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guidelines Sterre Adams

across the Linn Douven
Floor Stultiens

world CA3G Het College

16th of April 2017


of contents
Dietary guidelines, what and

New Zealand
United States of America
United Kingdom
The Netherlands

Comparison between
Causes of similarities & differences

Personal dietary advice.


List of

This is a report written on the dietary guidelines of the following countries: the
Netherlands, the UK, the USA and New Zealand. First of all we will explain what
dietary guidelines are and why countries need them. Then information of the
dietary guidelines of the different countries will be given. We will discuss and
explain the similarities and the differences between the dietary guidelines of the
four different countries. Finally all of us will give our personal dietary advise. We
hope you will learn something new.
Enjoy reading!

Dietary guidelines, what and why?
What are dietary guidelines?
Dietary guidelines are guidelines for a healthy diet. They are drawn up to give
recommendations on multiple food groups that should be eaten every day. They
also tell you how much you should eat of them. They are used to give people
information about good and healthy food and to make them aware of their diet.
The idea is that people follow the dietary guidelines by eating from the different
food groups and eat the given amounts. This doesnt mean that your food is
always the same. Within the food groups you can choose between different foods.
When doing that you will decrease the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases,
diabetes, chronic diseases and many more illnesses. There are guidelines for
every age group and they differ for male and female. For example, men are
advised to take in 2500 calories a day while women are advised to take in 2000
calories a day. The countries guidelines in the same region are more or less the
same. But still they differ. In the dietary guidelines of China for example, noodles
forms one of the most important and biggest part of the Chinese dietary

Why do countries need dietary guidelines?

Countries need dietary guidelines to make people aware of what theyre eating
and help them to make smart choices about their food. When people want to live
a healthier life, they can change their diet by following the dietary guidelines.
This in combination with doing some physical activities can change the peoples
health in a good way. The dietary guidelines make it easier for the government of
a country to reach the people because they use pictures where you can literally
see how much you should eat and drink per day.

Dietary guidelines New Zealand
The New Zealand dietary guidelines ensure a healthy eating pattern which helps
you to stay active and well and to decrease the risk of developing type 2
diabetes, heart diseases or cancer.
The New Zealand Eating and Activity Guidelines are:

1. Enjoy a variety of nutritious foods every day including:

Plenty of vegetables and fruit
Grain foods, mostly whole grain and those naturally high in fibre
Some milk and milk products, mostly low and reduced fat
Some legumes, lean meat, nuts, seeds, fish and other seafood, eggs,
poultry and/or red meat with removed fat or alternatives

2. Choose and/or prepare foods and drinks

With unsaturated fats instead of saturated fats (minimalize fat)
That are low in salt; if using salt, choose iodized salt
With little or no added sugar, limit your intake of high-sugar foods
That are mostly whole and less processed (more natural drinks and avoid

3. Make plain water your first choice over other drinks

You should drink plenty of liquids each day, especially water. Your body needs 8-
10 cups of fluid each day. Low-fat milk is also a good option because it contains
many proteins, minerals and vitamins. You can drink tea and coffee as well but
not more than 7 cups of tea/coffee a day. In warm weather and when you are
doing lots of physical exercises drink more water.

4. If you drink alcohol, keep your intake low

Alcohol is a very bad drink and it has a lot of short-term but also long-term
consequences. An example of a short-term consequence is memory loss. A long-
term consequence for instance is cancer, fatty liver disease or gastritis
(inflammation of the lining of the stomach).
Stop drinking alcohol if you could be pregnant, are pregnant or are trying to get

5. Buy or gather, prepare, cook and store food in ways that keep it
safe to eat
A lot of food can contain bacteria which make you seriously ill. Think for example
of the salmonella bacterium. In usually lives in the intestines of pigs and
chickens. Therefore is can also end up on eggs or meat. When animals defecate,
the bacterium may also end up on land or in water. In this way it can also affect
vegetables and fruits, say when they are cleaned with contaminated water. If you
dont prepare or cook your food in a proper way, the salmonella bacterium may
cause diarrhoea, stomach ache or fever. In very severe cases it can even lead to
heart problems or bone infections. Therefore it is very important to clean your
food very well and prepare it in a proper way.

Healthy eating for children

Make sure your child eats a good breakfast every day and if possible try to
prepare lunch. This will help children to avoid buying junk food. Eat meals

together as a family at the dinner table and not in front of the TV or behind the
computer. Use smaller plates and dish out smaller portions. The best portion is
when at least half the plats or bowl is filled with vegetables. Avoid pastries,
cakes, fried foods and choose healthier snacks like fruit and vegetables. Children
should eat fruit at least 2 times a day and eat vegetables 3 times a day. Include
vegetables and/or fruit with each meal.
Teenagers should avoid fat diets. Diets which suggest you cut a whole food
group. Those diets ore often not balanced which means you get a lack of
important vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

Besides the New Zealand food and nutrition guidelines, also a body weight
statement and activity statements have been stated. The body weight statement:
making good choices about what you eat and drink and being physically active
are important to achieve and keep a healthy body weight.
The acivity statements are as follows:
1. Sit less, move more. Dont sit for long periods of time
2. Do at leat 2 hours of moderate or 1 hours of powerful physical acivity
spread over the week
3. To achieve extra fitness, aim for 5 hours of moderate or 2 hours of
powerful physical activity spread over the week
4. Do muscle strengthening activities at least 2 times each week
5. Doing some physical activity is better than doing none
The Ministry of Health (the Ministry) in cooperation with universities develops the
recommendations for the New Zealand food and nutrition guidelines. The Ministry
of Health is the governments principal advisor on health and disability. Their
purpose is to improve, promote and protect the health of all New Zealanders. The
Ministry of Health is made up of business units, each with his own functions and
areas of responsibility.
The new model for providing population health advice on nutrition and physical
activity to the health sector, developed by the Ministry of Health and the
universities, are based on:
The latest available scientific information
The Ministry of Healths monitoring of international research
The best international population health advice
An evaluation of the Food and Nutrition Guidelines Series in 2011
International systematic reviews that support current recommendations
from the World Health Organization and World Cancer Research Fund,
dietary guidelines for New Zealand and Australia, the United States of
America (USA) and Nordic nations and physical activity guidelines for New
Zealand and Australian adults
Health education resources are developed to make it possible for the general
public to accompany each guideline recommendation.
In the following table you can see which statements were exactly based on which
scientific evidence/research.

