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Direccin Universitaria de Educacin a

EP de Administracin y Negocios



2016-I Ciclo: 05 Seccin: 01-1

Datos del alumno: FORMA DE PUBLICACIN:
Apellidos y nombres:
LATORRE SOSAYA Publicar su archivo(s) en la opcin TRABAJO ACADMICO que figura en el
STACY WENDY men contextual de su curso

Cdigo de matrcula:
2011206168 Panel de control
Uded de matrcula:
Fecha de publicacin en campus
virtual DUED LEARN:

DE MAYO 2016
A las 23.59 PM
(Hora peruana)


1. Recuerde verificar la
correcta publicacin de
su Trabajo Acadmico en
el Campus Virtual antes
de confirmar al sistema
el envo definitivo al
Revisar la previsualizacin de su
trabajo para asegurar archivo

2. Las fechas de publicacin de trabajos acadmicos a travs del campus virtual DUED LEARN estn definidas en la
plataforma educativa, de acuerdo al cronograma acadmico 2016-I por lo que no se aceptarn trabajos

3. Las actividades de aprendizaje que se encuentran en los textos que recibe al matricularse, servirn para su
autoaprendizaje mas no para la calificacin, por lo que no debern ser consideradas como trabajos acadmicos

Gua del Trabajo Acadmico:

4. Recuerde: NO DEBE COPIAR DEL INTERNET, el Internet es nicamente una fuente de
consulta. Los trabajos copias de internet sern verificados con el SISTEMA ANTIPLAGIO UAP
y sern calificados con 00 (cero).

5. Estimado alumno:
El presente trabajo acadmico tiene por finalidad medir los logros alcanzados en el desarrollo del curso.
Para el examen parcial Ud. debe haber logrado desarrollar hasta 02 y para el examen final debe haber desarrollado el
trabajo completo.

Criterios de evaluacin del trabajo acadmico:

Este trabajo acadmico ser calificado considerando criterios de evaluacin segn naturaleza del curso:

Considera la evaluacin de la redaccin, ortografa, y presentacin del trabajo en

1 Presentacin adecuada del trabajo
este formato.
Considera la revisin de diferentes fuentes bibliogrficas y electrnicas
confiables y pertinentes a los temas tratados, citando segn la normativa APA.
2 Investigacin bibliogrfica: Se sugiere ingresar al siguiente enlace de video de orientacin:

Situacin problemtica o caso Considera el anlisis contextualizado de casos o la solucin de situaciones

3 prctico: problematizadoras de acuerdo a la naturaleza del curso.

Considera la aplicacin de juicios valorativos ante situaciones y escenarios

4 Otros contenidos
diversos, valorando el componente actitudinal y tico.

Estimado(a) alumno(a):
Reciba usted, la ms cordial bienvenida al presente ciclo acadmico de la Escuela profesional
de Administracin y Negocios Internacionales en la Universidad Alas Peruanas.
En la gua de trabajo acadmico que presentamos a continuacin se le plantea actividades de
aprendizaje que deber desarrollar en los plazos establecidos y considerando la normativa e
indicaciones del Docente Tutor.

ACTIVIDAD OBLIGATORIA: La redaccin, ortografa y la presentacin del trabajo

acadmico en este formato. (2ptos.)


PRIMERA ACTIVIDAD: Lee detenidamente las actividades a realizar:

Realizar 03 presentaciones personales, brindando informacin

Seleccionar a 03 personas y sus fotografas para redactar

presentaciones breves haciendo uso de la informacin
obtenida sobre ellas. (Names, last names, age, hometown,
marital status, cell phone number, e-mail address, hobbies,
Organizar sus ideas y seleccionar toda la informacin
necesaria para comenzar a redactar.
Comenzar a redactar el prrafo de la siguiente forma:
Hello, my name is Meredith Smith. Im from from
Cada una de las personas brindara informacin sobre s
Los prrafos u oraciones deben ser redactados por Uds.
mismos, utilizando lenguaje sencillo.
La presentacin de la informacin de manera sencilla y
ordenada mediante oraciones o prrafos.
Utilizar lenguaje y vocabulario apropiado de acuerdo al
Se valorara mucho si el alumno aade informacin extra
relacionada al tema en mencin.
Greetings, possessive adjectives, countries and nationalities,
numbers, Verb to Be ,etc.
PUNTAJE 5 puntos
Asegrate de utilizar el vocabulario aprendido en este curso y de

RECOMENDACIONE recordar la correcta escritura de las palabras que sean necesarias

S para desarrollar el trabajo. Toma como referencia las ayudas. No
copiar y pegar de pginas de internet.

