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This Lightolier Portfolio Collection

of decorative lighting is a favored source NUMBER PAGE

for designers and architects who are planning public, 44315 ..22
48383. 8
commercial or residential interiors. For a corporation. 48384 . . ..617
48391 617
Or a celebrity. For a theatre. Or a hotel. Or a family 4A392 .... 617
in a penthouse or on an estate. Professionals whose 48393 ...617
48394 617
projects pervade the wide spectrum of decorative 48395 .. 617
48396. B

lighting des ires and demands. 4A397 ... .... 617

24 48399 . ... 617
24 4A424 .. . 12113
SCale to n"tp you f ill space artf u tly. With the right proportions 24 4A425 72113
to express and emphasize a unity with the environment.
11 4A426 r2lt3
16 48427 .. 12113
Stlle to tastiaiously focus on the right rhythm of llght to 16 44428 12113
16 4a440 .. ... r9ll9
highlight harmonies of decor- Orlginality of contemporary. 16 4A447 18/ 19
Authenticity of traditional. Charisma of fine crystal, Glitter or glow.
16 4A442 ... . r3lr9
11116 48443 18/ 19
Diffused ordirected light, To magnifya mood.To help make an irnage. 40156 14 4A444 18/ 19
40757 14 4a445 . ..... . 18119
SatiSfaCtiOn quattty n'rateriats, engineered construction, 4A165 16 48446 .. 18/ 19
40777 1.4 4A447... .. 18/ i9
enduring finishes provide durability and carefree liveability. 40 /B/ 15 48450 .10
With the dependability assured by Lightolier's sixty-five years of 40788 15 48451 10
growth ln the lighting field. 407a9 15 4A452.... 10
44790.. 15 48453 10
40791 ... . 15 4A457 9
SingUlaf ity whatever the conf iguration, size, f in ish, the 40792 15 48458 .. . ..9
Lightolier Custom Division is available for rearranging basic 40793. .. 15

lighting elements. 0r for creating totally new designs. To solve

40194 15
a 44175 30
pa rticu lar problem with a uniq ue idea-a nswer. To assist you 48176 .. 30
in ach ieving maximal design f lexibility. 44465 415
44470 ..24121.
44412 . . ...2412r
Contemporary. Trad itional. Crystal. 4A473 2Al2\
Note the versati ity. Note the nuances. Note the legendary 48414 .. 2012r
Richly articulated Hand chased brass skill. As shown in 44444. 2a
designs in polished castings. Hand many pendalog 48485 26
48486 .. 26
silver, brass or iron to forged iron. Hand shapes, hand facted 48500 ... ... i1
achieve elegance of carved frultwood. by master artisans.
48501 11
line with space-age Hand hammered Renowned Bohemian 44502 11
excitement. Large rnetal leafwork. crystal, wood wheel 48503 ... 11
scale magnificence Distressed and polished for 48504 11
with light and airy burnished finishes perfection. Strass 48505 i1
shapes. Rhythmic with the patina of age. crystal jewels, 48506 11
designs with Authentic details of dancing, dazzling, 48507 11
alternative effects. an artisan's era. To percussive points of 48550 27
fit charm smallor fire. Their creation a
48551 ... 27
Sizes to low
44552 27
ceilings. Or fill lavish soaring interiors of guarded secret for 48553 2/
spaces. today. centuries.
Pages 3.16 Pages l7-24 Pages 25-30
Sc! ptural theme: f uidity
and interplay of shapes.
A space form of h igh y polished
si verplate . . . its brll iance
punctuated by a double rhythm
of round bulbs and matte whlte
arcs. For ihe environment
whose role is keeping in step
wlth whai wil be.
48460 6 i ghts
r_ r (t r-r T<) r- r r: l?

/ i' 1
,) I
il, -'i l
,i ' ": i Li'tl. :
it,Lh I ':liil 'tll
' 'ri \ li' .i''fiiJ\ff.i,
. l,.'r,l!ll tr
48,16.1 35 qr1. ,l8.rarl ,1 ilri n .ir
Patrician I
Glamour of a shimmering pool.
For world y interiors, from
opera house to villa. Echo of
an opulent past, finely forged
silver reflecting the jeweler's
f inesse. Unusual oval crystal

penda logs for myriad magical

refractions. Un iq uely "today,"
a geometric galaxy of light.
48392 12 ights

48393 24 thts
Chts 483S4 3 chis 5 eir 48395 5lghts 5 ext 48397 3 rghls 48199 l8 rBhrs