Statement Sources of evidence

Eating 2010 American Dietary Guidelines (US Department of
statements 1, Agriculture and US Department of Health and Human Services
2&3 2010)
2012 Nordic Nutrition Review (Nordic Council of Ministers

2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines (NHMRC 2013)
A Series of Systematic Reviews on the Relationship between
Dietary Patterns and Health Outcomes 2014 (US Department
of Agriculture 2014)

World Cancer Research Fund Report (WCRF and AICR 2007)

and Continuous Update Report (WCRF and AICR 2011)

World Health Organization (WHO) reports:

Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Disease (WHO
Guideline: Sodium intake for adults and children (WHO
NCD Global Action Plan (WHO 2013)
Guideline: Sugars intake for adults and children (WHO
Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand
including Recommended Dietary Intakes (NHMRC 2006)
Eating Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking
statement 4 Alcohol (NHMRC 2009a)
(alcohol) Alcohol and Health in Canada: A summary of evidence and
guidelines for low-risk drinking (Butt et al 2011).
Eating Evidence to support this statement comes from a range of
statement 5 peer reviewed scientific literature and reports
(food safety)
Body Weight Clinical Guidelines for Weight Management in New Zealand
Statement Adults (Ministry of Health 2009)
Activity Australias Development of Evidence-based Physical Activity
statements Recommendations for Adults (18-64 years) (Brown et al 2012)
World Cancer Research Fund Report (WCRF and AICR 2007)

The research and writing of the New Zealand Eating and Activity Guidelines are
fund by the Ministry of Healths Food and Beverage Classification System (FBCS).
This is a cooperative initiative that works together with the education, health and
food industry sectors to make it easier for schools and early learning services to
provide healthier food.

Dietary guidelines United States of America
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide guidelines that
encourage healthy eating patterns.
There are 5 main American guidelines:
1. Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan
All the foods and drinks you consume matter. To achieve and maintain a healthy
bodyweight, get enough nutrients and reduce the risk of chronic diseases you
have to choose a healthy eating pattern and a suitable calorie level. The calorie
level depends on your age, gender, length, weight and whether you take regular
physical exercise or not.
2. Focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount
To meet nutrient needs within the calorie limits, you have to choose a variety of
nutrient-dense food across and within all food groups in recommended amounts.
3. Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and redcuce
sodium intake
A healthy eating pattern is low in added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium. To
achieve a healthy eating pattern you have to cut back on foods and drinks that
contain a large amount of these compounds. Choose an amount that fits within
the healthy eating pattern.
4. Shift to healthier food and beverage choices
Choose foods and drinks that are relatively rich in nutrients for the number of
calories contained across and within all food groups instead of less healthy
choices. Choose food you prefer or cultural food to make the change to a healthy
eating pattern easier to achieve and maintain.
5. Support healthy eating patterns for all
Everyone is able to help to create and support healthy eating patterns. Choosing
a healthy eating pattern together makes it easier to stick to it because you can
help each other when you are experiencing difficulties. You can help people in
multiple setting all over the world. From home to school to work to communities.
The best way to follow the guidelines is to choose a healthy eating pattern that
accounts for all foods and drinks within your suitable calorie level. A healthy
eating pattern includes:
A huge variety of vegetables
Fruits, especially whole fruits because when you make a smoothie of fruit
the amount of dietary fibres is halved

Grains, at least half of the amount has to be whole grains
Fat-free or low-fat dairy. Think for example of milk, yoghurt, or cheese
A variety of protein foods. For instance, seafood, lean meats and poultry,
eggs, legumes (beans and peas), nuts, or seeds
Oils, including those from plant (they are also naturally present in food like
nuts and olives)
Things that should be limited in a healthy eating pattern:
Saturated fats and trans fats, which is also a type of saturated fats
Added sugars
Sodium/salt (this increases the blood pressure)
The following recommendations limit components that are particularly of health
concern in the USA. The specified limits can help people to achieve a healthy
eating pattern within their calorie limit.
Consume less than 10% of your daily calories a day from added sugars
Consume less than 10% of your daily calories a day from saturated fats
Consume less than 2,300 milligrams per day of sodium
For women: dont consume more than 1 alcoholic drink a day
For men: dont consume more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day
Besides the dietary guidelines, Americans of all ages should also stick to the
Physical Acitivity Guidelines for Americans to become and stay healthy and
reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Americans should aim to achieve and
maintain a healthy bodyweight. Sticking to the diet and the amount of required
physical activity contributes to calorie balance and achieving and maintaing a
healthy bodyweight.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans contain nutritional and dietary information,
advice and recommendations and guidelines for general public.
The process to develop the Dietary Guidelines for Americans includes three
Stage 1: Review of current scientific evidence
In the Federal means first stage the secretaries of HHS and of USDA
appoint relating to the a Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC).
This Federal Advisory Committee consists of
researchers specialized in diet, nutrition, health,
and medicine. They conducted varied research to find
scientific evidence that could be found about these topics.
The foundings were put in a scientific report: the
Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines
Advisory Committee. This report, based on the scientific
research, is presented to the secretaries of HHS and USDA. The report is based
Original systematic reviews. A systemic review collects and critically
analyzes several research studies or papers
A review of existing systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and reports by
federal agencies or big scientific organizations
Data analyses
Food pattern modeling analyses
The HHS, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, wants to improve and
protect the health and well-being of all Americans. This is done by providing for
effective health and human services and stimulating progression in medicine,
public health, and social services.

