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An elastic theory for the torsional strength of

rectangular reinforced concrete beams

by Henry J. Cowan, M.Sc., A.M.I.Struct.E.

SUMMARY: ment is not normally used, because it is difficult to

The theories of Rausch and Andersen for the design of manufacture for non-circular sections, and because,
torsional shear reinforcement are examined and a more where there is a possibility of a reversal in the sign of
accurate formula is derived, using the strain energy the torsional moment, it is necessary to provide two
principle. This formula, like that of Rausch, is based on systems of spirals at right angles to one another; a
the cUSlOmary assumptions of the elastic working stress further objection is that spiral reinforcement is not
theory. The compound hyperbolic series resulting from suitable to resist bending shear. As a result a system
the integration of the square of St. Venant's rectangular of horizontal bars and vertical stirrups is commonly
torsion function is evaluated and reduced to a single substituted to take the horizontal and vertical com-
constant. This constant is intermediate between those ponents of the diagonal tension. It is. however,
obtained from the approximate theories of Rausch and convenient to work out the formulae in terms of the
Andersen, 45 spiral as the theoretically simplest system of reinforce-
ment, and to derive the formulae for other systems of
reinforcement from this.
Torsion is present in the beams of most monolithic Review of previous work
structures. It is produced by the end moments of other Quite a number of experimental investigations have
beams framing in at right angles, and by eccentric loading been carried out on the strength of reinforced concrete
of the floor or roof dab which the beam supports. It beams in torsion ll) (2) (3) (4) (5) ('/) and some have been
may generally be assumed that the torsional moments made the basis of empirical design formulae (4) (6) (7) (8)*.
can be resisted by the concrete alone; there are, however, Theoretical solutions on the basis of the elastic theory
beams, notably where the span is comparatively short, have been put forward by Rausch'O) and Andersen (5) (6).
which must be provided with torsional shear reinforce- Raush's theory is based on the same assumptions as
ment. are laid down in the British Standard Code of Practice
The shear stresses produced by the torsional moment (C.P.114) : U) both steel and concrete are elastic within
give rise to principal tensile and compressive stresses of the range of the permissible stresses, and (ii) all tensile
equal magnitude at 45 to the axis, and the concrete stresses are taken by the reinforcement, except that the
fails in tension with a fracture forming a helix at an concrete may be assumed to resist diagonal tension
angle of 45 to the axis of the beam. Since the tensile within the limits of shear stress specified.
strength of concrete is very low, the torsional strength Andersen's theory, in accordance with the provisions
of plain concrete is also low. of the American Code of Practice, provides that the
The torsional strength can be more than doubled by reinforcement shall take only the tension in excess of
introducing reinforcement following the line of the that permissible on plain concrete. His formulae can,
principal tensile stress, i.e., continuous spirals making however, be brought in line with assumption (ii) by
an angle of 45 to the axis. In practice spiral reinforce- putting the tensile strength of concrete equal to nil.

'The numbers refer to the list of references on pages 7 and 8.

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d L

L x

Figure 1: Circular beam with spiral reinforcement.