Fin'sh: Sat n and Po ishd S, ver Crysla 60 W mar hum GnnPlabrs b3se br bs
Patrician ll
Restralnt and regallty in its
inely executed silversm lth

effect. For the interior whose

cadence is ow key exhilaration,
radiating serenity and poise.
Sllm swirls of delicacy, finished
in satin and polished sllver.
For intrigulng ight refLections
of softness and sh ine. ,18396 6 ghts

F n sh Sal n afd Polshed S ver 60 W mar mum Cafdeabra bas bulbs

r- r (t t-r T() t- | t: t? 9

Patrician III
Grace of a gentle fou nta in
in its lyre shaped body.

o For soph isticated sites, from

town house to country club,
H igh ly pollshed silverplate on
solid brass. An eloquence in
its rhythm and repetition of
silver and crysta l. Stately
and spark ing two-tier un ion
for lm posing interiors.
r- Po
! .e 60 W m" nL-. . de cb
" b".e b. b

Flair I
A fresh focus on thefarn iar it
'l r:.
candle chande ier. For e egant li-
inter ors. such as a renowned
resta!rant. Exq u is te sc
Light and airy, yet compe i ng.
u lplLr re.
ll ghly po isheC si ver, flaring I

parels of contrasting gunmeia . 'il

Duei of 8 and 15 i ght sizes )'.-r l

produces a 24 I ght spectacu ar. 1,.-

5l : ar'tr 3

.13,152 1a shls

r-r('FlTol-rr:l:l 11

Clean lines for the crisply
articu lated interior. Such as 48500*/48501r-2 ighis 8%" ext.
a university Iibrary or lounge.
Radiating grace and gloss of
highly polished brass or chome.
Beauty and balance in the gleam lrm
! *.[
-.1* -r
of metal flowing into the soft 40739 40755
glow of opaque or luminous
shaded light.
4a504+/4a5o5i t2 tghrs 4a506'/4507, - r 8 riehrs
Monolithic light ha rmony.
For the interior which nnakes a
simp e but sophisticated use
of space. Such as an outstanding
store. Lum inous cJuster of
un iq ue, clea r bubble textured
glass shapes in countless -"et.. :
combinations. Forcef ul focal
ltt r
point wlth maite black frame. -;,.trT
43424-3lghts exl
t-r (iFlro r-l t=r" 13

48428-24 lChts 4426 wtlh 2 4tl27
Beauty of forrn and textural
interest. Harmony for lnteriors
that require genero us diffused
illumination. Such as a library
or restaurant. Sca lloped bands
of satin brass, in la id wlth
rlch B razilia n rosewood, are
a vivid contrast to luminous
satin opal glass goblets. -- 2 clt 6 ei
1... i <,4 !-r Ti.l)) : " lF.lA L:,
l+=. ;4,._t? i
., i oi,/ bret cn is k f.l -.C
-.1 ll-
i;,, i-.' -, , rhyihn ard tig r i.
"1 ll !l
r:ri- bo al deil tla rter 0's
s tr;r;: the pl blic a re:: of a
:lr0pi,ring cef t-.i ci- tl-eaire. Th-^
sr:: opcd rir'rg o'po 'slreo brass
uf.lerscores g obes of op; gLass
or -siTroke arf d cr_rrsia . Of ivr: y
Lrnrifoslty or g anrcroLrs g iiter --lilr r', P!_



ro ";

t? 'i:. ' ",;-:5.:g

Fo 3'
16 ,irJ
cadenza ; ,\ "
l'lul 11

FLourish of harmon ious forms.
Grace notes: fanfare of a fLuted
l ;-'
body, gentle curve of the arms. (t
Shal ow contour creates airlness 40751 6 phls

for low ceiling areas. Two tler

arrangement for larger areas.
Choice of one lu m lnous or two
opaque shades which always slt
straight on their disc diffusers.

40753- 12 ghls
Derived from ea rly English
themes. A specia I dignity.
Flowing simplicity with robust
virillty. For gracious living,
from memorable dining to public
congregating. Artf ul metalwork
in a rich antique pewter or
brass fin ish. Two moods
shaded or cand lelight. 4a440*14a444t 6 | ch\s 4a441*/48445, 9 tshls
An authentic yet original look.
I-t<iFtT()t-tl=t? 19

ro 40769 3e Be S k Shantuns

4655 Parchmenl
Shades are opt'on.l
4a442t/49446t t2l En,'s 48/43'14a447' 2 shis 5:ri err.

F n sh: lAnl que Pewler 'Antqu tsrass 60 W max mum. Cande abra bas bu bs
OId Forge
Rustlc, rugged face of a countrY
haven. For nosta lglc decors,
those of an Early American
room, Spanish hac enda, English
in n. Wrought iron ha nd forged
!n the Old World manner. Soft
o's^ed,/-arbe' L
glo\4, -n6ls or
charm of ca nd lelight. Heroic
two-tier size for larger spaces.