The USDA, U.S. Department of Agriculture, provides leadership on food,
agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues
based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management.
Stage 2: Development of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
By means of the previous edition of the Dietary Guidelines, the Adivisory Report
(the Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee), and
consideration of public and federal agency comments, HHS and USDA jointly
develop a new edition of the Dietary Guidelines. The 2015-2020 Dietary
Guidelines for Americans includes:

Nutrition guidance
5 Guidelines + Key Recommendations that support based on science to
the Guidelines
improve the health of
Stage 3: Implementing the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Programs implemented by the governent are about the Dietary Guidelines. These
programs help Americans to be informed about food, nutrition, and health

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines in the first place provide guidance for choosing
a healthy diet. This healthy diet contributes to a decreased risk of diet-related
chronic diseases and improves and maintains a healthy lifestyle. But besides
that, this edition of the Dietary Guidelines also express the idea that a healthy
eating pattern isnt rigid. These guidelines rather suggest an adaptable schedule
in which people can enjoy foods that they personally like. Cultural and traditional
preferences may for example differ for each person or culture. Also the budget
can be different for each person. Small shifts in food choices, for example
monthly, can make it easier to create a healthy eating pattern that works for you.
In previous editions more focus was laid on individual dietary components, for
example nutrients and food. But people dont eat food groups and nutrients
seperated but rather in combination. All the food that is consumed together
forms an overall eating pattern Thats why the new focus is laid on everything we
eat and drink, in other words a healthy eating patterns as a whole, in order to
achieve lasting improvements in individual and population health. The 2015-2020
Dietary Guidelines are therefore also based on research that tested the
relationship between overall eating patterns, health, and risk of chronic diseases.
The findings on these relationships support the dietary guidance of the 2015-
2020 Dietary Guidelines.
One of the most important responsibilities of the American government is to
protect the health of the Americans. The rates of chronic, diet-related diseases
continue to rise. This doesnt only mean increased
health risks but Did you know that? also high costs. In 2008 the
medical costs because of obesity were
About half of all
approximately $147,000,000,000, which is
American adults have 1369097513,27. In 2012 the
total estimated one or more preventable costs of diagnosed diabetes
counted to chronic diseases, which $245,000,000,000, which is
are related to poor 2281829188,79!
The U.S. quality eating patterns Department of Agriculture (USDA)
and U.S. and physical inactivity, Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) including cardiovascular jointly fund the development of
the Dietary disease, type 2 Guidelines, including support of
the Dietary diabetes, and Guidelines Advisory Committee
(DGAC) as it conducts a review of current

nutrition science and the subsequent development of the Dietary Guidelines for
Americans by USDA and HHS.

Dietary guidelines the Netherlands

Eating according to the Schijf van Vijf means you eat the recommended amounts
and vary between the things you eat. This makes sure you consume enough
nutrients to achieve or maintain a healthy lifestyle and to be fit. Besides that
eating according to the Schijf van Vijf also reduces the risk of cardiovascular
diseases and cancer. Therefore you shouldnt eat too many things which dont fit
in the Schijf van Vijf. Furthermore, the Schijf van Vijf also helps you to eat
environmentally friendly.
The Schijf van Vijf is made up of 5 section consisting of a lot of different healthy
products to choose from. The Schijf van Vijf makes it possible to differentiate
between all kinds of products but still consume what your body needs to function
properly. The idea is that you can make your own Schijf van Vijf. The five section
of the Schijf van Vijf are:
Vegetables and fruits
To maintain healthy you should at least eat 250 grams of vegetables a day.
Besides that you should eat 2 portions of food, or in other words 200 grams. You
can also vary in the preparation of vegetables. You can eat vegetables raw but
you can for example also cook, steam, bake or grill them.

Oils and spreads
Fats found in oils and spreads are used for growth and storage and is a fuel for
your body. Furthermore, it contains vitamins A, D and E. There are two types of
fat: saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats you need as little as
possible. Saturated fats raise the level of cholesterol which increases the risk of
cardiovascular diseases.
Unsaturated fats you do need as it is made from plants and they are essential.
Your body cant make them itself and you need them for the development of your
cells and the build-up of your immune system. Despite, you need them to break
down the saturated fats. Therefore, replace butter, hard margarines, and cooking
fats by soft margarines, liquid cooking fats, and vegetable oils.
Fish, pulses, meat, eggs, nuts and dairy
This section is made up of products that contain a lot of proteins. Fish lowers the
risk of cardiovascular diseases, pulses lower your cholesterol and meat and eggs
contain a lot of nutrients like vitamin B12 and iron. In this section it is important
to eat more plant-based and less animal-based food. Furthermore, it is very
healthy to consume a hand full of unsalted nuts daily.
Bread, grain products and potatoes
The most important tip in this section is to eat as many as possible whole grain
products. Eating whole grain products lowers the risk of getting cardiovascular
diseases and diabetes type 2. Besides, whole grain products contain a lot of
carbohydrates, fibres, iron and B-vitamins.
For your body to be able to function properly it is very important to drink enough.
However, these beverages shouldnt contain too much sugar. That is why water
and tea and coffee without sugar are the best beverages to drink. Alcohol isnt a
good beverage and you therefore shouldnt drink alcohol or not more than one
glass a day.
Despite these tips the recommendations according to the Schijf van Vijf are:
Eat according to the sections in the recommended amounts
Eat vegetables and fruit daily
Choose healthy cooking fats (instead of butter & hard margarine for
Consume dairy, such as milk, yoghurt and cheese daily
Choose plant-based proteins
Eat unsalted nuts daily (15 grams)
Eat fish weekly, fatty fish in particular
Eat pulses weekly
Dont eat more than 500 grams of meat a week
Eat whole grain products daily instead of refined grain products
Drink tap water, black tea (3 cups a day) and brewed coffee
Add a little as possible salt to your food (max 6 grams a day)