Both theories can then be stated in the form desirable to obtain a more accurate value for t~
MT = A.y2.A.At t ....................... (1)
coefficient A. The solution put forward in this paper is
p obtained by equating the work done by the torsional
where M T = the permissible torsional moment, moment to the strain energy stored in the beam. The
A = the effective cross sectional area of the method is applied first to the circular section, and then
section, defined as the area contained to the more complex case of the rectangular section,
within the centre lines of the spiral using St. Venant's theory of torsion.
reinforcement, The solution is based on the assumptions of the elastic
At = the cross sectional area of one spiral wire, working stress theory as stated above. The validity of
t = the maxilllUm permissible stress in the these assumptions when applied to torsion will be
spiral reinforcement, examined in another paper.
and p = the pitch of the spiral reinforcement,
measured parallel to the axis of the beam.
In Rausch's formula the c:oefficient A equals 2 for all The strain energy method applied to circular
shapes of cross section. In Andersen's formula it is sections with 45 reinforcement
2 for circular sections, and approximately t for square Figures l(a) and (b) show dia$l'31ll1lllltically a cross
and rectangular sections. section and an elevation of a circular beam reinforced
Both formulae are based on the circular section theory with N continuous 45 spirals spaced at a pitch p. The
of torsion, and are therefore accurate only when applied cross sectional area of one spiral bar is At. The centre
to circular sections. In applying his theory to non- lines of the spiral bars are placed on a circle of diameter
circular sections, Rausch assumes that the stress in the d, and each spiral makes one complete tum in a length
spiral reinforcement at any point is directly proportional of beam I.
to the distance of that point from the axis of the beam. Therefore I = nd = Np .. ............. (2)
For the rectangular section the reverse is in fact true, If s is measured along the helix and / along the axis
the maximum stress occurring at the middle of the of the beam,
longer sides, and the minimum stress at the comers. s = / sec 45 ....................... (3)
Andersen, assuming parabolic stress distribution in the When a length I of the beam is twisted through an
reinforcement, obtains the radius of the equivalent angle 6 per unit length, the point A on the spiral will
circular section by applying the Bach formula. This move along the circumference to B.
formula is, however, based on the assumption of
homogeneity, which does not hold for reinforced The radial displacement u = AB =~ 61
Since nearly all reinforced concrete beams subjected and the radial strain er = ~~ = 46
to torsion are rectangular in cross section, it seemed The corresponding displacement of the spiral reinforce-

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Torsion strength of reiriforced concrete beams

ment, parallel to s is Ils = AB' = AB cos 45 The strain energy method applied to rectangular
d sections with 45 spiral reinforcement
="26 I cos 45
and the strain in the reinforcement Figures 2(a) and (b) show diagrammaticall) a cross
e = Ils =!!. 6 I cos 45 section and an isometric view of a rectangular beam
s 2 I sec 45 reinforced with N continuous 45 spirals spaced at a
pitch p. The centre lines of the spiral bars are placed
=~6 = e~ ........................ (4) on a rectangle, the lengths of the longer and shorter
The stress in the helical bars is uniform throughout sides of the rectangle being d and b respectively. Each
their length, and equal to I>t = esEs, where Es is Young's spiral makes one complete turn 'in a length of beam I.
modulus for the bars. Therefore I = 2(b+d) = Np ...................... (5)
At the maximum permissible torsional moment M T If s is measured along the helix of the reinforcement,
the stress in the spiral reinforcement is equal to the and I along the axis of the beam,
maximum permissible stress t. s = I sec 45 = 2(b+d) sec 45 ............. (6)
If the tensile strength of the concrete is taken as nil, The displacements u, v and w parallel to the axes
the strain energy in the beam due to pure torSion is x, y and z respectively are
divided equally between the tensile strain energy in the
steel, and the compressive strain energy in the concrete, u = +6zy; v = -6zx; w = a?
i.e., the total strain energy is twice the strain energy where'P =
stored in the steel.
Therefore the strain energy in a length I of the beam (_I)n sinh (2n+ l)rry
is U = lM T 6 I = 2 I: lNA t t e. ds
( 2n+ 1)3 cos h(2n+b I)rrd
Substituting for N, s, and es from equations (2), (3)
and (4)
sin (2n + l)rr~
2 rrd d
M T =Tfj.-.A t .t'4"6 ds
sec 45' II b
(Reference 10)
p 0

=~.rrd2. Att'/sec450 The strain components

I 4 p
ezx OU oW
=-+- =
O'll) 6
( y+-
_ A 0.p A Att oz oX oX
- ...................... (1)
and eyz = -
oW +-
ov = (O'll )
- -x e
where A = a constant = 2, oy oX oy
and A = the effective cross sectional area of the
. rrd 2 The remaining strain components vanish.
section =4 The corresponding tensile strains in the spiral rein-


o /////
/ I
/ '
, /
-! ,
I "

b .1
L:, x (b)

Figure 2: Rectangular beam with spiral reinforcement.

