achieve
cate representing a single party; this has been a long- for both systems in one region: the continuity of one
standing debate in the field. Each strategy has its system invariably fragments continuity of the other. 10
virtues. So the guiding challenge for land-use planning is to
achieve simultaneously spatial/territorial integrity for
Substantive Paths to Sustainable Development: both systems. Furthermore, a sustainable develop-
Land Use and Design ment that aspires to social justice must also find ways
Planners have substantive knowledge of how to avoid the land-use manifestations of uneven devel-
cities, economies, and ecologies interact, and they opment: housing segregation, unequal property-tax
should put forth specific, farsighted designs that pro- funding of public schools, jobs-housing imbalance,
mote the sustainable city. The first area is traditional the spatial imbalance of economic opportunity, and
planning tools ofland-use design and control. The po- unequal access to open space and recreation.
tential for balance between economic and environ-
mental interests exists in design itself, as in a greenbelt Substantive Paths to Sustainable Development:
community (Elson 1986). Sometimes the land-use so- Bioregionalism
lution is simply to divide a contested parcel into two A comprehensive vision of sustainable land use is
parcels: a developed and a preserved. This solution can bioregionalism, both in its 1920s articulation by the
take crude forms at times, such as the "no-net-loss" Regional Planning Association of America (Sussman
policy that endorses the dubious practice of creating 1976) and its contemporary variation (Sale 1985; An-
wetlands. A different example, Howard's turn-of-the drus et al. 1990; Campbell 1992). The movement's es-
century Garden City (1965), can be seen as a territori- sential belief is that rescaling communities and the
ally symbolic design for balance between the economy economy according to the ecological boundaries of
and the environment, though its explicit language was a physical region will encourage sustainability. The
that of town-country balance. It is a design's articu- regional scale presumably stimulates greater environ-
lated balance between the built development and the mental awareness: it is believed that residents of small-
unbuilt wilderness that promises the economic- scale, self-sufficient regions will be aware of the causes
environmental balance. Designs for clustered develop- and effects of their environmental actions, thereby re-
ments, higher densities, and live-work communities ducing externalities. Regions will live within their
move toward such a balance (Rickaby 1987; Commis- means, and bypass the environmental problems
sion of the European Communities 1990; Hudson caused by international trade and exporting pollution.
1991; Vander Rys and Calthorpe 1991). Some dispute The bioregional vision certainly has its shortcom-
the inherent benefits of the compact city (Breheny ings, including the same fuzzy, utopian thinking
1992). A further complication is that not all economic- found in other writing about sustainable develop-
environmental conflicts have their roots in spatial or ment. Its ecological determinism also puts too,much


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faith in the regional "spatial fix": no geographic scale solutions seem to undertake several different resolu-
can, in itself, eliminate all conflict, for not all conflict tion strategies at once. For example, negotiation
is geographic. Finally, the call for regional self- among developers, city planners, and land-use preser-
reliance-a common feature of sustainable develop- vationists can produce an innovative, clustered design
ment concepts (Konen 1991, 184)-might relegate the for a housing development, plus a per-unit fee for pre-
regional economy to underdevelopment in an other- serving open space. Substantive vision combined with
wise nationally and internationally interdependent negotiating skills thus allows planners to create win-
world. Yet it can be effective to visualize sustainable win solutions, rather than either negotiating in a zero-
regions within an interdependent world full of trade, sum game or preparing inert, ecotopian plans. This
migration, information flows and capital flows, and to approach is not a distant ideal for planners: they al-
know the difference between healthy interdependence ready have, from their education and experience, both
and parasitic dependence, that is, a dependence on other this substantive knowledge and this political savvy.
regions' resources that is equivalent to depletion. In- In the end, however, the planner must also deal
terdependence does not always imply an imbalance of with conflicts where one or more parties have no inter-
power, nor does self-sufficiency guarantee equality. Fi- est in resolution. One nonresolution tactic is the
nally, the bioregional perspective can provide a foun- NIMBY, Not In My Back Yard, response: a crude mar-
dation for understanding conflicts among a region's riage of local initiative and the age-old externalizing
interconnected economic, social and ecological net- of pollution. This "take it elsewhere" strategy makes
works. no overall claim to resolve conflict, though it can be a
productive form of resistance rather than just irratio-
Other Substantive Paths nal parochialism (Lake 1993). Nor does em-terrorism
One other approach is technological improve- consider balance. Instead, it replaces the defensive
ment, such as alternative fuels, conservation mecha- stance of NIMBY with offensive, confrontational, sym-
nisms, recycling, alternative materials, and new mass bolic action. Resolution is also avoided out of cavalier
transit design. Stimulated by competition, regulation, confidence that one's own side can manage the opposi
or government subsidies, such advances reduce the tion through victory, not compromise ("My side will
consumption of natural resources per unit of produc- win, so why compromise?"). Finally, an "I don't care''
tion and thereby promise to ameliorate conflict over stance avoids the conflict altogether. Unfortunately,
their competing uses, creating a win-win solution. this ostensible escapism often masks a more perni
However, this method is not guaranteed to serve those cious NIMBY or "my side will win" hostility, just be
purposes, for gains in conservation are often cancelled low the surface.
out by rising demand for the final products. The over-
all increase in demand for gasoline despite improve- Planners: Leaders or Followers in
ments in automobile fuel efficiency is one example of
how market forces can undermine technologically- Resolving Economic-Environmental
achieved environmental improvements. Nor, im- Conflicts?
portantly, do technological improvements guarantee I turn finally to the question of whether planners
fairer distribution. are likely to be leaders or followers in resolving
The role of the planner in all these substantive economic-environmental conflicts. One would think
strategies (land use, bioregionalism, technological im- that it would be natural for planners, being interdisci-
provement) is to design outcomes, with less emphasis plinary and familiar with the three goals of balancing
on the means of achieving them. The environmental social equity, jobs, and environmental protection, to
ramifications of the solutions are known or at least take the lead in resolving such conflicts. Of the conflict
estimated, but the political means to achieve legiti- resolution scenarios mentioned above, those most
macy are not. There also is a trade-off between com- open to planners' contributions involve the built envi-
prehensiveness (bioregions) and short-term ronment and local resources: land use, soil conserva-
achievability (individual technological improve- tion, design issues, recycling, solid waste, water
ments). treatment. Even solutions using the other ap-
proaches-environmental economic incentives, politi-
Merging the Substantive and Procedural cal compromise, and environmental technology
The individual shortcomings of the approaches innovations-that are normally undertaken at the
described above suggest that combining them can state and federal levels could also involve planners if
achieve both political and substantive progress in the moved to the local or regional level.
environmental-economic crisis. The most successful But the planners' position at the forefront of