In this table you can clearly see how the Schijf van Vijf is made and by who. In
the box totally on top of the figure it says Richtlijnen Goede Voeding. The
Richtlijnen Goede Voeding 2015 were publiced by the Gezondheidsraad in
November 2015. The recommendations of the Gezondheidsraad play a key role in
the recommendations of the Voedingcentrum. The Richtlijnen Goede Voeding
2015 are based on scientific research and gathered information about nutrients,
nourishment and eating patterns related to health. Besides that these guidelines
for nutrition are based on the positive and negative connection between nutrition
and the ten most common chronical diseases in the Netherlands. From this
information the Gezondheidsraad developed the guidelines for nourishment and
eating patterns: the Richtlijnen Goede Voeding 2015.
The Richtlijnen Goede Voeding form an important base for the Richtlijnen Schijf
van Vijf. The Richtlijnen Goede Voeding 2015 contains information about food
groups. Some guidelines can immediately be applied by people in daily life as
specific amounts have been stated. But others first have to be transferred to
smaller, exact amounts. Based on the specific recommended amounts of the
Richtlijnen Goede Voeding and the nutritional composition of food products is
decided which food products fit in the Schijf van Vijf.
The next step was for the Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) to
calculate for each target group what a suitable eating pattern looks like and
which amounts of the food products should be consumed, with products that fit in
the Schijf van Vijf.
While doing this the following this were taken into account:
The specific recommended amounts per food group stated in the
Richtlijnen Goede Voeding developed by the Gezondheidsraad.

The food recommendations of the Gezondheidsraad.
The required kilocalorie amount stated by the Gezondheidsraad and the
report Overgewicht en obesitas developed by the Gezondheidsraad.
Taken the more current data about body weight, stated in Nederland de
Maat, into account.
The nutritional composition stated in the NEVO, Nederlands
voedingsstoffenbestand, developed by the Rijksinstituut voor
Volksgezondheid en Milieu. The NEVO contains data about the composition
of food products which are regularly eaten in the Netherlands.
The amounts and combinations of food products, food groups and eating
patterns eaten in the Netherlands. This data was taken from the VCP and
HELIUS-Voeding studie.
Based on these calculations performed by the RIVM recommendations were
drawn up. These are recommendations were set in the Richtlijnen Schijf van Vijf.
By means of the Richtlijnen Schijf van Vijf recommendations are given by the
Eating according to these Schijf van Vijf will ensure you consume enough
kilocalories and nutrients for each population group. The purpose of the
Richtlijnen Schijf van Vijf is to show what a healthy eating pattern looks like for
different target groups. This healthy eating pattern meets the required amount of
kilocalories and nutrients a day, again for different target groups. It is important
to do this for different target groups to ensure an easier switch to a healthy
eating pattern. If you choose a healthy eating pattern in which you like the
recommended food it is easier to stick to the it. The differences between the
target groups are based on the required amount of kilocalories and nutrients,
gender, age, pregnancy, lactation (giving a child milk by mothers breasts) and
the amount of physical activity. The Richtlijnen Schijf van Vijf have also taken the
non-western population and vegetarians into account.
Until 2011 the Voedingscentrum was funded by donations. Organizations like
Unilever, Kraft food and Nestl could donate money to scientists for research
about diet, nutrition, health, and medicine. This research is used in the Richtlijnen
Goede Voeding and Richtlijnen Schijf van Vijf. From 2011 onwards the
Voedingscentrum is funded by the government of the Netherlands.

Dietary guidelines United Kingdom
The dietary guidelines of the UK are called The Eatwell Guide.

The messages of the Eatwell Guide


1. Eat at least 5 portions of

a variety of fruit and
vegetables every day
One portion is 1 piece of fruit. For
example, apples or oranges. With
smaller fruit, you can eat more to
reach one portion. For vegetables,
its more difficult to determine how
much a portion is but its about
2. Base meals on potatoes,
bread, rice, pasta or
other starchy
carbohydrates; choosing wholegrain versions where possible
Wholegrain versions contain less added fat, salt and sugar. Wholegrain makes us
feel full for longer which will make us eat less.
3. Have some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks)
Dairy products contain calcium which keeps the bones strong. You can choose for
dairy alternatives with a lower fat and sugar percentage.
4. Eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins
(including 2 portions of fish every week, one of which should be
These foods are full of proteins, vitamins and minerals which makes them
important to eat. Meat can contain fat. How much depends on what kind of meat
it is and how you cook it.
5. Choose unsaturated oils and spreads and eat in small amounts
Oils and spreads contain lots of fat. Fat is needed in a diet but not too much. You
can therefore also choose oils and spreads with a lower fat percentage.
6. Drink 6-8 cups/glasses of fluid a day
All drinks count but most of them contain much sugar. You should limit the sugar
intake from drinks to less than 150ml a day. Alcoholic drinks should be limited to
no more than 14 units a week for both men
and women.
Did you know that you can
When you follow the Eatwell Guide 39% of use the food labels to choose your
your diet will be fruit and vegetables. 37% will food? They give you information
be potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other about their amount of fat, salts and
starchy carbohydrates. 12% will be beans, sugar. Red is for high, orange is for
pulses, fish eggs, meat and other proteins. 8% medium and green is for low.
will be dairy and alternatives. 1% will be oils and spreads and 3% will be food
eaten less often and in small amounts.

The report on the dietary guidelines for the UK is written by Public Health
England. Its an executive agency of the Department of Health. The department
of health make sure that all people in England get the care, support and
treatment they need. In this way, they will live longer and better. The department
of health is divided into 27 agencies and public bodies. Public Health England is
one of them. The main goal of Public Health England is to improve the public
health and reduce any health risks. They work closely with other health
companies in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland but also international. They
try to make everyone healthier. When they come across public health problems,
they come up with solutions. They report improvements in the public health so
everyone understands whats happening and what the next steps to an even
healthier public are.
The Eatwell guide was based on recommendations from the World Health
Organisation (WHO), Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA) and
the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN).
The goal of the WHO is to build a better, healthier future for people all around the
world. They work in 150 different countries with more than 7000 people. They
strive to combat diseases that vary from HIV to cancer. They make sure that
people have a bright and healthy future.
The COMA was disbanded in 2000 and the SACN took over. SACN advises about
related health matters and nutrition. It advises multiple UK government
organisation on nutrition and related health matters.
Below you can see a list of which references were used to establish the Eatwell
guide. The research conducted by these organizations, which was put into several
scientific reports, is the research where the Eatwell guide is based on.
World Health Organisation. Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic
diseases. 2003. World Health Organisation. Diet, nutrition and the
prevention of chronic diseases. 1990.
Department of Health. Report on health and social subjects 46 nutritional
aspects of cardiovascular disease. Report of the cardiovascular review
group Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy. London: HMSO; 1994
Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy. Dietary Reference Values for
Food Energy and Nutrients for the United Kingdom. London: HMSO; 1991
Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. Vitamin D and Health. London:
TSO; 2016. Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. Carbohydrates and
Health. London: TSO; 2015.
Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. Dietary Reference Values for
Energy. London: TSO; 2011. Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition.
Iron and Health. London: TSO; 2010.
Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. Advice on Fish Consumption:
Benefits and Risks. London: TSO; 2004.
Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. Salt and Health. TSO; London:

