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OHara 1

Blow, Louis. "Josef Mengele, The Angel Of Death." Josef Mengele, The Angel Of Death.
Mengele, 2016. Web. 07 Mar. 2017.

Dr. Josef Mengele was the most notorious doctor in the Holocaust. He put people into
pressure chambers, tested them with drugs, castrated them, and were frozen to death. He
would do surgical procedures on children without anesthesia. Dr. Mengele was obsessed
with doing procedures on twins. He would take children as young as 5 years old, do
experiments on them, and then murder and dissect them. He would inject chemicals into
their eyes in an attempt to change their eye color, he would stitch twins together, and
removed many organs and limbs in procedures without anesthesia. Very few survived his
procedures, but those who did said they remember him as a very kind person, who was
very good looking. Slightly built man, scarcely a hair out of place, his dark green tunic
neatly pressed, his face well-scrubbed, his Death's Head SS cap tilted rakishly to one
side, remains vivid for those who survived his scrutiny when they arrived at the
Auschwitz railhead. Polished boots slightly apart, his thumb resting on his pistol belt, he
surveyed his prey with those dead gimlet eyes. Death to the left, life to the right.
Mengele and his other camp doctors were found to be psychologically normal, they were
all very nice and kind men.

Blow, Louis. "Josef Mengele, Angel of Death." Josef Mengele, Angel of Death.,
2016. Web. 07 Mar. 2017.

The notorious doctor, Josef Mengele, was born on March 16, 1911. He was the eldest of 3
sons, he was very intelligent and studied philosophy at Munich and medicine at Frankfurt
University. He joined the Nazi party in 1937 and joined the SS in 1938. After being
injured at the Russian Front and was unable to participate in battle, that when he went to
Auschwitz death camp, and thats where his notorious doctor career started. He oversaw
the gas chambers and crematoriums. He dealt with any problems at Auschwitz by simply
murdering everyone who stepped out of place. He was mostly obsessed with twins and
drawing blood from them, he bled many to death this way. He even sew two gypsy twins
together creating Siamese twins. The twins never knew what he was planning to do to
them and many died from the experiments. He would perform surgeries on twins without
anesthesia such as cutting off limbs and organs. Survivors remember him as being very
nice and bringing them candy and clothes, and being a very kind man.

Rosenberg, Jennifer. "A History of Mengele's Gruesome Experiments on Twins." ThoughtCo.

ThoughtCo, 22 Feb. 2016. Web. 07 Mar. 2017.

Mengele is known for his handsome appearance, expensive dress, and calm attitude.
Little did his patients know, was that they were in the hands of the most gruesome, evil
doctor in the history of the Holocaust. Mengele started in Auschwitz, hoping to make a
OHara 2

name for himself in the field of genetics. He strived to find a way to ensure that all
women would give birth to babies with blue eyes and blonde hair, thinking that then the
future could be saved. While working in his laboratory, he discovered twins, believing
that they hold the secret to genetics. Mengele would have the SS look through every
transport in hopes to find anyone with a unique hereditary trait such as, twins, dwarfs,
and giants. Approximately three thousand twins were found by the SS and taken to the
doctor, only two hundred survived. The children taken were known as Mengeles
children, they got treated differently than the other prisoners and could keep their hair
and clothes. The twins would line up in front of their barracks every morning at 6
oclock, they were given brief instruction classes and were not required to do hard work
or punishments. However, they always had to get lots of blood drawn every day, and that
led to many of the children bleeding to death. He would then take twins away to
laboratories and do multiple experiments with them, however the twins never knew what
the purpose of the experiments were, or what was getting injected in them. When the
twins died, they were taken to autopsy for later study

Wiesel, Elie. Night. New York: Hill and Wang, 1958. Print.

In the book, Night Elie Wiesel tells his own story as he journeys through the terrors of
the Holocaust as a young Jewish teen. He gets tortured daily, and his own life is at risk
with every step he takes. He was put into concentration camps and work camps such as
Birkenau and Auschwitz. While at those camps Elie had to go through much hardship
and terror every day. He was almost starved to death, received gruesome blows to the
face, and had to watch his own father die. He also had to suffer through the stress and
anxiety of selection. Selection was led by the most notorious doctor in all the Holocaust,
Dr. Mengele. The doctor received Elie and his father at Auschwitz, An SS officer had
come in and, with him, the smell of the Angel of Death. (Wiesel 38). He also did
selection for them once again when they were at a different camp, The SS surrounded
the notorious Dr. Mengele, the very same who received us in Birkenau. (Wiesel 71) Dr.
Mengele created fear for Elie and his father in the book, since he had the power to burn
them in the crematorium any time he wanted.

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