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Magazine of Concre!I'_Iie...s...e.l!.rch :July ,1950
forcement are obtained, as in the circular section, by The torsional moment corresponding to a given angle
" cos 45 I' of twist (-) per unit length is therefore
multlplymg by sec 45 = '2
MT = V2~ b2 d At Es O............ (10)
i.e. over the longer sides es=teyzl p
Substituting for (-) from equation (9)
V2~ '~'bd
and over the shorter sides es =~ezx]"""""'" .(7)
M- = 4
= A
y p
V2A At t . , ...... , , .. , ..... (I)
The stress in the spiral reinforcementj; = esEs . ..... (8) p
The maximum shear strain occurs in the middle of the where A = the effective cross-sectional area of the
b till f section = b.d.
longer sides, i,e" where Y = 0 and x = T
As the stress in the spiral reinforcement is proportional
and A = \~ ,a function of the ratio~OnIY.
to the shear strain, the maximum stress in the spiral d
Values orA for the range 1 <7)< 3 have been computed
reinforcement occurs at the same point.
At the maximum permissible torsional moment M '" and are given in Table 1 and Figure 3. The rate of
the maximum stress in the spiral reinforcement is equal variation of the value of A is very small, and it is therefore
to the maximum permissible stress t. recommended that for design purposes A be taken as
~o [esEsJ constant and equal to its minimum, 1'60, for all values
Therefore t _Q.
of ~ . Rectangular reinforced concrete beams with Ii 1
ratio greater than 2'5 are rare in practice, and quite
= lEg
[eyz] x-2
unsuitable to resist substantial torsional moments.

,- 2 S
vy x=f -~2J () TABLE 1


4bEsO .... " " " " " " , ......... (9)
y ---r ,.., ).

'( is a hyberbolic series, and a function of the ratio ~ ],0 1351 0'5636 1669
1-2 1'516 0'6159 1'623
only (Table I), It is one of the functions tabulated by
14 1644 I 0-6584 1'602
St. Venant in his original memoir on torsion,11,.
16 1-739 06942 1597
The strain energy in a length of beam I is twice the
18 1809 07250 1603
strain energy stored in the spiral reinforcement:

20 1860 0-7504
U tM~O/=2rs1NAtftesds
25 ],936 0'7986 1-654
Substituting for N and It from equations (5) and (8) 30 1971 08322 1689
e 2ds
,- 0 s
2At Es
M", es2ds
= ---()-
I's Equation (I) gives the permissible torsional moment
p .0 in the form required by the designer, that is in terms of

Substituting for sand es from equations
+4 sec 45 + 2. sec 45' J and (7) the spiral pitch and the diameter of the reinforcement.
In order to demonstrate the relative economy in material

{esdS=2 J (,<fYdY + .r (e2xYdX

to be obtained from the use of a square or near-square
2 section, the equation may be written in the form
o _ ~ sec 45 - ~sec 45" i. A2 t

MT=: -O-r s ..... (11)

2 ~45' [f}+::Yd + ({:>X)' Y

where 0 the perimeter of the spiral cage
and rs = the spirall'einforcement ratio per unit volume
__1 _l'" 62 b'd -AI

vI"is a compound hyperbolic series, and a function
~ Equation (II) shows that for a given volume of steel
and concrete the permissible torsional morrent decreases
of the ratio : only. Values of:; for the range 1 <4<3
rapl'dl y as t he ratIo
. bd_Increases.
have been computed and are given in Table 1.

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Torsion strength of ~f!.info!cet! co~crele f?eams