Public Health England did not fund the development of the Eatwell guide. The
Eatwell guide was developed with support from the SUSDIET Research Project:
Towards Sustainable Diets in Europe.
The SUSDIET project is a research project whose main goal it is to identify
sustainable diets which meet the consumers' preferences in Europe and analyse
the public and private policies which could favour their acceptance. This project is
funded by the national funders involved in the ERANET-SUSFOOD Consortium and
the Daniel & Nina Carasso foundation.
The SUSDIET consortium is composed of 15 highly-experienced teams from 9
European countries. The main goal is multi-disciplinary, with experts in
economics, nutrition, consumer research, public health, and environmental
The main goal of the Daniel & Nina Carasso foundation is to fund projects which
are about:
Food to sustain life
Art to nourish the mind
This is because they think it is of great importance for human development.

Comparison between countries

As we have investigated four different countries, New Zealand, the United States
of America, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, there have to be things the
countries have in common, but also things that are different. Lets first talk about
the similarities between the dietary guidelines of the four different countries
across the world.

Healthy eating pattern

The main similarity is of course that all the guidelines are written to achieve and
maintain a healthy eating pattern for everyone and a healthy population.

Healthy food products

Besides that the dietary guidelines of all the countries emphasise food products
that are healthy and fit a healthy eating pattern. The dietary guidelines of all the
countries say you should eat a huge variety of vegetables and fruit. They also say
instead of choosing candy as a snack you should choose a portion of fruit or
vegetables. Also low-fat or fat-free dairy, nuts, seeds, lean meats and poultry,
seafood, eggs and whole grains are all part of the dietary guidelines of all the
countries. According to the dietary guidelines it is also important to drink at least
8-10 cups (1.5-2 litres) a day. Furthermore, this like sugar, salt, saturated fats are
all advised to be lowered in the dietary guidelines.

Dietary disk
Another similarity between Netherland and the United Kingdom is that they both
use a circle consisting of 5 sections what and how much you should eat. Also
other countries in Europe are using a circle shaped figure. Because of the shape,
colours and drawing also kids are interested. In this way children learn at a young
age to eat healthy and prevent getting diseases as a result of unhealthy eating
patterns. The colours, shape and drawing are also of good use for adults of all the
countries. They help people to visualize what their healthy eating pattern looks
like. In the next section of this report, the differences between the dietary
guidelines of the countries, you will see that people apply a disk, which is

something easy to visualize for people, is better applied by the countries
population than written dietary guidelines. It is important that people know what
they should and shouldnt eat and this is a good way of doing that.

Fat, fatter, fattest

This third similarity between the countries is not a positive one. Although every
country introduces its own dietary guidelines the average population is getting
fatter. The government pays more attention to the fact that people should eat
healthy but still the result is low. More and more people suffer from obesity,
diabetes and other chronic diseases. One of the main reasons of this is problem
are fast-food restaurants. One well known fast-food restaurant is the McDonalds.
Experiments have shown that they use fake cheese. With fake cheese we mean
cheese made without using a cow. This cheese is less healthy because unhealthy
oils, aromatic substances, colorants and flavourings are added. Food from fast-
food restaurant is generally unhealthy food with few nutrients, few fibres and lots
of bad fats and often unhealthy trans fats.

Furthermore, it is advised by all the countries that a healthy eating pattern isnt
rigid and that you should eat a variety of nutritious foods daily. This is very
important because you need a certain amount of nutrients every day. Not all
products contain all or the same amount of the nutrients like proteins,
carbohydrates and mineral. That is why is important to make chances, even if
they are very small, to ensure that you consume the recommended amount of

Now we have taken a closer look at the similarities we will do the same for the
differences between the dietary guidelines of the four countries. Because what
are then exactly the differences between the dietary guidelines of the four

Dietary disk or written dietary guidelines?

The first difference that stands out most is that the UK and the Netherlands both
have a disk consisting of 5 sections saying what you have to eat and which
amounts. On the other hand, the USA and New Zealand both have written dietary
guidelines. You might remember that we have also chosen this as a similarity.
This is because it is a similarity between the US and New Zealand and between
the Netherlands and the UK. However, this is also a difference between the four
countries. To choose whether a disk or dietary guidelines are the best is hard to
say. However, we can compare how well the dietary guidelines are applied by the
countries populations. We could say that the lower the percentage of fat people
living in a country, the more the dietary guidelines are applied and from this we
can conclude which way is the best way. Lets start with the Netherlands.
The Netherlands

The United
States of In 2016 almost half of
America the Dutch population
older than 18 was
overweight (49.2%).
More men than women
were overweight, while
more women have
obesity than men. In
total 14.2% of the
Dutch population has

In this graph you can clearly

see that in 2015
approximately 30.4% of the
American population aged
older than 20 has obesity

The United Kingdom

In the graph on the left you

can see that obesity is
increasing in the United
Kingdom as well. In 2014 26%
of the inhabitant of the United
Kingdom aged above 16 has

New Zealand

In this graph you can see

which percentage of
different age groups has
obesity. On average
30.7% of the New
Zealand population had
obesity in 2015-2016.

Although the percentages

dont all come from the same year, still a conclusion can be
drawn as the percentages dont differ more than 3
years. If we compare all the percentages it can be concluded that the
Netherlands has the lowest percentage of people suffering from obesity. This
doesnt mean all people live according to the Schijf van Vijf but they probably do
apply the guidelines, with or without noticing it. The percentages of New Zealand

and the USA dont differ that much. But the graphs differ one year so in the graph
below you can compare them well.