SEGUNDA ACTIVIDAD: Leer detenidamente las instrucciones antes de realizar la actividad.

Elegir alguna celebracin que considere interesante y hacer una

narracin para brindar datos importantes sobre la misma.
ACTIVIDADES Elegir una celebracin que considere importante o
Buscar informacin que podra incluir en la narracin.

Comenzar creando un ttulo apropiado, luego redactar de
manera sencilla (en sus propias palabras) las oraciones o
prrafos relacionados a dicha celebracin.
Debe mencionar, lugar, fecha, actividades que se realizan,
costumbres, etc.
Recuerde que se valorara mucho su opinin personal.

Puede anexar imgenes o fotos.

Seguir las instrucciones para desarrollar la actividad.
Utilizar correctamente las estructuras gramaticales y
PUNTOS A EVALUAR trminos sencillos de acuerdo al nivel.
Incluir toda la informacin solicitada y realizar una
redaccin pulcra y ordenada.
PUNTAJE 6 puntos
Verb to Be, Present simple, frequency adverbs, there is- there are,
prepositions, countable and uncountable nouns.
Todos los puntos indicados, deben ser realizados solo por ti, se
contrastar con tus evaluaciones. Utiliza trminos aprendidos en el
La copia de Trabajos de Internet o de otro participante ser
valorado con 00.

TERCERA ACTIVIDAD: Lee cuidadosamente las siguientes indicaciones.

Hacer un recuento de algunos acontecimientos ocurridos en nuestro

OBJETIVO pas y realice algunas predicciones.

ACTIVIDADES Hacer un recuento de los sucesos que hayan tenido mayor

impacto en nuestro pas , luego buscar informacin al
Detallar qu sucedi? Cmo? Cundo? Dnde? por
qu? ( What happened? ; How?, when?, where, why?)
Narrar los sucesos acontecidos con toda la informacin que
responda a las preguntas planteadas lneas arriba.
Debe redactar los hechos en orden cronolgico y describir
lugares, personas, ambientes, objetos, elementos y la
ubicacin de los mismos
Para culminar debe realizar algunas predicciones en

relacin a los hechos mencionados. Qu podra ocurrir en
algunos aos?
Puede obtener informacin de cualquier fuente, pero las
oraciones o prrafos deben ser redactados por Uds.
mismos, utilizando lenguaje sencillo.
Creatividad, orden y coherencia en la redaccin de los
Uso correcto de estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario
apropiado segn el nivel.
No detallar con minuciosidad los datos. Considerar lo ms
relevantes e interesantes.
No olvide que debe utilizar tanto el tiempo pasado como el
Past of verb To Be, Past Simple, There was and there were, Past
time expressions, Future tense, prepositions, etc.
PUNTAJE 7 puntos
RECOMENDACIONE El trabajo debe ser indito. Trabajos realizados con traductor
S recibirn la calificacin de 00.

FIRST ACTIVITY__________________________________________________

Hi! My name is Julia and my last name is Sosaya Castillo. I am fifty six years old and
my hometown is Lima so I am Peruvian. Besides, I am married and my cell phone

number is 987654321. Also, my e-mail address is and one of
my favorite hobbies is swimming. On summer, I love to swim in the pool because it is
very relaxing. Also, I like to run in the morning in order to keep healthy and I like to go
shopping with my daughters to different department stores. Finally, I can say that my
favorite dish is Ceviche because I like sea food and this dish has delicious ingredients
that make it the best dish in our country. On the other hand, my favorite type of music is
Salsa since I like to dance in parties and it is something I have learned since I was a kid
so I teach it to my son and my daughters too.

Hello! My name is Cynthia and my last name is Latorre Sosaya. I am thirty years old
and my hometown is also Lima so I am from Peru too. My cellphone is 963852741 and
my e-mail address is Besides, I am single and one of my favorite
hobbies is dancing different types of music so that is why I like to go parties and night
clubs. Also, I like to cook different dishes and I like to play piano every time I feel
stressed. Finally, I also like to do exercises and to learn new languages. Also, I can say
that my favorite dish is Spaghetti because I love Italian dishes so I try to eat it at least
once per week. Moreover, my favorite type of music is Rock because it really motivates
me to do exercises.