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change is not assured, especially if the lead is taken up Yet even with the rising acceptance of sustainable
by other professions or at the federal, not the local, development, planners will not always be able, on their
level. The lively debate on whether gasoline consump- own, to represent and balance social, economic, and
tion can best be reduced through higher-density land environmental interests simultaneously. The profes-
uses (Newman and Kenworthy 1989) or through en- sional allegiances, skills, and bureaucracies of the pro-
ergy taxes (Gordon and Richardson 1990) not only re- fession are too constraining to allow that. Pretending
flected an ideological battle over interpreting research at all times to be at the center of the planner's triangle
results and the merits of planning intervention, but will only make sustainability a hollow term. Instead,
also demonstrated how local planning can be made ei- the trick will be for individual planners to identify
ther central or marginal to resolving environmental- their specific loyalties and roles in these conflicts accu-
economic conflicts. To hold a central place in the de- rately: that is, to orient themselves in the triangle.
bate about sustainable development, planners must Planners will have to decide whether they want to re-
exploit those areas of conflict where they have the main outside the conflict and act as mediators, or
greatest leverage and expertise. jump into the fray and promote their own visions of
Certainly planners already have experience with ecological-economic development, sustainable or oth-
both the dispute over economic growth versus equity erwise. Both planning behaviors are needed.
and that over economic growth versus environmental
protection. Yet the development conflict is where the AUTHOR'S NOTE
real action for planners will be: seeking to resolve both
environmental and economic equity issues at once. The author thanks Elizabeth Mueller, Susan Fainstein, Di-
Here is where the profession can best make its unique ane Massell, Jonathan Feldman, Karen Lowry, Jessica San-
contribution. An obvious start would be for commu- chez, Harvey Jacobs, Michael Greenberg, Renee Sieber,
Robert Higgins, the Project on Regional and Industrial Eco-
nity development planners and environmental plan-
nomics (PRIE) Seminar, and three anonymous reviewers for
ners to collaborate more (an alliance that an internal
their comments.
Environmental Protection Agency memo found explo-
sive enough for the agency to consider defusing it)
(Higgins 1994). One possible joint task is to expand NOTES
current public-private partnership efforts to improve 1.A curious comparison to this equity-environment-
environmental health in the inner city. This urban- economy triangle is the view of Arne Naess (1993), che
based effort would help planners bypass the danger radical environmentalist who gave Deep Ecology its
of environmental elitism that besets many suburban, name in the 1970s, that the three crucial postwar politi-
white-oriented environmental organizations. cal movements were the social justice, radical environ-
If planners move in this direction, they will join mental, and peace movements, whose goals might
the growing environmental justice movement, which overlap but could not be made identical.
emerged in the early 1980s and combined minority 2. Perhaps one can explain the lack of a universal conflict
community organizing with environmental concerns in the following way: if our ideas of the economy, equity,
and the environment are socially/culturally con-
(Higgins 1994). The movement tries to reduce envi-
structed, and if cultural society is local as well as global,
ronmental hazards that directly affect poor residents, then our ideas are locally distinct rather than univer-
who are the least able to fight pollution, be it the di- sally uniform.
rect result of discriminatory siting decisions or the 3. For planners, if one is simply "planning for place," then
indirect result of housing and employment discrimi- the dispute about suburban housing versus wetlands
nation. The poor, being the least able to move away, does indeed reflect a conflict between an economic and
are especially tied to place and therefore to the assis- an environmental use of a specific piece of land. But if
tance or neglect of local planners. Understandably, lo- one sees this conflict in light of "planning for people,"
cal civil rights leaders have been preoccupied for so then the decision lies between differing social groups
long with seeking economic opportunity and social (e.g., environmentalists, fishermen, developers) and be-
tween their competing attempts to incorporate the
justice that they have paid less attention to inequities
piece ofland into their system and worldview. (This clas-
in the local environment. The challenge for poor com-
sic planning distinction between planning for people or
munities is now to expand their work on the property for place begs the question: Is there a third option,
conflict to address the development conflict as well, "planning for nonpeople, i.e., nature"?)
that is, to challenge the false choice of jobs over the 4. Schiller, using Kant's logic, recognized 200 years ago
environment. An urban vision of sustainable develop- this human habit of positing the fmure on the past: "He
ment, infused with a belief in social and environmen- thus artificially retraces his childhood in his maturity,
tal justice, can guide these efforts. forms for himself a state of Nature in idea, which is not


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and Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

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