In this table you compare the

obesity rates of different countries
in 2015. Zooming in shows that
the USA and New Zealand are
both in the top 3. But as you can
see the USA has a higher
percentage of people suffering

From this can be concluded that the USA has the largest percentage of people
having obesity. Furthermore it can be concluded that there is a big difference
between the use of the Dietary Guidelines in the different countries. The
inhabitants of the Netherlands clearly use them the most and the inhabitants of
the USA the least. New Zealand is in the third place in the world ranking when it
comes to people having obesity. The USA and New Zealand both have dietary
guidelines and no disk. Therefore we can conclude that a disk is applied more by
the population of the different countries than dietary guidelines.
Now lets take a closer look within the dietary guidelines. Very big differences
could not be found as the food habits of the countries dont differ a lot. If you
take a look at Japan for example the amount of rice that is recommended is way
larger than the amount that is recommended in the UK or the Netherlands for
instance. However, a few differences could be found:
The USA is the only country where it is advised to support healthy eating
patterns for all and to choose a healthy eating pattern together with
someone else. This makes it easier to stick to the healthy eating pattern
because you can help each other.
New Zealand is the only country which pays attention to safe consumption
of food. They emphasise that you should clean your food well and prepare
it in a proper way. In you dont do this several bacteria can invade your
body which may be harmful.
Earlier in this section about the differences between the dietary guidelines
of the different countries we have mentioned that the Netherlands and the
UK both have a disk consisting of 5 sections and the other two countries
dont. However, another difference is that the USA has a program called

MyPlate is a reminder to find your own healthy
life style and to stick to it during your lifetime.
MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are
the building blocks for a healthy eating pattern
using an easy image. The right combination of
nutritious foods can help you to live and be
healthier. Your healthy eating pattern depends
on many factors including: stage of life,
situations, personal preferences, access to
food, culture, traditions, and personal
decisions. MyPlate offers ideas and tips to help
you create a healthy eating pattern that meets
your personal needs and improves your health.
The MyPlate was introduced along with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for
Americans. It was developed to seek attention of consumers by making your
healthy eating pattern visible. My makes the healthy eating pattern personal.
The MyPlate looks a bit like the Schijf van Vijf and the Eatwell guide. The
difference is that the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans isnt based on
MyPlate. MyPlate has come along with the dietary guidelines. The Schijf van Vijf
and the Eatwell guide, in contradiction to MyPlate, form the dietary guidelines for
the Netherlands and the UK.

Several similarities and differences could be found between the dietary

guidelines of the four different countries. But what exactly causes these
similarities and differences?

America and New Zealand were both colonies of the UK. America gained its
independence in 1783 and New Zealand in 1907. This is probably one of the main
reasons why recommendations named in the dietary guidelines look alike
because they share a history together. America and New Zealand were both
governed by Britain and thats why their cultures look alike. Having the same
culture means sharing the same food habits. Another reason for those countries
sharing the same culture is that they all belong to the Western world. This
supports the cause of having similar cultures and so similar food habits.

More and more obesity

One similarity between the countries is that the population is getting fatter. In all
cases this similarity has the same cause. In all four countries (including The
Netherlands) people get on average a good income. Studies have shown that a
higher income leads to fatter people. Another reason is the development of the
countries. They are all well developed and have access to the newest technology.
Therefore, they dont have to work as hard as in former days. In the past people
had to walk to make a phone call while nowadays everyone has a mobile phone
with them all day.

America and New Zealand in the top three

When there are similarities, there are also differences. For example, there are
more people in America and New Zealand with overweight than in the
Netherlands. One of the causes for this is that in especially the USA, but also in

New Zealand, there is a fast-food restaurant around every corner. After a long day
of work it is very attractive to buy a fast and cheap meal. Fast-food contains a lot
of salt and saturated fats which increases the risk of getting fat. Dietary
guidelines are therefore more needed in New Zealand and America than in The
Netherlands and the UK.

Clean and prepare your food

Another difference said that New Zealand payed attention to making sure that
you clean your food well before you start eating the
food. This is because there have been a few Did you know that the first
accidents in New Zealand with clean food. Take for pesticide was found in
example the pesticide residues. Pesticides are used ancient Mesopotamia 4500
within agriculture to control pests or weeds. They years ago?
have benefits. They make sure that the farmers get
rid of insects or pest. But they also have health effects. When people are exposed
to the pesticides they have a risk of getting abdominal pain, dizziness,
headaches, nausea, vomiting, as well as skin and eye problems. This is all for a
shorter amount of time. Long-term effects can be for example cancer. In 2010,
there was way too much pesticide in the food in New Zealand. This is one
example of why they care so much about your food being clean.

Personal dietary advice

Floor Stultiens
The dietary guidelines developed by me consists of 6 guidelines. Eating according
to these guidelines will ensure you become or remain fit and achieve or maintain
a healthy eating pattern.
1. Stick to your suitable calorie level
The recommended amount of calories you can consume daily depends on 5
things. Your sex, length, bodyweight, age and the amount of physical exercise.
Sticking to the suitable calorie level will ensure you dont consume too much but
also not too little nutrients. Consuming too many calories may for example lead
to consuming too much fat. This may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases,
obesity and cancer. Consuming too little nutrients will make you feel less fit and
weaker, which is also harmful for your body.
2. Apply the 80/20 rule
The 80/20 rule means 80% of the food and beverages you consume is healthy
and 20% isnt. In other words, 20% of the food and beverages dont fit in the
Schijf van Vijf. Applying this rule requires less effort to eat healthy. It will decrease
the risk of giving up your healthy eating pattern. People eating for 100% healthy
wont maintain a healthy eating pattern as long as people who eat according to
the 80/20 rule.
3. Eat and drink slowly and in calm surrounding
Your brain needs up to 20 minutes to realise that you are eating. If you eat too
fast you will feel very full after 20 minutes and also remark that it wasnt