At AfT
P = >.At .................... (I2b)
and an equal or greater volume of longitudinal reinforce-
ment must be provided to take the horizontal component
of the diagonal tension, i.e.
AI 1= ~~ TO .............. (l2c)
Figure 3: Variation of coefficient>. with%ratio.
TABLE 2: Numerical value of i.
Vertical stirrups as torsional shear reinforcement Circular Rectangular
If the direction of the shear reinforcement does not section section
coincide with the direction of the principal tensile stress, Rausch's theory 200 200
the permissible torsional moment may be dervied from Andersen's theory 200 133
equation (I) by a procedure similar to that used in Strain energy method 2-00 160
analyzing beams subject to shearing forces. fl2)
M T = >..y2.A.At t sin (ar.+45)
P . . For the circular section the strain energy method gives
where ~ is the angle of inclination of the shear reinforce- exactly the same answer as the other two theories. For
ment to the horizontal. the rectangular section the value of A computed by the
For vertical stirrups ~ = 90 strain energy method is intermediate between those
_ >'A Att'"
andMT---~- obtained from the theories of Rausch and Andersen,
. P which are only approximate when applied to non-circular
In addition longitudinal reinforcement must be sections.
provided to take the horizontal component of the Equations (\ 2) are based on the customary assumptions
diagonal tension. If vertical stirrups are used, the ratio of the elastic working stress theory.
of longitudinal and circumferential reinforcement per
unit volume is equal. From equation (11) the total
cross-sectional area of the longitudinal reinforcement
required is (I) BACH, c. and GRAF, O. Versuche uber die
Widerstandsfahigkeit von Beton und Eisenbeton
gegen Verdrehung. (Experiments on the torsional
strength of concrete and reinforced concrete.)
ThiS reinforcement is assumed to be uniformly distri. Deutscher AusschU$S fur Eisenbeton, 1912. No. 16.
buted around the circumference of the beam ; however. pp. 1-78.
a bar in each comer of the cross section should be (2) YOUNG, c. R., SAGAR, W. L. and HUGHES, C. A.
adequate, except for the largest beams. Torsional strength of rectangular sections of
concrete, plain and reinforced. University of
Toronto, School of Engineering Research, 1922.
Bulletin No.3. Section 9. pp. 145-169.
Conclusion (3) MIYAMOTO, TAKENOSUKE. Torsional strength of
The' amount of shear reinforcement required in a reinforced concrete. Concrete and Constructional
circular or rectangular section, when the permissible Engineering, 1927. Vol. 22. No. 11. November.
shear stress in the concrete has been exceeded, is given by pp. 637-647.
Ii = A\f2 At sin (",+45) ........ (12) Plain and reinforced concrete in torsion, with
In particular, if the shear reinforcement is in the particular reference to reinforced concrete beams.
form of 45 spirals Institution of Civil Engineers, 1934. Selected
~ Engineering paper No. 165. p.31.
PAt = >'V2At ................ (12a) (5) ANDERSEN, PAUL. Experiments with concrete tor-
and only nominal longitudinal reinforcement is required. sion. Transactions of the American Society of
If the shear reinforcement is in the form of vertical Civil Engineers, 1935. Vol. 100. Paper No. 1912.
stirrups pp. 949-960. Discussion, pp. 961-983.

NOTE: When usin~ this formula for designing the shear reinforcement in beams subject to combined bending and torsion it should be
reme,,!bered that At IS the cross sectional area of one bar, whereas Aw in the usual bendin g shear formula denotes the area of two bars
per stirrup.

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Magazine of Concrete Research: July 1950

(6) ANDERSEN, PAUL. Rectangular concrete sections torsion.) Berlin, Julius Springer, 1929. Disserta-
under torsion. Proceedings of the American Con- tion. p.50.
crete Institute, 1938. Vol. 34. September/October. (10) LOVE, A. E. H. A treatise on the mathematical
pp. I-II. theory of elasticity. 4th edition. London,
(7) MARSHALL, W. T. and TEMBE, N. R. Experiments Cambridge University Press, 1927. pp.216-220.
on plain and reinforced concrete in torsion .. The
(II) TODHUNTER, I. and PEARSON, K. History of the
Structural Engineer, 1941. Vols. 19/20. November.
pp. 177-19 I. theory of elasticity. I st edition. London,
(8) Ri:gles d'utilisation du beton arme. (Regulations Cambridge University Press, 1893. Vol. 2. Part
for the use of reinforced concrete.) Paris, Ministere I. pp.47-48.
de la Reconstruction et de r Urbanisme, 1945. (12) PEABODY, DEAN. Design of reinforced concrete
Code No. B.A.1945. Clause 8. p.91. structures. 2nd edition. New York, John Wiley
(9) RAUSCH, E. Berechnung des Eisenbetons gegen & Sons, Inc., and London, Chapman & Hall Ltd.,
Verdrehung. (Design of reinforced concrete in 1946. Chapter 5. p. 62.

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