r-t (iFtT()t-l t=t2 2l

,:,, -l -l
i184ll 2 qhls .rr eir

Mrlle B a.k 60 tr mar mum cii.e abri rrse bulbs

Country C/assics
Hand carved f ruitwood bodies
d ramatized by sweeping wrought
iron arms, a touch of antique
gold. llagic of smoke hued bubbly
textured hurrlcane ch im neys.
0r an open cand e chande Ljer
with its decorative tassel.
Sty e authenticity and cozy
wa rmth for informal lnteriors. ,18:7: 5 grls
t-t(iFIT()t_tl=t? 23

,1"!:167 2 qirts 9li ex1 48368 2 Fhts 9ti ext 44370 6 elils
Essence of colonial tradition.
Classlc e egance is evoked ln
flowing arms, rneLon-r bbed bodY
+ E#ds tr
and bobeches. H u rrjcane chimneYS,
sht5 40/31 l2 Phtr

opaque or trans ucent shades,

optlona I for speclal effects.
Sha low depth and 2-tier unlon
for low ceillng and larger
4073? 2 rghls 9 eit
spaces. For me low lnteriors,
frorn bank to exclusive shoP.
Exclusive designs executed by
h talented artisans with
igh ly
rare skills generations old.
Dazz ing bobeches, beads,
penda logs, center column-
all ful -cut faceted, wood
whee polished, first quality
Bohem ian crysta . 0rnamental
48485 18 I ghts 4a4a6 24 rghts
parts all cast in fine foundry sand,
hand-chased for design c arity.
F'n.h Pohihcd Cod and Crrnal 60W mar mum. cear Candeabra base bu bs
I 2l
Sovereign i

Charlsma of crystal in a des gn

of grandeur. Cast bronze in ;:
': ;
graceful curves, fin shed ln
antique gold and gleam ing with rl IL
old world artlstry. F ashes of
ight in a pulsating rhythmic l

order. Casts a forma aura of

romance and radiance to create
a resplendent environ ment.
2a ffi'
fhe Sfo ry of Sfrass {ffi@ I
-Ii- -l
Royally acclaimed as jewelrY
in the 1700's, Strass crystal ffi.
l ,,--r
i 48484 2 Lghts .lrr' erl

ls created today for Lightoller ,18::7 l2 ehls
48340 3 r Ehrs'
by Europe's most gifted heirs

ffi" I 4921 2 rghrs tl

to this rare and still secret art.
Its exceptiona lly h lgh lead
,6 -l
4924 3
lghts '
content yields fiery brllliance
Each gem has as manY as 34 gW" I

precisely polished facets for f.-,.,r'

4929 6 L Crrts
l_a 48338 16
eh15 48339 31 ehts
a starburst of prismatic color.
r0! I C e.rG,de:D,J b:s. b! bs
l-r(iFrT()t-tt=l? 29

Sfrass Crystal
Jewelry for romantic interlors,
such as a palatial ba lroom. i'F'e*"$t I'
Tier-ove r-tler. De llcate drama
of myriad strands of jeweL
48328 5 Chts'

octagons. Regalaura of a crown

of emera d cut prisrns. Plethora "t
of f ash ing crystals. Strass, r$i":l'#"*'L''
whose fire and lustre riva s the
d amond. Disti ls
ight to its
* "'*',ri'i;
essence of rainbow radiance. 48327-24 shts'
Love uxury and splendor.
A l-crystal look. Fasclnating
l, .t
t ers of faceted baguettes. 4-o:r : shrr

A crisp, shal ow design.

A fixtures can mount flush to
i O(
ce)ltng.22' and larger sizes r--
can a so be stem mounted. Fire l:
and ight to ignite distinctive
".o, 'rar obb, to b, ,qJA'ia' .
t-t (f t-t-i() r_t t:t? 3l

Custom Designs

Some projects call for the individuality, Specla/lsfs in

the impact and prestige of custom Creative Lighting Design
lighting: .. . to fully express overall design
Lightolier's Custom Division has
concept. . . . to tallor the mood and focus
constructed a reputation for skill in
of lighting. . . . to fit the special needs
design and singu larly discriminating
of a particular space.
standards of quality craftsmanship and
Option One materials. Your reliable source for
Creative ada ptations and rearrangements personal, complete and prompt
of existing Lightolier components in design service.
new combinations, new configu rations,
new proportions.

Option Two
Creative, 6' giral ... innovative...
the ultimate in exclusivity: the completely
un iq ue design.

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