necessary to eat so much. If you eat slowly your brain has more time to realise
that you are eating. Instead of feeling very full you will feel like you have eaten
just enough. Furthermore, eating slowly will cause you to chew better and this
makes it easier for your body to digest the food you have eaten.
4. Eat fresh food
More and more people are choosing for Meals Ready to Eat. This is because they
either dont have time to cook or they dont feel like cooking. Meals Ready to Eat
contains relatively little nutrients and fibres but a lot of saturated fats and salt.
Saturated fats raise the cholesterol level. Salt raises the risk of cardiovascular
diseases and the blood pressure. This can also cause hypertension. Besides that
you eat more and you are sooner hungry as the food contains little fibres. Fresh
food contains more nutrients and fibres and less salt and saturated fats.
5. Drink at least 1,5 to 2 litres of water a day
It is very important to drink enough water. Water is an essential part of: the
uptake of nutrients in the large intestine, the transport of nutrients and waste
products, and controlling the body temperature. The exact amount of water you
need to drink daily depends on your age, ambient temperature, physical exercise,
nutrition and your health condition. When you dont drink enough dehydration
symptoms can occur. Think for example of fainting because of low blood pressure
and giddiness.
6. Ask people to help you or to choose a healthy eating pattern together
If you have to do everything all by yourself it can be difficult to stick to the
healthy eating pattern. In the first place the person can help you to refuse
unhealthy food. Besides, he or she can help you to cook instead of buying a Meal
Ready to Eat when you are short of time. Furthermore, you can exchange ideas
for healthy meals.
Despite the dietary guidelines I think it is very important to get enough physical
exercise. The amount of physical exercises you need to take daily depends on
your age. There are two different categories. If you take the amount of physical
exercise of the first category you will be healthy. If you take the amount of
physical exercise of the second category you will be fit. The average
amount of exercise for an adult is stated in the table below.
Age Dutch Norm Healthy Movement Fitnorm
Adults (18 u/i Move at least 5 times a week for Move at least 3 times a
54 years old) half an hour. Think for example of a week more intensively
brisk walk. for 20 minutes or more.
Think for example of

I have come up with the dietary guidelines myself. My mother is a fitness

instructor and that is why she also knows a lot about healthy eating patterns. The
dietary guidelines stated above are the main rules our family sticks to in order to
achieve a healthy eating pattern, remain fit and even lose weight. For the reason
that my mother works at the fitness centre she also knows a lot about physical
exercise. This is how I came to the conclusion that physical exercise is very
important and it certainly had to be one of my guidelines. Although it doesnt
have anything to do with eating.
Once having developed the dietary guidelines I searched on the internet about
evidence that could be found to support my dietary guidelines. All the
percentages, amounts and numbers come from the site of the Voedingscentrum.
Besides that all the information, for example about saturated fats and the use of
water in our body, also comes from the site of the Voedingscentrum. As you have
read in the section about the dietary guidelines of the Netherlands, this

information is stated in the Richtlijnen Schijf van Vijf and based on research
performed by the Gezondheidsraad.
The 80/20 rule however isnt based on information I have found on the site of the
Voedingcentrum. This rule is based on an economical rule developed by Vilfredo
Pareto. He was an Italian economist who stated that 80% of all possessions in
Italy were in the hands of 20% of the Italian population. This rule was generalized
by Joseph Juran. He discovered that the 80/20 ratio can be applied for way more
cases. He simplified the rule developed by Vilfredo Pareto to: with a relatively
small effort, the 20%, you can already achieve 80% of the intended results. From
this can be concluded that a big part of the intended result can be achieved
without going for 100%. This is why the 80/20 rule is also applied in healthy
eating patterns and diets. It is very difficult to not eat anything you really like
anymore. If of all the food you eat 20% can be unhealthy or something you really
like it is easier to stick to the healthy eating pattern.
The last dietary guideline isnt based on information found on the site of the
Voedingscentrum either. This information is in the first place based on the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans. As you have read in the section about the American
dietary guidelines this information stated in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
is based on research performed by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.
Secondly, the information is based on personal experience. My family and I all
had a BMI which was too high and it was only getting worse. Last December we
decided that this it had to stop and from that moment onwards we have started
to eat healthier. The first month was very tough because I wanted to go for it for
100%, but that wasnt doable. Therefore have applied the 80/20 rule and it works
really well. My family and I have all lost weight and it is still continuing because of
maintaining a healthy eating pattern. But I also came to the conclusion that it is
very difficult to everything alone. I have tried to lose weight more often, but I
always fell back into my old habits. Since my family and I have been doing it
together it work way better. We help each other and take physical exercise
together. That is the second thing the last dietary guideline is based on.
The sources I have used for my dietary guidelines are:
There would be too many links if I had put all the pages I have used from the site
of the Voedingscentrum for information for my dietary guidelines in this report.
Therefore I have only put in the link to the Voedingscentrum.

Linn Douven

My dietary advise for people is to vary a lot with food. Dont eat too much of one
thing because then you will never get all the nutrients your body needs. So, for
example dont always go to the MacDonalds to eat your dinner. Variation is
important for you because every product contains different nutrients. There is no
food which contains all the nutrients you need. Therefore, its important to vary
with your food.

Cook yourself
Also, I would recommend to cook yourself. When you buy ready-made meals in
the supermarket, theres a big chance that it contains a lot of salt and saturated
fats. When you cook yourself you decide which food you use and also how much
of the food you use. Take for example lasagne. At the Jumbo, ready-made lasagne
contains 148 calories per 100 g. In total the lasagne is 400 grams and its a
portion for one person. That means that if you eat the lasagne you eat in total
591 calories. When you go online and search for lasagne recipes you can make
yourself they contain way less calories. One of the first ones I found contained
525 calories and it was a lasagne for 4 people! Which means that every person
eats 131,25 calories. Thats way less than the ready-made lasagne from the
Jumbo. This is of course just one of the many examples I can name.

Dont diet
A lot of people who want to lose weight go on a
diet for a few months. After those months, they
have reached their goal a lot of them will stop
with their diet and go back to the eat pattern
they had before their diet. This means that they
will regain their weight again. Then they will
start dieting again and this can go on for a very
long time. I think that its better for people to change their unhealthy eat pattern
to a healthy eat pattern they can maintain for a few years. In this way, they will
eat healthy and lose weight until they reach a normal weight and they will keep
this weight for a longer time. When you decide to change your eating pattern you
can start with cooking more yourself and drinking more water.