Hello! Let me introduce myself, my name is Brian and my last name is Latorre Sosaya.
I am very young because I am thirteen years old that is why I am single. At the moment,
I dont have a cellphone number, but I have an e-mail address which is .Besides, my hometown is Lima so I am Peruvian in the same
way my mother and my sister are. My favorite hobbies are to play basketball with my
friends of my neighborhood. Also, I like to paint some drawings of my favorite cartoons
and I like to sing different kind of music. Finally, I can say that my favorite type of
movies are funny and action movies because I like to laugh a lot and in the same time I
want to watch movies that have fights and awesome special effects. Also, my favorite is
Pollo a la Brasa because it is a common dish in our country and it is very delicious.

SECOND ACTIVITY_________________________________________________


This festival is well-known in Peru and around the World
since it is one of the most cultural, musical and religious event
in our country. In addition, this celebration takes place every
February of the year in which people from different parts of
Peru and from different countries gather in the city of Puno.

In fact, The festival starts the first day of February with the
first activity that is El da principal y sus ritos in which there
are two customs: the first one is a procession of the Virgin of
Candlemas that goes to the cathedral of the downtown of Puno
and other streets of it in which there are huge crowds of
people in the main squares walking along the Virgin of
Candlemas. The second custom is that there are a lot of
dancers wearing fancy and colorful costumes that parade in
different streets.

The second activity starts on the second day of February

which it is called El Segundo Gran Dia. Indeed, there are
some common customs that people do in this phase, for
instance people go to church to pray for their relatives and for
the Virgin of Candlemas. Others go to the graveyard to visit
their dead relatives. It is important to mention that there is also
a dance competition in the Enrique Torres Stadium where
there are different dancers of different types of styles such as:
Diablada, Waca Waca, Caporales, Morenada that gather there
in that place so there is a range of attractive and colorful
costumes that are presented in that competition.
The people who participate in this contest, have
prepared their costumes one year before the festival of
Virgin of Candlemas begins because it is very
important for them to have a good impression from the
judges of the competition so they have more chances
to win. Moreover, they also practiced a lot during the
year with their Members of the group so in that way
they can show their religious fervor to the Virgin.
However, the musicians are also important for the
groups since it is something judges of the competition take into consideration so bands
also practiced hard all year and at the end of the day of the event, the best groups are
rewarded with a title. In this festival there are approximately more than two hundred
dances in which there are forty thousand dancers and five hundred of musicians.

From my point of view, I really like this type of celebration for two main reasons.
First, I consider it as one of the most important event that influences all Peruvian to
appreciate the different customs that we have and learn from it, the different typical
dances of Puno. Second, I have some relatives that live there so when I am on
vacations, I like to travel there and spend time with them watching this wonderful
event and eating some typical dishes of Puno such as Trucha frita, Caldo de
Cabeza and others.

THIRD ACTIVITY__________________________________________________

I really found very interesting the news of the Elimination of the Schengen Visa. In fact,
It was completed after two years of negotiation between Peru and the Europa Union so
nowadays it is allowed for Peruvian people to travel to twenty-six countries that are part
of the Europa Union without the use of the Schengen Visa; however travelers will be
able to travel for short trips only. This process started in 2013 when the Ministry of
Foreign Relations and the Embassy of Peru met with the European Parliament,
European Commission and the Council of the European Union. This could happen
because of the initiative of the Spanish government to include our country in its list of
countries exempt of the Schengen Visa. In 2015, the announcement of the elimination of
the Schengen Visa was given in an official way on March fifteenth; since then Europa
has been receiving large numbers of Peruvian people that want to visit different cities of
European countries. This event took place in the headquarters of the Council of the
European Union in Belgium where both parties signed a contract in which Peruvians are
allowed to travel to Europa without the requirement of a Visa. The main reason for this
agreement was due to the fact of the motivation of the Europa Union to increase the
travels of Peruvians, so they can also generate incomes from Tourism.
In my opinion, I bet there are going to be more travels to Europa because now it is
easier and less complicated. Besides, many Peruvian will be able to visit and know more
cities that they always wanted to visit before. In fact, I think that many young people
will travel on their vacations or when they have time to do it since it is an opportunity
for our country to take advantage of it. However, I also believe that other countries will
try to achieve this goal of eliminating travel barriers between two countries.


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