No light products
Light products, such as cola light, are products that claim to contain 30% less fat,
sugar or energy than the original product. But light doesnt always mean that its
best for you. take for example light chips. The fats from the original products are
replaced with proteins and carbohydrates which also contain energy. Sometimes
even more than the original product! This is the same for soft drinks. The sugar is
replaced for aspartame which is just as bad for you as sugar. And it isnt bad for
you to eat fats or sugar as long as you dont eat too much of them. Your body
needs fats and sugar to function normally.

Sports are very important for being and feeling healthy. If you find a sport or an
activity you like, you will see how much fun playing sports is. Doing sports makes
people happy and makes them feel good about themselves. Sports also
encourage healthy decision like not smoking. When you got a team counting on
you, it will motivate you to go outside and do sports.

I based my own dietary advise on the things I heard from people around me. Take
for example my parents or my teachers. I also based them on what I learned at
school. Of course, I also used the internet to find information about dieting. This
combined with all the information I learned from looking into the dietary

guidelines for the UK helped me to form my opinion about a healthy diet and
therefore to make my own dietary advise.
I based the advice of cooking yourself on my parents. They always cook for our
family and were all very healthy. They use less salt and a lot of garlic in their
meals which is healthier than ready-made meals. This is how this advice is being
used in my daily life.
The part of dont dieting is based on a friend of my father. He started dieting and
lost many kilograms. All those kilograms came back when he stopped with his
diet and went back to his former eating pattern. This was proof for me that
dieting doesnt work unless you can maintain the diet you chose for multiple
years. So youre basically changing to a healthier eating pattern.
I have looked on the internet to find information about light products and I found
out that theyre not always as good as they claim to be. I came up with this
advice because my parents never buy any light products but when I visit other
people they have loads of them. On multiple websites, I found information about
the substances that replace sugar in light products and used this for my advice.
The part about sports is based on my own experiences. I play football and tennis
and I know how good it feels to come home after a training. Also I really enjoy
playing the sports. When you make a goal or a point it makes you feel good about
yourself. Ive also seen people my age who dont sport which I found rather weird.
My experience in combination with the internet was used to make the sporting
To support my advice, I looked on the internet to find some information about
diets. I used the following sources to support my opinion:

Sterre Adams

Healthy snacks
Most people like to eat snacks. We eat snacks out of habit or boredom, and
sometimes just because of real hunger. If youre a snacker out of boredom,
maybe you should try to find a hobby or go for a walk. Besides this you can also
chew a sugar-free chewing gum. You are still chewing something without
consuming a lot of calories. But if youre snacking because youre hungry, then
choose a treat that is healthy instead of choosing candy or cookies. With a
healthy snack I mean a snack that is a good source of low-calorie nutrition. Cut
for example an apple into pieces and eat them with some yoghurt.
Once in a while eating a fun snack is not a crime but keep your portions extra
small just one cookie or one small candy bar.

Drink 1,5 to 2 litres a day

It is very important to drink enough preferably water. If you drink nothing in a
long period of time, you will experience dehydration symptoms. Liquid is
essential by the transport of waste product, the uptake of nutrients in the
intestines and controlling the body temperature. How much water you need
depends on age and gender but also on the environment and if you are doing
physical exercises or not. If you dont like drinking plain water there are a lot of
different options to choose from. You can for instance add a fruit to your water.
This will make the water taste a little bit different and sweeter. At the same time
you are still drinking water which is essential for your body without consuming
more calories or carbonated drinks like for example Fanta or Coca Cola. A second
option is to boil water and add herbs to make tea. In this way you are still
drinking water but again with a different taste. The best thing is to not add any
honey or something else to the tea. Honey for instance contains sugar which is,
as you have read earlier in this report, bad for your health.

Eat less salt

Your body needs salt to control the amount of water in your body but too much
salt can result in high blood pressure. Almost everything that we eat contains
salt. Cooking by yourself is one way to control how much salt you eat. Instead of
using salt to give flavour to your dish use herbs like basil. Stick to the Schijf van
Vijf and check the label in the supermarket are 2 other ways of controlling your
salt intake.

Dont drink alcohol

Besides that you can get addicted to alcohol it is also very bad for your health.
Alcohol effect the brains, liver, stomach and the heart. The liver takes care of all
the waste products. When an excess of alcohol is drunk the degradation function
can get damaged. This can result in a liver transplantation. Drinking alcohol can
also result in brain damage, hymen inflammation, ulcer and an increased risk of
getting different kinds of cancer

Eating healthy snacks is an advice I got from my mother. She always emphasizes
that I should not eat too much sugar because this is bad for my health. It is hard
to always take something healthy but it is getting better.
I once experienced that my friend passed out because she didnt drink enough.
She is fine now, but it did startle me. Thats why I definitely wanted to put that in
my own dietary guidelines.
Eating less salt is an advice I got from my grandmother. She has a high blood
pressure so she experienced herself what too much salt can do. In todays time
alcohol is a real problem. Children already drink way too much alcohol. This
doesnt always get less when they grow up.

I based my own dietary advice on the thing I already knew and heard from my
family. All the rules of my dietary guidelines I use daily. On the internet I found
evidence for my advice. On the internet site of the Voedingscentrum I found a lot
of information and also the Gezondheidsplein was very helpful. I used the
following sources for my dietary advise.

To all of us it didnt seem a very fun project in the beginning.
But while working on it we found out it wasnt as bad as we had
thought. However, some things were very difficult to find
information about. For instance who funded the research and
writing for the dietary guidelines and on which research it was
based. We hope you have enjoyed reading the report and that
you have learned something from it.
Thank you for reading!

List of sources
Once source we have used for the
information on who funded the research
and writing of the 2015-2020 Dietary
Guidelines for Americans is the USDA. We
had emailed the USDA and received a
response containing the information on
who funded the research and writing.



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